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1. …………. Are basically four sided plane figures . (a) Quadrilaterals (b)
Polygons (c) Board practice (d) Drawing board.
2. …………. All sides and angles are equal (a) Square (b) Rectangle (c) Tripezium
(d) Kite.
3. ………….. are plane figures bounded by more than four straight lines (a)
Trapezium (b) Square (c) Polygons (d) Kite.
4. Pentagons has ………… sides (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 10.
5. Polygons with 8 sides is called…………. (a) Heptagon (b) Pentagon (c)
Octagon (d) Decagon.
6. Polygon with six sides is called ……………. (a) Octagon (b) Hexagon (c)
Decagon (d) Heptagon.
7. ……………. Is a straight line which touches the circumference at a point (a)
Tangent (b) Arc (c) Rectangle (d) Squre .
8. ………….. is a plane figure bounded by three straight lines (a) Rectangle (b)
Triangle (c) Triangle (d) Square.
9. Which of these can not be regarded as a rescue operation ? (a) Vehicle
extrication rescue operation (b) Surface water rescue operation (c) Air-sea
rescue operation (d) First aiding.
10.Workshop accident include the following except one (a) Fracture (b)
Bleeding (c) Voltaging (d) Wound.
11.…………… is a table on which wood workers perform their operations (a)
Workbench (b) Imperial board (c) Dove tail table (d) Tenon table.
12. Mixture of sand, cement gravel with water is called is called………….. (a)
Plastering (b) Rendering (c) Concrete (d) Plastics.
13.……………. Is the name of buildings that contains many rooms on two floors
(a) Duplex (b) Bungalow (c) Hut (d) High-Rise.
14. Angles can be measured using ……………. (a) French curve (b) Compass (c)
Protractor (d) Ruler.
15.The instrument used for drawing irregular curves is called ……….. (a) Divider
(b) Compass (c) Scale rule (d) French curve.
16.The following methods can prevent accident while working in the workshop
, except (a) Always use the right tools for each job (b) Always keep to the
instructor (c) Avoid using worn out tools (d) Always do more than two jobs
at the same time.
17. Metals can be classified into ……………. (a) Six (b) Five (c) Four (d) Two.
18.Papers are manufactured from …………… (a) Ceramics (b) Ferrous (c) Alloy
(d) Wood.
19.The major purpose of maintenance in engineering is to…………. (a) Keep it in
good working condition (b) Prevent from making loud noise (c) Stop it from
working too long (d) Enable it to last forever.
20.Workshop accident include the following except one (a) Fracture (b)
Bleeding (c) Plastering (d) wound.

1. Write shot note on the following;
i. Tee-squre
ii. Protractor
iii. Set square
iv. Compass
v. Divider

2a. Define plane figures (1mark)

b. Mention four types of plane figures or angles (4marks ).

3a. Differentiate between friction and lubrication (2marks)

b. List three lubricants that you know (3marks ).


1. …………. Energy is the energy stored in a body (a) Kinetic (b) Potential (c)
Mechanical (d) Electrical
2. A running elephant has ………… K.E than an athlete (a) More (b) Less (c)
Equal (d) None of the above
3. Active listening skill is a technique in communication (a) Yes (b) No (c) No
idea (d) All of the above.
4. ……………. Is the ability to do work (a) Energy (b) Synergy (c) Power (d)
5. All are forms of energy except ………….. (a) Sound (b) Electrical (c) Nuclear
(d) Noise
6. Matter particles could be in form of atoms, molecules and ………… (a) Iron
(b) Ions (c) Lions (d) Iodine
7. A point where liquid begins to form bubbles is called ………….. (a) Cooking
(b) Stewing (c) Boiling (d) Frying
8. The state of matter with definite shape is called ………….. (a) Liquid (b) Gas
(c) Solid (d) All of the above
9. The state of matter with indefinite shape is…………. (a) Liquid (b) Gas (c)
Solid (d) All of the above
10.The state of matter with the container’s shape is …………….. (a) Liquid (b)
Gas (c) Solid (d) All of the above
11. The two types of reproduction are (a) Synthetic and authentic (b) Sexual
and bisexual (c) Sexual and asexual (d) Asexual and bisexual
12.The following are parts of female reproductive organs except ………….. (a)
Breast (b) Cervix (c) Womb (d) Vagina
13. The following are examples of air pollution except (a) Smoke (b) Sulphur
dioxide (c) Dust (d) Water
14.Which of the following can cause land pollution (a) Water (b) Refuse (c)
Dust (d) Smoke
15. The following are ways of controlling water except………… (a) Creating good
drainage system (b) Proper disposal of sewage (c) Oil spillage should be
prevented (d) Sewage should be converted to fertilizer

1a. Define pollution (1mark)

b. List four pollutants (4marks ).

2. State and explain two types of air pollutants (5marks ).

3. Define disease (1mark)

b. list four types of sexually transmitted diseases (4marks )

4. Define pathogens (1mark)

b. list four non communicable diseases (4marks ).


1. Organs in the digestive system include all except one (a) Oesophagus (b)
Kidney (c) Large intestine (d) Duodenum.
2. An organ responsible for the removal of chemicals from the blood stream
is called …………… (a) Lung (b) Liver (c) Kidney (d) Skin
3. ………… can be separated without a chemical reaction . (a) Atom (b) Element
(c) compound (d) Mixtures
4. Hemoglobin is a chemical that carries round……….. in the body. (a)
Carbondioxide (b) Nitrogen gas (c) Oxygen (d) Water vapour.
5. Excretory system involves organs that removes metabolic waste products
from the body . (a) True (b) False (c) No idea (d) All of the above.
6. The lungs removes …………. In the body system of human (a) Sweat (b)
Carbondioxide (c) Salt (d) All of the above.
7. Which of the following is not a component of balance diet ? (a)
Carbohydrate (b) Protein (c) Vitamins (d) Fatty acid.
8. The product of digestion of protein is …………… (a) Amino acid (b) Fatty acid
(c) Starch (d) Protein .
9. Which of the following items is major source of protein ? (a) Cassava (b)
Plantain (c) Margarine (d) Youghurt .
10. Carbohydrates are absorb in the body in form of ……… (a) Acid (b) x
complex sugar (c) Glucose (d) Water.
11.What main diet would you recommend for a body suffering from obesity?
(a) Beans and yam (b) Eba and malin soup (c) Rice and plantain (d)
Vegetable and meat.
12. The presence of harmful or unwanted materials in the environment is
……….. (a) Erosion (b) Pollution (c) Deforestation (d) Flooding.
13. Alimentary canal can be defined as ……….. (a) A tube in which food is
broken down in the body into simple form that can be absorbed (b) A
system made up of tiny cells held together by tendons (c) Found that
produces bile (d) A tube in which food passes through an animal body.
14. Excretion is the……………. (a) Removal of metabolic waste product from the
body (b) Removal of undigested food (c) Removal of feaces and water (d)
Flushing out of solid waste.
15. The long tube from the kidney to the bladder is known as ………… (a)
Urethra (b) Alimentary canal (c) Ureter (d) Bladder
16. Chemicals can be classified based on uses (a) True (b) False (c) No idea (d)
all of the above.
17. Chemicals that are used to control herbs are called………. (a) insecticides (b)
Herbicides (c) Rodenticide (d) parasite.
18. Chemicals used to control insects are called…………. (a) Pesticides (b)
Herbicides (c) Insecticide (d) All of the above.
19. Chemicals can be used for treatment of infections (a) True (b) False (c) Idea
(d) None of the above.
20. Pharmaceutical chemicals are sold in the ……….. (a) Farm (b) Palm (c)
Market (d) Pharmacy.

1a. Define the term habitat (1mark)

b. Mention and explain two types of habitat (4marks )

2. Differentiate between living and non living things with examples (5marks ).

3a. Define chemicals (1mark).

b. State the classes of chemicals with examples (4marks ).

4. Differentiate between communicable and none communicable diseases with

relevant examples.

5. Write short note on the following;

i. Pollution

ii. Energy

iii. Element

iv. Compound.

v. Digestion.


1. …………… is any type of structure that has a roof and walls (a) Bus (b)
Building (c) Lorry (d) Car.
2. ………… is the type of house built completely on one level (e.g ground ) (a)
Bungalow (b) Semi-detached (c) Hut (d) Sand
3. ………….. is used as the binding agent in concrete, block moulding and
plastering (a) Cement (b) Ceramics (c) Petal (d) Sand.
4. ………….. is used for drawing horizontal lines and supporting set squares (a)
Drawing board (b) Tee square (c) Protractor (d) French curve.
5. The Tee square consist of …………… parts (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 7.
6. The stock is part of the Tee square (a) True (b) False (c) No idea (d) All of
the above.
7. The protractor is used to measure angles between 0 and …………. (a) 32 (b)
180 (c) 90 (d) 30.
8. French curves are used to draw …………. Curved lines (a) Regular (b) Straight
(c) Irregular (d) Circle.
9. ……….. is used to transfer measurement from one part of the drawing to
another. (a) Divides (b) Compass (c) Protractor (d) Steel rule
10.……….. is drawn to identify drawings (a) Title block (b) Box (c) Circle (d)
11.…………… contains name, school, class and date (a) Title box (b) Title book
(c) Box name (d) Margin.
12. The following are products of technology found in school except (a)
Calculator (b) Bench (c) Computer (d) Bulldozer.
13.Mixture of cement, sand,gravel with water is called……….. (a) Concrete (b)
Alloy (c) Gum (d) Ceramics.
14.One of these is used for beautification of houses (a) Ceramics (b) Calender
(c) Curtin (d) Wall clock.
15. …………… can be deifined as a room ior building in which things are made
repaired and maintained. (a) Workshop (b) Sitting room (c) House (d) Work
16. All are measures taken in the workshop to prevent danger and injury
except ……….. (a) Always wear your protective goggles (b) Always wear a
nose cover (c) be on your protective jacket or court (d) Always run around
the workshop.


1. Explain five building materials (5marks )

2. State five maintenance of drawing instruments and materials (5marks ).
3. Explain five types of buildings (5marks )

4a. List four drawing instruments and materials (2marks )

b. State the function of the following;

i. protractor

ii. Divider

iii. Ruler

5. State five preventive measures to avoid accident or injury in workshop

(5marks ).
6. Differentiate between technologists and scientists (5marks ).

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