TS Civil 001 Rev 00

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The Employer: The Engineer: The Contract6r:

Mr. Anthony Haiden

Project: Jacoub, On Plot No. 6820157 (R3a-O), Sport City Dubai, U.A.E
Owner: Mrs. Eman Taha
Ref. No. TS / CiviV 001 /Rev-00
Technical Submittal Date: 25-Mar-24
Description of Submittal :
Required By:

Tower Crane Design with Calculation

Dlvislon: Civil

Originator Of Submittal : Al Serh Al Kabeer Construction LLC

Enclosed: f Test Results I Netnoa statement ! Certlficate

f| Pre-Qualification of Subcontractor E oil'ers

Contractors PM : Received By SAFEER Consult:
Signature & Date Signature & Date

Review S(atus
I A, epproved I B, ApproredAsNoted ftx"u,ru& Resubmit E o.R"jeaeo

E ng i neer's Representa tive Com menfs;

*f Cfls )on /r) RrC-l __* L{ rtol d CC?-D J-CA.


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ff"* iltu.**'s,
En g in eer's Re p re s e ntatj{ U_--) Received by Contractor :
Sisnature&Date Singnature & Date
Corrections or comments made relative to $ubrnittals during this review do not relieve the contractor from compliance with the contract
requirements and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the dEsign concept of the project and general
compliance with the information given in the contract documents.

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