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User – primary school teacher

actual use- he teach pupils to work in 3d graphics.

A.1. they got a new program with 3d graphics, to encourage young childrens
to tell storys
3.they use it regularly
4. there is a mat In the front of the monitor, like copied, there are pressure
pads on the mat.
5.when the children stand on it, they cand move about inside the pictures on
the screen, if they stand on the right, they can move to the right and so on.
It works better if there are more children on the mat and its encourage them
to work together .
6.. If u ask the children about what they been doing, they don’t say we are
working with the computer, they say were been telling storys. They get excited.
The computer doesn’t get in the way of learning, its just a tool, we don’t get
that reaction when we seet it down to a keyboard.

B.1. open university student


1.Water boils at 100°C.

2.When do you get up?
3.We have English classes every day.
4. • Do you wear a new hat? - Yes, do you like it?
5. Look! She is coming.
6.• Where is Paul? - He is playing football with Derek.
• Where is mum? - She is doing the laundry in the bathroom.
• I am going to visit Laura tonight. She is leaving for New York in the
morning. - When is she coming back? - I don't know.
We spend holidays in Spain.
Laura usually goes to school by bus, but today her mum is driving her to

State or action? Choose the right variant.

I see Becky on Monday. (Action)

She weighs 100 kilos. She eats too much. (State)
Don't disturb me. I am listening to music. (Action)
You look great. (State)
I think he can drive a car. (State)
Laura has two cars. (State)
I am coming from Spain. (Action)
She tastes vanilla ice cream. It's delicious. (State)
Fle is a very polite person. (State)
Why do you smell these cakes? (Action)

Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

There is a traffic jam in the street. Most of the people are trying to get to
work. They all work in the city, but few of them live there. They feel very angry
and frustrated at the moment because the traffic is hardly moving. Traffic jams like
this happen every day. The problem is getting worse all the time.

Identify the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.

I'm busy at the moment. I am talking over the phone. - am talking

I don't know where he is.
I am looking at the pictures at the moment.
What are you reading, Freddy? I don't read. I write.
They pick the apples in September.
My brother lives with us until he can find a flat of his own.
They are having dinner now.
The train arrives at 1.30.
He drinks coffee in the morning.
Our English friends are coming to our place on Monday.
Tom is looking well.
I don't have enough money for a long holiday this year.
I like a good cup of coffee after lunch.
I must lose weight - I weigh over 80 kilos.
Maria goes to the shops every Saturday morning.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

My father knows all about mending cars, but nothing about bicycles.
• Why do you look at me like that? - Uh, I'm sorry. It looks like mine in this
This pie smells a bit odd. What's in it?
I like the jacket of this suit, but unfortunately, it doesn't fit me anymore.
5.fill in the gaps w the correct form of the verb
1. My father knows all about mending cars but knows nothing about bicycles.

 Why are you wearing my coat?
 Oh, I'm sorry. It looks like mine in this light.
3. This pie smells a bit odd. What's in it?
4. I like the jacket of this suit, but unfortunately, the trousers don't fit me anymore.
5. You're very quiet this evening. What do you think about?
 I have no idea what this sentence means. Can you translate it?
 No, sorry. I don't understand it either.
 Do you see those men near the door? They are looking at us very
 Yes. You're right. Do you recognize them from anywhere?
 No, but they certainly seem to know us. They are coming over to speak to
 What are you doing in the kitchen?
 I'm just making some coffee.
 Well, go away. I don't want your help. Our guests are waiting for their
dessert, and you are getting in my way!
9. I played football at school, but now I prefer swimming.

6. Now, let's fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs:

1. Sometimes Susan watches films, but she normally prefers.

2. Look. Mr. Cooper works on science fiction and love stories. He usually starts work
at about 9 o'clock.
3. We are going to a football match next Saturday.
4. Can you answer the phone, please? I'm having a bath right now.
5. I never eat spinach, but we are having some this evening.
6. When I see him, we always go to a pub.
7. We usually meet when we go to work.
8. Listen! Mrs. Jones is playing the piano. You can hear her very clearly.
9. When John sleeps, he sometimes talks.
10. Sorry, Mr. Smith, I cannot speak to you right now because I am very busy.
11. Paul and Tim go to London three times a year, but next summer they are staying
at home.
12. Occasionally, he goes to the cinema, but he goes to the theatre at least once a
13. John is not here; he is working late this evening.
14. At the moment, I don't like.
15. Peter always sings.
16. Look. It is raining, so we can't go to the beach.
17. Susan hates potatoes because she thinks they are bad for her.
18. I must go home now because my parents are waiting for me.
19. Sam can't go to Mexico next summer, so he is visiting his grandmother.
20. Mary loves chocolate, and she eats some every day.

Finally, the text is already filled in the gaps correctly.

Dear Stephanie, How are you? We're fine. Our trip around the states (1) is
going well and we (2) are enjoying ourselves very much. One good surprise is
that things (3) cost less here than back home. For example, this weekend we
(4) are staying in a motel beside a lake. We (5) have a room with a beautiful
view for only $35 per night. The only thing we (6) don't like much is the food.
Restaurants (7) serve dinner rather early. We (8) never eat at six o'clock at
home, so we (9) don’t feel hungry there, and Americans (10) have very big
meals. Apart from that, we (11) have visited lots of interesting little towns, and
(12) we love the scenery. People here (14) behave in a very friendly manner
towards strangers; all the shop assistants (15) smile at us, and everyone (16)
says, "Have a nice day!" At home, the TV (17) always shows us bad news
stories about the States, but in fact, when you (18) come here, you (19) realize
it's a really great place. We (20) are taken lots of photos to show you. Much
Love, Mick and Mary.

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