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Fishbone Diagram:

Pareto Chart:
Pareto Chart Statistics:


Frequency Table:
Histogram Statistics:

Scatter Plot:

First 10 rows of the data presented in the scatter plot:

Month Issues
1 51
2 79
3 17
4 29
5 35
6 63
7 24
8 33
9 30
10 87
Check Sheet:

Total issues in a sample of 7 months = 450 issues

Control Chart:

Dataset for control chart:

Month Issues
Month 1 60
Month 2 80
Month 3 40
Month 4 80
Month 5 90
Month 6 50
Month 7 50

Total issues = 60 + 80 + 40 + 80 + 90 + 50 + 50 = 450

On average, issues raised per month in this sample = 450/ 7 = 64.28 issues/month

The control line is drawn at approx. 64 issues per month.

Process Map:

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