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Name: Achiles John A.

Indab Degree Program, Year & Block: BSEd-English 2C

My Dream

According to Walt Disney, All our dreams can come true if we have the courage
to pursue them. No one in this world does not have dreams in life, even from a beggar
to a professional, from younger people to older ones, from the richest people to the
middle class, and even those who belong to the lower class in a society. It simply
means that all of us do dream. However dreams will not be fulfilled if one has no
courage and confidence in pursuing them. It is significant to have courage in chasing
ones dream as it helps with what one wants to be in the future.

When I was still in Elementary, I had always dreamed of becoming a teacher and
had the same passion as when I stepped up to high school. However, the thing that
hindered me the most in chasing this dream was that I was not confident enough to
express myself I suffered from stage fright and did not have the courage to face a lot of
people. Sometimes, I exuded sweat from my hands and face whenever my teacher
called me to speak in front of the class. I could not control the feeling of nervousness
and tension inside me. Currently, I am studying in college through on line classes and
the fear is always in my mind. But I will not let this fear dominate my dream for I know
that my dream is bigger than my fear. I will continue to move forward regardless of the
hindrances so that six years from now, i will become a licensed professional teacher. I
will be confidently standing and teaching in front of many students. I will also encourage
my students so that they will exude confidence in my class. Finally, I will motivate them
to chase their dreams with courage so that they will also become successful someday.

In a nutshell, courage helps people to reach their future dreams and success.
Even there are hindrances in life, we should not let them affect us in pursuing our
dreams. Instead, we should have be more courageous and confident in order to
become what we want to be in the future. Dreams will be fulfilled as long as we have the
courage in reaching them.

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