Computer Studies For Second Term Examination

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1. People who gain unauthorized access to computers for the purpose of

doing damage are call……...... (a) Crackers (b) Smokers (c) Hackers (d)
Members of organized crime
2. Applying Safety measures in computer include all except one (a)
illuminating the computer room (b) sitting posture (c) keeping liquid beside
the computer (d) use of anti-glare protector.
3. All are ICT gadgets except …………… (a) TV (b) computer (c) chain saw (d)
4. The guideline for the morally acceptable use of computers in the society is
called………… (a) Computer ethics (b) Legal system (c) Common sense (d)
Safety measures.
5. Telephone is a …………. device (a) telecommunication (b) multiform (C)
mono communication (D) intercomm.
6. The following are computer programming languages language except (a) C
(b) C++ (C) Basic (d)Master.
7. A …………… from which different colors and patterns can be chosen.
8. Machine language is a collection of binary digits bits that the …………… need
and interprets. (A) internet (b) computer (c) meter (d) thermometer.
9. A command that is given to computer in ambiguous way is called …………..
(a) information (b) data (c) tax (d) lighting.
10.A processed data is called …………… (a) data pro (b) information (C ) tax (d)
11.Telephone transit and receives sound most commonly through ………….. (a)
robot voice (b) human voice (c) data voice (d) xdigital voice.
12.What is the main function of an operating system of a computer? (a)
playing games (b) managing hardware and software resources (c) printing
documents (d) sending email.
13. Which part of the computer is responsible for managing and controlling
all other hardware components . (a) CPU (b) Hard disk drive (c)
Motherboard (d) Monitor.
14. What is the main function of Microsoft word ? (a) To access the internet (b)
To create, edit, and format text documents (c) To play music (d) To design
15. What does the acronym URL stands for ? (a) Uniform resource locator (b)
Universal retrieval link (c) unified resource locator (d) Uniform retrieval
locator .
16. What is the primary function of a spreadsheet software? (a) To browse the
internet (b) To create and edit images (c) To organize and analyze data in
tabular form.
17.The computer system is basic divided into…………basic components (a) Two
(b) Three (c) Four (d) Five
18. The part of computer that can only be seen but can not be touched is
called ……….. (a) Hardware (b) operating system (c) Software (d) System
19. Which of these is not a commonly used operating system ? (a) Windows (b)
Linux (c) Microsoft office (d) mac0S
20. A computer can only work accurately if the operator is a computer …………
(a) Novis (b) Illiterate (c) Literate (d) Monitor.


1a. Define

i. ICT


ii. G.S.M


b. state three importance of GSM.

2. State five importance of ICT (5marks ).

3a. Define input devices (1mark ).

b. Give four examples of input devices (4marks ).

4a. Define computer storage (1mark ).

b. Differentiate between hardware and software components of computer

with one example each.( 4marks )


1. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the first generation

computer. (a) Presence of vacuum tubes (b) Presence of microchips (c)
Transistor (d) None of the above.
2. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of third generation
computer? (a) Presence of vacuum tubes (b) presence of microchips (c)
transistor (d) None of the above.
3. The ………….. is the main circuit board holding the integrated circuits for
other components to be connected (a) USB storage (b) RAM (c) Optical
drive (d) Motherboard.
4. Validation is ensuring that supplied data is clean, …………. And and useful.
(a) Dirty (b) Correct (c) White (d) Black.
5. USB storage are plug in USB memory sticks useful for …………… and
transferring data. (a) Keeping (b) saving (c) storing (d) filling.
6. A typical computer system hardware is made up of the ………….. and
………….. (a) system unit, peripherals (b) control unit, processing unit (c)
arithmetic unit, CPU (d) central processing unit, control unit
7. These are some of the input devices except …………. (a) joystick (b) light pen
(c) keyboard (d) printer.
8. A …………. Is an electronic device or computer software application , which is
used for carrying out word processing operations. (a) Microsoft word (b)
hardware (c) word processor (d) word pad .
9. Ensuring that supplied data is clean, correct and useful is ……….. (a) sorting
(b) aggregation (c) validation (d) reporting.
10.Preparation is the manipulation of data into a form suitable for further
……….. and ………. (a) input and output (b) analysis and processing (c) data
and information (d) sorting and analysis.
11.The ……….. of the results processed by a computer by a computer is very
high. (a) statement (b) constant (c) reliability (d) validity.
12. Data entry is done through the use of keyboard, digitizer, scanner or data
entry from an existing source is …………. (a) input (b) output (c) storage (d)
13.These keys provide cursor and screen control . (a) function keys (b) typing
keys (c) control keys (d) numeric keys.
14. Word processing is the use of the computer hardware and software to
create, edit, view, store and retrieve and print ………….. (a) Clothing material
(b) textual material (c) documents (d) graphics.
15. The biggest advantage of LCD monitors is their size and ………. (a) Shape (b)
height (c) weight (d) body.
16. It is advisable to always install ……………. On the computer system to avoid
corrupt files to infect the system. (a) Music player (b) data base (c) games
(d) anti-virus.
17. Computers can be locked with either pin or …………… (a) Padlock (b)
password (c) gadgets (d) in lock.
18. The computer also has the ………… to store large amount of files. (a)
Memory (b) depositor (c) capacitor (d) transistor.
19. The use of computer to harm other users is a ………….. (a) Talent (b)
punishable offense (c) demonstration (d) curse.
20. A laptop computer is more portable than a……….. (a) Tablet (b) mobile
phone (c) MP3 player (d) desktop.

1a. Define computer (1mark ).

b. list four basic parts of computer system.
2a. define data processing (1mark).
b. Explain the stages of data processing (4marks)
3. State five applications of ICT in a modern society (5marks ).

1. Which of these is a warm-up exercise? (a) Jogging (b) bench press (c)
crunches (d) push ups
2. Which of the following is a component of physical fitness? (a) Time
management (b) flexibility (c) good manners (d) academic performance.
3. Which of the following activities improve cardiovascular endurance ? (a)
weightlifting (b) cycling (c) chess (d) painting.
4. What is meaning of CPR ? (a) Cardiovascular push recovery (b)
cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (c) controlled physical recovery (d)
cardiovascular pump reflex.
5. Which of the following is a way to prevent the spread of communicable
diseases? (a) Sharing personal iems (b) avoid hand washing (c) engaging in
physical activities (d) getting vaccination.
6. Which of the following is a team sport? (a) Swimming (b) tennis (c)
volleyball (d) table tennis.
7. Which of the following is not a benefit of regular exercise ? (a) Improved
mood (b) reduced risk of chronic disease (c) decreased flexibility (d)
increased bone density.
8. Which of the following is an example of non contact sport? (a) Basketball
(b) taekwondo (c) wrestling (d) badminton.
9. What is the purpose of a cool down exercise ? (a) To increase heart rate
(b)to prevent muscle soreness (c) to improve flexibility (d) to build muscle
10. Which of this is characteristic of a healthy diet? (a) High in processed food
(b) low in fruits and vegetables (c) high sugary drinks (d) balanced and
11.What is the main objective of physical education ? (a) To improve academic
performance (b) to promote healthy lifestyle habit (c) to develop artistic
skills (d) to encourage social media use.
12.Which of the following is a safety rule in physical education? (a) Wearing
inappropriate foot wear (b) drinking of water during exercise (c) ignoring
teachers instructions (d) playing on wet surface.
13.Which of the following exercises can help improve muscular strength? (a)
Sit up (b) dancing (c) skipping (d) stretching.
14. Which of the following is a symptom of dehydration? (a) Increased energy
level (b) pale urine color (c) dry skin (d) reduced heart rate.
15.What is the correct posture for lifting heavy objects? (a) Straight back and
straight legs (b) rounded back and straight legs (c) rounded back and bent
knees (d) none of the above
16.Which of the following is an example of anaerobic exercise ? (a) Jogging (b)
cycling (c) weightlifting (d) swimming.
17.Which of the following is a fundamental movement skills ? (a) Reading (b)
writing (c) jumping (d) calculating.
18. Pathogens are microorganism that ……………… diseases to other living
things (a) cure (b) spread (c) transact (d) maintain.
19. Organisms that transmit diseases from one organism to another is called
………….. (a) vector (b) pest (c) rodent (d) mouse
20. Diseases that can transmit through sex are called ………… (a) Hepatic
diseases (b) cardiovascular diseases (c) lower abdominal diseases (d)
sexually transmit.


1a. Define physical fitness (1mark).


b. state four importance of physical fitness (4marks ).


2. Discus the benefits of regular physical exercise on mental health (5marks ).


3. Explain the concept of teamwork in sports and provide an example of how

teamwork can be demonstrated in a specific sport (5marks ).


4. Differentiate between locomotor and non- locomotor movement with two

examples each (5marks ).


5. Discuss the importance of drinking water during sports and meals (5marks ).


1. Land pollution occurs when chemicals are released into the ……….. during
spill or underground leakage . (a) air (b) soil (c) water (d) cars.
2. All are components of the school health program except one (a) Healthful
school environment (b) school cult activities (c) health instructions (d)
school health services.
3. The skill used to start a tennis game is …………. (a) Goal keeping (b) driving
(c) Service (d) rally
4. Environmental pollution is the contamination of water, air and land from
man made …………. (a) Waste (b) Goods (c) Air (d) Vapor.
5. The following are effects of environmental pollution except (a) Hearing loss
(b) Sleeping disorder (c) High blood pressure (d) HIV/AIDS.
6. Community health is concerned with the following except (a) Giving loan
(b) Providing portable water (c) Disposal of refuse (d) Prevention of water
7. Which of the following equipment is not for football game ? (a) Jersey (b)
boat (c) whistle (d) batten.
8. Which of these is not a course of pollution ? Plastic factories (b) Hosipitals
(c) Chemical plants (d) None of the above.
9. The release of chemicals and particles into the atmosphere is called ………….
(a) Land Pollution (b) Noise pollution (c) Thermal pollution (d) Air pollution.
10. The following are effects of soil pollution except one (a) It decrease soil
fertility (b) It leads to stunted growth in plants (c) It store all liquid chemical
and waste in spill proof containers (d) Emission of toxic dust.
11.One amongst this is not a cause of water pollution (a) Discharging
chemicals into water (b) Defecating into water (c) Refrain from throwing
litter into streams, lakes, sea etc.
12.Pysical fitness is the ability of an individual to carryout daily activities or
given a task without undue or unnecessary …………… (a) Fatigue (b) bath (c)
muscle (d) battling.
13.Balance is the ………. In which you hold your body when standing or sitting
(a) Posture (b) Walking (c) Sociologies (d) Balance.
14.The following are common injuries in gymnastics except ………… (a) Stunt (b)
Fracture (c) Muscle tear (d) Dislocation.
15.An example of manipulative movement is ………….. (a) Walking (b) Jumping
(c) Turning (d) Crawling.
16. A computer can be played using the following except (a) Scanner (b)
Joystick (c) Mouse (d) Keyboard.
17. Gymnastics means ………….. (a) Nice art (b) Naked acting (c) Naked art (d)
Ready act.
18.The factors of recreation are the following except (a) Voluntary (b)
Enjoyable (c) Mandatory (d) Done during leisure time.
19. Which of these is not an example of recreational activities ? (a) Soccer (b)
Table tennis (c) Ludo (d) None of the above.
20.Home accident are also called …………. (a) Out accidents (b) Domestic
accident (c) Primary accident (d) None of the above.


1a. Define pollution (1mark)


b. list four measures for preventing environmental pollution (4marks ).


2. State five precautions to ensure during recreational activities (5marks ).


3a. Define school health programme (1mark).


b. List four outdoor activities thought to you (4marks ).

4. Write short note on the following;

i. Environment.







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