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err or BUDDHIST ETHICS Tac Wa THE LAYMAN’S RELATION TO THE STATE yee eo though of ny reform inthe exis ol se (dary, piety cas (than, ba smerhant hit, szrvants (ude al ocupied Discuss that cis dieibsion weed be 1 privy uti fom [Nor doe teem thatthe Buddha fe he hing was designed fe, and addrened wo, “thowsoldes, or howschol eee ed the sues of gm othe moral of the people wore fi akon that a coramuity see fits own undeatanding of lie and estan improves, it food gunn iw. Th on wit the sd of tics nso is of ths bod, owe forks ich made ovtinig sem Greek thoughe but noc eo Indian Tehas been ad dat Socratic ped, undiscovered but ene ntfing visu wih knowl pan ‘oof ms Zed in the vison ofan abana abject = He would aoe break with experince, and in his isa o auopHisT eTHics sigh with the pacices oF man His bac ami lays virtue andthe Fr thesace of venue, Bur god his more than one spec and he Beal or ble when lind in action conse the js, abd els led tothe onsen of usc that of the poll ware. The eal of Socrates had represented meri a show of juice in which clever thea played a lage part and Sorts, aintining ha is eal eal” would ake place before ‘he adge af the word showed no fear of death since he knew he had done ‘no wrong. Inspte bythe wiedom and courage of Socrates, lito showed thatthe more clay he appre the qualities of Soc the more clea Iy he sw his pomp el obese from che every world IPs ce the word wa tit ofthe renord Ahenian democry, which alld pace for phioropbere. In she Rubia goering power rss withthe phlosopher, since che remainder of the community is urable by is ignoraae to proeete vrs." Yr che pilasophs, ins governing, making a sacifce™ He har «speci, advanced education which enables ‘ico poorm hide aa ral, and shes duces must supersede all pi ‘ae tes and interns. That ln the proces the individual of the subjecs ‘Would ont sigh a of to partir consequence ince thea yin ‘hacsng the people vo vie Face educational stems, which, inc- ‘eal included in ther cucla mae and gymnast, were devised 0 thar ead. Bren theextnce of he sate war of ue ony insofar asic tstuted the sole means of presersing view and conolling tha presra- to, Jewae blend haa sate tha represened meri colton of pe pews no worthy of eosdeation. Bus the sate mat be defended fom withous, and cheer a seond if such lores sion of the community must be Formed. Tia consid of ‘aval and mary penonael. The chil ceaon war composed of fret, pestnts, and people following sade and profesins, so that obviously omen of cate sem must shor eve “The Republic was not mera polcoecosomic wets snc, though ‘xcontined many incominencie of which Pao mayor may ne ave been svar, he wes deal more confident concering moral than poi mat feu At the same time, he believed that man could arain thease be ‘Seignd and that ic ceeeened man’ highest development. The wotk cot- ‘ain ten etions, che fie of which zed he main gueion of justice the dpe duce cutliaad the ptfocr ste, incading che education of the Guna” andthe definition of jie in the sae as well as inthe ind dual. Seto 5, 6 and 7 bough by sme co be aions and by oth tis obs the kernel of the whole production, provide f= community and forthe education ofthe pilsophersuls. Secions 8 and 9 show the dectne though fur sages, of the te and de inva termining in the complete injustice which is anny. The final secon, number 10, tmvion sone ofthe previous marr and ends widh avin of jedgmen ‘Though the Buddha let no "Republi the arcade expressed in the [Miya len enough to be compared with Plato. We say fst consider point common o Soci, Plato, andthe Buddha: da one’ ase dys toward oneself and onlin she second to he community This combines ‘vith he iden shat there iso place forthe pleper inthe every weld, ‘Boteover one marinas one wa vee in ores to be bl to do any- thing for others, for one cannot teach thar which one dots noe know The ‘Dhammapade sae "Let ach one esablih himself that which spree ‘hen he should advite odie, and not become impure™™ And aguas “Le 0 one neglect his own good for the sake of anothers, homeve reat. Let i be that having undestand the debe engages mses i Rearing t the comparison, if for “phlosophen we may cake che samapas who wished ro lve spar fom she wold, prefsing always the ie ofthe mind, dae Budaha never envisaged tha tes should azemp “gov ‘en the rt of the commniny They were therefor guidance and advice if they were aed fo iy bt foc dhe Bada techn of suléxng no per fect state cold be posible ete i the preeas world. The eae sytem, potential in he Repub was aed crabishe in India tothe een shat the brahmanesepresnse the thinker and aucated porn of he popu tion che aot he wastior cs, the gxhapstisthe housholdes and pro- fesonal men, sed the sudir the errant and woekpeople, These didnot serge to follow cach ocr’ clingy but with che advent of the reuse tay member ofthe four ass cold leave his cing and spire the mos tec rank. Within the Saha, rank was determined soley by length of ‘membershig. The Buddha took de line tha, with ee elation of the thot any pein of ny soci ral coldingrove be sucess he nundane enya fhe ook the Refogr and kee che preceps, be cern (fan improved eas in fires, with the understanding thache ‘would aesute is conjuneon with keping the moras, be could rise ‘ently above the word ‘Regang the formalason of a definite scheme of goveznmenc hich 3 woul at ine, prodacing sas icon seul oly by eon {iow cele, sem uly har any psn of ion, oF a7 thinking pon, woul eer have embarked on the ck. In the ls 90 ‘Bowand an, Wen Buropehas worked cut many pes of greens ‘tin th ain hey peta serie of checks and modicatons tending Coward one seo eee fhe pipe for which the Grek of fh conary BCE. fought the Pins x Marton nd Sans fedom sf nl ought venus egies of ugh. To sme ener it Init be bali ths Pla was advcning tela ba therein que fon tat che Bubs eniely advocated the framing ak estimate wor it i esnryc Sat in mind the conons under which he ‘ches worked or wee o work Lien Gree was vay ad: ches a Uderod by conenpiny Indians woul hve bent tm fbulous. ‘With Grek, oe was gly amar of ees nd hosing was ‘major pele a the seta wea Tndian might eve he ose ald iw dvce welt dain, the sera Grech ch os tere: Whe he Tain ns consandy nosed wo ead moi, 0 the Gs ec end comerpie Deng cain pce such compan ay be aed bythe ce dat te alg Chiat on which he Ween wo ar apport isl for so long hs large ies Tilosgicl component, and exis, ot the Hebraic or Zoresian foxmponns dat as nthe i outlook ad gene cond: Fi ‘Th Wen el es ays been pyle spl fing, ee soning “ding beni whats acls wo be donee” the a ‘ately Grek conceal ihn the mgt nd mys ide ‘Casini having gen way to Geo eoning one comes tthe Basic ques of de Weerney a hove which the Badd gates "alld by dhe wise” one understands he prea Wenern interes in the Buddhas cechings Benue ofthe inmporeance the Badha ansignd 1 mais mor #2 dards and ota thea, one mi oo fr a deci of che quale of she people who wl pene athene rather thn fr any fun Vine inthe chee el I the chee inan soca nach preva Jn the Bad dy then one ma lok fr pote teaching ths wil render ha acorcy benevolent chi leant i junctions vo che ‘ings and heir procimed dues toe peoples OF such we have ser ccaleumpis he ‘The lender of = community should realize chat by hs inet and Sacesight wll be construed the one which ie people wil marly fl Jove The case compurcd to tha of bull rosin Sls bya devious eure sth the ime atgglag in dzrdel fashion behind him. When che ler Japs rghtous way, his people wil berighteoarslzo and pace wil ign in the rnin A fol in an ened ston causes gret wouble™: When Jing ae evil dispoed, o ae de nines, bshmans, and bowaeoldes Sanons become daordrd, the una and winds ost a che wrong ies, snd he cope se defies. The prope ae wealean sky If howe he [king ie 3 good mn, she people ae lke him and the Kingdom i «happy ‘one To elisa fillowing, 4g «kindly word, «good ram, or equaly ‘of ueuminy, according othe narure ofthe person date a allot, may be counted ar aisle mena" “Two sarar describe at length the conditions of 2 kingdom. In CabkaetsSthanade Sutaae we hae the sory of Dalhane, + unten monarch? Afar 2 very long ign he commanded a cern man thi [nw ifthe clr wheel should a anytime move Back o lag in de urs the wheel did and the king was informed. nfing ome this tat be fad ao enc longer to lv, he handed ve ie domain his son and ‘nei ou into the homie eto devote his emainng ear eo eonterpla- tn of elena jos, Sven aye er the wheel diappeacal. The son Went lamenting wo his the who explained: "The Celera evel of the whed is oc an inheritance pang fom hero son. See, my deur By means ofthe tevin inthe noble day of te univeral monarchy place exis in that ay inwhich you ae functioning. Ar Uposai, once in very fee days ifthe rade, having bashed and hiving observed the ight Preceps, goer othe pper story ais place the wil Beame mane before him the ewe of ‘Se Celeal Wheel with « ousind spokes, rim and bub, complete for ‘working” The son atkeds "What, chen, Sy it his acble duy of the Univeral Monarch?” “The King replid: Thar duty consists in one suppor io hon coving the Dhan, paying een homage 0, being one who vets gmbel and banner of on 0 whom dhe Dhamma [the ovo, a righeoue seen and protcion in araging for ‘he fail unit, ay, nobles (Khaya) subordinaes, Brahmans, hovstbolens, country people and people of the markertowns, copay and tana animale end ind, Do ty my dats in ‘our king ong or comsnse wrong acon, Whee the {Engdom shoul be without mess whim sould be banded some “Whoo isthe kag sar end banans tho, ving om viglace asainel fom seasud sachnent and become era Uke in peer nd gene, ch one ing hil al dng ine binging Mawel approach dein, coming © Joufiom ines tine shoud ing“ What, iis god and what Jvnot god? What isc be enue and whic not cna? What shou be made ue of and wha sould ot What oe ong ee dle aude and anf on, nd what rer along pod Wille bencicil and of bappnen 9 me” the, avin hea, You ‘hol make hem vid an ge i of el and ake pea which is pond. Ti, sly my de is he able duty fhe Una Monarch “The son flowed his fae advice and wo him war maniited the cele Ua whed, Daising to become a wodd monarch, he confirmed de wich by taking in hie an pitcher, nl wih righ ailing wee fom ‘over the wel, Wich the wheel always before im, he ceed wih his fami, hones and chariot, elephants and men, ll oper he wood. Tae rulers ofthe eon rough which e pase welcomed him and aed him to each chen; be dd ob delting ee five preeps, oc to il any ving thing, aoe to ake that which snr give, no to commit seal offense, nt to i and ne wo dei inca, He concluded his rescing wih the injunson co cay thie poweions at they ad alae done, and then ped on, lavingdhen wing vas “The ame events oer with many sccoling rulers wl a lng thers aoe one who, onthe dapperance of he whe, id not consuls Ine ithe Instr he ruled according hi own ies. Theres being soricomsfil noble, ofa, counilas, inser, courts, and recites of ves went to him complaining, They sugested thar he shoul cont ‘withthe many peroas inthe kingdom who knew che noble durzof = get ‘le and that he sould govern on those ines. n accordance wth thee ‘mamendstion he povided the neces prosion for che wall--do but id not atend tothe poorer people Rover became widespend anda cae of doer. The i big oop be he gp a i son forthe dha hie nie ack of mean of eubsinence whereupon the King ‘rade im agi A socnd case occured wich smarter Many persone taking o thieving, che ing decdal wo pura stop to the whole mater by ‘making an exile of on cle. The man wat deursmed around the town and executed atone ofthe msn pteway. Thies now began wo conduct ‘Bei operations wih violence, and murder deci common The psc ‘pperineof poop derscnal and she paso fe dedne om forme hy thousand yert9 fry dousand. Lyng Bose common, and wth he ‘pec ofthis and other ee the li pan dedlned ro vent thousand ys ‘The saaathen seo the cise of thie who wat denon by 3 eran man this denction was conser yee another el ia da iad he ‘peaking of ei of another peson. The if spn dened to ten thousand jas. Psa appetnincedeeottd othe enent that many Peon wee gy: thse, coveing the more beau mitcondacted thersehes towards ‘other men wives A farther moouion of eit arse: immorality, abuse ‘esc, vl lk conan anil wi le opinions, last and pioaous Heol. Consqiere oa thee the repo previa shown co mod fa, ‘man rkmans andthe des ofthe dan decesolcontinuosy By this time the opan of if declined wo a hunded yes ‘Before proceeding to she decrition of further deploble ses provid sin he sua, one may consider some ofthe point vo fr advanced. The “dea dit aman ha decended ro hin prnt mate fom some higher lle ‘ppea to have bon widespread among the ly peopl and atached mit ithe notion tate enjoyed a much longer spar off han he now knows. Modern researc bar pur the length oftie since he ication a some sigh thousand year, bur moentemgloyment of the iotape cabon 14 in ‘toation workin Ass Minor indices fgues in che region of eeny thousand yes. Viewing the queson from ancterstndpoint the "king lng” schematic lst of kings drawn up by Sumerian sbe bout 2000 BCE. as famewark for hisory of Sums, ie reigns of many cents tach, che ten aadoian kingr asounting for 432,000 yeus beencen them. Excision at Ur and Kish ate yelled caborue places and mock pve iriure contaning materi of which the pearst source of supply mast ive en the wer eo of Ina tn, inthe exe of pis lanl, the Pari (One ca hardy fo aibute hit and sini facto aloe scan with the people of he ancient Indus ci and oa ee some emai of idee ikon by 3500 BCE Sune balan asundd oc: sumemplomment of he ach dome, colonnae construction and 0 on srhich the Western wood did ao achieve formanycenirie while noble Fear of import Sumerian buildings consisted in an elaborate igh of steps leading co the piled enance. This isthe sbjex of a sie well ‘non inthe Buddhists. gai, te poet the mouth ofthe Nasbude [Roser Beoah, known to Paley arya, meationadin che Jetaharas a very ancient pore from which trading war conducted with she Mesopormin coun, Though the eximate ofa very long lft was not peelar ro Indi thought thy ao meaae suggested cat Buddhism ourshed in ihe Sumer othe Indus ces the contrary, thes and other crinzations ul rately fl bere they fle vo deweop the higher lel of dough. The ‘sent to which sich hough doc develop ould devezmnin he pesisence Sd improvemene of the race; once this cies ro deep the race would Aedine Ta theese of Sumer, beyond an ehicalcode and che high degre of Clrzation, aocng wat acheved bat interminable woke on magi. RRepaling any suggestion of Bacdhise shoughe, one may ram <> the Bul delcion “Ysa go to Banara I shall boxe se drum of the Desc StI shal make rum the Wheel of he Law which inthis wold ‘bas not yet ben turned” Bur his does nr preclde the exsence of eli phases of mas eccupaton ofthe eh, fr according othe acount pen in Mahipdne Sumas, Vipasi Baha was the fs of the sx Buddhas ‘wo flouted in previous cons, Sal whaceetnerpreation one decide 0 ‘pucoa the eth of eons othe possibly ofa human if re ceding to ‘gh thousand yeas, or even if one abandons theetimares as wholly Bt tus or legendary, tere ate bro pons involved which the present gene™ tia has sea proved ine own experience, They cons in che Fe f= ace, ‘hoe higher hough has magnaed ether du 0 indifrnce oe weight of dogmas andthe source and progresion of eis hat wil reduce a sae, and ‘inal he ene wosld o anarchy and desrction. Soar the detine maybe taken to have riginsted in an inal per, sand i is notcnle ther the li of ei, coneasad wid those given Sccording othe precept ra he place inthe Buddhists” snow Sruaged wih the fst three componens a sealing viene, nd ing In ‘the inaction given to hostholden, the theme i largely sacs in one profesional er basiages underalingy, ad lil id of pores apart roms ‘he specrofdpnn of we wee beats apne int 20 vidual pson. Th pee homily dele with the danger of increig ind Tidal povey a ops te eae, and weleun erethat rules domo poe ‘eat the epead of povery ia their domains they not only induce donde ‘emia but crate derpet for all ecoaizad forms of autho, con- ‘rating w the detrorton ofthe human ice. We have, moreover. fuer saree on the ineaeltion of physical conditions, cllactiv at well sind vidual, wih enon. The presen geneition iy of couse, all too fii ‘yt sc x state oft, and sand in no dou epg the dangers of sss poet From lit pan of century the sana goct onto coir a reduce sion seen years ™ In these ciramsancs the maigeble age willbe ve ats. The tarts of ghee (app) fe bare (naa), cl ta, honey (mad), molars (phe) and sale (ona) wil dcspea, and the highest dof food wilh the rin hudrzaka®™ The en moral way of action wll Je diappened and the ten immoral way willbe very much in evidence” “The word goad will a longer exis; whence, chen, «doer of good? Honor 1nd spect wil be pid ro the erddoe, just aa presen hey ae pul 02 doe of good. The worl wl become lawless as with goss, sheep and sch simal Enmiy willbe che rule, uns a period of general auger occurs. [Aer sven day, some peron wil decide to abandon the kiling and will, tsk refuge in dens, ocs, and hols in tees, living onthe produce ofthe jungle, Emerging afer another seven days, people will el well iposed towards eachother, wilcrjce to ind ha someone ele islefalve, an wil ‘ornfrc each ober, Teng heey loss fin thei frmer conduct they wil dixinguith beoween good and bad, and will eae > tae if ‘Working up ducugh te ange of vice they wil ame back othe ie span of eighty thousand yas when they wl ave repaned er beau Appearance, In thae condidon the marigeable age will be five handed yous. There wll be oaly dice kinds of aficson: desi, fing, and old 250” India wl be ich and prosperous, wid ces and towns so clos 10 Ccch oer tha x cock could wal rom one to another th population wll Te eaormocs. The ey of Vina wil be ealed Kero wl be crowded ‘wth welled, prosperous people, and wil be techie ofthe 84,000 cowns she county: Here wil ae She, « universal monarch who bas con- (quer the world noc by te sword but by goodaew. The Buddha Meneyya ‘hil then as, and Saiki, faving aed up che palace bile lng ago by rah King Mabipanida™ will give up his posession and go forth into the homelsfender the Bd Mereyya* "The Kiadent Sune dius asia eobjec though na ther mote Sssumsebed mane. Here we hive che story of Kng of inane date, by name Mahi, who, iding himselFpossed of reat wea, his reste owes and storehoue fu, fl thr he should peforn a ea sac © show his gna” He onal with is elgious aise, who sd Siri is remakal char she King’s teitory is oppressed with murderous aac, che sacking of ilger, maskeetowns and ces ‘ch ambush and robbery. If now the king would uproot tis ‘ppeesion by posing aa, he woud at be Elling his dye may be tha he eared king fn: T shou put an end wo hat ebbeq-couble by punishment, impronment fine or by making tn exmple of somebody, or by ex’; bu ies no by that means ue ilene eighty exeinatd. Those who survive cause fe icles But by adopung this mechod the robberycoule is tighly exerminated, In tha ce, 0 thoe in che King ery sho work on the land, culating and farming, let him seshute fod and seeds to those who ae ads le him make a grant ‘Gove who sein ise lec im consider Food and wage: These ren, azached t ther ow work, wil not make wouble sey will hep in the maang of revenue andthe counzy will be fee fom coppresion. People willbe pleased and hapy, and, rejoicing in the resting ofthe cldes, wil surely dell wi ther houses open? ‘Theking, filling she abe found th ister beame ere and pesca is pope happy and loa. Therein adier war now called to par get sci and to inmrace he ling concring the proce ‘Acta, aotbe peonages were invited, repemenacs of the Has, ‘minis of sate, bahmane and housholdn, ll of whom bought much swath which he ced othe king. He deine esac he bad aleady su lene evens and posesins andthe ifs wee funded costa pe ou charg: The ace consisted eniely of he, ol bute ilk, hone, fn molascy, ands the King himself rough his penal gi of weak td powes bis confidence and undemanding, and hi incligence. Hi rs ios aver bog sah, vie and wisdom, puppHIsT ETHICS “That ach a underlying sisi will bing peace and happiness to 2 coun cy ieviens or he eporsofF-ber, the a of he Chinese Bods pi spins whose eons ae tll eat, Pasng through nal India some ight eons afer the prin ofthe Buddha, Faien wre “OF all she ‘una of Central nds (- Maad) as he ges ce and towns, Ts people are sich nd evi nd emote one seth in practicing chai fhe and dy to one eign Rega every ea cathe ght ay of the sed moon they havea procession of image -- Thee maybe some wey ca al eaufly orienta and diffsea fom one nother. On the bore mensionod day ll the eesti nd laymen in the disc ser be dey hve singing an high hs musi nd make oerings of owes and incense he des and gay of thee courses have insted in thi cap- ils fe hospi apd ithe come al por ot hp patents, pans, wi corer and ripples. They ae well taken eae of 2 doco ends them, food tnd medisine being supplied acording to hei needs, They areallmade qui Commie, and when they ae ced ey go away.” Th eannon of cour be amid tha the pace and progesiy of ‘Magadha had continued without inwrupion over che entries. King Bimbita, mentioned fend inthe Nika a being favorably dispced owas the teachings ofthe Buddha, was an ambiios ruler who by con ‘quot and mations allaner added appreciably to his dominions. His fon and sucenion Ajtrata, consaued the poigy and les than a year before the priniobna of he Buddha was projesing an aac on the pow tefl Veja, The che inser of Magadba was sent tthe Buda with the information and with insuucions ro find outa fr 8 posible che tances of suces, Venerable Ananda, who wat praca tthe nevi com> red to the Biba thas the Vajians ad followed advice the Buh had geen them sometime previously eogaring tel conduct and fom ths the Iminier infor that Aaa would be define the lose. The advice ‘ven ad been thatthe people shoud: send habicaly the formal sens bls acemble ina sit of nig sod hazmoas, pas the ime there Ramo niu and do who had 1 be done harmonionsy not make ne ows of tbolsh old ons bt continue inthe old Vajian manner; honor and respect thei elders, paying od to chem noe denis by force women org of thei lass hoor the Vann shines in thee country and coin withthe or ‘net elgions ofeings and protect and provide fr dh anbas among ther td duit new one If he Vjian wold fll hese conditions, sd the 12s suDpHist ETHICS dd, chy might be expe t prosper and no to dene ** Te aoe knows wheter the particle stad invended did ake pce ridin the es Fre br a length Aras guined concel of Kowa nd hic som and succes, Udayan, continued the tadition, The pro- am of expansion seems to have ben hale bya eicenson of weak rules tel he wiper Siuniga anne che only oustanding rival ese, [Avanti Inthe building wp of « Magadha empie it was inevinble that ‘Badd ister should ave been aves afore, and seems hadly strange thar thee Budi sips whethe they were ever wren down or not, should hae diappezed ae collesion. We have evidence for thom only inthe Dhonmapad ad th olde fhe Sead Vines, ‘items pou tat dhe sor groupe of Baise, ehough thse need snot nace have heen represent of diferent secs, each posse is ‘compendia, if only fr purposes of reference for racing, The Mahi ‘would bescatein pine. Though itcaris aes fll ie “The Vinge Pik Geconing to the tex of the Zahutreoddni™ belonging to the ‘Massing in che fxm in which we koow the compilation at pesent| ther is pratcly no Vinge materi. The coments do icude naraines, poems, sks ey venions ofthe Mahigorinde Sura and others of the srlPksown Pl suas the whole ofthe Subananage ofthe Diep, {he Khushi Gee noe 159), and wie ofthe Sizer Mp That 3 concerted fre was nade at onetime o resemble he early eipears Isla from the sorption ofthe Apemar and che Nika, or thee were drawn fom a common source which appazensepeseaced 2 sage inter ‘mediate berwera the very ei toe andthe Agamarand Nikijasas we know them ac present. One fica en oustanding namely thatthe compe of the Miya wre unawaz ofthe gin of heres chey incorporated in ‘he Kuda Nokia to de exes hat hee Radda tx were lendy suovvors of comple and lager eallecon. lowever the fc har groups of Budahie arempred wo hold collec sions of es and als when mote fivorable conditions prea ro reasem- ‘eo econsac the whole body of rire, bes wines ro upsrge of Buddhism in part of lia even to the ee ofthat decribed ix Magadha by ren, The efor of rome ofthe setons ofthe community follow ‘the Badd nscions to che Vajans wee therefore not made in van Sill we have no fndistion tat among thee cai wodks was ever incladed a fxm oi of the sare of laos Republic As always, the ry suppHist ETHICS Budd ss the hough bend a thing and ithe happiness and wel [sng of ae were dependenon che moral qualita tle, we havo recognize, lo according to the adic given co the Vas, dha the dais ofthe popelace were to and and coopestein the public guheings where the dicustion of loilation cok place. Moral sesponsblity ay not oly vith the rule bur do withthe mass thee wa no querion of = dca Tonk. Inshore, each person shoud share ia the esponiby of making

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