3 I Unit 4

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Тема : Boarding schools. The future of education.

Актуалізація опорних знань.
1. Answer the question. (Дати відповіді на запитання письмово )
а) What do you think a boarding school is?
в) What are the differences between boarding schools and regular
2. Listening. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
• Перед прослуховуванням аудіозапису уважно прочитайте
речення та підкресліть ключові слова, які допоможуть вам
зорієнтуватися під час пошуку потрібної інформації.

2а) Listen to the text. For statements (1-5) choose T if the statement
is true according to the text, F if it is false. (у формі тесту)
1 Charlie was homesick when he
started boarding school.
2 Students have breakfast in their
rooms at 7.30 a.m. —
3 Some teachers are available to help
students with their homework.
4 The school organizes a lot of social

2в) Complete the sentences (1-8) with the words from the box.
(assembly, canteen, homesick, independent, put on, routine, sort out,
supervise ) (у формі тесту)
1 I used to go to an ------- primary school and I was very happy
2 The-------- at my school is very crowded at lunchtime, so it's hard
to find a seat.
3 There is a regular morning----- in the hall at my school.
4 Going for a run in the morning before school is part of my daily---
5 At our school, we-----a rock concert at the end of every school
6 I felt a bit----- when I went to my first summer camp without my
7 We have an English test next week. I need to-------- my notes
before I start revising - they're in a mess!
8 There are always two or three teachers to------- students during
final exams at my school.
2с) Choose the correct words to complete the sentences (1-7).
(у формі тесту)
1 The best lesson you can teach/learn your students is how to find
their own information.
2 If you want to be good at an extreme sport, you need a lot of
3 Would you borrow/lend me your e-reader so I can read a new
4 Be careful what you say - he is very sensible/sensitive to criticism.
5 You shouldn't lend/borrow more money than you can easily pay
6 The best thing I learned/taught from that class was that I really
can understand maths.
7 Sharing your flat with someone is a very sensible/sensitive
decision if you need to save money.

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