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• A redox reaction is one in which one species has been oxidized and another species has been reduced.
• Combustion (burning) is a redox reaction. For example, when an element burns in oxygen, it is oxidised to its oxide.
• Examples of REDOX reactions, based on the COMBUSTION (with oxygen) definition are:
- The reaction between copper(II) oxide and hydrogen. In this reaction, Copper(II) oxide loses oxygen, and
hydrogen gains oxygen. So, the copper(II) oxide is reduced, and the hydrogen is oxidised.

- The reaction between calcium and oxygen. Calcium burns in air with a red flame, to form the white compound
calcium oxide. Calcium is oxidised, and oxygen has been reduced:

- The reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen reacts explosively with oxygen, to form water. Hydrogen
is oxidised, and oxygen is reduced:

• Redox reaction cooks our food, with methane gas reacting with the oxygen in air, to give out heat. The burning of
petrol in a car is also a redox reaction. So is the 'burning' of glucose in our body cells. The glucose reacts with
oxygen to give us energy, in a process called respiration.
• Magnesium oxide is used as a filler inside the rings on electric cookers. It is a non-conductor when solid, has a high
melting point, and transfers heat well.
• If a substance loses electrons during a reaction, it has been oxidised. If it gains electrons, it has been reduced.
• When magnesium burns in oxygen, magnesium oxide is formed. Magnesium has been oxidised. Oxidation and
reduction always take place together, so the oxygen must have been reduced. But how?
2Mg (s) + O2 (g) ------ 2MgO (s)

During the reaction, each magnesium atom loses two electrons, and each oxygen atom gains two. This leads us to a
new definition: If a substance loses electrons, it has been oxidised. If it gains electrons, it has been reduced.
• So, our definition is now much broader - Any reaction in which electron transfer takes place is a redox reaction.
• Examples of REDOX reactions, based on the ELECTRON TRANSFER (without oxygen) definition are:
- The reaction between sodium and chlorine. The sodium atoms give electrons to the chlorine atoms, forming
ions. So, sodium is oxidised, and chlorine is reduced, and the reaction is a redox reaction. Half-equations:
Sodium: 2Na  2Na+ + 2e2- (oxidation)
Chorine: Cl2 + 2e-  2Cl2- (reduction)
- The reaction between chlorine and potassium bromide. When chlorine gas is bubbled through a colourless
solution of potassium bromide, the solution goes orange. Colourless orange Bromine has been displaced.
Chlorine: Cl2 + 2e-  2Cl2- (reduction)
Bromide ion: 2Br-  Br2 + 2e2- (oxidation)
• We use half-equations to show the electron transfer in a reaction. One half-equation shows electron loss, and the
other shows electron gain. Half equations can be written in 3 steps:
• From half-equations to the ionic equation - Adding the balanced half-equations gives the ionic equation for the
reaction. An ionic equation shows the ions that take part in the reaction.


• Loss of electrons • Gain of electrons
• Gain of oxygen • Loss of oxygen
• Loss of hydrogen • Gain of hydrogen
* Use acronym OIL RIG to remember
• Oxidation number tells you how many electrons each atom of an element has lost, gained, or shared, in forming a
compound. The rules for oxidation number:
1. Each atom in a formula has an oxidation number.
2. The oxidation number is usually given as a Roman numeral (e.g., 0, I, II, III, IV, V, VI or VII)
3. The oxidation number of an uncombined element is O (zero).
4. The oxidation number of a simple (monatomic) ion such as Na+ or Cl- is the same as its charge.
5. And, related to 4, many elements have the same oxidation number in most or all of their compounds.

6. Most of the transition elements can have different oxidation numbers in their compounds. For these elements,
the oxidation number is included in the compound's name. e.g., iron(ll) chloride, copper(II) oxide. Look at these:

7. The oxidation numbers in the formula of a compound add up to zero. So, oxidation numbers can be used to
check that formulae are correct. Look at the formula for magnesium chloride, for example:
• Oxidation numbers change during redox reactions. E.g., In the reaction between sodium and chlorine, each sodium
atom loses an electron during the reaction, to form an Na+ ion. So, sodium is oxidised, and its oxidation number
rises from O to + I. Each chlorine atom gains an electron, to form a Cl - ion. So, chlorine is reduced, and its oxidation
number falls from O to - I.
• Using oxidation numbers to identify redox reactions:
- Example 1: Iron reacts with sulfur to form iron(II) sulfide:
Fe (s) + S (s) -> FeS (s)
0 0 + II - II
There is a change in oxidation numbers. So, this is a redox reaction.
- Example 2: When chlorine is bubbled through a solution of iron (II) chloride, iron(ll) choride forms. The equation
and oxidation numbers are:
2FeCl2 (aq) + Cl2 (aq) -> 2FeCl3 (aq)
+II - I 0 + III - I
There is a change in oxidation numbers. So, this is a redox reaction.
- Example 3: When ammonia and hydrogen chloride gases mix, they react to form ammonium chloride. The
equation and oxidation numbers are:
NH3 (g) + HCl (g) -> NH4Cl (s)
-III + I +I-I - III + I -I
There is no change in oxidation numbers. So, this is not a redox reaction.
• Every redox reaction has an oxidising agent and a reducing agent. The oxidising agent oxidises the reducing agent
and is itself reduced. The reducing agent reduces the oxidising agent and is itself oxidised.

• Some substances are strong oxidising agents because they have a strong drive to gain electrons. They readily
oxidise other substances, by taking electrons from them. Oxygen and chlorine are examples.
• Some substances are strong reducing agents, readily giving up electrons. For example, hydrogen, and reactive
metals like sodium.
• Some oxidising and reducing agents show a colour change when they react. This makes them useful in lab tests.
- Potassium manganate(VII): an oxidising agent. Manganese, a transition element, can have different oxidation
numbers. Potassium manganate(VII) is a purple compound. Its formula is KMn04. Here, manganese has the
oxidation number + VII. But it is much more stable with the oxidation number + II. So, it has a strong drive to
reduce its oxidation number to + II, by taking electrons from other substances. So potassium manganate(VII)
acts as a powerful oxidising agent, in the presence of a little acid. It is itself reduced, with a colour change:

Suppose you have an unknown liquid. You want to test it, to see if it contains a reducing agent. Add some
acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution. If a reducing agent is present, the purple colour will fade.
- Potassium iodide: a reducing agent. When potassium iodide solution is added to hydrogen peroxide, in the
presence of sulfuric acid, this redox reaction takes place:

You can see that the hydrogen peroxide loses oxygen: it is reduced. The potassium iodide acts as a reducing
agent. At the same time the potassium iodide is oxidised to iodine. This causes a colour change:

So, potassium iodide is used to test for the presence of an oxidising agent (e.g., Hydrogen peroxide)
Strong oxidising agents have many uses outside the lab. For example, they:
• Kill bacteria and moulds, so are widely used in household cleaning products.
• Are used in water treatment plants, to kill bacteria; chlorine is the main one used for this.
• Turn coloured compounds into colourless compounds by oxidising them; they are used in bleaches for textiles, recycled paper, and hair.

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