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The Tevinter Imperium conquered Thedas with Blood Magic. Its magisters learned the
craft from demons, it is said, and every mage feels its allure. There is much power to be
gained using blood instead of mana. The Chantry forbids the practice unequivocally.
The vile practices of the magisters led to the Blights, and to the Maker turning away
from creation.

Blood mages are maleficarium (singular maleficar, from ancient Tevene “one who is
depraved”), and Templars hunt them down. Interestingly, some Grey Wardens dabble
with Blood Magic believing that any weapon that can be used against the darkspawn
should be. It is said some blood mages have learned to summon demons using their blood,
though where this power comes from is certainly forbidden and hidden.

CLAss: Mage.
rEquIrEMEnT: Constitution and Intelligence 3 or higher, learned forbidden art of
Blood Magic.

nOvICE: You learn 2 Novice spells from this arcana. You may also use your own blood
to power spells and to cast Blood Magic spells, which cannot be cast unless Blood Magic
mode is active. Use Activate minor action to enter Blood Magic mode. When starting to
cast any spell, you may inflict 1d6 penetrating damage on yourself and gain Mana equal
to the damage. These points must be used on that spell and any excess are lost. You
cannot be healed with potions or Healing arcana spells. End this mode with another
Activate action.

ExpErT: You learn any one Novice or Expert spell from this arcana. You gain the
focus Intelligence (Blood Magic arcana). You may use the blood of a willing creature to
power your spells. This works as Novice but the creature takes the damage and must be
within 6 yards when you cast the spell.

MAsTEr: You learn any one spell from this arcana. You may use anyone’s blood to
power your spells if within 6y. Unwilling targets make an opposed test of your INT
(blood magic arcana) vs. their WILL (faith or self-discipline). If target is adjacent and
helpless (unconscious, tied up, etc.), you inflict 2d6 penetrating damage instead (and
perhaps learn why Tevinter mages were so feared).
Some blood mages may learn the secrets of demon summoning while using blood. This
must be gained from an external source and is not a part of character advancement.

If you power a Blood Magic arcana spell with any amount of blood, you may attempt to
summon a demon and must declare you are doing so before you know the result of the
casting check. If you succeed on the casting check, the spell effect does not occur and
you instead summon a demon, based on your Blood Magic Arcana talent level. If you
fail the casting check, you automatically trigger a spell mishap check.

You can only have 1 demon summoned at a time by this ability. If you summon another
without dismissing the active demon, the active demon becomes rogue and free-willed
as below. You can only trigger a rogue demon once every 30 days, and you cannot
summon demons again until 30 days have passed since you last triggered a rogue

A demon summoned in this way:

• Must be summoned onto a solid surface within 20 yards that you can visualize.
• Acts as you freely and mentally direct on start of your turns. Cannot move or be
moved, cannot defend from attacks (is automatically hit), is immune to mental
effects such as fear but automatically fails damaging spell checks.
• Remains until start of your next turn. You can maintain its presence for 1 Health
per round. If you do not, the demon becomes rogue. You may dismiss the demon
as an Activate minor action.
• If not dismissed by you (e.g. you become unconscious, cannot maintain the cost,
drop out of Blood Magic mode, attempt to summon another), it immediately
becomes rogue, piercing the Veil into your world. A rogue demon becomes free-
willed, loses its restrictions, gains its full powers, full Health, and becomes a
hostile creature, seeking to kill its summoner, even if it takes years. You gain no
experience from defeating a rogue demon in this way.
Rage Demon (novice level, novice spell)

• 25 Health
• Its fire aura deals 2 penetrating damage to any adjacent creature at the
start of the demon’s turn. Immune to fire.
• Attacks adjacent enemies or as you direct with Claws, +6 hit, 2d6+4
damage. If SP are generated, it can only use them on setting their
target on fire (2 SP), dealing 1d6 penetrating damage at start of
target’s turn until they use a minor action to put out.

Sloth Demon (expert level, expert or master spell)

• 30 Health
• Attacks adjacent enemies or as you direct with Claws, +4 hit, 2d6+2
damage. If SP are generated, it can only use them to attack again
• Instead of attacking, drains life from visible target within 10y to heal
self, dealing 1d6 +4 penetrating damage and healing by same
amount. If target makes TN 14 CON (stamina) test, penetrating
damage is only 1d6.

Pride Demon (master level, master spell)

• 45 Health
• Attacks adjacent enemies or as you direct with Claws, +7 hit, 2d6+5
damage. If SP are generated, it can only use them to use mighty blow
(2SP, for +1d6 dmg) or mana burst (4SP, mana explosion affecting
everything 6y around it, ends active spells and drains 1d6 MP).
• Minor action, emit fire or frost burst, 2y radius, dealing 2d6+3 fire or
1d6+3 penetrating cold damage, TN 18 DEX (acrobatics) for half.

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