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Personal Summary Questionnaire

1. Describe your two latest accomplishments at your last 2 employers.
Developing scripts for automation in Akamai edge servers, automatically updating IP Tables in Azure Storage
Components every month. Also scripting a PowerShell automation for creating/updating/deleting Active
Directory users and also uploading and conceding licenses in Office 365, Azure and in access control.
2. How did you generate income / reduce costs in your past employers?
By automating HR processes, it reduced the time (and number of employees) needed to deal with admissions,
terminations or position transfers. Also, the automations prevented accidents and/or damage to company’s
property and provided a safe way to track down company’s devices attached to employees.
3. Describe the most complex project you have scripted within Windows system. Please include details about
when the project occurred, what aspects made it complex, what your role was in the project, and how you
were able to solve the challenges you encountered.
The Akamai edge server, since it needed not only access to the Akamai server, but to the Azure cloud and the
local server to update the IP Tables (three authorizations required) in any Storage Component every month with
a specific tag and not to delete the tables accidentally causing them to lose connection. After that, many
alterations and maintenance required to allow the user to customize the Akamai server and Tag used.
4. Describe the most complex project you have scripted within a Linux system. Please include details about
when the project occurred, what aspects made it complex, what your role was in the project, and how you
were able to solve the challenges you encountered.
A massive update/transfer of Virtual Machines and Storages between to private clouds since my team was
responsible to updating hardware and needed to shutdown our main cloud provider. Most of the VMs were
Linux based and in several distributions, which proved a challenge because for the new hardware I needed to
configure new addresses, some distributions didn’t work as well and some of them were so outdated that
needed a fresh new installation to work. That were I most used Docker in Linux to prevent such outcomes since
more than 200 VM were in use.
5. What was the most difficult work-related situation that happened to you within the last year and how did
you solve it?
In the COVID pandemic, all the employees went home office suddenly. I developed scripts that automated all
processes, IT or HR, which allowed me to spend more time solving more complex problems, like linking two
separate labs and their resources, and scripts that monitored and set alarms for problems.
6. Where do you see yourself in a group?
I see myself as a supporter, like a person who can work alone in its projects, but also can help another person
finish theirs or teach them how to do it.

7. What can you “Offer” your next employer?

My years of expertise, my eagerness to work in such environments where I gladly worked for so many years,
and my ability to learn more and more to become a better professional.

8. Describe your career goals in the next 3-5 years.

Beginning as a team member, I see myself in the next 5 years probably as a team leader, since it happened
before in another company.

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