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In the early 1860’s Mississippi declared their secession from the United States.


main reason for secession was the defense of the institution of slavery. They advocated for negro

equality, socially and politically, and promoted insurection and incendiarism. While advocating

all of that, Mississippi nullified the fugitive state law in almost every free state in the Union,

which broke the compact they had with their fathers that they pledged their faith they would

maintain. The new constitution finally put to rest all of the agitating questions that were related

to their institution. Their idea of “rock upon which the old union would split and that the

enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature and that it was wrong in

principle, socially, morally, and politically.

Not all of the men knew how to deal with this issue at the time but they assumed that

over time the institution would be evanescent and pass away. Their new foundation is founded

upon exactly the opposite idea. It was assumed that the negro was equal and hence conclude that

he is entitled to equal priveleges and rights of a white man. Throughout the conflict thus far,

success has been on our sides throughout the complete length and breadth of the confederate

states. Part of their plan to secede from the United States by forming associations to carry out its

schemes of emancipation in the states and wherever else slavery exists. In their secession from

the United States they refuse the admission of new slave states into the union, and want to end it

by confining it within its present limits, which denies the power of slavery expansion.

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