Error Gradle

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Working Directory: C:\Infonavit\sicj

Gradle user home: C:\Users\Program\.gradle

Gradle Distribution: Gradle wrapper from target build
Gradle Version: 2.6
Java Home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231
JVM Arguments: None
Program Arguments: None
Build Scans Enabled: false
Offline Mode Enabled: false
Gradle Tasks: war

Parallel execution is an incubating feature.

Cannot resolve reloading agent JAR: Could not resolve all dependencies for
configuration ':agent'.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':runtime'.
> Could not resolve org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-log4j2:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not find org.grails:grails-bootstrap:3.0.12.
Required by:
> Could not resolve org.grails:grails-dependencies:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.grails:grails-web-boot:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.grails.plugins:hibernate:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.grails.plugins:cache:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.grails.plugins:scaffolding:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.
> Could not resolve org.grails.plugins:asset-pipeline:.
Required by:
> Cannot change dependencies of configuration 'detachedConfiguration1' after
it has been resolved.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug
option to get more log output.


Total time: 0.536 secs

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