Comm301 - Final Project PR Plan

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Skyy Cakmak, Thea Duc

COMM 301 Final

Campaign Description: This PR plan is for the Bomba’s launch of underwear for kids aged 2-
11 nationwide online. Bombas is also partnering with the Association to Benefit Children for the

Timing of Launch:
● Product launched March 28, 2024.

Key Strategies:
● Use spokespeople to educate public/consumers on Bombas key messages to media outlets
○ Pitch local outlets in LA and NY, major hotspots of Bombas donations.
○ Utilize spokespeople on national outlets to increase awareness on a bigger scale.

● John Green and Sarah Urist Green: John Green is an American philanthropist, scientist,
author, and internet personality. His wife Sarah is also an author.
- Celebrity spokespeople
- Strong social media presence and are popular amongst our target audience. This
means that they can use digital media to campaign the key messages, and will also
be great on camera.
- Could cover the consumer, parenting, and sustainability angles. Sarah will
resonate with moms more because their kids are within the 2-11 age range.
● Dave Heath and Randy Goldberg: CEOs and Co-Founders of Bombas
- Started the company together with a mission to help the homeless
- Can cover the business, economic, and financial angles
● Victor Reyes: Former “Association to Benefit Children” student who was born HIV
- Featured in the ABC video
- ABC Charity spokesperson
● Shirley Raines: Makeup artist based in LA who owns and runs “Beauty2TheStreetz”
- Gives makeovers to those experiencing homelessness on Skid Row
- Featured in the Bombas video; long-time supporter of the company
- Can cover the local (LA) outlets

Campaign Objectives:
● Informational: Create awareness and generate media for the new Bombas products.
● Informational: Create sales and awareness of Bombas cause, and the good that happens
when you buy from them.
● Motivational: Motivate consumers to purchase Bombas’ new products.
● Motivational: Motivate consumers to become loyal Bombas customers.

Target Audience:
● Parents with kids from 2-11 years old
○ Most commonly millennials, not limited to only them
● Bombas’ current customers
● People who care about giving back
○ Especially in their cities (Bombas has a wide reach)

Key Messages:
● Bombas is launching underwear for kids aged 2-11 on Thursday March 28th, 2024
nationwide on their website.
● For every item purchased, Bombas will donate the same item to organizations that help
aid the homeless.
● For the launch, Bombas is partnering with the Association to Benefit Children.
● Bombas products are ethical and sustainable, making them a good choice for both helping
the homeless and your children.

● Media Kit:
- Includes all press materials, 1 pair of Bombas socks, 2 pairs of the new
underwear, and Bombas stickers. The package will come in the shape of a sock.
- Mailed on February 1st, 2024
- Will send to NYC and LA journalists
- Send one to all spokespeople as well.

Press Materials:
● Press release about the launch
● Bios about the spokespeople
● Infographic about the effect customers have when purchasing Bombas products
● Fact sheets about:
- Bombas
- The Association to Benefit Children
- Homelessness in the United States
● Publicity photos of the spokespeople
○ Helping at homeless shelters and at the Association to Benefit Children
○ Wearing Bombas products
● Media advisory about the charity event in New York City, happening before the product
● Media advisory about the factory tour, happening in the wake of the product launch
● Media kit:
- Includes; press release, bios about Bombas CEO’s and Victor Reyes from
Charity, Infographic about the effect of a purchase, various fact sheets, high-res
images, and media advisory
- 1 pair of newest released design of Bombas socks
- 2 pairs of the new underwear
- Bombas stickers
- Package will come in the shape of a sock.

● July 1, 2023: Pitch all long-lead media outlets
- Men’s monthly magazines, women’s monthly magazines, and other monthly
● February 1, 2024: Pitch all short-lead media outlets
- Print, broadcast, and digital
● March 21, 2024: Charity event in New York City
● March 30, 2024: Tour of Bombas factory for the journalists
● February 1, 2024: Send out media kits
● March 28, 2024: Official product launch

Media Tactics: Print (Short-Lead)

● New York Times: Use Victor to speak about the NYC-based charity, the partnership with
Bombas, and the positive effects it has had on the city and of the residents that live in it,
especially the children.
● The New Yorker: Use Victor to speak about the NYC-based charity, the partnership with
Bombas, and the positive effects it has had on the city and of the residents that live in it,
especially the children.
● Washington Post: Use Victor to talk about the new launch and Bombas’ charitable
impacts. They will discuss homelessness in DC and how Bombas products strive to aid
the homeless, and specifically the children.
● LA Times: Victor will speak on the fact that LA County has the highest amount of
homeless people and how the charity and Bombas will partner to continue their fight to
help people in cities like LA.
● Los Angeles Daily News: Victor will speak about the homelessness issues in Los
Angeles and how it affects people’s day to day lives, can bring in his own experiences as
someone who has struggled and talk about how the charity helped him as a child.
● Forbes: Use founders Dave and Randy to talk about the founding of the company and the
success they found on Shark Tank. They will emphasize the charitable aspect of their
brand, the company values, and the importance of the new products being launched.
● People: John Green will do a feature article to talk about the values of the Bombas
company, the new product launch, how the sales are all for a good cause, and his
philanthropy in general.
● Wall Street Journal: Use founders Dave and Randy to talk about how they succeeded as a
start-up company and their Shark Tank experience. They will explain the company values
and how the investments and purchases made help the homelessness and the economy as
a whole.
● USA Today: Victor speaks to the outlet about how homelessness affects children and
how the charity gives them a sense of stability during the difficult times. Mention how
with Bombas’ new product the access to warm, comfortable, and quality clothing will
increase the care that homeless children receive.
● Sustainability Magazine: John Green will talk about the quality and sustainability aspects
of the clothing and how they are made to last longer, made with responsible materials,
and create less waste. Well-versed in sustainability practices and what it means to be
green, they provide insight to how the company works to create good clothing that is
good for the planet.
● Vogue: Sarah will talk about the quality of the clothing, the philanthropic benefits, and
how children will love how comfortable the new products are. She will stress the high-
quality fashion aspects when talking about the new launch.
● The Rolling Stone: The Rolling Stone will cover our charity/launch event, where Dolly
Parton will perform.

Media Tactics: Print (Long-Lead): Men

● Men’s Health: Victor will speak with Men’s Health in order to answer questions about
how the charity has helped him grow into the person he is today and how it has helped
shape his health and values. Can speak about men’s mental health and how his was
affected when people helped him.
● GQ: Dave or Randy will speak to GQ about how wearing these socks can be both
fashionable and beneficial to other people. Discuss how the socks are created and why
they are designed the way they are, both for the ones that customers will buy and the ones
that are donated to homeless shelters and organizations.

Media Tactics: Print (Long-Lead): Women

● Cosmopolitan: Article about the sustainability, comfort, and high quality of all Bombas
products, but specifically emphasize the women’s sets.
● Women’s Health: Short highlight article about the health benefits of having high-quality
underwear and socks, and why it’s important your kids do too.
● Good Housekeeping: Feature article with Sarah Urist Green about how Bombas is the
best option for her children, the impacts Bombas has on the homeless
community/children, and how you can take care of and protect your kids’ wellbeing with
these new products.

Media Tactics: Misc. Print (Long-Lead):

● National Geographic: John Green will be interviewed by National Geographic and will
discuss the science behind the socks and why they are sustainable. The interview can
include fun facts and other fun tidbits that will keep readers interested in the article. Also
mention how the charity helps people in need.

Media Tactics: Broadcast

● The Today Show: John, Sarah, and the anchors will test durability of the new products by
stretching them out, rubbing the fabric against abrasive materials, and drenching them
with various liquids in a competition-style segment. This activity will show how durable
the fabric is, and how it will be a great investment not only for your kids (who are messy
and rambunctious), but also for the homeless who often live physically demanding lives.
John will also add how their company’s efforts will directly impact New York City,
which is local to Today.
● Good Morning America: John and Sarah will come into the studio to talk about the more
feel-aspects of the campaign. They will bring in the new products for the anchors to hold
while telling them about how the durability of the fabric not only serves the children by
being long-lasting and able to survive their rambunctious lives, but it is also able to
support the homeless, who live equally demanding lives. John will also talk about how
the efforts will directly impact New York City, which is local to GMA.
● LIVE with Kelly and Mark: Bring in John and Sarah to talk about how the underwear are
the best ones to buy for your children, share that Bombas donates one pair for every one
bought to homeless shelters as an added benefit. Talk about how children facing
homelessness need these clothes in order to feel some comfort. The charity helps children
feel stable in the City, the place where LIVE is filmed. Appeal to parents.
● CBS Mornings: John Green comes into the studio to talk about the charity aspects of the
campaign, and how each individual purchase makes a huge difference, especially in a city
like DC with lots of homelessness. They will bring in the new Bombas products to show
the anchors so they can feel just how high-quality the fabric really is.
● Drew: Bring in Sarah to talk about parenting and how raising kids has been an experience
of trial and error, ex. buying the right clothes. Show the underwear and talk about the
durability of them, the quality, and more that showcases to people how they are the right
type of underwear to buy for their 2-11 year old kids.
● The Kelly Clarkson Show: Sarah will go on the show to discuss how underwear are a
great choice for parents to buy for their children if they are deciding what underwear they
should buy. Discuss how sustainable they are and their good quality to appeal to
millennial minds, and then discuss the charitable significance of buying these products.
There can be various types of designs brought in to show the versatile options available
to buy when the launch happens.
● The Talk: One of the topics that is widely discussed on this show is family, so talk about
how to make the best decisions for your family by purchasing these underwear. Victor
will come in and talk about his life story and how the charity has helped him become the
person he is today, discuss how they are helping children in today’s homeless world.
Appeal to ethos by bringing up how it would feel to receive new, clean clothing from a
store and be able to know that they are a good quality pair.
● NBC Nightly News: CEOs Dave and Randy (one or both) will do a satellite interview
about the company, their values, the partnership with ABC, and how supporting the
company’s new launch will benefit their community because it is a local charity.
● Jimmy Fallon: John Green comes into the studio to talk about the new launch, the charity
initiatives, and how the products will help the local community of NYC. Hank Green, his
brother, will also make an appearance.They will play “Know Your Bro” with Jimmy
Fallon to also emphasize the family aspect of the campaign.
● Jimmy Kimmel: Segment about local homelessness on Skid Row. Shirley Raines will
talk about how Bombas has helped her business and the community, and how the new
launch will open up their impact by expanding it to children.
● Seth Meyers: John Green will go into the studio to talk about the release of the products,
the sustainability, and the impact the company has on the homeless community and its
children. John Green is very funny, so he will keep the interview light-hearted.
● MSNBC Rachel Maddow: CEOs Dave and Randy (one or both) will do a satellite
interview about the company, their values, the partnership with ABC, and how
supporting the company’s new launch will benefit their community because it is a local

Media Tactics: Radio

● Sustainababble (podcast): CEO Dave and/or Randy goes onto the podcast to discuss
sustainability and how clothing brands are moving to greener ways of producing their
clothing. Talk about how ethically and sustainably they produce their clothes and then
how they recycle their materials and help increase the amount of time people can wear
their clothes, especially helping the homeless.
● BBC Global News: CEO’s Dave and Randy will speak to BBC global news about their
new product and how it will continue to increase the positive effect that the Bombas
company will have on their customers and on the community of people that they donate
to. Bring up important reasons for them to be branching out into kids underwear.
● Morning Edition (npr): Have CEO’s Dave and Randy speak to the Morning Edition
Radio show about what their company’s new venture will do to positively affect the lives
of the people they serve. Also can speak about the charity that they partner with briefly to
cover more.
● TED Radio Hour (npr): Bring in John Green to discuss the science behind Bombas and
how they have become such a big success on the world stage. Talk about how sustainable
the socks are and how that is one of the biggest factors in consumer decision making in
today’s economy. Also can talk about how they personally have been wearing the socks
and how they like them.
● Planet Money (npr): Bring in John Green to discuss the science behind Bombas and how
they have become such a big success on the world stage. Talk about how sustainable the
socks are and how that is one of the biggest factors in consumer decision making in
today’s economy. Also can talk about how he personally has been wearing the socks and
how he likes them.

Media Tactics: Digital

● Start the #BombasForKids hashtag. Every digital post on every platform will always have
this hashtag. This will incentivize people to use the hashtag after they buy the product.
● Blogs:
- Scary Mommy: Sarah Urist Green shares her parenting tips and tricks online, and
will promote Bombas new products as a great way to protect your children from
their rambunctious activities. She will also talk about how it supports the
homeless community (use pathos).
- One Green Planet: Interview with John Green discussing the durability,
sustainability, and ethics surrounding the production of the socks and how that
helps the planet one sock at a time.
- Gary Vaynerchuk (internet personality and blogger): Have an interview with
Bombas CEOs to talk about how their company started and how it has grown,
how the new venture into children’s underwear will help grow the company even
- Melyssa Griffin (local LA blogger): This blogger is passionate about giving back
to the community. Interview with Shirley to talk about how Bombas has had a
positive impact on her life and the way that she is able to give back to the
- Fatherly: Speak about John Green and how he influences his children to be the
best version of themselves that they can be, discuss how Bombas underwear are a
positive influence on the health of his children.
● Instagram:
- John Green (2.1M followers) will do a giveaway. He will give away 5 pairs of
socks, 2 t-shirts, and a 3-pack of underwear. The winner will get to select which
items they want. To enter, you will need to follow Bombas and John Green on
Instagram, and repost the giveaway post to their story.
- Shirley Raines posts a Day in the Life on the official Bombas TikTok account to
show the impact the company’s donations have on the homeless community at
Skid Row.
- Sarah Urist Green posts a video about what she and her kids love about the new
Bombas products to the official Bombas account.
- Post highlights from a factory tour video, that will draw attention to the products
and the company YouTube channel to watch the full video.
- Post a reel in which John Green will film himself attending the charity event,
talking to the other spokespeople, and how fun and heart-warming it is to support
a local cause.
- Reuse some of John Green’s footage to make a short montage about the charity
event and reveal how much money was made.
- CEOs Dave and Randy will take over the Bombas official account to show off
some of the behind-the-scenes footage and answer viewers' questions on their
● X:
- On the day of the release, John Green will tweet about the product launching and
provide a link.
- Following the release, John will tweet a picture of himself with the new products
and encourage viewers to tweet them back with their new Bombas, using the
hashtag #BombasForKids.
- After the charity event, reveal on the official Bombas account how much money
was donated to ABC and how many Bombas products were bought and donated.
- After each TikTok is posted, the official Bombas account will promote it and link
the video in a tweet.
- CEOs Dave and Randy will take over the Bombas official account to show off
some of the behind-the-scenes footage and answer viewers' questions on their
● Tiktok:
- Repost Shirley Raines day in the life on the official Bombas TikTok account to
show the impact the company’s donations have on the homeless community at
Skid Row.
- Sarah Urist Green posts a video about what she and her kids love about the new
Bombas products to the official Bombas account.
- John Green makes a comedic VlogBrothers video about wearing the Bombas
socks and underwear and how they think their kids are going to like the small
versions of the products.
- Victor Reyes talks about how the ABC changed his life and how grateful he is
that Bombas is collaborating with them. The video will follow him as he spends a
day at ABC, and will detail what he does to give back (he will promote Bombas
during this part).
- Post the journey of a pair of Bombas underwear, starting at its production stage
and following it from the factory to the shipment to wherever the donation ends
- Post highlights from a factory tour video, that will draw attention to the products
and the company YouTube channel to watch the full video.
Repost the video in which John Green will film himself attending the charity
event, talking to the other spokespeople, and how fun and heart-warming it is to
support a local cause.
● YouTube:
- Repost Shirley Raines posts a Day in the Life on the official Bombas YouTube
account to show the impact the company’s donations have on the homeless
community at Skid Row.
- Post the full factory tour video that shows off Bombas’ ethical fabrics and
practices. In the video, founders Dave and Randy will give the tour, and factory
workers will make appearances to show how happy they are to work for Bombas.
- Repost the video about John Green making a comedic VlogBrothers video about
wearing the Bombas socks and underwear and how they think their kids are going
to like the small versions of the products.
- Post an extended version of the journey of a pair of Bombas underwear, starting at
its production stage and following it from the factory to the shipment to wherever
the donation ends up. Another pair of underwear (its “twin”) will be followed to
the consumer who purchased it.
- Victor Reyes talks about how the ABC changed his life and how grateful he is
that Bombas is collaborating with them. The video will follow him as he spends a
day at ABC, and will detail what he does to give back (he will promote Bombas
during this part).
- Sarah Urist Green vlogs a day in her life, in which she will record her process for
getting ready in the morning and going to her interview on “Drew”. She will wear
Bombas products in the video.

● Charity event in New York City:
- Each spokesperson gives a speech.
- Goal is to raise money for the charity and also unveil the new Bombas products.
- Press kits given out to all attendees.
- Invite New York journalists, philanthropists, donors and other local charity
spokespeople to attend.
- Dolly Parton will perform, as she is known for her generosity and charisma.
- Bombas launch will also be a large part of the event; a celebration of the launch!
- Event will happen on March 14, 2024 in New York City.
● Tour of Bombas factory:
- Invite journalists local to the factory and also more famous journalists from big
outlets (New York Times, LA Times, and Washington Post).
- Provide an inside look on the sustainability and quality efforts that go into
producing the new products.
- Show off ethical production, materials, and treatment of workers to produce
sustainability and economic related press.
- Event will happen on March 30, 2024 to keep the press rolling post-launch.

● Sales of new Bombas products
● Sales of old products compared to before the campaign
● Impressions on social media and website
● Follower increases on social media
● Impressions/views on broadcast media
● Donations to the Association to Benefit Children compared to before the campaign

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