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section .data

vuid db "VUID-1234567890", 0 ; Assuming VUID is represented as a null-terminated string

numeric_array times 10 db 0 ; Array to store numeric digits of VUID

largest_digit db 0 ; Variable to store the largest numeric digit

updated_vuid times 10 db 0 ; Array to store updated VUID

temp_array times 10 db 0 ; Temporary array to store subtraction results

section .text

global _start


; Part a) Store the numeric part of VUID in an array

mov esi, vuid ; Load address of VUID string

mov edi, numeric_array ; Load address of numeric_array

call extract_numeric

; Part b) Find the largest numeric digit

mov esi, numeric_array ; Load address of numeric_array

call find_largest_digit

; Part c) Subtract each numeric digit from the largest digit

mov esi, numeric_array ; Load address of numeric_array

mov edi, temp_array ; Load address of temp_array

call subtract_from_largest

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