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The United Nations Population fund (since 1969) is a UN health agency aiming to improve the

reproductive and maternal health worldwide and believes in the bodily autonomy and to
determine the reproductive rights for all globally, supports the worldwide access of reproductive
healthcare. Some of the advancements made by UNFPA are the reduction of the number and rate
of women dying by pregnancy complications by half, making families healthier. The organisation
supports reproductive healthcare for women/ youth in more than 150 countries (which is 80% of
the population), especially supporting easier access to healthcare for pregnant women. Moreover,
they are increasing the supply of modern contraceptives, alongside training health workers to
ensure 90% of all childbirths are supervised by skilled attendants. Socially, they want to prevent
gender-based violence like child marriages and prevent unwanted teen pregnancies. Furthermore,
they provide censuses and data collection and analyse for development planning. In presence of
conflict like the Ukraine- Russia war or natural disasters, like national flooding in Pakistan, they
provide aid to survivors with safe birth supplies and dignity kits.

The health agency is working to protect displaced women and girls from sexual violence and trafficking,
in emergency situations. Moreover, the number of women dying due to unsanitary, unsafe
complications of pregnancy or childbirth have been halved. The organisation also supplies safe birth
supplies and kits to the survivors of conflict and natural disasters in addition to asylum seekers and
refugees, who are in deprivation of basic reproductive health services. UNFPA is, from Bangladesh,
Venezuela and 50 more countries in 2020, assisting millions of girls and women which were affected by
natural disasters, conflict, or war. Even in 2019, UNFPA reached over 19 million people in 64 countries,
and provided 7.3 million women and girls with sexual and reproductive healthcare and services like
obstetric and new-born care and clinical management of rape with postnatal care. There was even the
UNFPA’s 2020 Humanitarian Action, generating 100 million USD for life-saving care for Yemen, the
largest humanitarian crisis. Even for the Syrian Arab Republic they generated 57 million USD for 13
million people, including 3.4 million girls and women. When a conflict or disaster occurs, healthcare and
health services are interrupted, so UNFPA and its partners are working to ensure that the Minimum
Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH is available at the spot in the presence of an emergency or arrival
of disaster or war.

The organisation wants to achieve a bigger goal in the following years and make access to reproductive
healthcare a sustainable resource globally and believes that an UN-sanctioned policy, formulating a
proper procedure for every nation when refugees and asylum seekers, wanting to seek medical aid at
their nation borders. A simplified procedure that every nation must follow yet that adapt to each nation
previous and current rate of refugees, to easily make medical services and medicines, especially
reproductive healthcare, and subsequent services accessible.
Self-governing freedom of one’s own body is a fundamental contemporary human right as in of personal
autonomy. The health agency, UNFPA plays a major role in the awareness and regulation of the laws
being followed when it comes to safe sexual and reproductive health (respective to UNFPA). UNFPA has
provided 3000 homeless pregnant women aid, in the Timor-Leste camps delivering their babies safely,
in 2006, providing maternal health services among the displaced, supporting the ministry of health in a
high birth rate nation, where the health system was facing challenges with the large numbers and the
subsequent management issues, helping while the health system in the nation wasn’t in the ability to
function properly. UNFPA primarily provides kits and access to modern contraceptives for 20 million
women a year, preventing unwanted teen pregnancies and supporting efforts to put an end to child
marriages. This worsens in situations like child marriage, genital mutilation, denying women and girls
their basic body right. 20 thousand, under 18 years girls daily give birth in developing nations, limiting
their education and income sources, becoming more vulnerable to poverty. In 2021, 2,200 mobile clinics
were supported by the organisation in 29 countries and 44,000 health facility personnel and youth
peers were trained in the SRH (sexual and reproductive health) in 34 countries. For 2022, the plan is to
target 61 countries and reach 54.5 million women, girls, and youth, requiring a total of 835 USD million.

The importance of identifying the cultural undercurrents that disable girls and women globally to
achieve the basic humanitarian reproductive and maternal rights, need to firstly be discussed openly
and move beyond the traditional setups if essential human rights are being deprived. The organisation
also believes that education can play an importance role when adapting to newer improvised traditions
to easily achieve the basic humanitarian rights of young girls and women. So, UNFPA is supporting in
spreading global awareness and transportation of proper accurate information and providing services
worldwide. It believes in regulating spread of correct and direct (from the source) information about the
sexual reproductive health for girls and women. 100 member states annually fund UNFPA and aims to
achieve reproductive health goals with teamwork. This organisation aims to protect the fulfilment of the
girl’s basic human rights and support sexuality education to help young girls avoid unwanted
pregnancies and simultaneous healthcare.


"2022 UNFPA Humanitarian Response in Yemen." United Nations Population Fund,

"Claiming Bodily Autonomy to Achieve Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights." United Nations

Population Fund,

"Humanitarian Action Overview 2022." United Nations Population Fund,


"Humanitarian Action." United Nations Population Fund, Dec. 2021,


"UNFPA Launches Humanitarian Aid Appeal to Urgently Reach 48 Million Women and Youth." United

Nations Population Fund,


United Nations Population Fund, 8 Nov. 2022,

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