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Function to find the largest numeric digit


mov bl, byte [esi] ; Load first digit


cmp byte [esi], 0 ; Check for null terminator

je .find_done ; If null terminator, exit loop

mov al, byte [esi] ; Load current digit

cmp al, bl ; Compare with largest digit found so far

jg .update_largest ; If greater, update largest digit

inc esi ; Move to next digit

jmp .find_loop


mov bl, al ; Update largest digit

inc esi ; Move to next digit

jmp .find_loop


mov [largest_digit], bl ; Store largest digit


; Function to subtract each numeric digit from the largest digit


xor ecx, ecx ; Clear counter register


mov al, byte [esi + ecx] ; Load digit from numeric_array

mov bl, [largest_digit] ; Load largest digit

sub bl, al ; Subtract current digit from largest digit

mov [edi + ecx], bl ; Store result in temp_array

inc ecx ; Increment counter

cmp ecx, 10 ; Check if all digits processed

je .subtract_done ; If all digits processed, exit loop

jmp .subtract_loop



; Function to sort array in ascending order (using Bubble Sort)


xor ecx, ecx ; Outer loop counter


xor edx, edx ; Inner loop counter


mov al, [esi + edx] ; Load current element

cmp al, [esi + edx + 1] ; Compare with next element

jle .no_swap ; If less than or equal, no swap needed

mov bl, [esi + edx + 1] ; Exchange elements

mov [esi + edx + 1], al

mov [esi + edx], bl


inc edx ; Move to next element

cmp edx, 9 ; Check if all elements processed

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