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VERKOPE Nuwe of gebruikte sleepwaens! HUUR Volledige reeks ONDERDELE

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Vol. 27. No. 46

16 NOVEMBER 2011


Soektog na vermeende verkragter lewer lyk op

HEIDELBERG - Die lyk van n vermeende verkragter wat in die huis van n voormalige ANC-raadslid gevind is, het op 14 November n einde aan die Kinderbeskermingseenheid se soektog gebring. Jabulani Moloi, n tuiner, se lyk is binne die huis van sy werkgewer, Mnr Koos Jonck aangetref. Jabulani se jongste slagoffer het op 29 Oktober n saak van verkragting by SAPD Heidelberg gerapporteer. Hy was na bewering in besit van n vuurwapen waarmee hy sy slagoffer

Totsiens aan Cor

HEIDELBERG - Corneluis Reyneke (70), beter bekend as Cor, het op 14 November aan n hartaanval beswyk. Cor is in 1941 in Krugersdorp gebore. Hy was n betrokke lid van Rensburg Sektorpolisiringforum en het die beheerkamer vir die afgelope jaar beman. Hy is die enigste persoon wat ek ken wat sy vrye tyd vir die gemeenskap opgeoffer het en niks terug verwag het nie. Hy was n ware steunpilaar, het Kapt Lourens Hirschhorn van SAPD Heidelberg van hom ges.

gedreig het. Die saak is na die Kinderbeskermingseenheid in Vereeniging oorgeplaas en ondersoek is ingestel. Jabulani wat op borgtog uit was vir n vorige verkragtingsaak, sou later vandeesmaand in Heidelberg Landdroshof verskyn. Hy het skuld ontken aan di voorval wat vroer vanjaar by SAPD Ratanda aangemeld is. Jabulani het as tuinier gemagtigde toegang tot sy werkgewer se huis gehad, terwyl di met vakansie is. Lede van die Kinderbeskermingseenheid het op 14 November op Jabulani se spoor gekom, maar hy is later die middag dood in Mnr Jonck se huis aangetref. SAPD Heidelberg en Lesedi Nooddienste is ontbied om vingerafdrukke te neem en die toneel vir leidrade te fynkam. Hoewel geen gemene spel vermoed word nie, duur die ondersoek voort.



Die lyk van n vermeende verkragter is op 14 November in die huis van sy werkgewer, Mnr Koos Jonck (voormalige ANC-raadslid) gevind. Polisie-lede moes oor die heining klim om toegang tot die perseel en woning te verkry.

Hy was vir 13 jaar met Annette getroud en sy bedank elkeen vir woorde van bemoediging en ondersteuning. Sy begrafnisdiens word op 18 November vanuit die NG Moedergemeente Heidelberg om 11:00 gehou.

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16 NOVEMBER 2011

Nigels drinking water receives thumbs up

NIGEL - Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) is responsible for providing its citizens with clean and healthy water. The Department of Water Affairs (DWA) introduced the Blue Drop certification to ensure that municipalities provide residents with clean, usable drinking water. It is only awarded to municipalities that achieve a score above 95% in the Blue Drop Certification Programme criteria. EMM once again received a Platinum Blue Drop Award from DWA this year, the third consecutive one in a row. The quality and drinkability of water is measured against the South African National Standard for Drinking Water (SANS) 241 which compares the quality of water supplied by a municipality, against chemical and microbiological parameters. Total compliance is the overall compliance of all water samples taken within EMMs water network, including Nigel and is inclusive of both microbiological and chemical compliance. EMM has met the compliance requirements for SANS 241, which means its water is of high quality and safe to drink. Local consumers can check the quality of drinking water by visiting w w w. d w a . g o v. z a / mywater or For a more comprehensive water quality report, visit the w e b s i t e

Na my mening In my opinion

Mnr Julius Malema is deur die ANC se nasionale tugkomitee (NTK) op 10 November vir vyf jaar geskors nadat hy die party se reputasie benadeel het. Voorsitter van die NTK, Mnr Derek Hanekom het bevestig dat Mnr Malema n lid van die ANC en ANC-jeugleier bly totdat die applproses afgehandel is. HERAUT het inwoners van Heidelberg en Nigel hul mening ten opsigte van die uitspraak gevra.

Absalom Makana: I feel that Malemas suspension is a bit unfair because what he says is reality. For example, he spoke the truth about unemployment. I think that Malema should just have been suspended for 12 months.

Jeremiah Mofokeng: Malema should just have been suspended for three years because he must learn that he must not fight with the laws of the country and the ANC.

HEIDELBERG Charles Pieterson: Ek is bly dat Malema geskors is vir vyf jaar, want as hy korrupsie kan toepas, dan kan enige persoon in die parlement ook korrup wees. Ek dink dat sy straf te lig was.

Magaret Berg: Ek dink die ANC moet hom heeltemal skors. Hy is nie n goeie leier vir die jeug nie en ek hou gladnie van sy haatspraak nie.

HEIDELBERG - Duduzile Mokitjimi: I think that Malemas sentence was fair. Malema does not respect people, especially older people.


HEIDELBERG - Alfred Ralefume: Lots of people were complaining, so I think that Malema received a fair sentence.

Thapelo Sibande: Ek dink Malema se skorsing is regverdig, want die dinge wat hy aan die jeug s maak hulle baie stout.

DUDUZA - Wilson Mtambo: The decision to suspend Malema for five years was not too bad. We, as South African citizens do not want the problems of Zimbabwe to start here. He is supposed to be a youth leader. Children look up to him and the decisions he makes as a leader, must be the right ones. If his appeal succeeds, he will have to think long and hard about everything.

NIGEL - Me Du Plooy: Ek is nie heeltemal oortuig dat vyf jaar lank genoeg is nie. Boonop het hy geleentheid om te appelleer en as dit sou slaag, wat dan?

NIGEL - Mnr Cilliers: Die uitslag is briljant, gesien in die lig dat Malema sy perke van menseregte oorskry het deur verskeie rassegroepe in die openbaar, sowel as agter geslote deure, te beledig.

NIGEL - Patrick Mobula: I dont want to say too much, but the only thing I will say is that it is not right.

Let op na honde se geblaf


HEIDELBERG - n Ernstige waarskuwing

word deur SAPD Heidelberg aan die gemeenskap gerig oor misdaad wat met hondevergif-

tiging gepaardgaan. Die statistiek vir hondevergiftiging in Heidelberg neem op n

weeklikse basis toe. Buiten die toegang wat misdadigers tot jou eiendom verkry deur honde te vergiftig, is dit hartverskeurend vir die eienaars van daardie honde. Die gemeenskap moet hul ore spits wanneer honde ernstig aan die blaf gaan, dit kan beteken dat iemand of iets naby jou huis is. Volgens SAPD Heidelberg is dit die beste om in so n geval jou ligte aan te skakel. Neem in ag dat wanneer jou bure se honde vergiftig is, bestaan die


moontlikheid dat jou huis of omliggende huise die teiken is. Hierdie gier affekteer nie slegs huise waar honde is nie. SAPD Heidelberg rig n versoek aan die gemeenskap om om die beurt te kyk dat alles in orde is. Indien jy iets verdags vermoed, kan SAPD Heidelberg by 016 341 2222, 016 341 2570, 016 341 7653, 016 341 3361 of 10111 geskakel word. Die verskeie sektornommers om te skakel is: Bergsig, Heidelberg Kloof en Overkruin by 071 765 7395, Heidelberg Sentraal, Jordaan Park en Shalimar Ridge by 071 675 7398, Rensburg by 071 675 7296. Spaarwater, Suikerbosrand Natuur Reservaat, Rooikraal, Rietvallei, Eendracht, Blinkpoort, Groenfontein, Poortje en Koppieskraal by 071 675 7393, Schickfontein, Boschhoek Boschfontein, Klipstapel en Mount Arable by 071 675 7293 en Lagerspoort, Houtpoort, Bothaskraal, Steynkraal, De Hoek en Modderfontein by 071 675 7294. Deur die nommer van jou sektor te skakel, sal vinniger reaksie van die polisie teweegbring, omdat hulle in daardie area patrolleer.




16 NOVEMBER 2011

Triomf vir DA in Wyk 88

highly diverse ward and increasing it by 20%. As a result, Wally Labuschagne has been elected ward councillor which encompasses mainly Nigel, Alrapark, MacKenzieville and portions of KwaThema and Duduza. According to DA caucus leader Clr Shelley Loe, the DAs increase in support shows that voters support its vision and mission and that Wally brings a depth of experience and maturity to council. She also said Wally will be vigorous and forthright in ensuring that the needs of a diverse community are represented. The DA thanks every voter in Ward 88 for re-electing a DA representative with an increased majority, Mrs Loe said.


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Magda Maritz NIGEL - Die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) het na afloop van die wyksverkiesing op 9 November n meerderheidstem van 1430 bo di van die ANC ontvang. Die DA het altesaam 4231 stemme teenoor die 2801 van die ANC ontvang. Di wyksverkiesing volg na Jake Ceronio (voormalige raadslid) se gedwonge bedanking weens volgehoue druk deur die ANC sowel as die Departement van Onderwys. Wally Labuschagne het die leisels as DA raadslid amptelik op 10 November oorgeneem. The DA won a staggering victory over the ANC on November 9 in the Ward 88 bi-election, taking 60,18% of the vote in a previously marginal and

Bennie Burger (links) het op 9 November tydens die wyksverkiesing sy kruisie by die stemlokaal in Hendrik Verwoerdstraat getrek. Wally Labuschagne het n die DA se triomf in die wyksverkiesing, die leisels as raadslid vir Wyk 88 op 10 November oorgeneem.

Three dealers arrested

Magda Maritz DUDUZA - Police officers of SAPS Duduza as well as the K9-unit embarked on a drug operation on November 4. The operation entailed a thorough search within a vast area of the township and yielded three arrests. The suspects (aged between 35 and 45 years) were apprehended after seizure of narcotics, mainly consisting of dagga, mandrax and a substance suspected to be heroine. The suspects have been charged for dealing in and being in possession of dependance producing drugs. Amongst the drugs, three liquor bottles containing dagga seeds were also found. The suspects appeared in Nigel Magistrates Court on November 7 and the case was postponed. The Station Commander Lt Cl Egen Moodley praised his members dedication in securing the arrests.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

Die klippies in my skoen

Dialise-kliniek hier dringend nodig
DIE REDAKTEUR Heidelberg is die ideale dorp om in te woon en af te tree aangesien dit naby stedelike aktiwiteite gele is. Dit spog ook met sy eie Life Suikerbosrand Kliniek waar spesialiste vanoor die Oos-Rand hul dienste lewer asook ons eie aftreeoord wat aan al die behoeftes van bejaardes voorsien tot afsterwe. Dit is hoekom ons by Heidelberg Vereniging vir Bejaardes ons kom tuismaak het. Ons het egter met teleurstelling uitgevind dat bogenoemde nie in alle gevalle waar is nie. My vrou is in die eerste jaar nadat ons by by die oord ingetrek het, met nierversaking gediagnoseer en moet nou driemaal per week behandeling op n dialise masjien ontvang. Daar is toe ontdek dat Heidelberg Hospitaal nie vir nierversaking pasinte voorsiening maak nie. Die dialise-masjien wat in die hospitaal is, word slegs vir pasinte wat gehospitaliseer word en aan nierversaking ly, gebruik. Sy was verplig om elders die nodige behandeling te kry en die naaste en gerieflikste kliniek is in Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. Navrae na die moontlikheid om n Dialise Kliniek hier te vestig, het aan die lig gekom. Dit is haalbaar indien meer as ses pasinte gedentifiseer word. Lesers van HERAUT word dringend gevra om, indien hulle van so n diens gebruik sal maak, of van mense weet wat belang sal stel in die verband, om die volgende nommers, 083 956 7324 of 016 341 7351 te skakel en hul besonderhede deur te gee. Jan en Annatjie Greyling - HEIDELBERG.

Danie se klippies in sy skoen is vroumense. Die probleem wat hy het, is die droom van duisende mans. Selfs ek is jaloers, maar julle sal bars as julle my vrou hiervan vertel. Laat ek eerder by die begin begin. Danie is n joviale, goedgeboude en aantreklike man vir die vroulike geslag. Ek skat hom so in sy laat veertigs of begin vyftigs. Uit die aard van sy werk is hy baie bekend in sy gemeenskap en so is ook die nommer van sy selfoon. Deur die jare was daar al baie vroue wat hom geskakel het vir meer as net professionele diens of was dit juis oor professionele diens? Hoe dit ookal sy en soos Lukas op 7de Laan praat, n man is mos nie n klip nie. Die probleem word nou baie erg. Daar gaan byna nie n dag verby dat n vrou hom skakel of n SMS stuur vir n afspraak nie. Hy moet bely dat hy oor die jare baie oor die tou getrap het, maar wat te erg is, is te erg. Deur die jare het vroue alhoemeer die jagter geword en gladnie meer net baie subtiel nie. Die ouderdomme van die vroue wissel van in die twintigs tot selfs oor 70. Baie is selfs bereid om vir dienste te betaal. Dit is n probleem van ons tyd dat alhoemeer mans al hoe jonger gesondheidsprobleme optel en maar net so goed in die spaarkamer kan intrek. Ek wil my nie op hierdie stadium oor hierdie probleem uitspreek

nie, maar sal graag later slimmer mense se kommentaar plaas. Uit die aard van Danie se werk kan hy die vroue tuis besoek of daar is ander alternatiewe. Vir my is daar nie n plan A of B of C nie. Daar is nie meer kuierplekke om Heidelberg waar jy veilig kan gaan opsit nie. Jare gelede was daar baie, maar nie een van hulle kon by Heidelbergkloof kers vashou nie. Diegene van julle wat bevoorreg was om in Heidelbergkloof te kon opsit en as die maan oor die rand opkom en as die jakkals bo teen die koppie huil en as die haas in die pad ophardloop, vergeet jy van al jou bose planne met die vrou aan jou sy, voel jy of jy reeds in die hemel is en sal jy dit nooit vergeet nie. Wat ek ook nooit sal vergeet nie, was iets wat ons stoute seuns jare gelede gedoen het. Naweke was dit op n stadium soort van n kompetisie om tot by die voertuig van die paartjie wat opsit te kruip en dan te luister na alles wat daar plaasvind. Ek moet bely, ons het die beste seksvoorligting gekry. Was ongelukkig te gou te groot vir ons tyd. Daar was selfs n boek waar ons almal se aapstreke aangeteken het. Wonder wat daarvan geword het? Ek het nie raad vir Danie nie, of liewer, kry n ander selfoon en gee joune vir my met al daai nommers en trek see toe. Wat n Kersgeskenk!

What is wrong with this picture?


THE EDITOR - This photo was taken on October 21 at the Victorian Centre in Heidelberg. One Saturday morning two police officers failed to issue a traffic fine when I failed to stop at a yield sign as they were approaching. The reason why they could not issue a fine is because they had no clue what to write on the ticket. When I saw their vehicle parked in a paraplegic parking, I realised they have a problem that needs attention. Paul, HEIDELBERG.

Please help our youth

THE EDITOR - I am a 25 year old female who grew up in Alrapark. I was a child who was sports active and still have that urge to be part of a sports team. However, that is very difficult as there is no sports activities available in Alrapark. I am disappointed in the so-called new generation that are easily influenced by the entertainment of growing advanced technology, but then I blame the elders and leaders of our community. The swimming pool that once kept the kids off the streets, are not in use. There are no activities to keep youngsters active and out of trouble, as the sporting social activities are decreasing, whilst outrageous, adult entertainment increases. Obesity is another downfall to childrens self-confidence and self-esteem. I would like to start a programme that involves sports activities, weight loss and socialising, but I have no idea where to start or how to go about doing this. I would really appreciate it if anybody can help me with this. Nasreen Hassiem (079 975 9081) ALRAPARK.




16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Freddie se boek oor nuwe skaapras op die rakke

Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG - n Boer aan die voet van die Suikerbosrand het n kreatiewe wyse gevind om meer ekonomies met skape te boer. Hy het sy ervaring en teelproses van n nuwe ras gedeel deur n boek Meatmaster Sheep - Breed Establishment in South Africa op 4 November bekend te stel. Freddie Peters was vir jare n ingenieur terwyl hy n melkboerdery terselfdetyd bedryf het. Hy het genteresseerd geraak in skape en kruisteel toegepas. Boere van die Oos-Kaap en Noord-Kaap het hom gekontak en hulle het begin om hul doelwitte oor di Meatmaster skape te reguleer. Ons het in 2005 aansoek by die Departement van Landbou gedoen om die skape as n ras te erken. In 2007 is Meatmasters as ontwikkelende ras aanvaar en in 2009 as volwaardige ras erken. In 2005 is die Meatmasters Vereniging gestig wat minstens tweemaal per jaar opleiding gee. Ons kry jaarliks meer belangstelling en leer boere onder andere oor die rasstandaard en hoe om skape te beoordeel, het Peters ges. Peters s hy het die boek geskryf, want daar is geen wetenskaplike publikasies oor Meatmaster-skape nie. Ek het vyf jaar se navorsing gedoen en wou aandui dat daar baie potensiaal in die ras is, s Peters. Van die ras se unieke eienskappe is dat hulle n sterk kudde is en bymekaar bly. Meatmasters is meestal poenskop en maak mekaar minder seer omdat hulle nie horings het nie. Karkasse het n goeie gradering en die vetverspreiding is egalig. Dan het die Meatmaster n baie lekker smaak, het Peters ges. Die sukses van di skape is duidelik, want Peters het na lande soos Botswana en Namibi uitgevoer terwyl hy versoeke van Iran en Pakistan gekry het om daar n teelprogram te begin. Alhoewel hy n trop van oor die 300 Meatmaster-skape het, s Peters dit is steeds onwerklik dat die ontwikkeling van n nuwe ras suksesvol was. Dit is amper onmoontlik om in een leeftyd n ras te teel wat erken word. Die Meatmaster skape was die kleinste ras en is vandag die vierde grootste ras, het Peters afgesluit. Enige persoon wat belangstel in Peters se boek, of Meatmasterskape kan hom by 083 521 3990 skakel.

Freddie Peters by n trop van sy Meatmaster-skape wat hy op sy plaas Schoongezicht geteel het. Peters het onlangs n boek bekendgestel oor die teelproses en bevindinge rakende die nuwe vinniggroeiende ras.

Ideale sleutelbord vir dik vingers, lang naels, teks-slawe

HEIDELBERG - Kersfees is om die draai en jy hoef nie meer rond te hardloop op soek na geskenke nie, want die perfekte kersgeskenk is by Foonpret te kry. Manne met groter vingers en vroue met lang naels hoef nie meer te sukkel met die klein knoppies op hul selfone nie, want daar is n oplossing. Die Bluetooth Sleutelbord is perfek vir Slimfone en iPads. Die produk werk sonder enige kabels en drade en is geskik vir meeste slimfone behalwe Blackberries. Die Sleutelbord kan soos n rekenaar gebruik word deur dokumente en ander inligting te kopier en plak. Met die lekker speelding is groepfotos n fees. Die sleutelbord werk tot 15 meter soos n afstandbeheerder, dus kan enige verbruiker deel van die groepfoto wees. Die koste vir die Sleutelbord beloop R249 (BTW en posgeld ingesluit). Foonpret bied ook n 25 sentimeter Bluetooth sleutelbord vir rekenaars, skootrekenaars, selfone en iPads. Die tegnologiese speelding is n bietjie korter as n gewone sleutelbord. Met geen kabels of drade sal jy lekker smse kan stuur of inloer op jou sosiale netwerke. Die koste vir di produk (BTW en posgeld ingesluit) beloop R399. Vir meer inligting of om jou hande op di produkte te kry, kan jy vir Danie by e-pos. Besoek die webtuiste op vir navrae.

Die Bluetooth sleutelbord werk nie met kabels nie. Jy kan dit gebruik om rekenaartake te verrig of om n groepfoto met jouself ingesluit, tot op n afstand van 15 meter te neem.




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

Styl-fundi mik kassie toe

Sanet vertel hoe om kanker kishou te gee

Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG Vroue in Aksie het op n pienk wyse borskankermaand gevier. Tydens die Hoezit my bra tema vergadering het die vroue na twee gassprekers wat oor borskanker gepraat het, geluister. Vroue se kreatiwiteit is getoets op 17 Oktober toe hulle papier bras met linte, gom, knopies en kryte moes maak. Sanet Venter, wat kanker oorwin het, het vertel van die pad wat sy met kanker geloop het. Sanet het sedert 2005 driekeer kanker oorwin en by organisasies soos Journey of Hope en Cancer.vive aangesluit. Sy het ges dat chemoterapie nie lekker is nie, maar dat n mens elke dag moet opstaan. Ek het nie toegelaat dat kanker my steel nie. Moenie toelaat dat kanker julle steel nie, het Sanet aan n saal vol betraande vroue ges. Meeste vroue is bewus daarvan dat hulle maandeliks hulself moet ondersoek vir borskanker. Dr Angelique Coller het op n praktiese wyse verduidelik waarna vroue moet soek en hoe die ondersoek toegepas moet word. Jy ken jou lyf beter as enige dokter. As jy enige knoppie voel, soek dadelik mediese hulp en moenie wag nie, het Dr Coller ges. Die volgende Vroue in Aksie vergadering is op 1 Desember te Hor Volkskool se hotelskool. Navrae: Elizm by 082 782 3814.

Sandra Taljaard van Style Challenge Int saam met Hain Janse van Vuuren, Nadia Grant, Chantell Nienaber, Christine Wolhuter (Salon Christine), Gerda Davel (Victorian Huis) en Barry Grant wat bygedra het tot die sukses tydens n opname vir n insetsel in KykNET se program Ontbytsake, waartydens Sandra haar besigheid nasionaal bekendgestel het.
HEIDELBERG - KykNET se kameraspan het Heidelberg besoek om n insetsel vir hul program Ontbytsake saam met Sandra Taljaard op kamera vas te l. Sandra is die eienaar van Style Challenge International. Wanneer sy nie vroue toespreek en motiveer nie, doen sy voorkomsanalises en oormaaksessies. Kleurtot persoonlikheidsanalises word op n professionele wyse gedoen. Die opname het op 15 Oktober by die Victorian Huis in Jacobstraat plaasgevind. Tydens die opname het Sandra haar besigheid nasionaal bekendgestel, asook n lesing aangebied oor hoe om jou tas te pak wanneer jy op reis gaan. Sandra s dat die Victorian Huis oor die nodige fasiliteite beskik en KykNET se kameraspan het oor vingerhappies wat deur Barry en Nadia Grant voorberei is gegons. Dit was n fees, baie professioneel en die KykNET-span was gaande oor Heidelberg, het Sandra bygevoeg. Besighede in Heidelberg het Sandra tydens die opname ondersteun. As jy van my dienste, wat wissel van voorkomsverandering tot die aanbieding van lesings gebruik wil maak, sal ek die land platreis, het Sandra ges.


Sanet Venter van Cancer.vive en Dr Angelique Coller was die gassprekers tydens Vroue in Aksie se vergadering.

Dagmoeder met passie vir kinders verwelkom alle Kleuter Bokkies

HEIDELBERG - Ouers wat steeds op soek is na n veilige dagsorgsentrum vir hul kinders kan gerus by Kleuter Bokkies by Marestraat 18 aanklop. Bertha Roux en haar man het vanaf Rustenburg na Heidelberg verhuis en na n lang gesoek, het sy n huis gekry waar sy na kinders kan kyk. Sy het amptelik op 1 Augustus haar dagsorgsentrum se deure oopgemaak. Ek voel dat ek n gawe van die Here gekry het om met kinders te werk, het Bertha ges. Di juffrou en haar twee helpers, Ouma Sebeko en Amanda Potgieter, vertel dat elke kind by Kleuter Bokkies n tuiste vind. Ek is baie veiligheidsbewus en het n alarm en interkomsisteem in plek, het Bertha ges. Om geld vir die interkomsisteem in te samel, het Bertha lootjies vir n biltong geskenkpak verkoop en Geraldine Bennett het die prys gewen. Kleuter Bokkies is daagliks tussen 06:00 en 18:00 vir kinders tussen die ouderdomme van drie weke en vier jaar oop. Met haar 20 jaar ondervinding as grondslag onderwyser, kan Bertha kinders n goeie basis gee voordat hulle grootskool toe gaan. Sy het ook verpleegondervinding, dus is jou kinders in goeie hande. Die dagsorg is by Lesedi Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se Gesondheidsafdeling geregistreer. Ouers hoef nie bekommerd te wees oor wat hul kinders tydens die skoolvakansie gaan doen nie. Kleuter Bokkies sluit op 21 Desember en maak vroeg op 9 Januarie oop. Dagbesoekers teen R80 per dag is ook welkom. Skakel Bertha Roux by 082 9600 101 om jou kind vir 2012 by Kleuter bokkies in te skryf.



4626 ...

Klein Adriaan van der Watt (17 maande) het vir Kleuter Bokkies Dagsorgsentrum se fantasiedag as n seerower aangetrek. Di dagsorg het op 1 Augustus hul deure geopen.

16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

Bejaardes kan uitsien na onvergeetlike kerskonsert saam met Mathys Roets

NIGEL - Nigel Apteek bestaan sedert die vroe 1920s en hoewel daardie tyd bekend as B Owen Jones Pharmacy, lewer hulle bykans 90 jaar later steeds dieselfde gehalte diens. Aptekers Chris Potgieter en Sarel van der Walt, vennote sedert 1981, staan aan stuur van sake by di suksesvolle onderneming en skryf hul jarelange sukses toe aan die gemeenskap se ondersteuning. Daarom bied die apteek elke jaar n gratis kerskonsert aan om hul dankbaarheid teenoor veral die senior burgers, te betoon. Vanjaar se konsert vir senior burgers vind op 19 November om 15:00 by Nigel Stadsaal plaas. Gaste gaan vanjaar met Mathys Roets se goue stem vermaak word en gratis kaartjies is nou by Nigel Apteek beskikbaar. Alle senior burgers word genooi om deel te h aan Nigel Apteek se kerskonsert. Vermy Desember se laaste-minuut gejaag en handel jou kersinkopies in November af. Nigel Apteek bied n wye verskeidenheid kersgeskenke soos reukwater vir mans, vroue, senior burgers en jongmense. n Wye verskeidenheid items is teen sakpaspryse beskikbaar. Die apteek se deure is oop van 08:00 tot 20:00 Maandae tot Vrydae en 08:00 tot 13:00 op Saterdae. Saterdae, Sondae en publieke vakansiedae se noodure is van 17:30 tot 20:00. Vir navrae, skakel 011 814 8211.

Municipality is putting residents patience to the test

Benjemi Barnard HEIDELBERG - After more than two months, Lesedi Local Municipality still havent responded to Chantle OConnors electrical and water supply woes. HERAUT reported on September 28 that OConnor paid R1500 towards her water and lights bill - even though the municipality acknowledged that they overcharged her. OConnors meat went off as Lesedi Local Municipality cut her electricity for four days. She had to take off from work each time that she had a complaint. OConnor visited the municipal offices again in November to see Chief Financial Officer, Mr Vuyo Ndzinyane. He asked me whether Banzi Majola had contacted me and I said that I have not received a phone call from any municipal official. I also asked him what I should do with the rotten meat that he told me to keep as evidence, but this time he could not answer me, she said. Questions about this incident was raised to Acting Municipal Manager, Mrs Cynthia Mokoena on November 1. Despite various attempts from HERAUT, Mrs Mokoena and Mr Ndzinyane has yet again failed to respond to questions concerning the issue.

Search for father

NIGEL - The Department of Health and Social Development in Duduza is looking for the biological father of Nosipho Tshabalala, born on 13 April 2004 and Lungile Tshabalala, born on 5 September 1995. They are residing with their grandmother. Their mother Ms Thandi Mirriam Tshabalala passed away on 23 July 2010. Phone Ms Mvula 011 810 5153.

Die bestuur en personeel van Nigel Apteek nooi alle senior burgers na die kerskonsert wat op 19 November om 15:00 by Nigel Stadsaal aangebied word. Mathys Roets tree as gaskunstenaar op.

Tyremart rolls out with Thomas Tyres

HEIDELBERG - Thomas Tyres opened their first store in Meyerton in 1964. On their opening day they welcomed their very first customer, requiring a puncture repair at a cost of only 45 cents in those days. Now, nearly 50 years later, Thomas Tyres has expanded their business to 20 retail branches and four Bandag retread factories. Although the company may be growing from strength to strength, the vision of its original founder, the late Omri Thomas, remains at the heart of Thomas Tyres commitment in meeting their customers needs. In recognition of this and the current and future needs of their customers, Thomas Tyres have refurbished three of their flagship branches which were relaunched under the Tyremart banner in September. The branches that remained open for business throughout the changeover is now known as Tyremart Thomas Tyres and their unveiling herald the debut launch of the Tyremart franchise in South Africa. Times are changing and so are the needs of our customers, says Wendy Thomas, director of Thomas Tyres. Partnering with Tyremart will allow us to serve our customers more efficiently by offering them a more competitive choice of tyre products and services going forward, she concluded. Gavin Kockott, CEO of Tyremart South Africa agrees. The launch of Tyremart in South Africa will see motorists enjoying greater selection and more choice - particularly when it comes to leading brand tyres. Historically, the prevalence of tyre-manufacturer owned retail channels has deprived the customer of freedom and choice as well as the benefit of impartial tyre fitment advice. Tyremart customers will have the advantage of being able to shop comparatively under one roof and make smarter buying decisions by being able to choose the right product for their particular need at the right price, Gavin said. Tyremart Thomas Tyres stores will continue to deliver the same quality of service their customers have come to expect over the past 50 years, but there is no doubt that the extended range of tyres, brakes, shocks, towbars, exhausts, state-of-the-art wheel balancing and wheel alignment technology will continue to make them the smart fitment destination of choice for the next 50 years. Visit Tyremart Heidelberg on the corner of Chris- and Schoeman Street or phone them on 016 341 7122.



John Bruce (sales consultant), Adriaan van der Westhuizen (manager), Magesh Singh (senior sales) and Hentie Anderson (administration) promise to deliver quality goods and excellent service when you visit them at Tyremart Thomas Tyres.



16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Do not forget about the physically disabled

A CALL TO support is made at recognising International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3. International Month of Persons with Disabilities runs from November 3 until December 3. Since 1934 the Association for the Physically Disabled (APD) has been delivering essential services to people with disabilities. To increase public awereness the APD is selling a gold plated lapel badge depicting the well-known national emblem for disability. We are hoping that people will buy these badges from us for a VAT inclusive amount of R35 and then wear them during International Month of Persons with Disabilities, Director for APD in Greater Johannesburg, Rachel Legasa said. Technology can also be used to help APD financially by SMS-ing APD to 38954 (R10 per SMS). I really hope that people out there will help us to remind everyone that our badge might be faceless, but that our people are definitely not and that they deserve to be recognised on December 3, Legasa said. Contact Legasa on 011 646 8331 for more information, or visit their website on

Continued support for tornado victims

HEIDELBERG - In an effort to bring relief to residents in Duduza after the tornado, Martin Mtshweneng (radiologist from Dr Van Rensburg and Partners at Life Suikerbosrand Clinic) decided to collect food and clothes. Heidelberg Spar donated 14x 10kg bags of maize flour and 10x 5-litre containers of cooldrink. Mpho Tsotetsi and Mtshweneng delivered the items to the Multi Purpose Hall in Duduza on October 14. With them is Heidelberg Spar manager, Mike de Freitas.

Non-stop entertaining at Blockbusters

NIGEL - Blockbusters Entertainment Nigel is a franchise DVD rental shop, situated at Shop 25A at The Angelo Mall. It is owned by Elzan Coetsee and offers customers a variety of DVDs, ranging from golden oldies to the latest releases as well as loads of games. For the past few years, Blockbusters Entertainment has led the way in innovating the home entertainment industry, backed by its strong family values, honest endeavours and strong franchising principles. As the leading home entertainment brand in South Africa, Blockbusters and its customers know they can trust the brand to deliver quality products and service, which is backed by solid care and its unmatched, reliable management support. Blockbusters Entertainment Nigel simply offers: What you see is what you get service. Their DVDs and games are of the highest quality. They regularly run in-store promotions such as the free popcorn promotion in October, where all new customers were entered into a draw in which they stood a chance to win one of 10 prizes. Winners were announced at the end of October and they are: Deon Ascencae (Lion King DVD and free popcorn), Carolien Kriel (Spur voucher), Riaan Nel (Spur voucher), Latoya Gibbs (Spur voucher), Surina Swart (Spur voucher), Lena Pieterse (3 units and free popcorn), Tumela Ntsie (3 units and free popcorn), Johan van den Heuvel (3 units and free popcorn), Lorraine Witthaus (3 units and free popcorn), Marissa Cory-Smith (3 units and free popcorn). Business hours are from 08:30 to 20:30 Sundays to Thursdays and from 08:30 to 21:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. Phone them on 011 739 5623.

Chairperson of the Association for the Physically Disabled in Greater Johannesburg, Patrick Mabunda is supporting the lapel badges campaign to create more awareness for people that are physically disabled.

Melinda Lombard is one of the friendly staff members at Blockbusters Entertainment Nigel, which offers a variety of high quality DVDs and games.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

Tombstones targeted
Magda Maritz NIGEL - Residents are becoming increasingly frustrated by the state of the cemetery, citing persistent vandalism due to cultural activities and a general lack of security as their major concerns. Chairperson of Nigel Central Policing Forum (CPF), David Niebuhr told HERAUT he too received complaints from residents about tombstone damages. Although the recent tornado hit a small part at the back of the cemetery, some of the latest findings can only be as a result of deliberate damage. David was appalled by the state of the cemetery and saw tombstones, or parts thereof, lying next to a dustbin. He says tombstones cost a great deal of money and is a sign of love and respect towards those who passed away. Why would people damage it? Are we living in an age where there is not even respect left for those who died? The damaged fence which was caused by the recent tornado, provides undisturbed access to the cemetery and it is easy for vandals to take what they want, since there are no security guards. Stories of family members being attacked while visiting graves are becoming more frequent and residents are becoming less eager to visit the cemetery under these circumstances.

Wasdag-kopsere iets van die verlede vir Antoinette

HEIDELBERG Antoinette Fouch van Nigel het n Samsung Diamond Drum wasmasjien tydens Pick n Pay Heidelberg se Skip Liquid gelukstrekking losgeslaan. Solly Matekane (vloerbestuurder) en Davin de la Rey (winkelbestuurder) het op 4 Oktober di spoggerige prys aan Antoinette oorhandig.

David Niebuhr (chairperson of Nigel CPF) recently discovered a number of deliberately damaged tombstones at Nigel Cemetery, some of which were lying next to a dustbin, ready to be taken away along with the rubbish.

Meals on Wheels se koskaste vol danksy Stella

HEIDELBERG - Meals on Wheels Gemeenskapsdienste het R3 450 kontant donasies en blikkieskos ter waarde van R12 000 na afloop van Mandela Dag ontvang. Meals on Wheels het in verbinding met verskeie besighede getree om bewusmaking van die 67-minute liefdadigheid vir Mandela op 18 Julie te skep. Vrywilligers het hul dienste beskikbaar gestel, maar dit was Stella Rothmann van Standard Bank Nigeltak wat grootliks bygedra het tot die verandering wat Meals on Wheels in behoeftiges se lewens kan bring. Stella het Meals on Wheels se versoek om hulp aan Standard Bank

streekkantoor in Nelspruit deurgegee, waarop die reaksie wonderlik was met donasies wat hulle op 15 September ontvang het. Meals on Wheels gaan die donasies vir plaaslike primre skole en behoeftige bejaardes aanwend. Stella en haar span word opreg vir hul onbaatsugtigheid teenoor Meals on Wheels bedank.

Meals on Wheels het n groot donasie van Standard Bank Nigel-tak en hul streekkantoor ontvang. Jacques Botha van Meals on Wheels glimlag breed saam met Stella Rothmann en Sibongile Modshele van Standard Bank Nigel-tak.



16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Hul danspassies laat bejaardes blom

Carla du Plessis HEIDELBERG - Goeiehoop Vroue Landbou Unie-tak (VLU) het oumas en oupas van Heidelberg Vereniging vir Bejaardes met n oggendtee bederf. Lede van di tak het vroeg op 14 Oktober aan die werk gespring om versnaperings voor te sit. Die tak het Eureka Skool genader om bejaardes met hul sang en dans te vermaak. Eureka Skool in Vereeniging is n skool vir fisies- en geestelik gestremde kinders. Santie van Tonder wat die bemarking van Eureka Skool behartig, het ges dat sommige van die kinders nie eens hul eie naam kan skryf nie. Ons het dieselfde danspassies en sang tydens n konsert in 2010 opgevoer. Dit is ure se werk en harde oefening, het sy bygevoeg. Terwyl sommige hul trane probeer wegsteek het, het ander nie gehuiwer om n sneesdoekie of twee uit te ruk nie. Die boodskap wat die kinders aan bejaardes wou oordra, is dat hulle tot alles in staat is deur Hom wat hulle krag gee. Rina Uys, voorsitter van Goeiehoop VLU het haar getroue lede bedank vir hul moeite en ondersteuning en n geskenkie aan elkeen oorhandig. Hierdie oggend het bejaardes en almal teenwoordig weer nuwe moed en krag gegee.

Vrolike verjaardagvieringe by Tobacco Land

NIGEL - Tobacco Land het hul eerste verjaardag op 5 November met gelukstrekkings en spesiale winskopies gevier. Tobacco Land is by The Angelo Mall, Winkel 16 gele en beskik oor n verskeidenheid tabakprodukte wat `hubblies tot sigare insluit. Tydens die gelukstrekking het Tyron Venter die hubbly-prys gewen terwyl Derek Phillips, Edith Potgieter, Prince Roos, LJ Mostert, Werner en Morn ander pryse huistoe geneem het. Pierre Schutte, Leonor Last en Berdine Schutte het die gelukstrekking behartig. Klante wat R100 of meer di dag spandeer het, het outomaties vir die trekking gekwalifiseer. Phillip en Monica Steenberg, eienaars van Tobacco Land, bedank hul klante vir hul ondersteuning.

Leerders van Eureka Skool vir fisies- en geestelik gestremde kinders het inwoners van Heidelberg Vereniging vir Bejaardes se hartsnare tydens hul optrede geroer. Patrick Mofokeng en Musa Radebe hier saam met Lita Venter tydens die oggendtee wat Goeiehoop Vroue Landbou Unie-tak vir die bejaardes gerel het.


Tobacco Land by The Angelo Mall het tydens hul eerste verjaardag klante met n gelukstrekking bederf. Monica Steenberg het aan Leonor Last en Berdine Schutte die geleentheid gegee om wenners se name te trek.

Leerders van Eureka Skool in aksie tydens n verfrissende oggendtee wat Goeiehoop se VLU-dames vir die bejaardes aangebied het.

View your account online

NIGEL - The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) is the first in the country to offer online viewing and paying of municipal accounts. To find out more, visit You can also pay or buy prepaid tokens with your debit or credit card at any Customer Care Centre. * Residents have been thrown a lifeline to ease their debt on monthly municipal accounts, with the introduction of the second interest waiver scheme. Residents who fell behind on their accounts, now have until March 31 to make arrangements with EMM to settle the outstanding account. Customers who apply for the interest waiver, will get a one month grace period from date of first payment, as long as it is made in line with the arrangement. This means that all the interest they accumulated prior to the arrangement, will be waivered, provided the customer does not default.




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

Top honours for talented Ekurhuleni Childrens Choir

HEIDELBERG - The Ekurhuleni Childrens Choir departed for Germany and Italy on September 29, to participate in the weeklong, fifth Rimini International Choir competition. The towns represented by the choir are Heidelberg, Springs, Brakpan, Boksburg, Daveyton, Benoni, Tsakane, Kwa-Thema, Ratanda and Geluksdal. On October 1 the choir participated in a concert in Albersweiler in the cathedral Pfarrkirche, together with the Globale Harmonie choir. The following evening, after a day of sightseeing, the choir performed at a concert in Winnweiler. They then formed part of a concert which was held in Herxheim, in the Chapel of Saint Pauls Congregation the following day. With the choir competing in a non-competitive concert, they left for Italy on October 4. This took place in the Theatre Novelli, featuring all the folk song choirs two days later. The Ekurhuleni choir was awarded second place on October 7, with a score of 92,04 and received a gold diploma when they participated in the Folksong Choirs section of the prestigious competition. They competed against 14 choirs from different countries and qualified for the final round on October 9, after competing against choirs from Russia, Italy, Greece and the Phillipines. 10 Choirs with 1200 choristers took part in the final round. Ekurhuleni Childrens Choir gave an outstanding performance in the final round and received a standing ovation, artistic director and conductor of the choir, Christine Dercksen said. They had to compete against university students and adult choirs. This was a big competition for us and we were singing for the Grand Prix overall winners prize. As if being the winners of the childrens section was not enough excitement for one day, the choir was named overall winners of the competition. For enquiries about the choir, phone Neels Dercksen on 082 717 8341 or 011 363 3027.

Think before you adopt a pet

NIGEL - Remember, pets are not something you can switch off when you feel like it. They are alive and they are for life. You need to consider this before taking on the responsibility of becoming a pet owner. Once you have considered all the responsibilities, you may make your decision. Visit Nigel SPCA and provide one of our animals a second chance and a safe home, forever. * SPCA advice: Please take care of your animals and keep them off the street and safe in your own property. Most importantly, have your animals sterilised. There is nothing cruel about being sensible and the sensible thing to do is to have them sterilised. Here are three good reasons why: 1. it will make your own life easier. Amorous cats and dogs can be a real handful and nobody enjoys having to confine their pets; 2. there are already too many unwanted kittens and puppies that need to be put down. The least you can do is not to add to their numbers; 3. sterilising is kinder to the animal itself. The unnecessary frustration of hormone activity in a pet often leads to mental and physical ailments. Sterilising removes the source and hence the problem. * SPCAs urgent needs: Dog and cat food are needed on a regular basis. They also need funds to do their important work, which is to keep stray animals off the street, educate the public and to prevent cruelty towards animals. * SPCA shop: There is a shop in Nigel Road, Dunnottar that supports the Nigel SPCA, but they need clothes, books, ornaments and basically anything to sell. The public is urged to visit the shop and to show their support in a different manner. One mans junk is anothers treasure. * Message from Nigel SPCA: Please take good care of your pets. When you go away, leave them with a friend or somebody you can trust. Remember, the SPCA has a boarding facility for dogs and cats. For enquiries phone Nigel SPCA on 084 485 7020.

The Ekurhuleni Childrens Choir participated in the fifth Rimini International Choir competition which took place in Germany and Italy from September 29 to October 9.

Superspar gives generously


The Ekurhuleni choir were the winners of the Childrens Choir Section and received a pure silver handmade medal, made by a local sculptor. They were also crowned as the overall winners of the competition.
Odette Liebenberg, Andr Botha and Hendrit Georgiou from Superspar at The Angelo Mall presented the principal of Felicitas School, Mrs Dibon Chamberlain with a cheque for R45 000, being the proceeds of a recent fundraiser. Natalie Ellis (left), Vuvu Qhinebe, Susan Kasper and Christoffel Strydom are learners from Felicitas School for the disabled in Brakpan. Magda Maritz NIGEL - Felicitas School for severely mentally and physically disabled in Brakpan received a cheque for R45 000 from Superspar at The Angelo Mall on October 5. Proceeds of fundraisers such as the Angelo Mall Potjiekos Competition and the Miss Angelo Pageant are given to various charity organisations throughout the year. Owner and manager of Superspar, Jimmy Georgiou and his wife Hendrit regularly embark on fundraisers in support of charity organisations, as they feel passionately about people with disabilities and incurable illnesses.

As mens op n dieet is, val jy ltyd af

(Indien nie op die een manier nie, dan op die ander)

16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


KINDERLYN: 0800-55555. Is jy n kind met n probleem en niemand luister nie? Ons sal help. Ook vir persone wat n kind se probleem wil rapporteer. DIVORCE A TO Z. No hidden cost. Letitia Herbst 073 584 9400 or 011 362 3224.

LIFT CLUB: We run from Alra Park Nigel Heidelberg to Johannesburg Central / Booysens / Ormonde. I am also looking for a co-driver with a PDP as we like to operate 12 months of the year. Contact Kevin Wilkins on 071 687 1497. LIFT WANTED: From Heidelberg to Sandton (Park Lane Ave) and back, Monday to Fridays. Will share the costs. Contact Anuscha 071 141 9091.

TOUCH WOOD CREATIONS Time for a new kitchen? We design and fit kitchens (country, melamine or sollids of your choice) according to our taste. Layout advice and professional sketches available. Designing and installation of doors (sliding, happy etc.) windows and frames of any size. Cupboards, wall units, shopfitting, stairways, shelves, flooring, all furniture, decking and partitioning. Wood related home repairs, restoration of furniture or any general woodwork. Phone Roelf at 082 974 2562 for a callout/quote. Workshop 46 Schoeman Street, Heidelberg. Enquiries: AAB WENDIES: 3m x 3m R3600, 2m x 4m R4300, 3m x 4m R4600. We do all sizes! Wendies made from treated pallet wood. Wendies incl 1 window with glass, wooden floor, zink roof, door. This price incl delivery. Country wide deliveries. Contact Tian 073 907 4447. MAX DIE HANDYMAN: Baie betroubaar en doen uitstekende werk. Algemene bekostigbare bouwerk, opknapwerk, verfwerk. Kontak Max by 073 981 9586. Vir n verwysing, kontak Liezel by 083 698 5095. ABA WENDIES: 3m x 3m R3650, 2m x 3m R3300. Incl delivery and erection. Wendy consist of 1x door, 1x window frame. Zinc roof, treated with wax oil. Big or small we do them all. Contact Marius 073 133 1452. COUNTRY WIDE WENDIES: 3m x 3m R3650. 3m x 6m R6900. Cheaper wendies from treated pallet wood. 1 Door, 1 window with glass, wooden floor and corugated zinc roof. 10 Years guarantee. Contact Oscar 078 493 4370.

MAT MASTER - (Loraine) Steam cleaning specialist, carpet & upholstery. Owner supervision. SABS approved chemicals. We also sell and install carpets. Free quotations. Call 016 341 6922 / 072 630 208. CLEANING PROFESSIONALS: 072 277 1501 or 072 027 7153. We do carpet, upholstery and blinds cleaning, also water extraction. Guarantee on all work. 24/7 service. Pre occupation cleaning. PRESIDENT CARPET CLEANERS: Cleaning of carpets and upholstery in all areas of Nigel and Heidelberg. Owner supervision. Contact Pierre 073 478 9381 or 016 341 3986.

UPHOLSTERY & REPAIRING: Household furniture and office chairs done professionally at reasonable prices. FREE quotations Heidelberg, Nigel and Eastrand Phone 011 814 1950 or cell 082 375 6453 We fetch and deliver. MAD ABOUT PLUMBING LOODGIETERS: Spesialiseer in alle loodgieter behoeftes. Op verskeie panele: Absa, Nedbank, Hollard, Santam, Mutual & Federal, Standard Bank en nog vele meer. Hanteer eis onmiddellik. Doen Solar Geysers en Heat pumps, alternatief tot Solar (50-80% besparing op krag). PIRB en IOPSA geregistreer. Skakel Tersia of Pieter by 016 349 5666/082 491 9093/083 547 4037.

083 675 7795

Nigel Tel: 011 814 7992 James 073 628 5826

* Betonmure * Verlengings * Staalpalissades * Skuifhekke * Lemmetjiesdraad * Plaveisel DIE BETER KEUSE 1536

BLACKIE: we supply we supply 083 357 5152 011 814 2518 | 011 814 2315 011 814 2743 9 Van Riebeeck Ave., Nigel



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BOHLABATSATSI Grasdakke & building construction. Joseph Maake cc. 23 Years experience. Thatch roof, lapas, building, painting, tiling, plumbing. Diamantdraad, lemmetjies draad, grasdak ceilings. Kitchen & bedroom cupboards (Cape Riet) ens. Wendy house & log home. Phone 082 510 1926. ODD JOBS 2000 SEDERT 1979 IN HEIDELBERG EN OMGEWING: Bouwerk, loodgieters, elektries, alterasies, grasdakke, verfwerk, swembaddens, plaveisels en alle staalwerk - Ons is so goed soos die mense wat vir ons werk - Ons het deur die jare fantastiese spanne opgebou. Kontak kantoor ure - 016 341 5445 of Piet Pienaar 082 603 1860.

A CERTIFIED ELECTRICAL COMPANY OFFERS 27/7 standby maintenance, repairs and installations: Domestic (exl appliances) industrial (incl Area Classifications) up to 11kv. (COC available) Master installation electrician Contact ENGs Electrical. Marius 084 206 7597, Douglas 084 547 9266. Email: Web

MJ DISTRIBUTORS: SPECIAL till end December 2011. Building sand red, yellow and bedding sand @ R110 incl delivery any place in Heidelberg. Min 15 cubes per order. Diesel @ R10.15 per liter (500 ppm Sasol) Min R2000 liter per order. Contact 072 528 9661. AAC WENDIES: 3 x 3 R3650, 2 x 3 R3250, 3 x 4 R4700, 3 x 6 R6950. Including 1 door with glass, wooden door, zinc roof treated with wax oil. Our wendies are from quality pallet wood. We have 10 years experience. Contact Allen 072 928 1724.

JAKKALS FENCING: OUR SERVICES ARE THE BEST - YOU WONT REGRET Fences; Electric, game, free standing, wall-top, palisade, precast wall / palisade. Gates, gate motors. Maintenance on all. Contact 082 448 2712 or 016 341 3412 O/H. We give answers to your problems. PJW PLUMBING: Vir alle loodgieterwerk, geysers, verstopte dreine, krane, pype, toilette ens. Kontak Pieter 083 329 4316.


AABCD WENDIES: We pride ourselves in quality and service for 10 years. Compare how nice wendy is. 2x3 R3300, 3x3 R3650, 3x4 R4650, 3x6 R7000. Wendies comes complete EXCEPT LOCK for door. We deal with any type of wood. The price is for pallet wood only. Put us to the test. Contact Joe 073 283 5945.

HENDRANA/STEAM KING CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS For all your carpet & upholstery cleaning. Call us for special speedy, cleaning services. All work done under owners supervision. Cleaning since 1995. Phone Hendrik all hours. 011 814 8024/7276 or 072 810 3307. GC MAT EN MEUBEL - SKOONMAAKDIENSTE. Flinke en betroubare diens. Beskostigbare pryse. Onder eienaar toesig. Kontak 011 814 6544 of 079 856 0647. R&P SKOONMAKERS: Wil u n skoon erf h? Moeg vir rommel? Ons maak skoon en vewyder! Skoonmaak van huise en tuine as u wil intrek of uittrek. Plotte en plase welkom. Skakel my gerus. Ronel 072 013 3667. SPEEDY CARPET CLEANING: Average 3 bedr house for R250 and extra room R50. We clean any day of the year. Contact Louis 079 526 7684.

GENCOLEC - New electrical installations or repairs & C.O.Cs including any size intercom system & security lights. Supply & fitment of any type carports, palissade fencing & sliding gate. Full installations and repairs on Centurion/ Duraslide sliding & swing gate motors & garage door automation. Supply, fitment & repairs on any lenght electric fencing at a very low cost. For speedy & reliable service call Riaan Jooste 083 460 5257. MAKHOANA CONSTRUCTION CC MKNC Building maintenance, brick work. Plastering, paving, painting, tiling and roof. Lapa + braaistand, renovations. Additions, house improvements. You name it, we do it. For fast efficient service and competetive quotes. Phone 083 480 0197. Philemon. NHBRC Registered.

SPRAY-ALL PAINT PROJECTS: for all your painting solutions. Domestic & Industrial. Call us for a free quotation. Raynier 082 322 1048.

KWALATA KONSTRUKSIE: Opknapping, kombuiseenhede, loodgieters, skrynwerk, elektries hek outomatisering. KWALATA CONSTRUCTION: Renovations, kitchen units, plumbing, carpentry electrical gate automation. Frans Pretorius 082 497 3066.




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

ROMMELVERWYDERING/BOOMVELLING. Verwyder enige rommel. Velling van enige boom. Opruiming van gestorte / beskadigde vragte (ongelukstoneel rehabilitasie). Algemene vervoer. Beste pryse. Suikerbos Transport - Hennie 082 890 9516. MOSES RADEBE: Verwyder rommel en bome vir afgelope 16 jaar. Baie betroubaar. Kontak 082 962 6711. FUNTIME GARDEN SERVICES: We will provide you with quality free time and a beautiful garden while you sit back and relax, so call now for your dream garden. Call now for a free quote to receive the best service at the best price and permanent supervision for your safety. 072 576 8049. ADONAIS TUINDIENSTE: Persoonlike toesig en aandag deur eienaar. Ons stap die ekstra myl om te verseker ons klinte kry diens van uitstaande gehalte. Skakel ons gerus vir gratis kwitasie in Heidelberg en Nigel. Aan God al die eer. Kontak 082 066 5262. PROFESSIONAL GARDEN SERVICES: 7 Years experience. Personal supervision. Also once off clean ups. Rubble removal + tree cutting. Nigel only. Contact Ria 078 380 8301.

HAARKAPPER OVERKRUIN. Seuns hare sny R45, Mans sny R50, Dames kort hare sny R60. Dames lang hare sny R70, Perm kort hare R150, tint kort hare R150. Kontak Elrida 016 341 2746 of 076 509 8368. Avory Shlain produkte beskikbaar. MAGNESIUM OLIE VIR PYN. RAFAA VIR SPYSVERTERING. PAMPOENSADE VIR PROSTAAT. DETOX PRODUKTE. Beskikbaar by 2 Your Health Gesondheidswinkel 25 Meyerstraat Heidelberg. 016 341 3168 of 082 491 9093.

ALLE FUNKSIES: Annetjie Lehman is weer volstroom in die onthaal bedryf met n pragtige onthaal area en alles wat nodig is om jou funksie op almal se lippe te h. Kontak ons vir billike pryse en alle bybehore. Annetjie of Veronique 082 414 9985 of 011 814 3052. OPPIEDAM MAAK VAN ENIGE GELEENTHEID n fees in die natuur. Ons spesialiseer in troues, verjaadagpartytjies, vergaderings, konferensies ens. Grasdaklapa en - kerk by waterkant. Ook selfsorgeenhede beskikbaar. 3km vanaf Visagiepark op Balfourpad. Kordinate S26 26.995, O28 - 31.777. Kantoor 083 411 3040. Doris 082 695 9194 Esta 083 271 9851. Maak n afspraak. Kom sien ons! BESTEL NOU: Boere brode wit of bruin. Regte boere beskuit, nat of uitgedroogde anys-, mosbolletjies, soet-, enige bruin beskuit. Vrugte en grootkoeke. Enige soort kleinkoekies en mooiste cup cakes. Verskeidenheid platters. Kontak 082 858 3268. THE PARTY PLANNER - FUNKSIE VERHURINGS Tafels, stoele, tafeldoeke, stoelrokkies, stoelbande, overlays, runners, borde, under plates, messe, vurke, glase, koppies en pierings, blom vase, blom / kersstaanders, springkastele. Kontak Theuns 082 447 2491 of Magda 084 032 9969 vir kwotasies en pryslys. Email: Website:

EJ & RS PRINTING SERVICES: Besigheidskaartjies, faktuurboeke ens. Fotostate (S & W + kleur), alle tikwerk, boekies, laminering tot A3, faksdiens, internetkafee, ringbind, Ink cartridge hervulling, begrafnisbulletins, kalenders, verkoop nuwe rekenaars en ens. Breytenbachstraat 93, Nigel Tel/Faks 011 814 5158 of sel: 082 658 3919. email: TAX REMEDIES: Accountants and tax consultants. Individual Tax Returns, VAT, PAYE, CC Registrations, Financial statements and more. We resolve your tax problems. Call: 016 341 3399. 37 Mare Street, Heidelberg. E-mail: Website:

BLUEFROG POOLS NIGEL will take care of your pool needs. No need to travel to other towns! *Free water tests, *Chemicals, *Filters, *Motors, *Pool repairs etc. Give us a call @ 011 814 3229 or Jacob Coetzer, 084 898 3323; Jacques Jamneck, 082 756 3207. Heidelberg Rd, (next to Kings Butchery) for excellent, sparkling service and advice!

RITA LUES PHOTOGRAPHY - Professional wedding photography with flair. Studio shoots - special memories are captured for a gift with a personal touch. Family portraits, pregnancy & newborns, kids photos & boudoir.Call 073 246 6223 or visit DIGITAL PHOTOLAB: Foto Friends. We take ID, passport and Visa photos. Professional printing and photo shop of any photos. Photo books, canvas prints and enlargements up to A1 family photos, model portfolios, baby & children photos. Professional wedding photography and videos. For more info call 016 349 1736 (general enquiries). Yolanda Billing 082 412 0294 (photographer and make - up artist) Chanelle Billing (lab and studio manager) Dirkie Lochner 072 736 2796 (videos).

PLAYCARE EXPRESS - EMERGENCY DAYCARE Getting things done, while your little one is safe and having fun! 26 Rissik Street, Heidelberg. Tania 016 349 2395 / 083 692 9704.

SLEGTE - HAAR- DAG. Ek kom na u toe. Mobiele Haarsalon. Snye R70. Sny + blaas R100. Pensioenarisse sny R45. Sny + blaas R80. Mans sny R60. Pensioenarisse mans R45. Kinders laer - horskool R40. Studente en tuisteskeppers R50. Kontak Charmain 072 539 3850. PERFECT BEAUTY HEIDELBERG. Full set acrylic nails opening special R80. Pedicure R60 with gel toes R100. Big specials on waxing. Big specials on highligts, cut & blowwave only R250. Mens cut R50, boys R30. Pensioners cut R40. Nu skin facial special R100. Salon colour 4 sale, matric & wedding specials. We are operating now from 55 Pretorius Street Heidelberg. Contact Cindy 073 322 2052. EKSOTIESE MASSERINGS: Kontak Sonja 076 034 5992. Heidelberg 09:00 - 18:00.

SPRINGKASTELE / JUMPING CASTLES: Nuwe adventure Island, jumpside en tropical Island, helikopters ens. Aflewering kan gerel word. Afslag as u self kom optel vanaf R250 p.dag. Kleuter stoele en tafels. Kontak Chris 011 814 4646 of 083 305 6100. Visit our website: JUMPING KIDS: HIRE FOR 1 DAY - KEEP FOR 2 days.Ons lewer af en kom haal.Verskeidenheid van kastele vir elke ouderdom. Playstation, Wurm, Tropical Island, Super Gladiator & groot verskeidenheid. Belinda by 082 554 6160. Visit our website: PARTY EXTREEM - Rel en opstel van kinderpartytjies by u woning vir eie gerief? Verhuring van kindertafels en stoele, tafeldoeke, stoeloortreksels en bande, voorsien ook: lekkergoedpakkies, tema bybehore, koeke, ballonne, uitnodigings en baniere. Vir gratis kwotasie kontak. Adele 082 456 2862. STUKKIES & STOKKIES (77 Fenter Street, Heidelberg) Unique venue with beautiful garden and water features next to the river. Now open for functions, parties, weddings. Large 60m lapa and deck for functions. Projector available. Full function and wedding coordination, decorating & catering provided. Contact Illze 073 616 6199. Website: www. or email :

TJ PIENAAR MEUBELVERVOER Plaaslik en Republiekwyd en Stoorgeriewe. Streng persoonlike toesig. Telefoon en faks dag en nag. 016 341 4480 of 083 748 9856 / 082 798 7051. ALL-WAYS Meubelvervoer en berging. Toe voertuie, opgeleide personeel met ondervinding om u verhuising so gemaklik en glad as moontlik te maak. 011 744 3737 TK TRANSPORT - HEIDELBERG: Plaaslik en omliggende dorpe. Vervoer van meubelment. 2 Tonner bakkie + trailer in diens. Verwyder enige tuinrommel. Boomvelling. Baie billike tariewe. Skakel Theresa 082 626 5299/ Deon: 072 639 0667 vir gratis kwotasie. LEKO TRANSPORT & MEUBELVERVOER Vir plaaslike & landwye meubel en algemene vervoer. Laat ons u verhuisings so gemaklik moontlik maak. Alle grootte voertuie beskikbaar 1.5 ton tot 34 ton. Toebak meubelwaens en platbakke sleepwaens. Koos - 082 605 1255, Charmaine - 083 768 6027. Kantoor/faks - 011 814 5111.

ALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS: RHR Appliances, we do repairs to fridges, freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, stoves, dishwashers and commercial fridges. Contact Ria 011 740 3395 / 7250 or 072 703 1165 / 7.

DREAM CREATIONS @ DVINE GARDEN CAF 18 Van Der Stel Street, Nigel. 011 814 3612. Open 6 days a week for Breakfast & lunch. Your one stop function and decor shop. Perfect venue for kiddies parties, baby showers, kitchen teas, weddings, 21st and any parties. For venue and restaurant queries visit, For decor ideas and queries visit Also on Facebook - DVine Functions Caf. WEDDING WORLD SPRINGS A - Z vir troues & partytjies! 200 + ontwerpers + ingevoerde trourokke, aanddrag, moedersuitrustings Ontwerp en maak van droomrokke vanaf prentjie - te koop of huur! 400 mans en seunspakke ens. Verhuring van breekgoed, eetgerei, tafellinne, vase en meer. Vriendelike diens. Redelike pryse. Kontak Elize 011 811 5776 of 083 280 4584.

SALE TE HUUR! Kenmekaar Dienssentrum, Eerstelaan 41, Nigel. 2 Sale en n konferensiekamer beskikbaar. Tafels en stoele ingesluit. 7 Dae per week. Breekware, eetgerei en tafeldoeke beskikbaar. Spyseniering kan gedoen word. Kontak Riana 011 814 7017.

JR & KIDZ TRAILER HIRE HEIDELBERG. 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m, luggage, bike and car trailers available. Rent on day/week or month basis from R100 to R250 per day. Business hours: Mon - Friday 07:00 - 17:00. Sat, Sun and public holidays 07:00 14:00. 12 DF Malan Street Rensburg Phone James @ 082 570 7992 or Elize @ 079 491 0121.

PLAAS JOU TROUE, ONTHALE OF jaareindfunksies in die ervare hande van ANLU spyseniering. Ek behartig dit elders of hier op ons plaas Uitkyk, in ons mooi tuin. Ek doen self die spyseniering en die blomme, indien verkies (20 jaar + ondervinding) Die volgende is ook te huur: markiestent, tafels, tafeldoeke, overlays, blomstaanders, stoele, breekware en stoeloortreksels. Kontak Annatjie by 011 819 1679 of 083 469 7099. NEED A VENUE Goldfields Lodge and Conference Centre - Specialise in Weddings, Birthday Parties, Conferencing or any other functions you can imagine! View our website: 082 641 9184 /

MAXINES DOGGY PARLOUR: Professional pet groming for all breeds. Free collect & deliver service in Nigel area. Best prices on Montego, Jock & Lifestyle dogfood. Contact Elize or Maxine 082 043 4596.

ERNMORE COMPUTER, PRINTING & SIGNAGE. Tel 011 814 4242. Eeufeeslaan 27. New computers, networks, software, updates, repairs, full colour digital printing, posters, business card, binding, flyers. Full colour sign boards, shop fronts, banners, magnetic signs, stickers, name badges. Kodak photo printing and much more.


16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


SEKELBOSHOUT TE KOOP 7 kg sakke @ R13.50. Jacobs Str. 40 - Distributor Services. Tel 087 151 4750. ANTIQUES OUDHEDE Ons koop, verkoop en restoureer meubels. Groot verskeidenheid nou beskikbaar. Kom loer gerus in. Skakel ons by 016 349 2175 of Wena 082 785 9108. JUMBO SALE: Laaikas, outydse houthangkas, 2 scwinn bergfietse, babakot, baba stootwaentjie, 125cc Monster Big Boy quad, spielkas, 2 kinder kampstoele, kopstuk vir 2-3 beddens, 2 sement pilare, tuin klippe en pebbles, 2 houttafels, faksmasjien (splinternuut), printer (3-in-1), motor trailer, kombuistafel met 4 stoele, 4m trailer. Alle pryse drasties verlaag. Kontak 082 570 7992. SUPERMEUBELS, 42 SCHOEMAN STR HEIDELBERG 016 341 4445. Ons het n stukkie kant, babaklere, koppies en pierings, tafels en stoele, sitkamerstelle, eetkamerstelle, kombuiskaste en nog oudhede. Porselein poppe, bedkassies, groot glas vase, divan matrasse 2 vir R160. Nuwe motor en bakkie bande en nog vele meer. Annatjie, Nanette, Slapkoek, Amos & David.. Super groete.... MANUFACTURERS FACTORY SALE: Fans from R79 damaged cartons. Box fans without cartons. One year guarantee. 14 Albert Street, Industrial Area Heiedelberg 016 349 2185 or 016 341 7054.


GOLDFIELDS LODGE (FOUR STARS) Nigel 011 814 7104 or 082 641 9184 Heidelberg 016 341 5272 or 079 694 6360 NIGEL - Permanent accommodation flats available. Security complex with DSTV dish. Bachelors flat - R2000; One bedr flat - R2500; Two bedr flat - R3000. Stuur asb applikasie na: of faks: 086 627 5041. HEIDELBERG KLOOF LODGE AND CONFERENCE CENTRE: 4 star, 18 luxury rooms en - suite, DSTV and aircon. 079 122 1708 HEIDELBERG ACCOMODATION: Double / Five sleeper rooms. Meals provided. Television, swimming pool, bar, pool table, braai area and lapas. Gaarona Lodge 016 349 6424. VAKANSIE AKKOMODASIE: Aan die oewer van die Vaal Rivier! 2 slpk, 2 badk, komb, sitk, stoep. Kan visvang, bootry of enige watersport doen. R500 per aand naweke. Min 2 aande bespreek. Kontak Charmaine 083 321 3985. DESEMBER SKOOLVAKANSIE: Akkommodasie beskikbaar 9 tot 16 Desember 2011. 2 tot 9 Januarie 2012. R100 pp pn. Kontak Rita 016 349 1208 of 082 580 6080. ACCOMODATION: Selfcatering accommodation. Furnished rooms @ R250 pp pn or R5000 pm. Cleaning service included weekdays. Safe parking. Contact Charmaine 083 321 3985.

WOONWAENS, SLEEPWAENS EN MOTORS: Het u n karavaan, sleepwa of voertuig onder R20 000 wat staan en verniel? Kontak Johan 016 349 1208 of 072 588 6496.

KONSULTANTE BENODIG vir welbekende sekuriteitsmaatskappy. Bereid te wees om dadelik te begin. Vergoeding, kommissie basis. Ho inkomste potensiaal. Kontak 011 739 5931. PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT: Experienced waiters and waitresses needed for weddings and functions at Stukkies & Stokkies. Please email CV to Contact Illze 073 616 6199. KANTOORDAME: Algemene administratiewe werk. Vereistes: Rekenaargeletterd, goeie telefoon-vaardigheid & eie vervoer. Pastel kennis sal voordeel wees. Stuur CV 086 634 8801 of JONGMAN BENODIG by Transformator besigheid. Vereistes: Goeie menseverhoudinge en eie vervoer. Stuur CV 086 634 8801 or VAKATURE: Ontvangsdame / Optometriese assistent. Oogkundige praktyk in Heidelberg benodig ontvangsdame / optom assistent voltyds. Moet tweetalig wees. Fax CV na 016 341 7562 of email TEMPORARY POSITION: Data entry and formatting, 1-3 months. Must be fluent in English and have basic computer literacy skills. Will be transferring data from Microsoft Word and PDF documents to another program. Payment R700 - R1000 per week depending on quality and amount of work done. Must be able to start ASAP. Heidelberg CBD. Werner 082 563 5134.

ALL AUTO ELECTRICAL SPARES. Starters, alternators & distributors - New and recon units, as well as servicing and repairs of old units. Modules and coils with testing on-site. All spotlights, globes, wiring, accessories and consumables. 40 Jacobs street, Heidelberg 087 151 4750 / Werner 082 563 5134 Robbie 083 563 6922. SERVICE AND REPAIRS on: Trucks, trailers, forklifts. We also do airbrakes & auto electrical CO7 on all vechiles. ADE 366 Turbo and natural engines service exchange. Contact Gert 082 461 4468 or Lilanie 072 139 4338. Mobile Automotive Aircon & Refrigeration Repairs. Aircon Repairs to Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Mining equipment, Combines Stropers All work guaranteed. Daniel 082 348 4499 LET US FIX IT: Service cars & trucks. Specialise in turbo conversions, clutch - & brake overhauls, engine -, gearbox & diff overhauls plus repairs. EF service t/a Low Budget Racing & Repairs. No job to big or too small. For quotes or repairs call Eddie 082 925 6624 or 016 341 4785 or visit 7 Bunsen Street, Heidelberg. Qualifications/Experience: Computer literate with advanced PC skills (Word, Excel, Pastel). Debtors qualifications Good communication skills Liaise and report to top management Good reporting skills Must be a person who is honest, hardworking and be a leader. Interested persons may e-mail their CVs to or fax it to 086 541 2681. VACANCIES




NOAHS ARK PETSHOP TEL: 011 814 4514 Noord Straat 132, Nigel. Vols, saad, visse, viskos, Koikos, akwariums, krieke, meelwurms, bearded dragons, hondekos (3-in-1). Avi-plus produkte. 7 dae oop per week. 09:00-17:00. Naweke en vakansiedae 09:00-16:00 DANIES DOGGY SALON (VANAF 1990) 016 341 5733. Vir professionele diens, alle rasse! Op en aflaai diens. Pick-up and delivery service. Ook in voorraad. Kwaliteit honde speelgoed, bedjies ens teen die beste pryse. Wampum Antibacterial mouth spray for bad breath. Wampum shampoo vir sensitiewe vel. Skakel vroegtydig. DRINGEND BENODIG VIR DESEMBER Enige beeste, kalwers en slagvarke. Maak gebruik van ho pryse. Kontak 073 353 5340. BASSETS Tri colour R1300 each. Mini Pinschers small type R1500 each. Miniature Dachsunds black + tan males, chocolate female R850 each. Contact 072 516 4016. PRAGTIGE OPERGGETEELDE boerboel puppies, gebore 11 Oktober 201. Slegs 5 reuntjies oor teen R600 per hondjie. Om teleurstelling te voorkom kom kies joune nou. Kontak 082 570 7992. SPCA HEIDELBERG DOG CLASSES - Fun classes once a month for big and small, even puppies. Grown up dogs must be highly socialised. Cost R30 per dog. You can buy your treats and equipment on day. First class on afternoon 19/11/2011 @ SPCA, time will be confirmed as per booking. Please send SMS to Ilze vd Walt 082 921 4448 to book your place.

For more Property to let go to page 17

NSB Motors (Pty) Ltd.

Requires the services of a

Must have car sales experience in new and used vehicles. Salary negotiable. To start as soon as possible. Contact Heine: 083 277 8887

SELF STORAGE MINI UNITS: Electric fence. Motorised gate. CCTV camera. Fingerprint access control. Sizes 3x3m / 3x4.5m / 3x6m / 3x9m with 2.1 or 2.7m roll-up doors. Phone Erika 016 341 6102 office hours. 12 m CONTAINER TO RENT / STORAGE on secure premises at Heidelberg Agricultural Holdings. R1200 pm + dep. Forklift available on premises. Contact Hennie 082 890 9516. VLOERSPASIE TE HUUR: Vir stoorplek doeleindes, klein fabriek of kantore in Heidelberg industrile gebied. Kontak 082 807 0934 of 016 341 2520.

Kontant word betaal vir gebruikte voertuie in goeie toestand. Modelle 2005 - 2010. Skakel Paulo by 016 341 6107 or 082 969 1511


Aansoeke word ingewag vir die bogenoemde pos. Suksesvolle kandidaat moet selfstandig en sonder toesig kan werk Moet in die besit wees van n geldige bestuurslisensie Moet bereid wees om naweke te werk. Aansoeke kan afgehaal word by Kenmekaar Dienssentrum en ingehandig word tesame met n CV. Geen fakse sal aanvaar word nie Aansoekers sal volledig ingelig word oor die pligte wat gedoen moet word en vergoedingspakket. Sluitingsdatum: 23 November 2011 Navrae: Hannetjie 011 814 7017/8 Indien u nie van ons gehoor het binne 14 dae na sluitingsdatum nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol.

EXTREME CARWASH FOR SALE: 19 Kerk Street Nigel. R60 000. Negotiable. Contact Anton 071 433 5273. EK KOOP BYNA alle tweedehandse motors, bakkies, combis en Double cabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Kontak Unes 082 959 9120 of 072 203 1614.

Certified Used Vehicles

DRINGEND OP SOEK NA GOEIE GEBRUIKTE motors en bakkies.Kontant word betaal. Skakel Stephan by Stander Motors, HF Verwoerdstr 66, Nigel. Tel: 011 814 2575 / 082 580 9495.


Plase van enige grootte met verbeterings, lande en weiding. Kommersile en Residensile eiendomme.

Skakel Johan de Wet 083 701 8527 BALFOUR EIENDOMME

BENODIG 2de handse breimasjiene. Require 2nd hand knitting machines. Contact 082 684 9534 or 076 318 9259.

For more Property for sale go to page 17

LOANS FROM R1000 UP TO R100 000. Garnished or blacklisted welcome. No ITC check. Requirements; latest payslip, ID copy and 3 month bank statement. Fax 086 601 7250 or contact 083 641 4885. PERSONAL LOANS R5000 - R200 000. Blacklisted garnished welcome. Contact Sabelo 073 016 2565. PERSONAL LOANS: No ITC checks, garnished and blacklisted its welcome. We consolidate. R1000 up to R100 000. Contact Saney 072 364 6725. PERSONAL LOANS: From R1000 to R15000 for 12 months to pay. No credit checks, 1 hour approval, the money will be transfered withing 15 minutes. Contact Thabiso 083 696 8725.



Qualified Gr R Educator
VACANCY: Grade D security officer wanted. Shifts. Contact 082 899 3033. NIGEL LADY WANTED FOR WORKSHOP: Admin, technical and computer literate. Email CV to Fax 011 814 2074 or bring CV in for attention Kobus. Closing date 23 November 2011. EARN EXTRA CASH: Work from home, work during your own time. No experience needed, no computer needed. For more information send SMS with your name and address to 078 973 4216. BERGERS LADIES BOUTIQUE NIGEL: Lady age 30 to 50 urgently required for a casual permanent position. Must be honest, hardworking and a pleasant personality with previous sales and admin experience. Contact Rosa 011 814 3223 or 076 735 2707. Requirements: Minimum of 3 years experience Contact Val or Debbie at 016 349 1201 (between 8:00 - 13:00) for an appointment for interview. NB! WE STILL HAVE OPENINGS FOR GR RR LEARNERS FOR 2012.





Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

We are seeking ambitious, goal driven, people-orientated individuals who wish to embark on a successful career within the financial industry. Requirements: Matric (minimum) Valid drivers licence and own transport essential. Ability to prospect new business opportunities and build strong customer relations. We provide: Top remunerations Management support In-dept financial planning training Product training Office infrastructure Excellent group benefits A Tertiary qualification and previous selling experience an advantage Age preferably from 28 upwards. Fax CVs to 086 694 5184 or email to: 4622

LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, GAUTENG ADVERTISEMENT - EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS, ON EITHER THE PRESCRIBED FORM OR VIA A CV, ARE AWAITED FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION AT THE LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, WHICH IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DEPARTMENT: FINANCE SECTION: SUPPLY CHAIN, EXPENDITURE AND SALARIES POST: ACCOUNTANT (EXPENDITURE) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. A Bachelors degree in Finance with at least 3 years work related experience. 2. Compliance with the competency areas prescribed in the treasury Regulations on minimum competency levels 3. Computer literacy, Interpersonal, Management and Leadership skills. 4. Financial management experience within a municipal environment will be advantageous JOB REQUIREMENTS: v To supervise subordinates in order for the section to perform in terms of required objectives v To check the balancing of cashbook and creditors for the purpose of ensuring compliance in terms of MFMA v To be responsible for the payment of salaries and to prepare the cash flow to determine the amount available for investments and amount needed for withdrawal v To draft personnel budget for the purpose of budget process and revised budget v To check and approve the creditors and sundry creditors for payment v To balance and adjust appropriately (reconcile) suspense, sundry and other creditor control accounts v To conduct administrative duties and assist in compilation of financial statements v To check over work performed on PAY DAY, payments of creditors and sundries, bank reconciliation and purchasing of equipments and materials v Responsible for month end and year end procedures on E-Venus and Pay Day v Responsible for submitting IRP 5s to SARS via e-filing v Responsible for balancing of salaries between E-Venus and Pay Day v Responsible for retention account, balancing and provision for retention and the payments v Responsible for the Councillors remuneration, budgeting and balancing on a monthly basis v Responsible for the balancing of the section 57 employees salaries and reports for the annual financial statements v Responsible for the budgeting of the WCA and skills development and the payment thereof SALARY: R183255 R237878 p/annum TASK GRADE: T12 of a B4 Municipality ENQUIRIES: Kindly contact Mrs Willemien Lourens (HR Manager) or Mrs Nerina Ramsammy on 016 340 4475 at the HR section, for any clarity with regards to the abovementioned positions. Should a candidate be appointed and decline appointment; such candidate may be held liable for advertising cost. If applicants have not been contacted within 1 MONTH from the closing date they can assume that their applications have been unsuccessful. Applicants should hand in their CVs at the Department Corporate Services: HR Section, or fax a comprehensive CV to 086 643 5251 for the attention of the HR Manager before or on closing date Friday: 25 November 2011 before 12:00pm. Lesedi Local Municipality Offices PO Box 201, HEIDELBERG, Gauteng V NDZINYANA CFO
Notice No: 76/2011; File Reference: 4/3/3/3

LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, GAUTENG ADVERTISEMENT - EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS, ON EITHER THE PRESCRIBED FORM OR VIA A CV, ARE AWAITED FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION/S AT THE LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, WHICH IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES SECTION: HEALTH POST: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. National Diploma/BTech in Public Health 2. Management skills, Air, noise and water pollution skills, in service training is an advantage 3. 3 years experience in the required field is essential 4. Excellent interpersonal skills and capacity to withstand stress 5. Must be physically fit 6. Valid Code EB drivers licence JOB REQUIREMENTS Candidates must be able: v To conduct routine and general inspection in terms of the Health Act v To ensure that the community has safe food, safe water and a healthy environment v To conduct investigations of complaints in order to bring harmony within the community in relation to health standards v To conduct administration duties so as to have coordinated activities v To upgrade the state of the environment v To control health and safety at initiation schools v To conduct civil defence to ensure that when disasters happen, services are available to assist residents SALARY: R155225 per annum TASK GRADE : T11 of a B4 Municipality ENQUIRIES: Kindly contact Mrs Willemien Lourens (HR Manager) or Mrs Nerina Ramsammy on 016 340 4475 at the HR section, for any clarity with regards to the abovementioned positions. Should a candidate be appointed and decline appointment; such candidate may be held liable for advertising cost. If applicants have not been contacted within 1 MONTH from the closing date they can assume that their applications have been unsuccessful. Applicants should hand in their CVs at the Department Corporate Services: HR Section, or fax a comprehensive CV to 086 643 5251 for the attention of the HR Manager before or on closing date Friday: 25 November 2011 before 12:00pm. Lesedi Local Municipality Offices PO Box 201 HEIDELBERG, Gauteng MC MOKOENA EXEC MANAGER: COMMUNITY SERVICES Notice No: 76/2011; File Reference: 4/3/3/6

LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, GAUTENG ADVERTISEMENT - EXTERNAL (3 YEARS FIXED TERM CONTRACT) APPLICATIONS, ON EITHER THE PRESCRIBED FORM OR VIA A CV, ARE AWAITED FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION/S AT THE LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, WHICH IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. OFFICE DESIGNATION: MAYORS OFFICE POST: VIP PROTECTION OFFICERS (2) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must have Matric (Grade 12) 2. Must have relevant experience in VIP protection or in other related field 3. Must have Diploma in Security Management 4. Two (2) years Driving Experience (related to VIP driving and VIP Protection) 5. Must be in possession of a Fire Arm Competency certificate JOB REQUIREMENTS Candidates must be able: v To perform security and safety related duties v To ensure that the Executive Mayor; other relevant dignitaries and Associates are safe and secure v To perform chauffeur duties v To perform general office administration activities v To do informal and formal reporting on the execution of the duties of the post v To interact with institutions/persons to ensure that the responsibilities of the post are met v Perform any other security related duties as instructed by the supervisor v To work irregular hours and extensive traveling SALARY: R 164 404 per annum (Total Cost to Company excluding post operational requirements benefits) TASK GRADE : T10 of a B4 Municipality ENQUIRIES: Kindly contact Mrs Willemien Lourens (HR Manager) or Mrs Nerina Ramsammy on 016 340 4475 at the HR section, for any clarity with regards to the abovementioned positions. Should a candidate be appointed and decline appointment; such candidate may be held liable for advertising cost. If applicants have not been contacted within 1 MONTH from the closing date, they can assume that their applications have been unsuccessful. Applicants should hand in their CVs at the Department Corporate Services: HR Section, or fax a comprehensive CV to 086 643 5251 for the attention of the HR Manager before or on closing date 18 November 2011 before 12:00pm. Lesedi Local Municipality Offices PO Box 201, HEIDELBERG, Gauteng MC MOKOENA ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Notice No: 75/2011, File Reference: 4/3/2

The Dipaleseng Municipality with its seat in Balfour, Mpumalanga, invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the under mentioned position Position: Municipal Manager [REF MM01/11] (Five Years Fixed Term Performance Based Contract) Remuneration Package: Negotiable Requirements: An appropriate B degree or equivalent qualification Post graduate qualification in Management will be an added advantage A minimum of five years experience at a senior Management level Extensive knowledge of legislation pertaining local government Proven ability to communicate and negotiate at all spheres and levels of government Financial Management, service delivery innovations and strategic leadership Key performance areas Develop an economical , effective , efficient and accountable administration in accordance with Council policies and applicable legislation Ensuring that Councils vision and strategies are achieved through effective and efficient performance management system Coordinating the development and implementation of the municipal IDP and budget Facilitating community participation in the municipal in municipal affairs Appointing, , managing , effectively utilising and training staff and maintain their discipline Promote sound labour relations in compliance with applicable legislation Effectively align development priorities with those of other spheres of government in the context of cooperative governance Provide sound advice to political structures on Council matters Efficient management of income, expenditure and assets in compliance with Municipal Finance Management Act of 2003 Applications letters accompanied by comprehensive CV and certified copies of qualifications and ID copy can be addressed to the Executive Mayor Cllr N.S Nhlapo, Dipaleseng Municipality, Private bag 1005; Balfour 2410 or they can be hand delivered at Dipaleseng Municipality cnr Johhny Mokoena and Themba Shozi Street Balfour 2410. No late or faxed application would be accepted. Closing date:25 TH November 2011. Administrative Enquiries to be directed to Human Resources at 017 773 0055. The municipality reserves the right not to appoint. CLLR NS NHLAPO EXECUTIVE MAYOR










16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40




Jacobstr. 50C, HEIDELBERG. TEL: 016 341 2633
JORDAANPARK: Teldak, 4 slpk, 2 badk, studk, naaldwerkk, swembad, sitk, TVk, wask en kombuis met baie kaste. D/motorhuis, D/afdakke. R1 350 000. HEIDELBERG: Teldak, klinkersteen, naby skole & besighede. 3 Slpk, plus studeerk, groot sitk, eetk, TVk, braai, D/Motorhuis en afdakke. R1 150 000. RENSBURG: Teldak, 4 slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, komb, waskamer, D/motrhuis. R 780 000. RENSBURG: 3 Slpk, 1 badk, D/Motorhuis. R550 000 NIGEL: 3 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, kombuis en 2 motorhuise. R550 000 RENSBURG (Nuut gebou): 3 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, 2 M/huise. R680 000 RENSBURG: 4 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, komb, wask en 2 stoepe. R650 000 RENSBURG: Teldak, opw, 3 slpk, 2badk, sitk, komb, TVk, wask, D/Motorhuis plus swembad. R850 000.

DUNNOTTAR R1000 CASH BACK Brandnew 2 bed/ 2 bathoom units, secure complex, prepaid elec from R3200 pm. Contact Ebeneda 083 661 4670. *Terms and Conditions apply. NIGEL: Ruim 2 slpk woonstel. Sit eetkamer, kombuis badkamer, motorhuis baie veilige woonstelkompleks. Koopkrag. Dep R3200 + R3200 pm. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011.Geen diere. Kontak Piet 078 507 9800. NIGEL UITB 2: Netjiese 2 slpk tuinwoonstel te huur. Privaat ingang, veilige onderdak parkering, tuintjie en braai area. Kontant krag. Dep R2800 + huur R2800 pm. Kontak 071 460 6046. NIGEL FERRYVALE: House to rent. 3 bedr, lounge, dining, bath, separate toilet. Cash power. Carport, garden with fruit trees. Occupation 1 December 2011. R3500 pm. Contact J Oosthuizen 083 273 6921. Office hours only 8:00am to 16:30 pm. FERRYVALE: Ruim en netjiese 3 slpk woonhuis met kaste, sitk, eet - TV kamer, komb en badk. Telvloere, kontantkrag. 3 Afdakke, stoork. R3900 pm + dep. Kontak 073 272 6527. NIGEL: 1 Kamer woonstel met badk, komb en afdak. Kontantkrag. Woonstel agter huis. Eie ingang. Palisade en veilig. R1600 pm + dep. Kontak 073 272 6527. DUNNOTTAR Woonstel te huur. 2 slpk baie netjies getel. Motorafdak. Veilig naby fasiliteite R2800 pm + deposito verlang. Kontak 082 775 3545 of saans 011 818 3011. NIGEL KLEIN KOMPLEKS: Angelo Mall 500m. 2 slpk 2 badk (een en - suite) Koopkrag, veilig, omhein, toegangshek afstandbeheer. Privaat braai / wasgoedlyn. Toesluit motorh. Ekstra parkeing. Pragtig. Onmiddellik beskikbaar R3800 pm Kontak 083 655 1538. JORDAANPARK: Large house, beautiful garden, 4 big bed, 2 bath, oak fitted kitchen, lounge, seperate dining, washroom, double garage, plenty parking. Outside & storeroom. Contact 083 395 2786. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Meenthuis te huur. 38 Van Gogh Mews. 3 slpk, 1 badk, oopplan komb, sit - en eetk. Toesluit motorh. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R4500 pm + dep. Kontak Riaan 083 326 5404. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL:1 & 2 slpk woonstel, onmiddellik beskikbaar. Loop afstand vanaf besighede. Slegs 1 voertuig, geen troeteldiere. 2 slpk is dubbel verdieping met steil trappe nie geskik vir jong kinders en bejaardes. Eenhede nuut oorgedoen, baie veilig, koopkrag. 1 slaap (grond verdieping) R3000, 2 slaap R3200 pm + dep. Jerry 083 380 3345. RENSBURG: 2 bedroom townhouse from 1 December 2011. Small garden and garage. Very neat. R3700 pm + 1 month dep in advance. Contact 079 886 5130. BERGSIG: 10 Vertrek woonhuis. Dubbel motorhuis. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011. Dep R4000. Maandeliks R6000. Kontak 078 317 7720 of 072 115 9541 of 082 375 4260. RENSBURG TE HUUR OF TE KOOP: 2 slpk woonstel, een badk. Kontak Riana 082 836 5204. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2011. R3000 pm + dep en koopkrag. TE HUUR: Ruim 2 slpk huis, omhein 17km uit Heidelberg. Veilig. Kontak 082 759 9622. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Protea. Slegs enkelverdieping grondvlak. Woonvertrek, eetk, komb, badk en 2 slpk. Stoep en toesluit motorhuis. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R3250 pm + dep. Kontak 082 572 0282 of 016 341 5252. HEIDELBERG CENTRAL: Spacious 5 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / livingroom, separate dining and lounge, scullery, pantry, study and lush garden. Twin automated garages and lockable carport, storeroom. Alarm system. Included garden services. W & E excl. Dep required. Rent R8600 pm. Available 1 January 2012. Contact 083 630 9456. TO RENT: Bachelors flat available 1 December 2011. R1500 pm + W & E. Dep negotiable. Contact Rita 016 349 1208 or 082 580 6080. KAYDALE PLOT TO RENT: 6 Acres. 4 bedr house. 2 x 1 bedr, 1 x 2 bedr, 2 workshops, 1 x double garage, precast fencing, 2 boreholes. Olive and fruit trees. 1 small reservoir. Contact Katz 082 447 5588 or 010 247 0027. SENTRAAL MEENTHUIS TE HUUR: 3 slpk, 2 badk, opwas, komb, eetk, TVk, patio met braai en dubbel motorhuis. Baie veilig. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. Kontak Charmaine 083 321 3985. HANNABELLA MEENTHUIS TE HUUR: R5000pm + dep. 2 slpk, 2 badk, oopplan kombuis + sitk, enkel motorh + afdak in sekuriteitskompleks. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. Kontak Annelize 082 908 9229. JORDAANPARK. VILLA TOSCANA: 2 slpk woonstel.R3300 pm Kontak Marius 082 462 3151. RENSBURG: 3 bedr, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, dining area, outside toilet, large yard. Available as soon as possible. R5000 pm neg. Contact 082 345 6580. HEIDELBERG WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Eslin nr 24. 2 slpk, 2 badk, sitk en komb. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R3200 pm. Kontak Bok 082 575 2844. DO YOU NEED OFFICE SPACE? 7 Official facilities available in Heidelberg Gauteng. In centre of town. Unit with 7 offices. Council chamber incl, large walkin strongroom. Ideal for doctors surgery, dentist, attorneys, brokers, beauty parlour or distributors. 100+ usage. For more information please call 083 316 6660 or 016 341 4564. Sir & Sir 2011/218154. HEIDELBERG KLOOF: Sonnige 4 slpk woonhuis. 3 vol badk met gaste toilet. Studeerk. Oopplan sit en eetk, pragtige komb met aparte opwask. Motorh geskik vir 4 motors. Geen troeteldiere. R13000 pm + dep. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak 082 569 4631.

HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Ruim sonnige 3 slpk woonhuis + studeerk. Oopplan woon/eetk. 2 badk met gaste toilet. Komb met aparte opwask. Alarmstelsel, swembad met lapa. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R8000 pm + dep. Kontak 083 377 9729. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Privaat ruim 2 slpk woonstel, met aparte komb, badk, sitk, eetk wat uitloop op balkon. Loop afstand na besighede en skole. Sekuriteitskompleks met afdak + ekstra parkering. Langtermynkontrak. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. R3500 pm + dep. Kontak 083 377 9729. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Loop afstand van Pick a Pay en skole. 3 slpk, 1 volledige badk, toesluit motorhuis, sekuriteitskompleks. Nuut uitgeverf. Langtermynkontrak. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. R5000 pm + dep. Kontak 082 569 4631. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Grondvloer, sekuriteitskompleks. 2 slpk, 1 volledige badk. Oopplan sit / eetk kombuis. Geen troeteldiere. Afdak vir motor. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2011. Langtermynkontrak. R4000 pm + dep. Kontak 083 377 9729.


156 Hendrik Verwoerd Str. Nigel Central TEL: 011 814 7864 814 8865 FAX: 011 814 1166

JEANETTE 072 381 2644 FERRYVALE R670 000 (OHB) 5 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk, s/bad, d/m/huis, lapa. GLENVARLOCH R450 000 (Teldak) 3 slpk, sitk, eetk, afdakke, w/stel. UITBR.2 R890 000 (Netjies) Loop afstand van Afr. skole. 4 Slpk, 2 badk. FERRYVALE R1.4M Dubbel verdieping. 4 Slpk, sitk, eetk, d/motorhuis. NIGEL R790 000 Dorpshuis in kompleks. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, opwask, onthaalarea, d/motorhuis. DANIE 082 786 3516 VISAGIEPARK R560 000 (Baie netjies) 3 slpk, sitk, eetk, m/huis, afdakke. VISAGIEPARK RIF R1M (Netjies) Sitk, eetk, TVk, 3 slpk, 2 bad, s/bad + meer. FERRYVALE R1.8M Dorpshuis Luukse kompleks. 3 Slpk, 2 badk, sitk, eetk. Alrapark + MacKensieville residents do you want to sell your house? Contact Danie urgent 082 786 3516. MAGRIET 082 873 5428 GLENVARLOCH R590 000 3 slpk, sitk, eetk, 3 m/huise, stoorkamer NOYCEDALE R590 000 (Netjies) 2 slpk, badk, sitk, eetk, lapa, w/stel, afdak. SENTRAAL R795 000 (OHB) 3 slpk, 2 badk, eetk, sonstoep, rondawel. MODDERBULT 1.2M Plaas 60 ha. Groot huis + baie buite geboue, sterk water.

JAMESON PARK: Open stand. 2082m R200 000. Contact 083 765 0642. HEIDELBERG SENTRAAL: Pragtige 1938 huis te koop. Onderkant die Hor Volkskool, staalplafonne, hout vloere, groot erf met swembad en braai area + buite geboue. PRYS DRASTIES VERLAAG. Kontak 082 902 0055. HEIDELBERG 22ha woning: 3 slpk, 2 badk, swembad, lapa, jacuzzi, woonstel, 2 boorgate, dam buitegeboue, motorhuis vir 5 voertuie. R1,7 miljoen (verband beskikbaar) Kontak Hennie 016 349 5409. 1486 MOTSATSI STREET EXT 3 RATANDA House for sale: 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, dining & study + garage. Brick fencing and garden. R450 000. Contact 083 430 1679 or 016 343 9176.

4646 TE HUUR BERGSIG - R5500PM + DEPOSITO: Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Oopplan kombuis met sit/eetkamer. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers plus 1 motorhuis. Braaiarea. SENTRAAL - R9500PM + DEPOSITO: Moderne dubbelverdieping huis met oopplan kombuis, eetkamer en TV kamer met ingeboude braai en kaggel. Aparte sitkamer, 3 slaap met 2 moderne badk. D/motorhuis. Swembad. Beskikbaar 1 Des. 2011. TE KOOP BERGSIG - R840 000: Moderne meenthuis met oopplan kombuis met granietblad, aparte opwasarea, sit en eetk. 3 Slaap, 2 bad, onthaalarea met jacuzzi en ingeboude braai. Pragtige tuin. 2 Afdakke met goeie sekuriteit. n Moet om te sien. EIENDOMME BESKIKBAAR IN ALLE AREAS

VACANCIES The following position is open in the Valley Warehouse:


Responsibilities: Receiving of goods from suppliers/containers Checking and confirming the quantities and quality of the goods receiving from suppliers/ containers Receiving, filling and monitoring of quality control reports from suppliers. Ensuring the distribution of spare parts from the receiving area to their applicable bins. Ensuring that all the bins and warehouse areas are kept clean Regularly updating and correcting any problems with bin numbers, part numbers and parts in incorrect bins. Keeping record of all spares received from suppliers/containers using Word or Excel. Qualifications/Experience: Matric Certificate with mathematics as a subject Must be able to speak and write in English and Afrikaans. Computer literate in Windows & Office (Word & Excel) Must have good administrative skills 2 years of experience in Warehouse Receiving or Counter Sales. Must be a person who is honest, hardworking and be a leader. If you are interested in applying for the open position please deliver your CV to Fred Roodt before 21 November 2011. Fax applications to 011 814 4533



Watch this space for early deadlines!




Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011



Volkies se harde werk beloon

IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) CASE NO: 19262/08 In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED trading inter alia as FIRST NATIONAL BANK Execution Creditor and BRITZ, S.T. NO First Execution Debtor BRITZ, I.H.J NO Second Execution Debtor BRITZ, S.T. Third Execution Debtor BRITZ, I.H.J Fourth Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PUSUANCE OF A JUDGEMENT in the above Honourable Court dated 20 July 2011 and a warrant of execution issued thereafter, the immovable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on Thursday, 24 November 2011 at 9:00 at the offices of the Sheriff, 40 Ueckermann Street, Heidelberg, to the highest bidder without reserve: Erf 2730 Heidelberg Extension 13 Township, Registration Division IR, Province of Gauteng, measuring 1088 (one zero, eight eight) square metres in extent and held under Deed of Transfer T74498/2005; The property is situated at 10 Mona Drive and registered in the name of the first and second execution debtor and consists of the following: Tiled roof; 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 lounges, kitchen, dining room, entrance hall with guest toilet, entertainment room, braai area, swimming pool, lapa, domestic room with bathroom, 2 carports. The arrears rates and taxes are estimated at R10 710.81. Conditions of sale: The full conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Heidelberg Sheriff, 40 Ueckermann Street, Heidelberg and at the office of JMS Incorporated, situatd at 4th Floor, South Wing, Hyde Park Corner, Corner Jan Smuts Avenue and 6th Road, Hyde Park, Sandton, South Africa. Tel: 086 727 7991; Ref: G Filippa/FIR12/0142. DATED at JOHANNESBURG on this the 24th day of OCTOBER 2011. Attorneys for Execution Creditor JASON MICHAEL SMITH INCORPORATED 4th Floor, South Wing, Hyde Park Corner, Corner Jan Smuts Avenue and 6th Road, Hyde Park, Sandton, South Africa. Tel: 086 727 7991 Fax: 011 507 6824 Ref: G Filippa/FIR12/0142.

DIPALESENG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGENT FOR 3 INTERNS The Local government Sector Education Authority (LGSETA) and Department of Environmental Affairs has partnered with Dipaleseng Local Municipality to present an exciting opportunity for the youth/unemployed graduates of Dipaleseng to gain work experience so as to increase their chances to enter in a labour market. REQUIREMENTS v National Diploma in Environmental Management or Environment Science. v Knowledge of NEMA/NEM: AQA and National Waste Management Act. v Knowledge of Environmental Pollution. v Knowledge of Water Management, Air quality and Energy efficiency. v Knowledge of Environmental Education. v Computer Skills Unemployed interested persons and people with disability residing in Dipaleseng meeting the above requirements are requested to forward a detailed CV accompanied by a covering letter, certified copies of qualifications and ID copy. Applications to be addressed to the attention of the Director Corporate Services and be hand delivered at Cnr Themba Shozi Street and Johnny Mokoena Drive, Balfour or alternatively to your nearest Municipal satellite offices on or before the 6th December 2011 . No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Administrative enquiries should be directed to: Ms Sombu Radebe (SDF) on 011 773 0055.

HEIDELBERG - JP Jansen van Vuuren is tydens Hor Volkskool se Kultuur- en Sport Bekroningsaand vir vele kultuurprestasies vereer. Hy het die Rapportryers Redenaarstrofee ontvang, asook buitengewone kultuurtoekenning, deelname aan Suid-Afrikaanse Dramakampioenskappe oor vyf jaar, erepenning vir sang en balkies vir drama, sang, redenaars en tienertoneel gekry. Tydens die National Eisteddfod Academy was JP met sy 11 diplomas en nege goue prestasies onder die top 10 deelnemers.

Wihan Botha en sy sussie Elrie het verskeie pryse tydens die Suikerbos Eisteddfod gekry. Elrie het ook aan die Gauteng proewe vir Latynse dans deelgeneem en n derdeplek behaal. Tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe het sy n vierde- en vyfdeplek losgeslaan. By hulle is Almaro de Villiers wat n A-simbool by die Suikerbos Eisteddfod behaal het.

Luckhoff-leerders bly gefokus regdeur veeleisende skooljaar

HEIDELBERG - Horskool JW Luckhoff het hul bekroningsfunksie gehou om die vordering van hul 42 leerders te vier. Skoolhoof Mnr Doug Jackson het tydens die verwelkoming op 11 November ges dat die leerders vanjaar baie hard gewerk het. Hierdie leerders wil n verandering in hul lewens maak en soms moes hulle dit onder moeilike omstandighede doen, het Mnr Jackson ges. Verskeie lede van die gemeenskap wat betrokke is by die skool is ook vereer vir die impak wat hulle maak. Tussen sang- en musiekitems is pryse vir vaardigheidsklas, brugklas, akademie, sokker en landloop uitgedeel. Joyce McCartney het pryse aan seuns wat gereeld die bidgroep bygewoon het, uitgedeel. Mnr Jackson het die voorreg gehad om spesiale toekennings aan te kondig. Jesaja Mnkotha en Thabo Maphisa het die toekenning vir die netjiesste leerders ontvang. Donnie van der Sandt (junior) en Nakutu Rosenburg (senior) is aangewys as die leerders met die meeste deursettingsvermo. Die hoof- en onderhoofseun, Ephraim Selowa en Joy Ratshidi is as Luckhoffers van die Jaar aangewys. Ephraim het ook die afskeidsboodskap namens die Graad 12-leerders behartig. Die afgelope paar jare was nie altyd maklik nie. Mens moet nooit opgee nie en by jou doelwitte bly, het hy ges, voor hy die persooneel vir hul moeite bedank het.


You are invited to attend SANCAs AGM on: Date: 30 November 2011 Time: 9:30 for 10:00 Venue: Gods Acre Schuins Street, Rensburg. Enquiries: 016 349 2892



Graad 12-leerder Dunhill Venter het n Engels prys asook toekenning vir beste Afrikaans leerder tydens Horskool JW Luckhoff se bekroningsfunksie ontvang. Juffrou Heymans het die akademiese toekennings aan hom oorhandig.

Thabo Maphisa het tydens Horskool JW Luckhoff se bekroningsfunksie op 11 November n prys as een van die netjiesste leerders van Mev Lategan ontvang.

Nigel High participates at UN debating competition

Learners enabled to give support

NIGEL - Thando Masekela, Tshepo Mdakane, Lehlohonolo Zulu, Lindokuhle Sambo, Tumelo Mohlala, Alfred Mahlangu and Anele Cebo from Nigel High School attended a camp at the South African National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency (SANCA) in Kempton Park from 27 to 29 September, where they received training to support learners who suffer from substance abuse.

NIGEL - Debaters Neo Chaka, Sifundo Nhlengetwa, Tshiamo Tsaakane, Nthabiseng Phokoane, Tshegofatso Ramasodi, Bontle Mabena, Maziya Sibeko, Wiseman Tshabalala, Nompumelelo Twala and Thandeka Zwane from Nigel High School were escourted by Mr Lennox Tapera on October 24 to the United States Consulate in Sandton, where learners across the globe participated in the UN debating competition. Nigel High School was one of five schools selected from Johannesburg to particpate.

16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Volkies skitter tydens bekroningsaand

HEIDELBERG - Tydens Talent Africa se Provinsiale uitdunne op 17 September en 22 Oktober het leerders distrikskleure verwerf en is gekies om volgende jaar aan die Nasionale Uitvoerende Kunste Kampioenskappe deel te neem. Voor: Zilke Hoffeldt, Themedia Meyer, Lara Jobe en Carissa Breytenbach. Tweede ry: Candice Gericke, Almar Swartz, Sumari Breytenbach, Belinda Muller en Marina Joubert. Derde ry: Bernice Swartz, Mia Wolmarans en Human van der Merwe. Agter: Derick Kunz en Chris Norwie.


Schools news

HEIDELBERG - Tydens Beyond 2000 se Suid-Afrikaanse Dramakampioenskappe het Lara Jobe vier goud, silwer en brons medaljes verkry en is vir die Suid-Afrika span gekies. Derick Kunz is ook vir die SuidAfrikaanse span verkies deur verskeie goud en silwer medaljes wat hy verower het. Adri Cronje en Amicke Eisjermans het goud verwerf en Lean Oosthuizen (voor) het met haar 20 medaljes ook die SuidAfrikaanse span behaal.

HEIDELBERG - Tydens die South African Talent Championships het hierdie leerders verskeie pryse verower. Derick Kunz verwerf n platinum toekenning in drama en is as algehele tweedebeste presteerder met een dubbelgoud, vier goud en vier silwer medaljes aangewys. Lara Jobe verwerf talle goud en silwer medaljes. Beide is vir die nasionale span gekies.

HEIDELBERG - Hierdie leerders het aan die National Eisteddfod Academy in die Heidelbergstreek deelgeneem. Voor: Zilke Hoffeldt, Themedia Meyer, Lean Oosthuizen en Marissa Jouber. Tweede ry: Chris Norwie, Adri Cronj, Derick Kunz, Candice Gericke, Almar Swartz, Belinda Muller, Sumari Breytenbach, Amicke Eisjermans en Marina Joubert. Derde ry: Mia Wolmarans, Bernice Swartz en Human van der Merwe. Agter: Lara Jobe, Carissa Breytenbach en Marl Viljoen.






Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011


Schools news

Volkskool bekroon top-presteerders

HEIDELBERG - Leerders van Hor Volkskool het tydens die skool se Kultuur- en Sport Bekroningsaand op 25 Oktober n lang lys pryse ingepalm. Chantelle Greyling (Graad 9) het die Rhythmic Creations danstrofee, erekleure vir dans en n balkie vir buite-kultuur (dans) ontvang. Almar Swartz (Graad 10) het die Rista Watts Trofee vir Algehele Beste Prestasie in Sang en Musiek, LJ Van Soelen Senior Volkskool Musiektrofee, erepennings vir sang en verhoogkuns/drama, erekleure in verhoogkuns en sang asook balkies vir Tienertoneel en klavier ontvang. Die Stephen Eyssen Veelsydigheidstrofee het aan Candice Gericke gegaan. Sy het ook die Senior Kultuurdogtertrofee, erepennings vir dans en verhoogkuns/drama, redenaarstrofee, erekleure in verhoogkuns en dans asook n balkie vir sang ontvang. Adri Cronj het n erepenning vir verhoogkuns/drama en balkies vir Tienertoneel, redenaars en buite-kultuur (dans) gekry terwyl Belinda Muller erekleure vir sang gekry het. Derick Kunz (Graad 10) het die Senior Kultuurseuntrofee, erepenning vir verhoogkuns/drama, erekleure vir verhoogkuns, prestasiekleure vir sang, balkies vir buite-kultuur (drama) en Tienertoneel asook n goue sertifikaat vir Tienertoneel ontvang.

Tydens die Suikerbos-, Alberton- en Springs Eisteddfod het di groep n gemiddeld van A+ vir drama behaal. Voor: Mia Wolmarans, Bernice Swartz, Zilke Hoffeldt, Human van der Merwe, Themedia Meyer en Lean Oosthuizen. Tweede ry: Almar Swartz, Derick Kunz, Candice Gericke en Adri Cronj Agter: Megan Holm, Chris Norwie en Marina Joubert.

HEIDELBERG - Senior en junior leerders het die streek vir sang tydens die Suikerbos-, Alberton- en Springs Eisteddfod verteenwoordig. Voor: Ruan Koekemoer, Bernice Swartz, Human van der Merwe en Carissa Breytenbach. Tweede ry: Megan Holm, Lara Jobe, Themedia Meyer en Zilke Hoffeldt. Derde ry: Almar Swartz, Derick Kunz en Candice Gericke. Agter: Chris Norwie, Belinda Muller en Sumari Breytenbach.

HEIDELBERG - Hierdie Graad 8-leerders van Hor Volkskool is tydens die skool se Kultuuren Sport Bekroningsaand op 25 Oktober vereer vir hul prestasies. Megan Holm het die GM Strydom Junior Volkskool Musiektrofee en erepenning in verhoogkuns/drama behaal. Marina Joubert het die Volkskool Junior Danstrofee, Junior Rapportryers Redenaarstrofee, Lategan Veelsydigheidstrofee, Junior Kultuurdogtertrofee, erekleure vir dans en ATKV Redenaars Finaal, erepenning vir verhoogkuns/drama en balkies vir buitekultuur (dans en verhoogkuns) ontvang.


HEIDELBERG - Hierdie dansers het aan n wye reeks danskompetisies gedurende die jaar deelgeneem. Voor: Marissa Joubert en Marl Viljoen. Agter: Candice Gericke, Chantelle Greyling, Amicke Eijsermans en Marina Joubert.

16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40


Mikyla laat wiel tydens nasionale landloop-kragmeting

NIGEL - Mikyla Ferreira van Horskool John Vorster het Gauteng tydens die Nasionale Landloop Kampioenskappe by die Mbombela Stadion in Nelspruit op 1 Oktober verteenwoordig. Sy het n algehele sesdeplek in landloop vir meisies o/16 behaal. Mikyla word deur Mark Olivier afgerig.


Schools news

Sagies werk hard vir doppie-projek

Vissie-trots ingespan vir 2012 leerlingraad

HEIDELBERG - Laerskool AG Visser het op 7 November hul leerlingraad vir 2012 aangekondig. Mede Graad 6-leerders en onderwysers het vir di 30 leiers gestem. Voor: Gian de Waal, Ryno Engelbrecht en Hanjo Minnaar. Tweede ry: Ing Ankiewicz, Deolandr de Jager, Jana Goetsch, Brittani Hll en Danmari Meyer. Derde ry: Andy Haasbroek, Arno Erasmus, Heinrich Papenfus, Xander Nel, Ruben Botha en Renaldo Kotzee. Vierde ry: Mieke Botha, Anje Pretorius, Anj Holmner, Marna Heymans, Carla Coetzer, Lize-Mari Ellis, Carmen Britz, Monjah Holtzhausen, Maryka Conradie en Tahlita Coetser. Agter: Zander du Preez, Jacques Klopper, Juan-Jac Cronje, Liam Jordaan en Albert Hattingh.

HEIDELBERG - Heidelberg Public School treated their learners to a fun day. The learners could romp around on jumping castles which showed that they could have fun by being active. Thembikosi Mokoena followed Thumi Motsoeneng on November 2 on one of the water facilities.

NIGEL - Dit het Sagie-leerders twee weke geneem om 32 506 plastiek koeldrankdoppies in te samel. Di syfer is op 3 November bereik en volgens die Departement van Onderwys se Bread Tags for Wheelchairs projek, kwalifiseer Laerskool Hannes Visagie vir drie gratis rolstoele. Die projek behels dat deelnemende skole een gratis rolstoel vir elke 10 000 plastiek koeldrankdoppies of broodsakkie-binders ontvang. Die skool mag die rolstoele volgens eie oordeel skenk aan gestremde persone wat dit nie kan bekostig nie.






Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

Tigers ryg goues in

Magda Maritz NIGEL/HEIDELBERG - Lede van Tiger Fight Club het die klub se naam hooggehou toe hulle op

Nigel rugby sluit af

NIGEL - Nigel Rugbyklub bied hul jaareindfunksie op 25 November om 18:30 by die Portugese Saal aan. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R50 per persoon en sluit verversings in. Musiek word verskaf en n kontantkroeg is beskikbaar. Almal is welkom om die funksie by te woon. Vir navrae, bel Louis 082 335 0853; Thinus 083 287 3454 of Jimmy 082 784 0519.

21 en 22 Oktober aan die Gauteng proewe in Brakpan by die Big Top Arena van Carnival City deelgeneem het. Die Northern Classic Tournament (NMAISKA) lok jaarliks deelnemers van regoor SuidAfrika. Deelnemers kon hul staal in verskillende style wys en in skopboks, taekwondo, karate, jiujitsu, MMA en K1 meeding. Agtjarige Zander Korb (blou 2) het n eersteplek in Jiu-Jitsu en derdeplek in skopboks (groen-pers gordel) behaal. Die negejarige Xander Kriel (oranje) het derdeplekke in sport karate en skopboks (witgroen gordel) behaal. Dit was sy eerste groot kompetisie, maar die 11-jarige Johan Herbst (geel) het heelwat ondervinding opgedoen in sport karate sowel as skopboks (wit-oranje). Die negejarige Nan-

tus Mouton het eersteplek in sport karate sowel as skopboks (bruin-swart gordel) behaal. Elbie Mouton is slegs ses jaar oud, maar het eersteplek in Jiu-Jitsu en derdeplek in sports karate (witswart gordel) behaal. Die 10-jarige Alexia Kriel het eersteplek in JiuJitsu, tweedeplek in skopboks en derdeplek in sport karate (groen-pers gordel) behaal. Spyker Schutte het in die ouderdomsgroep vir 10- tot 11jariges derdeplek in Jiu-Jitsu (blou) behaal, terwyl die 10-jarige Wilco Ras eersteplek in sport karate en derdeplek in skopboks (wit-oranje gordel) behaal het. Sensei Stefan Pretorius (swart) het onder die senior deelnemers n tweedeplek in Jiu-Jitsu, eersteplek in sport karate sowel as tweedeplek in skopboks (bruin-swart gordel) behaal. JP Brand (pers)

het tweedeplek in sport karate en eersteplek in skopboks (groen-pers gordel) behaal, terwyl Freddie Brand (geel) eersteplek in sport karate (wit-oranje gordel) verower het. Die 16-jarige Sensei Francois Meyer (swart) het sewe uit sewe items gewen, naamlik Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, kumite, sport karate, skopboks, power breaking en junior swartgordel ope-afdeling. Hy kompeteer volgende jaar in Amerika tydens die ISKA Wreldkampioenskappe. Chris Fick (blou) het derdeplek in Jiu-Jitsu in die middelgewigafdeling vir senior mans behaal. Sewejarige Juan-Jac Pienaar het in sy eerste provinsiale toernooi aan sport karate en skopboks deelgeneem. 13 Deelnemers van Tiger Fight Club het altesaam 29 Gauteng plekke behaal en 16 goue medaljes verower.


Lede van Tiger Fight Club het op 21 en 22 Oktober aan die Gauteng proewe deelgeneem en altesaam 16 goue medaljes en 29 Gauteng plekke verower.



16 NOVEMBER 2011


Got a story in the Nigel area? Phone 011 814 1020/40




HEIDELBERG - Shaunelle Schoonraad het haar tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse Dans Kampioenskappe in Disco (SADTA) wat op 12 November plaasgevind het, uitstekend van haar taak gekwyt. Hierdie top-danser van Heidelberg het gewys hoekom sy as een van SuidAfrika se mees belowende dansers gesien word. Sy het goud ontvang en is as die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioen in Disco gekroon.



Got a story in the Heidelberg area? Phone 016 341 6373/4

16 NOVEMBER 2011

09 Ford Bantam 1.3i

10 Nissan Pathfinder 2.5 dCi 4x4 A/T LE

04 Ford Mondeo 2.0 Ghia

R87 900
06 Nissan Navara 2.5 dCi A/T

R429 900
06 Nissan Pathfinder

R69 900
10 Nissan X-Trail 2.5 4x4 CVT

R179 900
11 Nissan Qashqai 2.0 Acenta

R219 900
11 Nissan X-Trail 2.0dCi XE

R299 900
11 Ford Ranger 2.5TD LX LWB


R269 900


R274 900

R179 900

99 Hyundai Elantra 2.0 GLS

R44 900

6 Schrader Street. Tel: 016 349 1333 Nico: 082 680 1141 Hennie 082 334 3602 Marius: 083 472 6860 Jean: 083 279 7643 Elvin: 072 843 2079 Frank: 082 507 6117


6 Schrader Street. Tel: 016 349 1333 Nico: 082 680 1141 Hennie 082 334 3602 Marius: 083 472 6860 Jean: 083 279 7643 Elvin: 072 843 2079 Frank: 082 507 6117


63 Kerk Street Tel: 011 814 7526 Dawie: 083 792 8369 Gys: 083 699 0335 Kobus: 082 853 4048

63 Kerk Street Tel: 011 814 7526 Dawie: 083 792 8369 Gys: 083 699 0335 Kobus: 082 853 4048


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