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[re ‘fame in eapital letters: [1] The prospect of organizing the Football World Cup in 2030 in Morocco, alongside Spain, Portugal and three South American countries, offers an invaluable opportunity to the Moroccan kingdom to develop its infrastructure and stimulate its economy. After several unsuccessful attempts in the past, Morocco was chosen by the FIFA council to co-host this global event, with three additional matches taking place in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. [2| On the sporting front, the project includes the construction of a new stadium in Benslimane, in the northern suburbs of Casablanca, which will become the largest in the country. The six existing stadiums in Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakech, Agadir, Fez and Tangier will also be upgraded to meet the standards of the 2025 African Cup of Nations and the 2030 World Cup. [3] However, organizing an event of this scale requires much more than sports infrastructure, Morocco will also have to invest in strengthening the transport network, improving the hotel industry and digital communications, including the deployment of 5G. The majority Moroccans believe that these investments will have a positive impact on key sectors such as construction, banking and tourism. {4} Indeed, the organization of the World Cup will attract millions of tourists from all over the world, which will stimulate the Moroccan economy and generate considerable tourism revenue. According to a study by Sogécapital Gestion, tourism revenue could reach 11 billion euros in 2030. In addition, the country’s health infrastructure will also benefit from investments, thus filling existing gaps. [5] In addition to the economic benefits, the organization of the World Cup may also accelerate the development of the country and achieve the objectives set by the Moroccan government. Morocco is targeting an annual growth rate of at least 6% by 2035 in order to reduce the social and territorial inequalities that persist in the country. By attracting local and international private capital, Morocco probably hopes to reverse the current investment equation, where the State finances two-thirds of projects. [6] The organization of the Football World Cup in 2030 in Morocco represents a major opportunity for the country. By investing in sports infrastructure, transportation, hospitality and digital communications, Morocco will not only boost its economy but also achieve its vision of sustainable development. This event will mark an important step in Morocco’s journey towards stronger economic growth and curb existing disparities, providing a promising future for the country and its people. ‘Adapted from: https://eng fatshimetrie.org. 1) Decide whether thoxe statements are ‘rue or false, and justify. (2 pts) ‘A> Soven nations are concerned with the organization of the World Cup, 2030. ....... Be Today, Benslimane stadium is the largest in Morocco, 2) Cirele the correct answer, (2 pt) ‘A> Which paragraph tackles the improvement of different logistics in the country? 8, Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 c. Paragraph 3d. Paragraph 4 B- Which paragraph predicts the evolution of travel industry in Morocco? a. Paragraph | b. Paragraph 2 ©. Paragraph 3d, Paragraph 4 3) Answer these questions. (3 pts) A Did Morocco win the World Cup organization from the first attempt? B- Who expected the approximate profits of tourism in Morocco in 20307 C- How much inerease does the Moroccan Kingdom tend to achieve World Cup? 1) Answer these questions appropriately. A- What is the text subject? (1 point) yearly income or GDP after the B- What is the main idea of the entire text? (1 point) C- Provide an opinion example from paragraph 3. (1 point) (1 point) E- How will the Moroccan citizen benefit from 2030 World Cup? (1 point) F- Could you add another profit Morocco will hve after organizing the World Cup, apart from the benefits mentioned in the text? (1 point) 1) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets. (2 pts) ... (decorate) A) His job isto paint houses and put paper on the walls. He is a B) Iam so. -~. that we are going to New York’s Fair! (excite) 2) Find in the text the best antonym for the words below. (2 pts) A-Paragraph 3: Weakening = /B- Paragraph 6: Equality = .. 3) Paraphrase the following extract. _(3 pts) event will mark an important step in Morocco’s journey towards stronger economic growth and curb ‘existing disparities, providing a promising future for the country and its people.” University Mohamed Premier, The Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador, Department of English, Semester 1 (2023-24), Session 1, Paragraph Writing, Prof. A. Tajjiou Full Name: Paragraph Writing. Write a paragraph about your first semester at the university. How is university different from your previous education? ‘What are the pros and cons of university life? ‘What are the main challenges or problems you face? How and what are you doing to overcome (solve) them? Full Name: (Use Capital Letters) Exam Number: .. Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador Department of English Studies Fall Semester 2024 Ordinary Session Prof. Mohammed Belbacha Exam on Paragraph Writing (S1) In an argumentative paragraph of no more than 15 lines write on this question: Is online learning effective? (Your handwriting should be clear) Page 1 Mohamed 1* University, The Polydisciplinary Faculty of, Nador, Department of English, Semester 1 (Group B Linguistics): Reading Comprehension (2023-2024), Prof. Grate Full Name: . ID Number: READ CAREFULLY THE TEXT AND ASNWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ‘As the train neared the resort town on the coast where I was going to spend my two-week vacation, I got up from my seat and wandered up the aisle to stretch my legs for a few - minutes. At the front end of the car, I stopped and exchanged a few words with one of the passengers that I had met earlier in the station. He had bought me a cup of coffee then. ‘When I tumed to go back to my seat, I happened to glance down the aisle and sitting just a few rows back was a man who had lived next door to me several years before. He was an incessant talker, I remembered, and it used to take hours to get away from him once he started conversation. I was not at all sorry when he moved away from our neighborhood. We had not seen each other since then, and I certainly did not want to spoil my vacation by renewing an acquaintance with him now. Luckily at that moment he was much too busy talking to the man next to him to catch sight of me. I slipped past him back to my seat, took down my two suitcases and carried them to the other end of the car so that I could be ready to get off the train as soon as it pulled into the station. The moment the train stopped, | got off and quickly made my way through the crowd to the line of taxis waiting in front of the station. As the taxi headed toward my motel at the north end of the beach, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at my narrow escape. There was little chance that I would run into my boring ex-neighbor again. When I reached the motel, I registered and went straight to my room. Since I was going to be there for two full weeks, I decided to unpack my things and get settled béfore going out to eat. As soon as I had emptied the suitcases, I left my room and headed for the restaurant across the street. I had barely stepped through the door of the restaurant when an all too familiar voice greeted me. I had not escaped from my tiresome next-door neighbor after all! He grasped me ‘warmly by the hand and insisted that we have dinner together. “This is a pleasant surprise,” he said. “I never expected to see you again after all these years.” I- Give a title to this story. T- Vocabulary: 1, Place a circle around the best explanation according to the story. Boring (line 26) mean fa.weary —b.tiresome talkative. sleepy 2. Find words or phrases in the reading which closely match the following phrases. 4, ceaseless, nonstop returned without being noticed ¢. nearly unsuccessful flight Il- Comprehension Questions: 1. Answer the following questions in your own words. a. Why did the writer want to avoid his ex-neighbor? b. Why did the writer feel sure that he had escaped from his ex-neighbor? ‘What do you think is the overall message of this story? d. Do you consider the story to be ironic? If so, what type of irony is being used? 2. In your own words, summarize the events of this story in one simple paragraph. Grammar 1 Department of English 2023/2024 Poly-diseiplinary Faculty of Prof. N. El Hannach Nador Mohammed I University/Oujda Full name: A. Go through the following sentences and identify the part of speech of the underlined words. (4pts) ‘The teacher asked the students to stand. The clothes did not dry as it was raining all night. Sheena and her sister dance well. .. Tam wearing a green dress for the party. Oh! That is really sad. She is coming with me. PAAVaYNE B. underline the verb groups. (2pts) 1. Snow fell throughout the day on London. 2. They have gone ahead with the project, 3. She is digging in search of an ancient bracelet. 4. We had been cooking for three hours before their arrival. 5. [wanted to ask you something now. 6. My child is always playing with her computer. 7. He has been working hard for the money since October. 8. The fast-ferry was crossing the Straits of Gibraltar early in the morning. ‘C Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: (12 pts) Goldilocks is probably the most famous and most charming “squatter” of all times. While the Bear look) for breakfast, Goldilocks . -{make) herself at home. The first thing she . -Aenter) the house was food on the table. (walk) in the woods for several hours and was very hungry. Goldilocks immediately the table to eat. When she. (finish) the meal, she... (cide) to look for a confortable place to rest. By the time the Be&TS sn. (return) from their hunt, Goldilocks leave). To this day they do not know who the “squatter” was, fami D. Fill in the blanks with either the gerund or the infinitive of the given verbs. (2pts) 1. We encouraged her (succeed in) (become) atop player. 2. Its no good (force) him to go with us, 3. 1 promised (care) for the cat but I'm not much good at (babysit). 4. The people thanked me for (offer) (help) them 1 — University Mohamed Premier / The Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador / Department of English / Semester !~ Option: Literature / SPOKEN ENGLISH / Session !- 2023 - 2024/ Prof. Chafyq Nam Exam Number: 1. Define the following concepts: a. Velic opening: b. Transcription: €. Open syllables: d. Write an example of an open syllable: e. Diacritics f. What does it mean that there is a big difference between English Spelling and Pronunciation 2. Classify the following sounds: bs] bf Al Pt bf 4. Transcribe the following wor city far true troy mouse alone ty shut choose bite a Mohamed 1 Univers Grammar} 4th Prot, Aboutkncem HARROUD all 3024 SEMESTER 1 Full Name: ..Exam Numb PUL THE VERBS BETWEEN PARENTHESES IN THE CORRECT TENSE 4, Andrew (TELL) me that our best friend (GET) married last’ weekend. 1 (BE) angry because he (NOT/INVITE) me to his wedding, 2, Look at that rabbit on the roof! It (FALL) down any minute. 3 1” (NEVER/VISIT) Egypt yet but my parents (FLY) there ten years ago. When (YOU/BUY) the car? - I (NOT/REMEMBER) now but I (THINK) it BE) two years ago. 5. Oh, I'm starving, —1 (COOK) something quick for you if you want. 6. Be quiet, please. She. REVISE) vocabulary for her English test. 7. Imagine what (HAPPEN) yesterday. My friend Bob (WORK) in the garden while his wife (MOP) floors in their house and suddenly they both (HEAR) noise from their neighbour's house. ‘They (BE) shocked and (NOT/KNOW) what to do. After a few minutes, they (CALL) the police. 8. How many times (YOU/WATCH) Mission Impossible series? 9. Look! My favourite singer (SING) and (DANCE). 10, She (ATTEND /ALWAYS) school on weekdays but this week she (GO) there on Saturday as well. i, We (WRITE) five essays this term so far. 2. (YOU/THINK) it (BE) sunny next week? - T (NOT/KNOW) but I (HOPE) 50. 43. Can you see the grey clouds? I guess it (SNOW) soon. 14, What (YOUR FATHER/DO) at 5 pm last Monday? — He (PLAY) chess with his friends. 15. She (SOMETIMES/READ) books when she (HAVE) a few days off. (LEAVE) at 6 am, so make sure you are there in time. (PAINT) his room white. It looks much better now. (READ) only a few pages before I fell asleep. (DIE), but the doctor saved your life. 20.1 (MISS) the last train, so I had to walk all the way home. Good Luck! Full Name: (Use Capital Letters!) Mohamed I University Multidisciplinary Faculty of Nador 4 - Demme taoeia Ste ea ooeweeecenee LLLITITI HH ee Exam Number: Prof. Askitou Exam on Spoken English (81) 1. Define the following terms: a- Backness: c- IPA: 2. Fill in the following table as indicated. Example word | Phonetic Voicing Place of Manner of (Last sound) Symbol articulation articulation Tal voiced "alveolar Nasal stop ‘son cough bomb breathe helped jogging 3. Identify the vowel sound in each of the following words. Write the phonetic symbol, and provide another word which has the same sound. Example: Feel: /i:/ - feed 1. door: 3. noise: 2. boat:.. . 4. good: 3. Write the phonetic transcription of the following words: beat: bought: bat: bit: but: bet: 4.Indicate the position of the main stress in the following words by using ( ') before the stressed syllable. (the first word is given as an example) ‘suspect; to insult; competition; understand; communication S.Provide the correct orthographic transcription of the phonetic transcription of the sentence below: /nav wan hez ‘eva bi'kam po: bat ‘givin/

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