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Molecular basis of maple syrup urine disease and stable correction by retroviral
gene transfer

Article in Journal of Nutrition · July 1995

DOI: 10.1093/jn/125.suppl_6.1766S · Source: PubMed

17 357

6 authors, including:

James Davie R. Max Wynn

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Jacinta L Chuang Rody P. Cox

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center


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Symposium: Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complexes:
nutrient Control, Gene Regulation and Genetic Defects

Molecular Basis of Maple Syrup urine Disease and Stable

Correction by Retro viral Gene Transfer12
Departments of Biochemistry and Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX 75235

The mammalian branched-chain a-keto acid dehy

ABSTRACT Maple syrup urine disease (MSÃœD)or drogenase (BCKAD) complex belongs to the family of
branched-chain ketoaciduria is caused by a deficiency highly conserved mitochondrial a-keto acid dehydro

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of the branched-chain a-keto acid dehydrogenase genase complexes (Yeaman 1989). The BCKAD com
(BCKAD) complex. This results in the accumulation of plex consists of three catalytic components, i.e., a de
the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) and branched-
chain a-keto acids (BCKA), which often produce severe carboxylase or El consisting of two a and two ß sub-
neurological damage and mental retardation. The pres units, a transacylase comprising 24 lipoic acid-bearing
ent studies focus on mutations in the Eia gene of the subunits and a dehydrogenase, which is a homodimeric
BCKAD complex and their effects on the assembly of flavoprotein. The enzyme complex also contains two
the El decarboxylase component of the enzyme com regulatory enzymes, i.e., a specific kinase and a specific
plex. We have developed an efficient histidine-tagged
phosphatase that regulate E1 activity through a phos-
bacterial expression system that allows the folding and
assembly of Eia and El/9 subunits into the El heter- phorylation (inactive)/dephosphorylation (active) cy
otetramer (a^ßz)in the presence of overexpressed cle. There are six genetic loci that encode the mam
chaperonins GroEL and GroES. The results of pulse- malian BCKAD complex. A mutation in any one of
chase experiments with this bacterial expression sys these loci can cause a dysfunction of the complex, re
tem showed that a majority of the 15 known Eia mu
tations, including the prevalent Y393N of Mennonite
sulting in maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) (Chuang
MSUD patients, decrease the rate of association of nor and Shih 1995).
mal El/3 with mutant Eia. This results in limited or The organization of the BCKAD complex is such
no assembly of mutant El. It is concluded that the that E2 forms a structural core, to which other enzyme
carboxy-terminal region of the Eia subunit encoded by components attach through ionic interactions (Yeaman
exons 7-9 is important for subunit interaction. To stably
correct MSCID, we have developed a retroviral vector 1 Presented as part of the symposium "Alpha-Keto Acid Dehy
that contains a normal Eia precursor complementary
DMA. Transduction of cultured lymphoblasts from a drogenase Complexes: Nutrient Control, Gene Regulation and Ge
netic Defects" given at the Experimental Biology '94 meeting, An
Mennonite MSUD patient with this recombinant retro-
viral vector completely restored the rate of decarbox- aheim, CA, on April 27, 1994. This symposium was sponsored by
ylation of BCKA. The normal decarboxylation activity the American Institute of Nutrition. Guest editors for this sym
posium were Mulchand S. Patel, State University of New York at
in transduced MSCID cells remained stable without an
tibiotic selection during the 14-week study. The results Buffalo, Buffalo, NY and Robert A. Harris, Indiana University School
of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
provide a paradigm for the development of somatic 2 Supported by Grants DK-26758 and DK-37373 from the Na
gene therapy for MSUD. J. Nutr. 125: 1766S-1772S,
tional Institutes of Health and Grant 1-1149 from the March of
Dimes Birth Defects Foundation.
3 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department of
Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,
5323 Harry HiñesBoulevard, Dallas, TX 75235-9038.
•maple syrup urine disease •branched- 4 Medical Scientist Trainee supported by Grant 5-P32 GM-08014
chain a-keto acid dehydrogenase
•protein assembly defect •retrouiral from the National Institutes of Health and by the Perot Family
gene transfer 5 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, Toyama Medical
and Pharmaceutical University School of Medicine, Toyama, Japan.

0022-3166/95 S3.00 ©1995 American Institute of Nutrition.


1989). The heterotetramer (a2ß2} of El binds to the

E1/E3 binding domain of the E2 chain through inter TABLE 1
actions with the El/3 subunit. The human El«subunit Genetic heterogeneity in MSUD
contains the two phosphorylation sites (serine 292 and
serine 302). Both Eia and EIß appear to contribute to Molecularphenotype*IAIBIIIIIIVVAffectedlocusEiailߣ2E3KinasePhosphataseClin
the binding pocket for cofactor thiamine pyrophos-
phate (TPP). The crystal structure of the 24-meric E2
inner core (Mattevi et al. 1992) and E3 homodimers
of the related pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from intermediateClassicClassic,
Azotobacter vinelandii has been recently solved. A thiamine-responsive
model was proposed that depicted that the peripheral
El and E3 components are distributed on the surface E3-deficientUnknownUnknownNo.
of the cubic E2 inner core (Mattevi et al. 1992). A major
interest in our laboratory has been the effect of MSUD
mutations on the folding and assembly of El hetero- * Refers to the various loci of the BCKAD complex affected in
tetramers, which will constitute the first part of this MSUD.
Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in MSUD of these are frame-shift mutations caused by a single
MSUD is clinically heterogeneous with five recog C insertion (exon 2) and an 8-bp deletion (exon 7). The

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nized distinctive clinical phenotypes, i.e., classic, in remaining 13 missense mutations can be roughly di
termediate, intermittent, thiamine-responsive and E3- vided into two clusters; one is associated with the TPP
deficient (Chuang and Shih 1995). Seventy-five percent binding, and the others are near the carboxyl terminus
of the patients are of the classic type with low residual and are related to the subunit interaction. The latter
enzyme activity. Clinical manifestations include early is exemplified by the Y393N (Tyr-393 to Asn) muta
onset of severe ketoacidosis, seizures and mental re tion. This mutation was first described by Zhang et
tardation. Many patients die during metabolic decom al. (1989) in a compound hétérozygote of Italian de
pensation precipitated by infection or stress. The in scent. Later, it was shown to be homozygous in classic
termediate form is milder with progressive mental re Mennonite patients (Fisher et al. 1991a, Matsuda et
tardation. The intermittent type has late onset of al. 1990). The mutation was a T to A transversion in
ketoacidosis associated with stress, but many have exon 9 and is important because of its high frequency
normal intelligence. The thiamine-responsive patients associated with the inbred Mennonite population.
resemble the intermediate phenotype but show a dra To establish that the Y393N mutation is the cause
matic response to pharmacological doses of thiamine. of MSUD, our laboratory carried out transfection
The mechanism of the thiamine response is not clear. studies with this mutation (Fisher et al. 199Ib). We
E3 deficiency is associated with combined a-keto acid utilized an EBO vector that contains an Ori P origin
dehydrogenase deficiency because E3 is a common of replication and a sequence for Epstein-Barr nuclear
component of the pyruvate, a-ketoglutarate and antigen-1 (EBNA-1). These features allowed the rep
BCKAD complexes. Death occurs during infancy as lication of the vector in EB-transformed lymphoblasts.
the result of lactic and keto-acidoses. A hygromycin phosphotransferase-selective marker
MSUD also is genetically heterogeneous as shown conferred antibiotic resistance. The Eia deficient
by mutations in the different loci, which are termed (Type IA MSUD) lymphoblasts (Lo) were transfected
molecular phenotypes as shown in Table 1. Type IA with the EBO vector carrying either normal or Y393N
refers to mutations in Eia, Type IB in E1/3,Type II in Eia precursor complementary DNA (cDNAs) and se
E2 and Type III in E3. Types IV and V are reserved lected for growth in hygromycin. Both untransfected
for mutations in the kinase and the phosphatase. Most and transfected cells were assayed for the ability to
mutations identified thus far belong to Type IA or El a decarboxylate a-keto[l-14C]isovalerate by the intact
and Type II or E2. No mutations are known to occur cell assay. Figure 1 shows that the untransfected Lo
in Types IV and V. There is little correlation between host has low residual activity compared with untrans
the clinical and molecular phenotypes with the excep fected normal cells. Transfection with the vector
tion of Type III. For example, the classic clinical phe without insert did not increase the residual activity.
notype can be caused by mutations in Types IA, IB, Transfection of Lo cells with the vector carrying nor
and II. mal Eia restored the decarboxylation rate to that of
normal cells. In contrast, when the Lo cells were trans
Mutations in Type IA MSUD fected with the vector carrying the Y393N mutation,
There are 15 mutations in the human Eia gene no activity was detected. These results provide direct
(Type IA MSUD), which will be discussed here. Two evidence that the Y393N mutation is responsible for

and E1/8subunits were coexpressed on the same plas-

mid (Davie et al. 1992). The rationale was that inde
pendent expression and mixing of Eia and EIßsub-
units in vitro did not result in assembly of a functional
a2/32heterotetramer. In the coexpression vector, the
amino-terminal end of mature Eia cDNA was fused
to a mature bacterial maltose-binding protein (MBP)
sequence through a specific linker recognized by en-
doprotease factor Xa. The coexpression vector was
l I
transformed into £.coli. The assembled fusion protein
MBP-E1 was purified from the bacterial lysate by
amylose resin affinity chromatography, followed by
elution with a maltose solution. The purified MBP-E1
was digested with factor Xa to remove the MBP ligand.
The digest was separated by a sizing chromatography
on a Sephacryl S-300, and the column fractions were
analyzed by Western blotting and El activity assay.
The results show that a fraction of nonfused Eia and
FIGURE 1 Decarboxylation rates of intact normal and a trace of E10 were aggregated and eluted in the void
El a-deficient lymphoblasts (Lo)transfected with EBOvectors volume. A significant amount of assembled El eluted

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containing normal and mutant Y393N Eia cDNA. The de- as a 160-kDa species, which is consistent with an a2ß2
carboxylation rate is expressed as nmol CO2/min/mg protein.
The vector alone without insert serves as a control. The ac composition. The activity profile coincided with that
tivities of untransfected normal and Lo cells are in the two of assembled El. When the same experiments were
left bars. Results are expressed as a means ±SEM(n = 6). The carried out with MBP-Ela containing the Y393N mu
rates of decarboxylation of [1-UC] pyruvate were normal in
tation, there was no assembly of a functional El with
both untransfected and transfected cells (data not shown). the expected size of 160 kDa, as indicated by the
Reproduced from Fisher et al. (l99Ib) with permission.
Western blot profile of column fractions. Incompletely
digested mutant MBP-Ela, Y393N-Ela and Elßco-
the MSUD phenotype in homozygous Mennonite pa eluted as large aggregates in the void volume. These
tients. The lysates of untransfected and transfected
lymphoblasts were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western
blotting using either anti-El a or anti-El ß antibodies
as a probe (Fig. 2). Both recombinant normal and
Y393N Eia subunits were expressed in Lo cells to a
level comparable with untransfected normal cells (top).
However, a fraction of the recombinant El«appeared
to be partially degraded. The EIßsubunits were not
detectable in untransfected Lo cells with Type IA mu
tations. Introduction of a normal El«cDNA into Lo
cells restored the E1/3to a level significantly less than
untransfected normal lymphoblasts. This result was
surprising in view of the normal levels of decarbox-
ylase activity in transfected Lo cells. This suggested -E1ß
that there may be an excess of unbound El in normal
cells. On the other hand, in cells transfected with the
Y393N Eia, there was no restoration of the Elßsub-
unit. This strongly suggested that Y393N Eia failed FIGURE 2 The protein assembly defect associated with
to assemble with EIß or forms an unstable a2ßi com the Y393N mutation in the Eia subunit. Western blot anal
plex with degradation of the EIß subunit. ysis was carried out using lysates from normal and Eia de
ficient (Lo)cells untransfected or transfected with EBO vec
tors containing the normal or Y393N form of Eia cDNA.
Expression and assembly of the human El Each lane contains 200 tig of protein. After SDS-polyacryl-
component in Escherichia coli amide gel electrophoresis, proteins were electrotransferred
to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes. The filters were
probed with either Eia (top) or E1/3(bottom) antibodies ra-
To elucidate the putative El assembly defect, we diolabeled by coupling with U5I-protein A. Reproduced from
developed a bacterial expression system in which Eia Fisher et al. (1991b) with permission.

results supported the thesis that the Y393N mutation A.

impedes the El assembly, resulting in dysfunction of
the BCKAD complex.
The study thus far established the protein assembly
defect in Mennonite MSUD patients. However, the
bacterial expression system was inefficient in that the
majority of normal recombinant El subunits occurred
in inclusion bodies as aggregated polypeptides. Be
cause the BCKAD complex is a mitochondrial mac-
romolecule, we suspected that molecular chaperones
might be required to assist in folding and assembly.
Molecular chaperones are a class of oligomeric proteins
that facilitate folding of other proteins by suppressing ES'Host ES-Host EL' Host EL" Host
f pH1 + pH1
aggregation or inhibiting kinetic trapping in the fold + pGroESL
+ pH l + pH l
ing pathway but are themselves not part of the final
structure (Ellis and van der Vies 1991). Thechaperone B.
proteins are highly conserved from bacteria to humans. ES-Ho« ES-Ho« EL"Ho« EL"Ho«
In E. coli there are homologs of mitochondrial hsp60 «pHl ,pH1 „pH1 *pH1
* pGroESL . pQroESL
and hsplO called GroEL and GroES, respectively.
GroEL and GroES collaborate in facilitating the head

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assembly of bacteriophages T4 and T5 (Ellis and van
der Vies 1991). To facilitate expression and assembly
of El, our approach was to overexpress chaperonin
GroEL and GroES in the same host. We cotransformed
two plasmids into an ESts£.coli host, CG-712 (Wynn — Elß

et al. 1992). The first plasmid pHl coexpressed the

human MBP-Ela and the human EIßsubunits and
confers ampicillin resistance. The second plasmid — groES
pGroESL coexpressed GroES and GroEL and produces
chloramphenicol resistance. The double transformants FIGURE 3 Increase in El activity and subunit concen
were selected for growth in both antibiotics. Figure trations by overexpression of chaperonins GroEL and GroES
3A shows that the single transformant with pHl ex in £.coii. ESts(CG-712) and EL" (CG-714) mutant strains
presses little, if any, El activity. Cotransformation were singly transformed with the pH l plasmid encoding the
with the second plasmid pGroESL results in >500-fold MBP-Ela fusion protein and E1/3or doubly transformed with
increase in El specific activity. Significant albeit pHl and pGroESL plasmid that overexpresses GroEL and
GroES. Cultures were induced with 0.5 mM IPTG and grown
smaller increases in El specific activity were also ob for 15 hours with single transformants at 26 °Cand double
served in ELtsdouble transformants, compared with transformants at 37°C.Cell suspensions were sonicated and
single transformants. Coomassie blue stain of SDS clarified by centrifugation at 1 X IO4g for 20 minutes. Cell
polyacrylamide gels showed that the increase in MBP lysates are analyzed for El activity assay (A) or SDS-PAGE
Eia and EIßsubunit levels in soluble E. coli lysates with Coomassie blue staining (B). Reproduced from Wynn
et al. (1992) with permission.
coincided with a marked increase in expression of
GroEL and a smaller increase in GroES in the double
transformants (Fig. 3B). The results established that nized by tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease. The
chaperonin GroEL and GroES promote efficient fold pGroESL contains the heat-shock sensitive elements
ing and assembly of human El in bacteria. (HSE), which allowed us to induce chaperones by
growing ESts E. coli host cultures at 42°Cfor 4 hours
Altered kinetics of El assembly before the expression of El. The rationale was to prime
in Type IA MSUD the cell with sufficient quantities of chaperonin pro
teins before the induced synthesis of recombinant
To approach the problem of putative assembly de proteins by isopropyl thiogalactoside (IPTG). This
fects in Ela-deficient (Type IA) MSUD, we utilized permitted the proper folding and assembly to occur
the double transformation bacterial expression devel in the cell. High levels of His-tagged El in the bacterial
oped in our laboratory. We replaced the MBP fusion lysate was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatogra-
with the histidine-tagged system (Janknecht et al. phy. Coomassie blue stains of the column fractions
1991). The His affinity tag consisting of six histidine eluted with an imidazole gradient showed that un-
residues was linked to the amino terminus of mature tagged E1/3 copurifies with His-tagged Eia as a cata-
human Eia sequence through a specific linker recog- lytically active El protein. The E1/3 does not contain

a His-tag; the copurification with His-tagged Eia on prevent the release of folded peptides from GroEL,
the Ni-NTA column therefore indicated proper as resulting in the accumulation of unproductive
sembly into the a2/?2structure. In addition, an inactive GroEL-Ela intermediates. Alternatively, the muta
His-tagged Ela-GroEL complex was eluted earlier than tion may impede the association of released folded
His-tagged El, which may represent an intermediate Eia with E1/3. Studies are in progress to elucidate
in the chaperone-mediated folding pathway. the precise steps in the chaperone-mediated folding
Using this system, a low level of Y393N Eia as and assembly pathway of El.
sembly with E1(8in doubly transformed £.coli com
pared with normal Eia was observed, which sug Stable correction of MSLID
gested that the kinetics of El assembly with the mu by retroviral gene transfer
tant Eia may be altered. To test this hypothesis, we
have developed pulse-chase experiments to study the Current treatment of MSUD relies primarily on di
kinetics of El assembly. Briefly, EstsE. coli cells were etary restriction of BCAAs. Dietary therapy is not
doubly transformed with a His-tagged El expression completely satisfactory because it requires strict ad
vector carrying either normal or mutant Eia cDNA herence and often leads to complication (Chuang and
along with the second vector pGroESL. The cells were Shih 1994). One in five classic MSUD patients dies
heat-shocked at 42°Cfor 4 hours, followed by in while on dietary treatment. Moreover, MSUD is a
duction at 37°Cwith IPTG for 5 minutes. The cells paradigm for developing gene therapy to correct the
were pulsed with 35S-cysteine/35S-methionine for 1 mitochondrial multienzyme complex deficiencies. A
minute and chased with nonradioactive amino acids. majority of gene therapy protocols to date are confined

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Samples were taken at different intervals from 1 to to single locus diseases.
120 minutes, and lysates were purified by Ni-NTA As the first step to somatic gene therapy for MSUD,
affinity chromatography. The eluted radioactive pep- we recently carried out retroviral gene transfer of nor
tides (His-tagged Eia and associated E1/3)were ana mal Eia cDNA into cultured lymphoblasts from a
lyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mennonite patient (Koyata et al. 1993). As described
Autoradiograms were obtained by fluorography. The above, Mennonite cells are deficient in the Eia subunit
kinetics of E1/3association with normal and mutant (Y393N-Ela). Our goal was to achieve a stable inte
His-tagged Eia as revealed by the autoradiograms gration of normal Eia cDNA into genomes of a host
were compared. The Eia mutations were classified cell by using a retroviral vector. We initially inserted
into four groups with respect to the rate of assembly both normal human Eia and E2 precursor cDNAs into
of E1/3 with His-tagged Eia. The first group repre the LXSN retroviral vector. The LN retroviral vectors
sented by the N222S mutation (in exon 6) snowed a contain important features that increase the packaging
normal rate of assembly with association occurring efficiency through the ^+ signal and to reduce the
as early as 10 minutes of the chase. The second group possibility of helper virus production. The recombi
exemplified by G245R (in exon 7) showed moderate nant Eia and E2 retroviral vectors were packaged in
or medium assembly rate compared with normal. The ecotropic packaging cells GP -t-E86. The murine pack
third group consisting of Y393N and Y368C muta aging cell line is unique in that the gap and pol genes
tions (in exon 9) exhibited a very slow rate or little are on one plasmid, and the env gene is on a second,
association of E1/3when compared with normal. The which further reduces the possibility of helper virus
last or fourth group associated with T265R (in exon contamination through recombination. To produce
7) mutation shows an unstable and rapidly degraded amphotropic virus capable of infecting human cells,
His-tagged Eia, with little or no assembly with EIß. transduced GP + E86 cells were cocultivated with
The kinetics of association of EIßwith His-tagged PA317 cells, resulting in the production of high titer
normal or mutant Eia was determined by densitom- viruses at 2-6 X 10s colony-forming units/ml. Cul
etry of the autoradiograms. tured lymphoblasts from a Mennonite MSUD patient
The results of expression studies of normal and were placed above the cocultivated packaging cells and
mutant El can be depicted in a model, in which na were infected with a high efficiency of 80-100%. The
scent mature Eia and E1/3are folded by interactions transduced lymphoblasts were selected for G-418 an
with two separate GroEL/GroES complexes. The tibiotic resistance. Transduced lymphoblasts from the
properly folded Eia and EIß each are released from Mennonite patient (LMK)were assayed on week 6, for
their individual GroEL scaffolds and assemble ini the rate of decarboxylation using a-keto [1-14C]iso-
tially into an inactive aßintermediate. The steps valerate as the substrate. The transduction of LMK
from chaperone-mediated folding to the production cells with LSN-Ela that contained Eia cDNA restored
of inactive aßintermediates appear to be fast (10- the rate of decarboxylation to approximately 100% of
20 minutes). The aßintermediate is assembled into normal (Fig. 4A). LXSN (no insert) and LSN-E2 (car
an active a^ßi,which appears to be a slow process rying E2 cDNA) did not significantly affect the rate of
requiring several hours. The mutations in Eia can decarboxylation and were negative controls. The res-
100 toration of decarboxylation activity in transduced
LMK cells was stable without antibiotic selection for
up to 14 weeks, which was the duration of the study.
Northern blot analysis of transduced MSUD cells
showed the overproduction of recombinant Eia
mRNA of the expected 5.0-kb size. The genomic DNA
from the untransduced and transduced cells were di
gested with EcoRI and subjected to Southern blotting
using the full-length El«cDNA as a probe. The results
show the integration of the expected 0.6-kb and 1.5-
kb EcoRI fragments into the genome of the transduced
LMK cells. The level of integration is one copy of pro-
viral DNA per cell. Lysates prepared from untrans
duced and transduced lymphoblasts were analyzed by
Western blotting using anti-El a or anti-El ß antibodies
as a probe. Figure 4B (top) shows that transduction of
LMK cell with LSN-E1a resulted in an increase in the
level of both phosphorylated (Ela-p) and dephosphor-
ylated Eia subunits. The E1/3 subunit, which was
barely detectable in untransduced LMK cells, was re

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stored by LSN-Ela to a level of approximately 50% of
normal (Fig. 4B, bottom). LXSN (no insert) and LSN-
E2 did not affect the E1/3 level and again serve as a
negative control. The less-than-full level of restoration
of El/3 was perplexing and requires further studies.
However, our results clearly demonstrated the feasi
bility of stable correction of Ela-deficient MSUD
(Type IA) by retroviral gene transfer. The BCKAD
complex is widely distributed in different tissues and
organs. Therefore, introduction of the normal gene
into a variety of MSUD cell types including hepato-
cytes, T cells and myoblasts will be effective in de
grading BCAAs. Information derived from these stud
ies can be applied to animal models, e.g., MSUD in
— E1ß Hereford calves (Harper et al. 1986).

FIGURE 4 (A), decarboxylation of a-keto [1-UC] isolav-

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