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Project Title: Measurement and Control of Flex Sensor Bending Angle

Project Team: E
Weekly Project Plan:
Week 1:
• Project Proposal: We will nalize a detailed proposal outlining project goals,
desired bending angles, accuracy targets, performance metrics (response time, stability), and
chosen feedback loop .
• Component Selection: We will research and select a ex sensor based on
resistance range, linearity, and durability. Additionally, we will choose a fan capable of
generating the required force with adjustable speed and selected compatible keypad
components for Arduino Uno integration.
Week 2:
• Component Purchase: We will acquire all necessary components, including the
chosen ex sensor, fan, keypad, and other required materials.
Week 3:
• User Interface Design and Build: We will design and construct the user interface
with a keypad layout for user-friendly angle selection and con rmation. We will choose a
suitable construction method [3D printing, breadboard, etc.] and integrate the keypad with
Arduino Uno using appropriate libraries and code.
Week 4:
• Microcontroller Programming: We will develop Arduino code to receive keypad
input, convert it to the desired angle value, implement the chosen control algorithm (PID or
equivalent), and code functions for reading ex sensor resistance and calculating its bending
Week 5:
• System Integration and Testing: We will connect complete physical connections
between the ex sensor, fan, and keypad to Arduino Uno. We will write code to control fan
speed based on feedback from the ex sensor and conduct initial testing to verify basic
functionality and address any identi ed issues.
Week 6:
• Calibration and Fine-Tuning: We will do calibration of the ex sensor by
measuring its resistance at various known bending angles. We will re ne the chosen control
algorithm parameters for optimal performance, focusing on response time, accuracy, and
stability. Additionally, characterize the fan's speed-force relationship for accurate translation.
• CAD Design: We will develop a computer-aided model (CAD) depicting the nal
project layout using appropriate software.
Week 7:
• Data Collection and Analysis: We will conduct data collection on system
performance during diverse bending angle scenarios. Analyze the collected data to identify
potential limitations and opportunities for improvement. Furthermore, evaluate the e ectiveness
of the control loop and implement necessary re nements.
Week 8:
• Final Report and Presentation: We will prepare an comprehensive nal report
documenting the project methodology, results, and analysis and present our prepared project .

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