ST Clair Gibson 2003

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Sports Med 2003; 33 (3): 167-176

CURRENT OPINION 0112-1642/03/0003-0167/$30.00/0

© Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved.

The Conscious Perception of the

Sensation of Fatigue
Alan St Clair Gibson,1,2 Denise A. Baden,3 Mike I. Lambert,2 E. V. Lambert,2
Yolande X. R. Harley,2 Dave Hampson,2 Vivienne A. Russell2 and Tim D. Noakes2
1 Human Motor Control Unit, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
2 Research Unit of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Department of Human Biology,
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
3 Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Abstract In this review, fatigue is described as a conscious sensation rather than a

physiological occurrence. We suggest that the sensation of fatigue is the conscious
awareness of changes in subconscious homeostatic control systems, and is derived
from a temporal difference between subconscious representations of these homeo-
static control systems in neural networks that are induced by changes in the level
of activity. These mismatches are perceived by consciousness-producing struc-
tures in the brain as the sensation of fatigue. In this model, fatigue is a complex
emotion affected by factors such as motivation and drive, other emotions such as
anger and fear, and memory of prior activity. It is not clear whether the origin of
the conscious sensation of fatigue is associated with particular localised brain
structures, or is the result of electrophysiological synchronisation of entire brain

Fatigue is experienced by all individuals on a However, there is no knowledge at present of how

regular basis. There are many different definitions the conscious‘feeling’ of fatigue is created, or from
of fatigue. In medical practice, fatigue is described where it originates. In this article, therefore, we
as a debilitating consequence of a number of differ- examine fatigue as a sensation rather than a physical
ent systemic diseases or nutritional deficits.[1] In process. The aim of the article is to discuss the
exercise physiology, fatigue is described as an acute concept of fatigue from psychological, anatomical
impairment of exercise performance, which leads to and physiological perspectives, and to describe pos-
an eventual inability to produce maximal force out- sible mechanisms and brain regions responsible for
put as a consequence of metabolite accumulation or the conscious perception of the sensation of fatigue.
substrate depletion.[2] In neurophysiology, fatigue is
described as a reduction in efferent motor com- 1. Conscious Awareness of the
mands to the active muscles resulting in a decline in Sensation of Fatigue
force or tension as part of a centrally controlled Before examining the mechanisms responsible
process.[3] for the conscious sensation of fatigue, it is necessary
Fatigue is therefore a ubiquitous phenomenon to discuss briefly the more general issue of con-
with different meanings in different research fields. sciousness itself. There are two basic theories of
168 St Clair Gibson et al.

consciousness, which have been debated for centu- which in turn cause ‘awareness’ of those alterations.
ries. The first is the theory of dualism, which sug- This origin of the conscious perception of fatigue
gests that consciousness is a mental state which may therefore be determined by examining changes
exists autonomously and is not dependent on brain in different brain structures associated with the de-
structures for existence.[4] The second is the theory velopment of awareness of the sensation of fatigue.
of monism, which suggests that consciousness is a
direct product of activity in specific brain struc-
2. Brain Structures Involved in the
tures.[5,6] While this argument is complex and be-
Sensation of Fatigue
yond the realm of this review, the theory of dualism
is more difficult to support from a scientific perspec-
tive, and remains a philosophical concept (Hallett There have been several theories of how the
M, unpublished observation). In this review, we sensation of fatigue is activated in neural networks
therefore discuss conscious perception of the sensa- in different brain structures. In the peripheral model
tion of fatigue from the monistic perspective. of fatigue, changes in a certain factor in the peri-
pheral organs during physical activity, such as mus-
Consciousness has two distinct components. The
cle metabolite accumulation,[8-11] substrate deple-
first is the ‘awareness’ of something, for example
tion[12-16] or cardiac and respiratory limitations,[17-19]
awareness of activity occurring around an individ- stimulate mechanoreceptors[20-22] or metaborecep-
ual. The second is the ‘feeling of knowing’ of that tors[23-25] resulting in afferent feedback to the brain
awareness. This ‘feeling of knowing’ allows us to which induces the sensation of fatigue.[26-28] As there
have knowledge that the awareness is specific to our is no conclusive evidence to support any single
own life, and creates the special subjective ‘feeling’ factor as being directly responsible for the onset of
each individual has which makes us aware that what the sensation of fatigue,[29] it is also suggested that a
is going on around us is unique to our own individu- number of different afferent inputs, together with
al participation in that experience. This second com- other non-sensory inputs such as psychological and
ponent makes consciousness in different individuals motivational factors, are integrated in brain struc-
a subjective phenomenon, defined as ‘qualia’,[7] tures and the ensemble leads to the development of
which makes the life of each different individual the sensation of fatigue which arises directly from
unique, but which makes consciousness so difficult these integrative brain structures.[20,29-32]
to examine scientifically. An example of this would
This latter hypothesis is supported by three dif-
be that the sensation of fatigue at any time point is
ferent observations. Firstly, the sensation of fatigue
completely unique to the individual perceiving it.
can be altered by hypnosis while individuals main-
While the level of sensation of fatigue associated
tain constant work output.[33-35] Secondly, the sensa-
with different levels of activity can be fairly well
tion of fatigue is affected by expectations of task
quantified in different individuals, at present observ-
demands, being greater at the same absolute time-
ers cannot ‘feel’ the ‘exact’ feeling of the person
point in races of similar intensity but shorter dura-
being studied when they describe that individual’s
tion compared with those of longer duration (Baden
sensation of fatigue. However, recent work, which
DA et al., unpublished data) and lower when actual
will be discussed later in this article, has begun to
exercise duration is shorter than expected.[36] Third-
shed light on the subjective nature of conscious
ly, in the clinical condition known as chronic fatigue
syndrome, an excessive and debilitating sensation of
In relation to fatigue, the first component of fatigue is present at rest, and is not related to altera-
conscious perception is easier to define. The con- tion in physical activity levels.[37-39] These observa-
scious sensation of fatigue would occur when altera- tions suggest that the origin of the sensation of
tion to a physical state induced by physical activity fatigue must be associated with anatomical brain
leads to changes in activity in brain neural networks, structures responsible for conscious perception,

© Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2003; 33 (3)
Perception of Fatigue 169

rather than from any single peripheral physiological

perturbation or altered metabolic state. Motor
The sensation of fatigue is itself a complex phe-
Cingulate cortex
nomenon. It is associated with the conscious percep-
tion of changes in body functions, such as breath- cortex
lessness from increased ventilation, pounding of the pus
heart from cardiac output increase, the sensation of i p poc dala
H my g
being hot and sticky from temperature increases and A
sweating, and the sensation of increased muscle
activity associated with increased power generation Cerebellum

caused by increased physical activity levels.[29]

There are also mental cognitive functions associated
with the sensation of fatigue. These include level of Brain stem
motivation at the time of the activity, memory of
prior exercise sessions and an associated decision-
making component based on the relationship be- Spinal cord
tween the current sensorimotor input and memory of
previous events.[32]
Because of the complex nature of the sensation of Fig. 1. Putative brain regions associated with the development of
fatigue, the regions of the brain from which the the sensation of fatigue.

sensation of fatigue originates have been difficult to

assess, even with the development of modern Fatigue is also related to motivation and emotion-
neuroscience techniques, such as functional magnet- al state.[48,49] Indeed, it has previously been suggest-
ic resonance imaging, dynamic electroencepha- ed that fatigue is an emotion itself.[50] Emotional
lography (EEG) and repetitive transcranial magnetic states such as anger, fear and possibly also fatigue,
stimulation (figure 1). This may be because a num- are not free standing psychological concepts, but are
ber of different brain regions are involved, or be- distinct collections of chemical and neural responses
cause general processes involving energy changes to particular emotional stimuli that have related
throughout the brain are responsible for the genera- physical symptoms, which in some cases can be
tion of the sensation of fatigue. partially quantified.[50,51] Emotional responses are
The development of the sensation of fatigue is thought to be triggered by the amygdala and ventro-
associated with changes in motor activity.[40] As medial prefrontal cortex, and are executed by the
motor function is controlled by the motor and hypothalamus and brainstem nuclei.[50] The main
premotor cortex, supplementary motor cortex, basal targets of the emotional responses are the viscera
ganglia and cerebellum,[41-43] changes in neural net- and musculoskeletal system, but other targets in the
work activity in any of these areas may be responsi- brain are also affected including monoaminergic
ble for the generation of the sensation of fatigue. neurons in the brainstem that modulate behaviour
Indeed, it has been suggested that the ‘effort of and memory formation.[52] Emotional states such as
will’[44] or ‘sense of effort’[45] is corollary discharge anger and fatigue involve adjustments in homeostat-
associated with motor activity.[40,46] However, more ic balance and peripheral physiological changes,
recent work has suggested that the sensation of such as heart and respiratory rate which can be
effort and the sensation of fatigue may not be gener- scientifically measured.[50] Feelings of anger or fa-
ated in the motor cortex and rather originates in tigue may therefore be the mental representations of
motor command centres ‘upstream’ from the motor the physiological changes which characterise these
cortex.[40,47] emotions. Functional imaging studies have revealed

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170 St Clair Gibson et al.

increased or decreased activity in several brain areas brainstem region have impaired consciousness. Sec-
including the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate ondly, the brainstem is the site of arrival of afferent
cortex and insular cortex, when normal individuals input from nociceptors, the vestibular system, mus-
experience emotions such as sadness, happiness, culoskeletal system and integrative interneurons,
fear or anger.[52-57] Therefore, as motivation and and therefore could be an area where integration of
drive are affected by all these different emotional these different signals occurred. Thirdly, there are a
states, fatigue may originate in any of these different number of connections between the hypothalamus
brain areas associated with emotional responses. and brainstem nuclei, and through these connections
Previous experience and planning of current ac- knowledge of homeostatic perturbations could be
tivity are also important components of the sensa- integrated. Fourthly, brainstem nuclei are involved
tion of fatigue. Previous memory of fatigue will in the dopaminergic, cholinergic and other neuro-
allow one to estimate one’s reserves and tolerance transmitter systems which alter the mode of process-
levels, and allow decision making to occur as to ing of other brain structures and areas responsible
whether to continue, reduce activity or halt the phys- for mood, memory or perceptual changes. There-
ical activity. Memory formation and decision mak- fore, these areas in the brainstem and spinal cord
ing involve representations of sequences of events may also be associated with the sensation of fatigue.
(episodic, personal experiences) within a framework It is therefore difficult to show that the sensation
of general semantic knowledge (facts and places), of fatigue is localised to a single area of the brain, as
linked by their common events and places.[58] The a number of different cognitive functions and in-
hippocampus, together with the parahippocampus tegrative brain regions may be involved with
and surrounding areas of temporal lobe neocortex, processes that lead to the initiation of the sensation
synthesise these episodic representations into of fatigue. It has also been suggested that no region-
unique single experiences, such as a specific exer- al classification of the brain is correct for any func-
cise activity.[58] The transition from immediate to tion, as all areas of the brain are involved during all
long-term memory is associated with activity in the activities, albeit to different degrees.[61] This concept
prefrontal cortex.[59] In the prefrontal cortex, current is encapsulated by the ‘binding problem’, which
activity is compared with previously stored memory describes the problem of binding together represen-
of previous activity, and the current activity would tations of different properties of an object or physi-
be altered appropriately if differences between these cal state such as it’s colour, form or location,[62] and
events were unacceptable as part of decision-mak- suggests that large areas of the brain must be in-
ing processes in the prefrontal cortex. Working volved in complex cognitive tasks or motor activi-
memory is active only for as long as cells in the ties. It has been suggested that large scale syn-
prefrontal cortex are firing. Therefore, it would be in chronisation of oscillatory electrical activity in the
these prefrontal cortical systems, perhaps, that the neural circuitry of different brain areas or in local
origin of the conscious perception of the sensation brain areas,[63,64] controls the temporal sequences of
of fatigue arises from. task activity. This phase synchrony, or coherence of
Recently, Parvizi and Damasio[60] have suggested activity in different brain regions is also found to
that the brainstem and spinal cord may be the area occur in EEG and electromyogram activity during
where consciousness is modulated. The reason they motor tasks, generally in the gamma rhythm range
proposed that this area was responsible for the origin (25–70Hz),[62-64] indicating that central and peri-
of consciousness was, firstly, because the reticular pheral neural systems may communicate using syn-
activating system, which sets the level of elec- chronisation processes or activity. It is not clear how
trophysiological activity in the cortex and most oth- fatigue influences this synchronisation of electrical
er areas in the brain, arises from the reticular nuclei activity, or whether alterations in synchronisation
of the brainstem, and individuals with damage to the patterns induce the sensation of fatigue during func-

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Perception of Fatigue 171

tional activities, and further work is necessary in this In summary, if the sensation of fatigue is a com-
field. ponent of cognitive decision making or active set-
Alterations in neurotransmitter concentrations in ting of exercise intensity as a part of the working
various brain structures have been suggested to memory system and based on prior experience, the
most likely region involved would be the prefrontal
cause fatigue. It is not clear whether neurotransmit-
cortex.[59] If fatigue is a specific type of emotional
ter concentration changes are caused by changes in
state, the amygdala or hippocampus or a combina-
neurotransmitter precursor concentrations in peri-
tion of these areas may be involved.[50,58] If the
pheral tissue which cross the blood-brain barri-
sensation of fatigue is part of an integrative met-
er,[65,66] or whether activation of brainstem struc-
abolic regulatory system balancing afferent input
tures which control release of neurotransmitters in with efferent command, the hypothalamus or brain-
the higher cortical structures are altered or initiated stem and spinal cord regions may be the site of
by fatiguing activity and lead to the release of exci- origin.[43,60] Alternatively, fatigue as a sensation may
tatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters which may occur as activity processes in the brain which are
alter cognitive function or perception of the fatigue currently not determined and which involve many
state. For example, monoaminergic nuclei of the different areas of the brain at any one timepoint.
reticular formation in the brainstem are responsible
for serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline changes 3. Conscious Perception from
in the cortical mantle, and these neurotransmitters Subconscious Activities
are involved in the modulation of global activity in
the cortex, and lead to changes in attentiveness and While we have examined putative structures and
behavioural responses to external stimuli.[60] Neuro- processes that may be responsible for the origin of
transmitters, such as acetylcholine, have also been the sensation of fatigue, we have not yet discussed
found to modulate synchronisation and generation how the sensation of fatigue originates from the
of cortical electrical activity in a concentration- underlying neural networks which regulate most
dependent manner.[62] Therefore, neurotransmitter functional processes subconsciously. A number of
concentration changes may alter the cognitive re- theories have been proposed to explain how con-
sponse to or be involved in the subconscious fatigue sciousness develops, such as the global work-
generating mechanisms. space[69] and neural oscillation theories,[7] but no
scientific evidence has been able to clearly substan-
Alterations in substrate availability in brain tis-
tiate any of these theories and a detailed discussion
sue, associated with increased metabolic demands
of each of these is beyond the realm of this review.
and caused by increased mental activity during exer-
However, recently, Damasio[51] has suggested a
cise, have also been suggested to cause fatigue. For model for how conscious perception develops from
example, it has been postulated that during maximal subconscious processes, which may be particularly
activity, increased cognitive activity increases brain relevant as a mechanism to describe how the sensa-
metabolism, leading to energy demands exceeding tion of fatigue originates. In an attempt to describe
production of energy substrates such as brain glu- the association between consciousness and subcon-
cose and lactate.[67,68] However, if brain substrate scious control processes, Damasio and Parvisi[51,60]
depletion is the cause of the sensation of fatigue, one suggested that consciousness is underpinned by a
would expect there to be a period of time after subconscious ‘proto-self’. In this model, the ‘proto-
intense physical activity when all brain function is self’ controls or maps the physiological changes
impaired. As this does not occur,[40] it is more likely associated with emotions, such as increased heart
that if substrate depletion occurs it would modulate rate and sweating, and although this proto-self also
rather than cause the perception of the sensation of operates at a subconscious level, these changes gen-
fatigue. erate ‘feelings’ which are our conscious response or

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172 St Clair Gibson et al.

manifestation of these emotional changes. In this ty to follow. As exercise begins, the change in
model of consciousness, the proto-self is a coherent metabolic conditions causes a different first-order
collection of neural patterns which map the state of map to be created, and the difference between these
physical and physiological structures of the organ- two maps creates a second-order map which creates
ism. This proto-self becomes the homeostatic set- a conscious perception of change and thus ‘aware-
point of the organism and is a permanent first-order ness’ of the activity. As exercise continues, further
map. When changes in the external environment or second-order maps are created of the ongoing
internal physiological milieu occur, these changes change in metabolic profile, and these metabolic
become a further first-order map. When this altered maps must create a cumulative perception of change
environment is compared with the proto-self, the that eventually is recognised as the conscious per-
differences between the two become second-order ception of the sensation of fatigue (figure 2).
descriptive maps which describe the relationship This model is interesting also in that it explains
between the proto-self and the altered environment. both the ‘awareness’ of conscious sensations such as
This second-order map becomes a ‘mental’ image, fatigue, and the ‘feeling of knowing’ of the aware-
which resides at a subconscious level. For the ness of theses conscious sensations, which as de-
mental image to become a conscious image, the scribed previously, has traditionally been the more
mental image needs to induce a ‘feeling’ or emotion, difficult concept to explain. In Damasio’s[51] theory
which allows our conscious cognitive processes to of emotion underlying consciousness, physiological
be aware that a change has occurred which is rele- changes result in the ‘feeling’ of emotions, and these
vant and requires avoidance behaviour if the emo- feelings ultimately represent the ‘feeling’ which we
tion or feeling is negative, such as fear or fatigue. attach to consciousness. Therefore, what gives qua-
The hypothesis of the proto-self thus centres on a lia their particular identity are the specific physio-
relationship between the changing state of an organ- logical changes which occur at the exact timepoint
ism and the sensorimotor first-order maps, or the when a second-order representation is perceived.
proto-self, which describes an individual’s internal Damasio’s theory may therefore be relevant for un-
physiological and physical set-point. As changes in derstanding how the conscious perception of the
the individual occur, another level of second-order sensation of fatigue arises. It is, however, at present
mapping creates an account of the events taking still a theoretical model and further work is needed
place as a consequence of the proto-self/changed to assess its validity.
environment interaction. The essence of conscious It is not clear when the exact point when aware-
knowledge of these changes occurs when a ‘feeling’ ness of change, as described by second-order maps,
or emotion, such as fatigue, is induced by this sec- becomes a conscious awareness of fatigue. It has
ond-order map, which allows responses to the recently been suggested that vocalisation processes
changed state to be initiated. In this model, there- may be necessary for this acknowledgement of al-
fore, because conscious knowledge originates in tered mapping or evolving second-order states.[70] In
neural structures associated with the proto-self rep- this model, inner self-talk alerts one to significant
resentation of body states, consciousness therefore changes in proto-self maps, and this self-talk is
is in effect the ‘feeling’ itself, such as fatigue or associated somehow or as part of a second-order
other emotional states. neural network that involves the parts of the cerebral
This model may be relevant for describing how cortex responsible for vocalisation. Further work is
the sensation of fatigue originates. For example, at needed to examine this theory, looking at these
the beginning of an exercise bout, the proto-self cortical areas specifically using functional imaging
first-order map would describe the homeostatic set- techniques during fatiguing activity.
points for all metabolic activity at rest in the body, Finally, it must be noted that while the sensation
and would serve as the reference point for the activi- of fatigue represents our conscious knowledge of

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Perception of Fatigue 173

Second order map 1 Second order map 2

of activity Awareness
of fatigue

Longer activity
Proto self Early activity

First order map First order map First order map

Fig. 2. The relationship between the ‘proto-self’ and physiological changes associated with increased physical activity and the generation of
the conscious perception of the sensation of fatigue.

underlying physical activity, the majority of activity possible mechanism of how it may originate from
is controlled at a subconscious level. For example, subconscious processes in these anatomical areas or
when we are running we are not generally aware of functional processes, from a monistic perspective.
individual placement of the feet on the ground, or of As described previously, neuroscience techniques
co-ordination of limb activity. While a number of have been developed which allow us now to ex-
different motor tasks are processed by the brain at amine brain function in greater spatial and temporal
any one time, we only have a single dominant detail. We propose that future research should use
‘stream’ of conscious thought. This may be related
these techniques to examine, in detail, changes that
to the idea that subconscious neural network activity
occur in different brain regions, or as generalised
controlling all subconscious functions such as motor
alteration in brain activity, in order to elaborate on
activity occurs in a massively parallel manner, while
conscious perception is a completely linear occur- the processes involved in the generation of the sen-
rence, and at any timepoint we only have one con- sation of fatigue and the ‘feeling of knowing’ that
scious perception of reality. In the fatigue model we personally feel when fatigued. Fatigue as a
therefore, this serial mechanism may be responsible model may be relevant therefore to study the
for the dissociation between the conscious sensation broader problem of consciousness, because unlike
of fatigue and underlying subconscious changes in other emotions such as anger and fear which are
pacing strategy. difficult to quantify, fatigue has generally been
shown to be a reproducible sensation in the laborato-
4. Future Directions ry environment[71-73] which can be generated and
regulated in the human model using routine exercise
In this article we have examined briefly both the testing. Therefore, exercise physiology may have an
anatomical origin of the sensation of fatigue and a important role to play in answering questions that

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Correspondence and offprints: Alan St Clair Gibson, Re-
Med Sci Sports Exerc 1992; 24: 94-9 search Unit of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, De-
73. Eston RG, Williams JG. Reliability of ratings of perceived effort partment of Human Biology, University of Cape Town,
regulation of exercise intensity. Br J Sports Med 1988; 22: SSISA, Newlands, 7725, South Africa.
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