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Dear Mrs. Skvoretz, this letter might come to you as a surprise.

Since every interaction I have

had with you in 6th grade was either you talking to me about my missing work in my advanced
english class or it was in a disappointing parent teacher conference about my missing and late
work. 6th grade was a very interesting period in my life, my parents signed me up for advanced
english and math classes with me having 0 motivation to do so, with that came the non existent
work ethic. You could have easily ignored me and paid attention to the brighter, more interesting
students in the class, instead you paid attention and tracked my progress and assigned a
person who would help organize my backpack as I never used folders. When I wouldnt get my
work done, instead of scolding me in front of the class and embarrassing me like many other
teachers would. You instead talked to me during your planning periods in a very caring tone and
discussed proactive ways to better my situation. When I would have to walk recess an
excessive amount you would give me the option of just staying inside and get my work done
and you would go over my work and give constructive criticism. I also really loved your class
lectures where you would talk about your life experiences whether it would be about dating, or
your battle with cancer and how you’d tie those experiences to us 12 year olds in class to teach
us lessons. While I did not drastically improve over the course of that year, that class experience
is something that sticks out to me and I look back at any time I was struggling. I'm grateful for
that experience in your classroom and your teaching style because your lessons grew on to me.
When I struggled anytime academically after 6th grade (which wasn’t a lot) I would look back
into that class experience and remember your many stories. When I get a bad grade or am
going through an academic rut, I think back to the times of how bad I was in 6th grade and how
it was possible for me to get out of that headspace thanks to your help.

Word Count: 379

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