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Structural Connections-II

Welded Connections

Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal by creating a strong metallurgical bond
between them by heating or pressure or both. It is distinguished from other forms of mechanical
connections, such as riveting or bolting which are formed by friction or mechanical interlocking.
Structural welding is nearly all electric arc welding, though some gas welding may also be used
[gas denotes the use of a gas, usually acetylene/oxygen mixture, to produce a very hot flame to heat
the parts and the weld filler material. Though gas welding is simple and inexpensive, it is slow and
hence it is generally used for repair and maintenance work only.
Advantage of welded connections
1. Due to absence of gusset plates, connecting angles etc., welded structures are lighter.
2. The absence of making holes in the members makes welding process quicker and the gross
section is effective in carrying the loads.
3. Welding is more adaptable than bolting or riveting. For example, even circular tubes can be
easily connected by welding.
4. The efficiency of a welded joint is more than a bolted joint. In fact 100% efficiency can be
obtained using welding.
5. Welded connections are airtight and watertight and have good aesthetic appearance.
6. Welded joints are rigid.
7. There is no problem of mismatching of holes in welded connections.
8. Alterations in connections can be easily made in the design of welded connections.
Disadvantage of welded connections
1. Due to uneven heating and cooling, members are likely to distort in the process of welding.
2. There is a greater possibility of brittle fracture in welding.
3. A welded joint fails earlier than a bolted joint, if the structure is under fatigue stresses.
4. The inspection of welded joints is difficult and expensive. It needs non-destructive testing.
5. Highly skilled persons are required for welding.
6. Welding in field conditions is difficult.
7. Welded joints are over rigid.

Types of joints & welds

A variety of joints is used in structural steel work and they can be classified into five basic
configurations namely, Lap joint, Tee joint, Butt joint, Corner joint and Edge joint. For lap joints, the
ends of two members are overlapped and for butt joints, the two members are placed end to end.
The T-joints form a Tee and in Corner joints, the ends are joined like the letter L.
The welds may be grouped into four types – Butt (or groove) weld, Fillet weld, Slot weld and Plug
weld. Most common joints are made up of fillet weld or butt weld. Plug and slot welds are not
generally used in structural steel work. Common types of welds are shown in Fig 1. Fillet welds are
suitable for lap joints and Tee joints, and groove weld for butt and corner joints.
2 Connections-II: Welded Connections

Butt Weld: Butt weld is also known as groove weld. Butt welds are used when the members to be
connected are lined up in the same plane. Butt welds require edge preparation. Depending upon the
shape of the groove made for welding, butt welds are classified as shown in Fig 2.

Fillet Weld: Fillet welds are used when the connecting members lap over each other. They are
widely used due to economy, ease of fabrication and adoptability at site. They are approximately
triangular in cross section. A fillet weld is known as concave fillet weld, convex fillet weld or as mitre
fillet weld depending upon the shape of the weld.
Slot and plug Weld: Slot and plug welds are not used exclusively in steel construction. They are used
to supplement the fillet welds, when required length of fillet weld cannot be provided.
Types of welds according to position
Welds are referred to as flat, horizontal, vertical or overhead as per the position of weld. Flat
weld is done right on top of member and the electrode is kept vertically downward. In horizontal
weld, both axis of weld and electrode are horizontal. In vertical weld, axis of weld remains vertical
and welding is done from bottom to upward direction. In overhead weld, the electrode is kept
vertically upward. These types of welds are shown in Fig 3.
Connections-II: Welded Connections 3

Welding Symbols
A knowledge of welding symbols is essential for a civil engineer to be able to read the drawings.
Symbols save a lot of space as descriptive notes can be omitted. The drawings need to indicate the
side of the weld, size, contour and finish, spacing and whether it is field or shop weld. Typical weld
symbols may be seen from any text book. The location and details of the weld are shown by an
arrow and a horizontal line. The ‘side’ below the arrow is called arrow side and the ‘side’ above is
called the other side. Sometimes dual reference lines, consisting of two parallel lines, one
continuous and the other dashed are used. In this case, the symbol is placed on the continuous side
if the weld is on the arrow side. If the weld is on the other side of the joint, the symbol is placed on
the dashed line side. See Fig 4.

Design of Fillet Weld

A typical fillet weld is shown in Fig 5.

The root of the weld is the point where the faces of the
members meet. The throat of a weld is the perpendicular
distance from the root to the hypotenuse of the triangle. The
leg length is the distance from the root to the toe of the weld.
1. Minimum size of fillet weld: The nominal size of a fillet weld is taken as the smaller of the
two leg sizes. The size of the fillet welds shall not be less than 3 mm or more than thickness
of the thinner part joined. To avoid the risk of cracking in absence of preheating, the
minimum size specified are [cl.]

Thickness of thicker part in mm

Minimum size (mm)
Over Up to and including
̶ 10 3
10 20 5
20 32 6
8 (first run),
32 50
10 (minimum size)

2. Maximum size of fillet weld: When a fillet weld is provided to square edge of a part, the
maximum size of fillet weld shall be 1.5 mm less than the thickness of the thinner member
joined. In case of welds applied to the round toe of steel sections, the maximum size of the
weld shall not exceed ¾ of the thickness of the section at toe. See Fig 6.
4 Connections-II: Welded Connections

Fig 6 (a) Fillet weld on square edge of plate, (b) Fillet weld on round face of rolled section

3. Effective throat thickness: The effective throat

thickness is the perpendicular distance from the root
to the hypotenuse of the triangle [Fig 7]. It shall not be
less than 3 mm. Also it shall not exceed 0.7t (or t under
special circumstances), where t is the thickness of the
thinner plate of elements being welded.
Effective throat thickness = K x size of weld = KS Fig 7 – Throat of weld
where, S = size of weld & K = constant. The value of K depends upon the angle between the
faces of members being welded and can be taken from table below:

Angle between
600 – 900 910 – 1000 1010 ̶ 1060 1070 - 1130 1140 - 1200
Fusion Faces
K 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50

4. Effective length: The effective length of the weld is the length of weld for which specified
size and throat thickness exist. In drawings only effective length is shown. While welding
length made is equal to effective length plus twice the size of weld. Effective length should
not be less than four times the size of the weld.
5. Effective area: The effective area of a fillet weld is equal to effective length of the weld
multiplied by effective throat thickness.
6. Overlap: The overlap of plates to be fillet welded in a lap joint should not be less than four
times the thickness of the thinner part joined or 40 mm, whichever is more.
7. Transverse spacing: When the end of an element is connected only by parallel longitudinal
fillet welds, the length of the weld along either edge should not be less than the transverse
spacing between longitudinal welds.
8. Intermittent weld: Effective length shall not be less than 4 times the weld size or 40 mm
whichever is more. The minimum clear spacing of intermittent weld shall be 12t for
compression joints and 16t for tensile joints, where t is the thickness of thinner plate joined.
However, in no case the length should exceed 200 mm.
9. End returns: The high stress concentration at ends
of welds is minimized by providing welds around
the ends as shown in Fig 8. These are called end
returns. The end returns are provided for a
distance not less than twice the size of the weld.
Connections-II: Welded Connections 5

Design Strength of Fillet Weld

The design stress (or strength) of a fillet weld, fwd is given by

fwd = fwn / γmw
where, fwn = nominal strength of fillet weld = fu / √3
The design strength (i.e. load capacity) of a fillet weld is based on its throat area and is given by
fu fu
Pdw = lw t t = lw KS [as load = area x stress]
√3 γ mw √3 γ mw

where, lw = effective length of the weld in mm

tt = throat thickness in mm
S = size of weld in mm
fu = smaller of ultimate strength of weld and the parent material in N/mm2
Pdw = design strength of weld in Newtons
γmw = partial safety factor
= 1.25 for shop welding
= 1.5 for site welding.
Reduction in design stress of fillet weld for long joints
If the length of the welded joint is greater than 150 tt, design capacity of fillet weld fwd shall be
reduced as per cl. no.
Design of Butt (or Groove) Weld

1. Size of butt weld: The size of butt weld is specified by the effective throat thickness. In case
of a complete penetration butt weld, it shall be taken as thickness of the thinner part joined.
Double U, double V, double J and double bevel butt welds may regarded as complete
penetration butt welds. The effective throat thickness in case of incomplete penetration butt
weld, it may be taken as ⅝ th of thickness of thinner part.
2. Effective length: The effective length of butt weld shall be taken as the length of full size
weld, but not less than four times the size of the weld.
3. Effective are: The effective area of the butt weld is the product of effective throat thickness
and the effective length of the weld.
Design strength of butt weld
Butt welds shall be treated as parent metal with a thickness equal to the throat thickness, and
the stresses shall not exceed those permitted in the parent material.
The design strength of groove weld in tension or compression is governed by yield.
Tdw = lw t e
γ mw

where, fy = smaller of yield stress of the weld (fyw) and the parent metal in MPa
lw = effective length of the weld in mm
te = effective throat thickness of the weld in mm
γmw = partial safety factor
= 1.25 for shop welding
= 1.5 for site welding.
6 Connections-II: Welded Connections

The design strength of the butt weld in shear is also governed by yield,

f yw 1 l w t e
Vdw = γ mw

where, fyw1 = smaller of shear stress of weld (fyw / √3) and the parent metal (fy / √3 )
fyw = yield stress of weld in MPa.


P-1: A 18 mm thick plate is joined to a 16 mm plate by 200 mm long (effective) butt weld.
Determine the strength of joint if (a) a double V butt weld is used and (b) a single V butt weld is
used. Assume Fe 410 grade plates and shop welds are used.
For Fe 410 grade steel, fy = 250 MPa
(a) Double V butt weld joint
Since complete penetration takes place in double V butt weld,
Throat thickness te = thickness of thinner plate = 16 mm
Effective length lw = 200 mm
fy = 250 N/mm2
γmw = 1.25 [since shop weld]
fy 250
∴ Design strength of weld Tdw = lw t e = 200 x 16 x
γ mw 1.25
= 640,000 N = 640 kN.
(b) Single V butt joint

In case of single V butt weld, incomplete penetration of weld takes place.

So throat thickness te = ⅝ t = ⅝ x 16 = 10 mm
fy 250
∴ Design strength of weld Tdw = lw t e = 200 x 10 x
γ mw 1.25
= 400,000 N = 400 kN.

P-2: Design a suitable longitudinal fillet weld

to connect the plates as shown to transmit a
pull equal to the full strength of small plate.
Given: Plates are 12mm thick; grade of plate
Fe 410 and welding to be made in workshop.

For Fe 410 grade of steel, fu = 410 N/mm2 & fy = 250 N/mm2
Design strength of smaller plate governed by yielding of gross section
fy 250
Tdg = Ag = 12 x 100 x = 272,727 N
γm 0 1.1
Design of weld
Minimum size of weld = 5 mm [for 12 mm thick plate]
Maximum size of weld = 12 ̶ 1.5 = 10.5 mm
Use size of weld, S = 10 mm
Connections-II: Welded Connections 7

Throat thickness, tw = 0.7 S = 0.7 x 10 = 7 mm

Let effective length of weld = lw
Design strength of weld , Pdw = lw t t
√3 γ mw
= lw x 7 x
√3 x 1.25
Equating strength of weld to strength of plate,
lw x 7 x = 272,727
√3 x 1.25
∴ lw = 205.7 mm
Provide effective length of 105 mm on each side.

P-3: A tie member consisting of an ISA 80 x 50 x 8 (Fe 410 grade steel) is welded to a 12 mm thick
gusset plate at site. Design welds to transmit load equal to the design strength of the member.


For Fe 410 grade of steel, fu = 410 N/mm2 & fy = 250 N/mm2

Partial safety factor against yielding, γm0 = 1.1
Partial safety factor for welding (site), γmw = 1.5
From IS Handbook, properties of ISA 80 x 50 x 8 are : Ag = 978 mm2 Czz = 27.3 mm
Design strength of member governed by yielding of gross section
fy 250
Tdg = Ag = 978 x = 222,272 N = 222.27 kN
γm 0 1.1
Weld design
Minimum size of weld = 5 mm [for 12 mm thick plate]
Maximum size of weld at round toe = ¾ x 8 = 6 mm
Maximum size of weld at square edge = 8 ̶ 1.5 = 6.5 mm
Consider size of weld, S = 6 mm
Effective throat thickness, tt = KS = 0.7 x 6 = 4.2 mm
Design strength of weld per unit length
Pdw = lw t t
√3 γ mw
= 1 x 4.2 x = 662.80 N/mm = 0.663 kN/ mm length
√3 x 1.5
∴ length of weld required = 222.27 / 0.663 = 335.25 mm
Considering weld is provided at the sides only,
let L1 = length of upper weld and L2 = length of lower weld
8 Connections-II: Welded Connections

Length L1 and L2 are to be so choosen that the resultant force in the welds passes through the
centroid of the angle.
Taking moment about upper side of the angle,
L2 x 0.663 x 80 = 222.27 x (80 ̶ 27.3)
or, L2 = 220.85 mm
Provide L2 = 221 mm
Then L1 = 335.25 ̶ 221 = 114.25 mm
Provide L1 = 115 mm.

P-4: Redesign the problem of P-3, if welding is to be provided on three sides.

As obtained in P-3,
Design strength of member, Tdg = 222.27 kN
Design strength of weld per unit length, Pdw = 0.663 kN per mm length.
Length of weld required = 335.25 mm
Provide the weld on three sides as shown below-

Then L1 + L2 = 335.25 ̶ 80 = 255.25 mm

Taking moment about upper side of the angle,
80 x 0.663 x 80/2 + L2 x 0.663 x 80 = 222.27 x (80 ̶ 27.3)
or, L2 = 180.845 ≈ 181 mm
& L1 = 255.25 ̶ 181 = 74.25 ≈ 75 mm.

P-5: A tie member of a truss consists of

double angle section, each 80 x 80 x 8 mm
welded on the opposite side of a 12 mm thick
gusset plate as shown. Design a fillet weld for
making the connection in the workshop. The
factored tensile force in the member is 300 kN.

For Fe 410 grade of steel, fu = 410 MPa

For shop weld, partial safety factor for material, γmw = 1.25
Let length of weld at the top and bottom of angle section be l1 and l2 respectively for each
Connections-II: Welded Connections 9

Total length of weld = 2 x (l1 + l2)

Minimum size of weld = 5 mm [for 12 mm thick plate]
Maximum size of weld at round toe = ¾ x 8 = 6 mm
Maximum size of weld at square edge = 8 ̶ 1.5 = 6.5 mm
Consider size of weld, S = 5 mm
Effective throat thickness, tt = KS = 0.7 x 5 = 3.5 mm
Design strength of weld per unit length
Pdw = lw t t
√3 γ mw
= 1 x 3.5 x = 662.79 N/mm
√3 x 1.25
300 𝑥𝑥 10 3
∴ Required length of weld = = 452.63 mm
Hence, 2 x (l1 + l2) = 452.63
or, l1 + l2 = 226.31 mm
Taking moment about line xx,
662.79 x 2 l1 x 80 = 300 x 103 x 22.7
∴ l1 = 64.21 ≈ 65 mm
& l2 = 226.31 ̶ 64.21 = 162.10 ≈ 165 mm.
P-6: An ISLC 300 @ 324.7 N/m (Fe 410 grade of steel) is to carry a working pull of 600 kN. The
channel section is to be welded at site to a gusset plate 12 mm thick. Design a fillet weld, if the
overlap is limited to 350 mm.
Working load = 600 kN
∴ Factored load = 600 x1.5 = 900 kN
For Fe 410 grade of steel, fu = 410 MPa
For site weld, partial safety factor for material, γmw = 1.5
From IS Handbook, properties of ISLC 300 @ 324.7 N/m are
Ag = 4211 mm2 tf = 11.6 mm tw = 6.7 mm
Minimum size of weld = 5 mm [for 12 mm thick plate]
Maximum size of weld = 6.7 ̶ 1.5 = 5.2 mm
Let us provide 5 mm size of weld.
Effective throat thickness = KS = 0.7 x 5 = 3.5 mm
fu 410
Design strength of weld per mm length, Pdw = lw t t = 1 x 3.5 x = 552.33 N/mm
√3 γ mw √3 x 1.5
900 𝑥𝑥 10 3
∴ Required length of weld = = 1629.46 mm = 1630 mm
Maximum size of weld that can be provided on three sides
= 2 x 350 + 300 = 1000 mm < 1630 mm
Hence let us also provide slot weld.
As per codal provision, width of slot shall be greater of
3t = 3 x 6.7 = 20.1 mm or, 25 mm.
Let us provide 2 slots of 25 mm width.
Length of slot weld = (1630 ̶ 1000) / 4 = 157.5 mm
So provide 2 nos slots of size 158 mm x 25 mm as shown.
10 Connections-II: Welded Connections

P-7: A circular penstock of mild steel, 1.2 m diameter, is fabricated in workshop with 12 mm thick
plates. The plates are secured by 8 mm size fillet welds, provided on the inside and outside of the
lapped ends. Determine the safe internal pressure that can be allowed in the penstock.

For Fe 410 grade of steel, fu = 410 MPa

For shop weld, partial safety factor for material, γmw = 1.25
Size of weld = 8 mm
Effective throat thickness = 0.7 x 8 = 5.6 mm
Internal force causing bursting of penstock
pu d
where, pu = ultimate internal pressure
d = diameter of penstock = 1.2 m = 1200 mm
Resistance offered by weld per unit lengh = 2 x lw t t
√3 γ mw
= 2 x 1 x 5.6 x = 2120.95 N/mm
√3 x 1.25
pu d
∴ 2
= 2120.95
or, pu = 2120.95 x 2 / 1200 = 3.535 N/mm2
Safe internal pressure = 3.535 / 1.5 = 2.36 N/mm2.

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