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1. This is a group project. You are allowed to form a group of up to 3 students.

2. Choose a topic of your choice from broad Computer Organization/ (Architecture)

my topic is :

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

3. Search for a recently published (i.e. up to 5 years old) open access scholarly article
related to the topic of your interest. Use Google Scholar, Science Direct, Elsevier or
PMU library facility resources etc.
4. Get your topic and article approved by course instructor.
5. Prepare 12 minutes long .ppt presentation (i.e. 8-10 slides)
6. Online presentation sessions will start in the last two weeks of the semester. Scoring
Criteria is attached as below.
7. Submit a summary report (3-pages A4 size, single spaced, 12 font size) should be
submitted by April 30th.

Category Scoring Criteria Points Score
The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and 0.5
Organization audience.
(3 points) Information is presented in a logical sequence. 0.5
Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of 1
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem 0.5
well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the
Content Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate 0.5
(6 points) for the target audience.
Presentation contains accurate information. 1
Material included is relevant to the overall 1
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points 0.5
made reflect well their relative importance.
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the 0.5
Transition between group members. 2
Speaker/s uses a clear, audible voice. 0.5
Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 1
Presentation Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 1
(6 points) Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and 0.5
not distracting.
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. 1.5
Information was well communicated. 0.5
Report A 3-page A4 size, single spaced, 12 font size summary 7
(5 Points) report.
Score Total Points 20

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