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Charles Babbage

Murray Olliver
Charles Babbage was a mathematician, philosopher,
inventor, and mechanical engineer. He was born on the
26th of December 1792 in London and died on the 18th
of October 1871.
Charles lived with his parents Betsy Teape, Benjamin
Introduction Babbage, and his siblings Mary Babbage and Henry
Babbage. Charles's family was very wealthy as Charles's
father was a banker and his grandfather was the mayor
of Totnes.
▪ Charles was interested in things from a young age. When he got a
new toy, he would take them apart to see how they worked and even
taught himself algebra and because his family was wealthy, they were
able to get him privately tutored.
▪ In 1810 at the age of 18, Charles entered Trinity College at
Cambridge University. Charles realised soon after starting that he knew
more about mathematics than his teachers. Charles was so disappointed
with the level of teaching that he helped to set up the analytical society
and started at Cambridge University.

▪ Charles graduated from Cambridge in 1814 and the same year he

married a woman called Georgiana Whitmore. They ended up having
eight children together but sadly only three lived beyond childhood
and Georgiana died 13 years after them getting married in 1827.
Calculating Engine

▪ Charles Babbage had a lot of input in science, but his biggest

achievement was in 1822 and was a calculating engine. His
engine calculated and printed mathematical tables. Charles
also called his engine a "difference engine". The government
was interested in his work and made a promise to fund his
research. This motivated him to make a full-scale engine, but
he died before it was finished instead his son finished it.

▪ The Calculation Engine was able to work out calculations

that had two groups of numbers by winding the machine up
with a handle.
▪ Charles Babbage had a lot of impact on the world then
and still to this day. Without him we might not have had
Conclusion calculators today or maybe even computers.

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