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“Fractured Harmony”

(Word Count: 1,818)


"Globalization is a phenomenon to many people precisely because it is

something that is hard to understand or something that is difficult to explain." Brazalote,

T. (2023). The global political landscape is deeply intertwined with economics. In fact,

many political decisions revolve around economic factors such as trade agreements,

imports, and the transportation of goods between countries. As society expanded and

resources became more varied, nations began to establish systems to manage and

control trade, land ownership, and the allocation of resources. Pettinger, T. (2020). As

time passed, the need for global governance became clear. This close relationship

between politics and economics has played a massive role in shaping human history

and the development of societies around the world. But all this doesn't mean it doesn't

have its drawbacks.

People believe that this kind of integration leads to complete dependence and

believe it is a breach of a nation's sovereignty. Some nations distrust each other due to

differences in culture and ideologies. Some countries feel uneasy towards global

superpowers such as the U.S. and China, fearing that they may be taken advantage of

in some way, as stated by Rinat, Z. (2013). In this essay, for the sake of argument, I

will play devil's advocate and argue how the drawbacks and flaws of global

economic and political integration outweigh the benefits.

Reason 1

The first point I would like to make is about Economic Dependence. What is

Economic Dependence? Economic Dependence is when one country relies heavily on

another for economic resources, such as trade, investments, or financial aid. While

economic interdependence can bring benefits such as access to larger markets and

diversified sources of capital, it can also pose risks, especially to a country like the

Philippines. Based on the accounts of Jeanne, O., & Subramanian, A. (2003), when a

nation heavily relies on global economic ties, it becomes more vulnerable to economic

shocks in its partner countries. For instance, the collapse of the housing market in the

United States that triggered a severe worldwide economic downturn; the 2008 Global

Financial Crisis originated from the U.S. housing market collapse, causing a credit

crunch that affected markets worldwide. Governments responded with monetary and

fiscal measures, and the crisis prompted significant regulatory reforms.

Counterargument 1

While economic dependence does come with potential risks, it is important to

consider the benefits and the capacity of countries to manage interdependence

effectively. Firstly, economic interdependence can offer countries access to larger

markets, allowing them to tap into a broader consumer base. Increased economic

activity and innovation can be a result of this. Singapore's success story is a testament

to this. The country's strategic location and open economic policies have attracted

multinational corporations, leading to a diverse and thriving economy. Lim, H. (2013).

Furthermore, specialization in specific sectors can enhance global

competitiveness. For example, Germany's strong focus on exports, particularly in high-

quality manufacturing, has propelled it to be one of the world's leading exporters.

Felbermayr et al., (2019). This specialization has allowed Germany to weather global

economic crises effectively.

Reason 2

The concern over the potential exploitation of poorer and weaker countries is a

significant consideration when evaluating the implications of global economic

integration. Asymmetry in economic power can also result in unequal bargaining

positions in trade and investment negotiations. Baldwin & Evenett, (2009). As the

smaller partner, the Philippines may have less leverage in negotiating terms and

conditions, potentially leading to less favourable agreements. In some cases, global

integration can lead to the extraction of resources and labour exploitation in less

developed countries, often to meet the demands of more advanced economies. This

can result in economic and social disparities within the integrated region. Rodrik, D.

(2018). One example of a major power economically exploiting a minor country in the

modern era is China's economic activities in Sri Lanka. China invested heavily in the

construction of the Hambantota Port in Sri Lanka. The project, initially envisioned to

boost the country's economy, faced financial difficulties, leading Sri Lanka to hand over

a 70% stake in the port to China Merchants Port Holdings on a 99-year lease. Panda, A


Counterargument 2

While it is essential to acknowledge the potential risks of economic exploitation,

it's also crucial to recognize that responsible and well-managed integration can bring

about significant benefits for all participating countries. Global economic integration,

when undertaken responsibly and carefully, can lead to mutual economic growth and

development. Countries, irrespective of their size, can benefit from access to larger

markets, increased trade, and foreign direct investments, which can stimulate economic

activity and create jobs.

Integration can encourage diversification of economic activities, reducing

dependence on a limited set of industries. This diversification can enhance economic

resilience and stability, making countries less vulnerable to external shocks Felbermayr

et al. (2019). One present-day example of responsible global economic integration is

the economic relationship between the United States and Canada. The United States

and Canada share one of the largest bilateral trading relationships in the world. Both

countries benefit from a high level of economic integration, with a wide range of goods

and services traded between them. In 2020, the total trade in goods and services

between the U.S. and Canada was valued at over $600 billion. U.S. Census Bureau,


Reason 3

For the first political reason, the world is in a state of trauma. The lasting impact

of the two World Wars, the Cold War, the War on Terror, and other conflicts are still

evident in our politics today. Each state's main objective is to increase its global power

by gaining power at the expense of other states. However, being the strongest among

the other great powers is not the only desired outcome for a great power. The ultimate

goal is to become the hegemon, the sole great power in the system. Mearsheimer, J.


A great example of this would be The People's Republic of China, a nation

forever changed by the Second World War; had the Japanese not invaded during World

War 2, the political landscape in the nation may have been different. However, as we all

know, that is not the case. Even so, the turmoil caused by the Sino-Japanese War

created a negative perception of China to the rest of the world, leading to the political

tension we experience today. Even we, the Philippines, have not forgotten the scars

Japan, the United States, and Spain have inflicted on us, giving us a slight bias against

these countries. Constantino, R., & Constantino, L. R. (2008).

Counterargument 3

The deep scars left by past conflicts have sparked a collective commitment to

prevent such devastation from happening again, exemplified by institutions like the

United Nations (UN) and international efforts to promote peace, security, and

cooperation. Despite the turmoil it experienced during the Second World War, China

has undergone remarkable transformation and development over the decades. It has

become a significant player in the global economy and international affairs, showing the

resilience and capacity of nations to rebuild and grow beyond the traumas of history.

Nikkei Asia. (2023).

In addition, diplomatic relations and international cooperation have led to

significant advancements in areas such as trade, science, and technology. Nations that

were once adversaries have become strategic partners, working together to address

global challenges such as climate change, public health crises, and poverty alleviation.

It is worth noting that nations can evolve, learn from history, and establish new

relationships based on mutual interests and shared goals. Kissinger, H. (2014). While it

is natural to remember the past, it is equally important to recognize the potential for

positive change and cooperation on the international stage.

Reason 4

Ever since the first French Revolution, the definition of politics changed forever.

This sole event caused a slippery slope, eventually leading to a wide range of

ideologies, interpretations, and concepts we know today. It also led to the development

of political parties, which have been the focal point of today's political conflict. Library of

Congress. (2023). Ideology plays a central role in political conflicts. Distinct political

ideologies, such as liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and nationalism, often have

conflicting views on critical issues like the role of government, individual rights, and

economic policy. These ideological divides can lead to policy disputes and political

polarization. An example would be the protests in Hong Kong. These protests are the

manifestation of the conflict between democratic aspirations of the protestors and the

authoritarian political system imposed by mainland China. Hui, V. (2015).

Counterargument 4

While it is true that the world possesses different worldviews and forms of

government, it's important to acknowledge moments of cooperation that have helped

shape the current global political landscape. Some of the most pivotal examples is the

collaboration between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II, and

the Paris Agreement.

Based on accounts by Roberts, G. (1992). During the Second World War, the

U.S. and the Soviet Union, despite their ideological differences, joined forces as Allies

against the Axis Powers. This cooperation played a vital role in defeating Nazi Germany

and Imperial Japan. Through a Lend-Lease, the United States provided a lifeline of

support to the Soviet Union, providing essential supplies ranging from aircraft and tanks

to food and raw materials. This aid was extended not only to the Soviet Union but to

several other Allied nations as well. It was a testament to the recognition that a shared

adversary took precedence over ideological differences.

Another modern example of nations with different ideologies cooperating is the

international effort to fight climate change, done through agreements like the Paris

Agreement. The Paris Agreement, created in 2015 under the United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change, is a landmark global accord that aims to address

climate change and limit global warming. It involves a commitment from nearly every

country worldwide to set and achieve targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

This agreement showcases international cooperation on an issue of paramount

importance, involving nations with diverse political, economic, and ideological

backgrounds. Countries with varying levels of economic development, political systems,

and priorities have come together to tackle a common global challenge. United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). (2015).


In conclusion, the advantages of global political and economic integration are

often highlighted but present significant risks for the Philippines.

The 2008 Global Financial Crisis demonstrated the vulnerability of nations

heavily reliant on global ties. Jeanne & Subramanian. (2003). Unequal bargaining power

in trade negotiations can lead to unfavourable agreements and even exploitation of

weaker partners. Baldwin & Evenett. (2009); Rodrik. (2018). And the incompatibility of

the existing cultures and ideologies, shown in the Hong Kong protests. Hui, V. (2015).

While proponents emphasize potential gains, it's crucial to weigh these against

the Philippines' susceptibility to economic shocks and exploitation. Prioritizing our

national interests and sovereignty in decision-making is paramount. A cautious

approach to integration is warranted. Simply put, the Philippines is too susceptible and

weak politically and economically compared to the big leagues, and as presented time

and time throughout history, they don't play nice.

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