Example of Bible Study

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Example of Bible Study

Text: Romans 14: 9-12.

Central Theme (title): Under the Lordship of Christ.
Physically Many times we think that the death of Christ is only effective to enter the Christian
perish life, and that from that point on, we live this life through self-effort. However, that is
totally wrong. We do not live the Christian life starting from the cross, but at the foot
Died of the Cross. The death and resurrection of Christ are the foundation by which we
can live the Christian life. When Christ died, our sinful nature died with Him, and
9 when He rose again we were brought to new life with Him. Thanks to that work, we
receive new life, through which we can live for Christ. That is why Paul inseparably
links living in holiness with the death of Christ. The two are holding hands.
Regain life The Bible says that if Christ did not rise from the dead, there is no hope, let's
resurrected dedicate ourselves to enjoy this life, because tomorrow we will die. If Christ had not
9 risen, he would still be dead, and he would have no power whatsoever to breathe life
into our lives and give us the ability to escape sin. Our faith would be in vain.
Many people today want to follow a Christ who can save them from hell and the
Have dominion consequences of their sin, without having any authority over their way of life. This is
9 Lord over… simply not possible. Christ cannot be Savior without being Lord. When Christ comes
into a life, he completely transforms it. That is why a person who claims to be a
believer living a life apart from God is deceiving himself.
Being near or Paul mentions this teaching to exhort believers that instead of looking at other
appear next to people's sins to judge what they do, we should look at our own mistakes, since one
10 something day, we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, where He will hold
accountable for the way we have lived. Knowing that one day we must give an
account to God, our way of acting in the present must be radically different.
Humble In a way, regardless of whether a person recognizes it or not, God is Lord of all.
every knee yourself, show Someday, either voluntarily or by force, everyone will bend their knees to
11 will bow reverence and acknowledge God as Lord. At that time, some will do it for life, and others for death.
respect We cannot escape from that moment. That is why we must recognize our need for
God. We are doing God no favors in acknowledging Christ as Lord of our lives - he
does not need us. The ones who need him are us, so we have to live for Him.

1. Christ's death and resurrection are what make it possible for us to live Christ-pleasing lives.
2. The cross of Christ is not only to enter into eternal life, but to empower us to live it.
3. It is not possible to have Christ as the Savior of our lives without also having Him as Lord.
4. When Christ comes into a life, he transforms it. If there is no evidence of change, there is no evidence of the presence of Christ.
5. Understanding that one day we will be accountable to God for all that we have done, we must stop judging others and begin to examine our own
walk with Christ.
6. Sooner or later, everyone will recognize the Lordship of Christ, whether they want to do it or not.
7. When unbelievers recognize the Lordship of Christ by force, it will be too late for them to repent. They will be thrown into eternal suffering. That is
why we must enter into a right relationship with God before it is too late.

Conclusion (Summary):
Christ is Lord. When he enters a life, he changes it, leads her to live exclusively for Him.

Application (personal/ ministerial):

1. Do not criticize and judge other people's behavior, but focus on my own relationship with Christ.
2. Realizing that one day I will give an account to God for my behavior, I must seek God's help to live a life pleasing to Him.
3. In preaching the gospel, I must emphasize that Christ not only comes into a life to be Savior, but He also comes to be Lord.
4. I must share the gospel urgently because the coming of Christ is near.

Expositional Preaching:
How would I teach or preach this passage? (We recommend a consecutive verse by verse (not topical) approach that allows us to teach the whole
counsel of God.)

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