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Good evening, my name is Hannah Collins and I had to do research and understand whom I was
interviewing before I had done so. Jennifer Brown’s job is known as a fleet and facility director.
My research about Jennifer consisted of public websites and YouTube Videos speaking about
Jennifer Brown’s job and roles. In the video, New Fleet Coordinator, I learned that a fleeting
manager has the responsibility of ensuring that your agency operates effectively and efficiently.
Some of the following responsibilities fleeting managers have are developing your agency policy
for management and State vehicles, creating an annual operating budget, constant maintenance
of vehicles, and creating service periods for all vehicle types to be used, as it maintains
effectiveness. By doing so, the manager is buying, renting, or leasing vehicles with effective
spending. The role of the office of fleet management is compliance to follow state policies,
within the state fleet and while those policies are created. Some of the responsibilities within the
office of fleet management are maintaining valuable information in the fleet, determining cost
savings, and establishing guidelines. Benefits regarding this line of work and society are fuel
cards at no additional cost, WEX (24-hour customer service), deduction in taxes, and customer
satisfaction by using a reliable and quickly accessed vehicle. To further add, I used these
websites for research purposes as well, titled “Jennifer Brown Director” and “Public Works
Section Director”.The first website refers to Jennifer Brown’s current position and her previous
background, that way I understand who she is before the interview. The City of Flagstaff website
mentions Jennifer Brown’s current job in greater detail by describing administrative duties such
as supervisory, strategic planning, budgeting, council communications, and more. In addition, on
the website, examples of each role are mentioned, along with special requirements.

Interview Transcript:

Good evening, Jennifer Brown. I am here to do an interview about your occupation and just learn
more about yourself. Do want to answer a few of questions?

I would love

to. So what is your name and occupation?

So my name is Jennifer Brown. I go by Jen and I am the facilities in Fleet section director for the
city of Flagstaff.
Perfect. What exactly does your occupation entail?

So those two parts to it, so I am the facility section director, which means that I am in charge of
over a million square feet areas square feet for the buildings. It's a hundred buildings that we take
care of. So that means it's anywhere from City Hall to the aquaplex the airport as well as the
Public Works building and another big one the library now for I'm also in charge of the
technicians and those technicians help to gather quotes for anything. That's over $10,000. So
those become a capital project. They also repair make minor repairs patch patch holes in wall
repair the carpet and then on the fleet side. I'm in charge over 742 vehicles and equipment. So
that's anywhere from light duty to heavy duty Vehicles as well as Tractors front loaders Bobcats
and then I'm also in charge of technicians. So basically mechanics that we have a shop and they
are the ones that fix any the vehicles so the vehicles that Need repair or preventative
maintenance. We have technicians to take care of those.

That really is a lot of work.

It can definitely so it's and it's different, you both both of them are different and it's involves
repairs, but it's still providing service to customers.

What is your annual salary? So my annual salary is a hundred and three thousand per year.

is your job what you envisioned when you applied for it and why so

so actually just recently was offered this position. So I'm in week three and I can you that the
first week I felt a overwhelmed but as I'm getting a bit more comfortable and understanding what
my job duties are I'm actually pleasantly pleased with with my job and where I'm going to be
headed to with and what can you my biggest thing is being able to make an impact and I'm
already feeling that Within These last three weeks is that I'm going to be making an impact.

I think that's really powerful to hear how Your job can be stressful or overwhelming yet. You're
working through it. Yeah, it's it's just a process and you have to keep moving forward and also
leaning on the people that you work with to help you to be successful. right.

What are all the current responsibilities you hold in your job is position administrative duties and
examples of work performed and a broad sense. so there's mostly it's going to be administrative
duties. It's also ensuring that we're staying well within budget that we're communicating with
customers. So our customers are be internal not external customers. So our internal customers are
going the other departments so community of development.
The Visitor Center the Police Department fire department those are our customers and we need
to make sure so that's that's one my jobs is to make sure that we're collaborating to understand
the needs of their projects and that we can successfully fulfill them and that's for both Fleet and

I that you mentioned. this question or at had spoken about it. But if were to give an estimate, how
many vehicles do you operate on a daily basis and on a daily basis? that could be anything. Oh,
so there would so we have in our Fleet 742 pieces of either Vehicles light or heavy duty or
equipment so tractors, I would say that the city probably operates at least. 500 of those Within a
within a Wow.

What type division is your job known as is your job or role for a specific agency City? Yeah, it's
it's for the city Flagstaff and obviously within city Flagstaff. They have several departments. So
biggest ones would the Flagstaff fire department and the Flagstaff Police Department as well as
Public Works. Those are the big top three.

Do you believe that it good for people to understand who you are and your line of work as you
work city of Flagstaff and why so yeah, I because I believe networking is a cute a huge part of
being successful you want to be to work with people and you people to know who you are
because then they're be able trust you, right if they don't know who you are then like, who you
and are they gonna be to trust that I'm gonna be able to complete this project that they're be able
to take get their needs met. And so I think it is important that that people do know who am. I
most definitely agree.

What inspired you to work for government let alone the occupation you have right now. so I was
inspired to work for the government at a young age because I wanted be a police officer when I
was younger. Obviously that did happen but started working at the police department in that
ended up being my career for over 26 years and then just being part something, you know being
giving back to my community and being able provide for my family because I knew it was stable
and I I don't I go to you giving back to my community and being able to make an impact and that
is whether I was working at police department or where I'm now. I'm still making an impact with
the community that live in.

speaking of impacts What are your strengths and attributes that prepare you for occupation? My
strengths that I have that I am a people person. I do like to talk to people. I I understand and I'm a
more empathetic as to like I get to see the whole picture versus just seeing inside my little area I
see. The bigger picture as far as why is it important for Community Development to have this or
why is important for the police department that they have to have all these vehicles and nobody
else is important. You know, see that it's important for every department and every department
has a to do and so my part to sure that they can get their job done. So I would think that's
probably one my biggest things is that I'm able see the bigger picture and

Really? I want help people and I think that's that's a pretty good attribute. I think those are good
qualities to have.

What are some of the weaknesses that you may have regarding your occupation? I tend say yes a
and that's really hard because sometimes just get overwhelmed and overworked and once people
know that your title does the yes person. They'll come to you for help what I've done to help with
managing. That is that I will tell them. Hey, here's another Avenue. I can't help you right now.
But here's another Avenue for you to be successful in trying to get your you know, whatever.
They're asking me so I can just kind steer them in the right direction, but that doesn't mean that
I'm actually going take on the project. I that's a positive way to redirect. Yeah Definitely.

Do have previous experience from other jobs? What would say benefited Society in roles?

Yeah, I've had a lot of other jobs. So one of the biggest ones was the police department and how
you that was a big thing as far as being able to benefit Society because I was able to help get the
police department to stay transparent, especially when there a things going on, you if there a
shooting or if there was we had an officer that had heard a dog and you one of roles was how do
we keep how do stay transparent the community? And that was one the biggest things that I have
done was to utilize social media stay current with technology. And that's how I would say that I
have benefited. The community is by helping the police department to stay transparent.

great answer Do you have an educational background that also complements your previous
experience? I do so I have bachelor's degree in public safety administration. And I also have a
master's degree in leadership. So just because it's in public safety administration. I think it works.
Well in complements me being a government employee as a whole so and understanding the
administration part it.

Have received any awards for your outstanding worth ethic how and what for? I have received
multiple awards for work ethic and that's just by, you doing the right thing when especially
nobody's looking I think that's probably the best motto to live by is just doing your job doing it,
right and understanding what the purpose is. I can't think of like the award like specific but have
received multiple Awards. That's totally okay.

What kinds differences or impacts do you think you're making not only in job, but just in real life
situations. you one biggest things is I'm in charge of trying think exactly how many people I'm in
charge but think I'm in charge at 20 people and my goal over throughout my my entire career is
to help the people that I work for better and what I mean by that is I want to encourage them if
there's an employee that wants to better and wants to move and move up in their career. My job
has always been to promote them and try to encourage and engage them in how can you be
better? We'll take these trainings or if you have an interview. Let's sit down and I'll help you with
interview process so that you can prepared. So I think that's probably one the biggest things that
I've done. I that is great. Thing to do, especially in your line of work. Yeah.

Do feel as if your job is benefiting Society how so I know that we spoke? About this and like a
similar question, but do think you can go into more depth? yeah, so like especially right now for
this one how it benefits Society. So if if we have vehicles are not operating or if we don't have
facilities that aren't you we're not going be able to house or get people to to work. So if we have
a major catastrophic event such a fire or a major snowstorm if my if our folks aren't doing their
job, we're not going be able to have those other people go out and clear the streets of the snow or
be able to go out and provide direct traffic if there's a if there's a fire or if there's floods we're
kind like that support system to make sure that we can get employees out helping the community
to make sure that they're being protected, you know, their life and property is protected which is
what our mission is, right? Do you believe there may risks take it in your occupation? If so,
please elaborate. If would be risks taken. Well, I don't know if there would I'm not sure about
that one. I'd like play it pretty safe as far as risk-taking because I to follow the rules. I like to
make sure that you I'm I'm this Steward of the taxpayers dollars. So I don't know how many risks
that there would that.

I would personally take upon myself just because I'm always cautious with how I conduct

Do you feel that jobs existing today for the city need to be further worked or do you? Think that
those jobs seem execute their line work perfectly. No, it can jobs can always be worked on
there's always Improvement to be made things change technology changes the way we were
things back in 1999 or completely different than the way we're doing them now so judge jobs are
always fluid, you it always is moving. You always have to be open to change be willing to say
well. Yeah, maybe we did for the last 10 years, but maybe there's a better way so I think it's
always good to keep improving and you can always get the jobs to be better. What do believe
could benefit?

so I'll give a example of like in you know, literally in 1999. I was still using a typewriter. And
computers weren't really I they were kind a thing but it wasn't like access to you know, I have
access to Google. I didn't have access to Quick computer stuff. And that's where I'm seeing. The
changes is you technology is changing daily almost hourly of how can you better improve your
workflow systems. so that's how I think it could improved. I from going from typewriter to
saving documents to being able to quickly make changes to the documents. That's just one
example, but plenty of those are out there.
Would you enter this profession again with all the knowledge you now have from this job? And
having the chance to start all over would you of I would yeah because it's it makes an impact like
I sound like a broken record, but it's challenging at times. You know, it's every job is gonna not
be fun all the time and it's be challenging but and you have bad days, but I think that

It's challenging enough to where it continues to make me want to go back every day. So I would
say that. Yeah, I would do it again.

That is a really good answer. I want to thank you again Jennifer for just being a part of this
interview and answering all these questions. That was my last question. So, thank you again, and
have a good rest of your night. Thanks Hannah, bye.
Works Cited

CareerVidz. “Facilities Manager Interview Questions & Answers! (How to Pass a Facilities

Management Interview!).” YouTube, 26 Nov. 2021, Accessed 24 Feb. 2024.

County of San Bernardino. “Fleet Management Director Ron Lindsey Discusses Why the

Department Is No. 1 in the Country.” YouTube, 11 May 2022, Accessed 24 Feb. 2024.

Georgia Department. “New Fleet Coordinator.” YouTube, Georgia Department of

Administrative Services (DOAS), 28 Feb. 2017,

Accessed 28 Feb. 2024.

Grimes, Christy. “Jennifer Brown Named Flagstaff Facilities and Fleet Section Director.”

Operations - Government Fleet, Government Fleet, 7 Feb. 2024, www.government-

Accessed 24 Feb. 2024.

“Public Works Section Director - Facilities and Fleet.” Job Bulletin, City of Flagstaff, 15

Dec. 2023, Accessed

24 Feb. 2024.

Morton, Ralph. “Global Fleet Management Voices Interview with Dale Eynon.” YouTube,

Automotive Fleet, 31 Aug. 2022, Accessed 28

Feb. 2024.

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