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Name_________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ____________

Industry and Imperialism

Lesson 1

MaIn Ideas
1. During the Industrial Revolution, new machines and methods dramatically
changed the way goods were produced.
2. Industrialization and the factory system brought a new way of life to Europe
and America.

Key Terms and People

factory system a production system in which machines rapidly produce goods
laissez-faire an attitude that government should stay out of business matters
socialisma system in which businesses are owned by workers or the
Karl Marx German philosopher who called for workers to unite against the
capitalist system

Lesson summary
In the 1700s and 1800s, there were many new
inventions and scientific discoveries. This period
was called the Industrial Revolution. It changed
the way people lived and worked. Factories
grew. Great strides in communication and
transportation made it easier for people to send
messages and travel.
Machines like the cotton gin and the flying How did development of
shuttle sped up the weaving process for textiles. the steam engine help
The factory system made it possible to rapidly
produce large quantities of goods. The invention
of the steam engine provided power for the
machines and for trains and ships. Goods could
be delivered to faraway markets faster than
ever before.
Factories grew in the United States and
Western Europe in the 1800s. The factory system
was funded by capitalists. These were bankers Underline the sentence
that explains why
and merchants who invested capital, or money. capitalists did not want
Because they provided the money, they did not the government to control
want the government to control business. They

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Name _________________________________ Class _____________________ Date _____________

Lesson 1, continued

favored a laissez-faire (leh-say-FAR) approach to

the economy, in which the government leaves
business alone.
Scientists found ways to kill germs and prevent In what two ways did
diseases like smallpox. Chemists and physicists scientific research lead to
medical advances?
made discoveries about the structure of atoms,
the particles that make up everything. Other
fields of science, such as geology and psychology,
advanced as well.

a neW WaY OF LIFe

Europeans began to move to other countries.
Some farmers came to the United States because
they received land. Many immigrants moved to
cities in Europe and America and took new jobs
in factories.
Factory workers worked long hours in
dangerous and tiring jobs for low wages. Even
children worked in the factories. In addition to
the hard work, people in the cities had to endure
crowding, crime, and pollution.
Some people wanted to replace the capitalist Why did some people want
system. They hoped workers would be treated to replace the capitalist
better in a socialist system. Socialism is a system
in which the government or the workers own the
businesses. German philosopher Karl Marx
called for workers to unite and bring down
capitalism. Reform led child labor to be banned
in the United States. Workers created labor
A middle class grew. It included factory Underline the sentence that
managers, clerks, merchants, engineers, doctors, lists different jobs in the
middle class.
and other well-educated people that had good
incomes. Both the upper and middle classes had
time for the arts. There were two major trends in
the arts. Romanticism stressed beauty, nature,
emotions, and simpler times. Realism tried to
show everyday life as it really was.

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304 Guided Reading Workbook

Name _________________________________ Class _____________________ Date _____________

Lesson 1, continued

Critical Thinking: Make Judgments Do you
think that a socialist system would have cured
all of the problems caused by the Industrial
Revolution? Write a one-page paper defending
your opinion.

DIRECTIONS Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the
word in the word pair that best completes the sentence.
1. _____________________ means government should stay out of business
matters. (Laissez-faire/Socialism)
A system in which businesses are either owned by the workers or controlled
by the government is called _____________________. (socialism/factory
In the _____________________, machines rapidly produce large quantities
of goods. (laissez-faire/factory system)
4. German philosopher _____________________ called for workers to unite in
a revolution to bring down the capitalist system. (laissez-faire/Karl Marx)

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305 Guided Reading Workbook

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