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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 52 (2014) 35–38

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Short communication

Why does height matter in hiring?

Jens Agerström ∗,1
Department of Psychology, Linnaeus University, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Previous research shows the existence of a height premium in the workplace with tall individuals receiv-
Received 24 February 2014 ing more benefits across several domains (e.g., earnings) relative to short people. The current study probes
Received in revised form 10 June 2014 deeper into the height premium by focusing on the specific favorable traits, attributes, and abilities tall
Accepted 12 June 2014
individuals are presumed to have, ultimately giving these individuals an advantage in hiring. In an experi-
Available online 24 June 2014
ment, we made a male job applicant taller or shorter by digitally manipulating photographs, and attached
these to job applications that were evaluated by professional recruiters. We find that in the context of
hiring a project leader, the height premium consists of increased perceptions of the candidate’s general
Physical height
competence, specific job competency (including employability), and physical health, whereas warmth
Warmth and physical attractiveness seem to matter less. Interestingly, physical height predicted recruiters’ hiring
Competence intentions even when statistically controlling for competence, warmth, health, and attractiveness.
Health © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction so with respect to numerous other dimensions as well. Recently,

however, research on the Stereotype Content Model (e.g., Fiske,
Accumulated research evidence suggests that there is a height Cuddy, and Glick, 2007) suggests that stereotypes are not neces-
premium in the workplace with tall people being more likely to sarily uniformly positive or negative but rather consist of a mixture
receive various types of benefits compared with short people (see of warmth- and competence-related traits. Warmth speaks to the
Judge and Cable, 2004, for a meta-analysis). Specifically, tall peo- social group’s functioning in social situations whereas competence
ple are earning higher salaries, are more likely to hold high-status speaks to its functioning at tasks. For example, Asians and Jews
jobs, and to ascend into leadership positions. Although height tend to be positively stereotyped on competence, but negatively
has been related to actual job performance, research shows that on warmth (Fiske, Cuddy, and Glick, 2007), resulting in both nega-
height exerts a stronger effect on subjective evaluations of perfor- tive and positive consequences. This distinction is important when
mance (Judge and Cable, 2004). Indeed, in a now classical study, it comes to height and hiring as, for example, short individuals
when recruiters were asked to make a hypothetical hiring decision should have much to win from crafting their résumés in a way that
between two equally qualified job candidates, they chose the taller counteracts the stereotype. If short people are stereotyped as low
candidate (Kurtz, 1969). with respect to competence but not to warmth, there is no need
Why do tall people receive such benefits? Specifically, what for them to try to create an extremely friendly impression in the
favorable traits, attributes, and abilities are tall people presumed to personal letter. Rather, they should make sure to emphasize their
have that put them ahead in their careers? Are there any key dimen- competence-related abilities (e.g., productivity) instead.
sions on which tall people are perceived more favorably relative to From the animal kingdom to human beings, physical size has
short people, or are tall people perceived more favorably across served as a proxy for power, status, and respect (Judge and Cable,
the board?A simple model based on the halo error (Thorndike, 2004). Because power, status, and respect help individuals achieve
1920) would suggest that if employers view tall applicants favor- their goals, i.e., the hallmark of competence (Fiske, Cuddy, and
ably with respect to some personality dimension, they tend to do Glick, 2007), tallness should be linked to perceptions of compe-
tence. Indeed, research shows that tall people are perceived to be
more intelligent, dominant, and “leader-like” (e.g., Blaker et al.,
2013; Jackson and Ervin, 1992).
∗ Correspondence to: Department of Psychology, Linnaeus University, 391 82
The link between height and warmth is less clear, however.
Kalmar, Sweden. Tel.: +46 0480497172.
One the one hand, powerful people are typically perceived as
E-mail address: Jens.Agerstrom@lnu.se
I am grateful to Rickard Carlsson for providing valuable comments on earlier psychologically distant (Trope and Liberman, 2003), less likely
drafts of this paper and to Karoline Erixon for collecting the data. to understand other people’s perspectives (Galinsky et al., 2006),

2214-8043/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
36 J. Agerström / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 52 (2014) 35–38

and less prone to express empathic concern (Woltin et al., 2011). true height bias because the tall and short job candidates had iden-
Because tall individual are more likely to be assigned traits that tical personalities and credentials as conveyed in their personal
signal power (e.g., dominance; Blaker et al., 2013), they may be letters and CVs.
perceived as colder relative to their shorter counterparts. If this Regarding the dimensions to be examined in the current
is true, we would have a mixed stereotype where tall people are research, perceived competence, specific job competency, and
perceived as competent (+) but cold (−). On the other hand, a leadership abilities, of course, have considerable overlap, and the
halo effect model predicts that tall people would be evaluated magnitude of this overlap will depend on the specific context. In
more positively across the board, insofar as tallness is a desir- this study, we focus on a position as a project leader. Consequently,
able characteristic in society. Indeed, research shows that warmth leadership ability becomes an integral part of the job competencies.
and competence ratings typically correlate positively, unless two However, we can still differentiate between competence and job
targets are explicitly or implicitly compared, in which case these competency. The former deals with whether a candidate is gener-
ratings tend to be negatively correlated (see Abele and Wojciszke, ally competent, whereas the latter deals with if the candidate has
in press, for an overview). As for the actual research evidence con- the specific competencies required for the job. To illustrate, Bill
cerning the specific link between height and warmth, it has been Gates and Stephen Hawking could not simply switch jobs although
inconsistent (see e.g., Jackson and Ervin, 1992), warranting further both are extremely competent in a general sense. Furthermore,
scrutiny.Moving beyond warmth and competence, tall people are physical health and attractiveness are of course related to some
generally considered to be more physically attractive (Martel and extent, but since it is easy to come up with instances when phys-
Biller, 1987). Because attractive people are perceived as more com- ically healthy people are not very attractive, these two variables
petent (Jackson, Hunter, and Hodge, 1995) and are more likely to should be examined separately.
be hired than unattractive people (Marlowe et al., 1996), attrac-
tiveness may play a role in the height premium. 2. Method
Finally, research suggests that tall individuals are perceived to
be more physically healthy than short individuals (Blaker et al., 2.1. Participants, materials and procedure
2013). Because poor physical health predicts absenteeism (Farrell
and Stamm, 1988) and lower productivity (Ford et al., 2011) short Sixty recruiters (M = 34 years; 63% females), employed at a
people might face yet another disadvantage when seeking employ- recruitment firm in a large Swedish city participated in the experi-
ment. ment. They were asked by a colleague (who unbeknownst to them
was also the experimenter) if they could help her with the evalu-
1.1. The current research ation of a job candidate for research purposes. The recruiters were
informed that a male applicant had applied for a project leader
The overall aim of the current research is to probe further into position at a large company where he would be responsible for
the height premium, examining how this premium applies to male a considerable budget and some staff. They were then given the
job applicants. The level of analysis concerns the favorable traits, job application which consisted of a personal letter and a CV. The
attributes, and abilities (henceforth dimensions) that comprise the personal letter also included a photograph of the applicant.
height premium in hiring. Based on previous research and theoriz- We manipulated the physical height of the applicant in the
ing, we have identified the following potential dimensions along photo by using imaging software. To facilitate perceptions of the
which tall and short job applicants are likely to be perceived and applicant’s height, he was standing in a doorpost. We constructed
evaluated differently: warmth, competence, specific job compe- one tall and one short version of the applicant. They were identical
tency, leadership, physical health, and attractiveness. in all respects except for the applicants’ height. The material was
The current research contributes to the extant literature in sev- pretested on 83 students, confirming that the tall applicant would
eral ways. It extends previous person perception research (e.g., be perceived as significantly taller than the short applicant.
Chu and Geary, 2005; Jackson and Ervin, 1992) on the relationship The recruiters were randomly assigned to either the tall or
between height and general character perception to the specific short experimental condition by the experimenter (who was blind
domain of hiring. In doing so, it also tests for height bias in a to conditions). They evaluated the candidate on a 7-point scale
context where evaluators have more individuating information (1 = not at all, and 7 = to a very high extent) with respect to the fol-
(conveyed through CVs and personal letters) about the target indi- lowing dimensions: competence (talent, skill, intelligence; ˛ = .89),
viduals. Because people rely less on stereotypes when the amount warmth (likeability, friendliness, honesty; ˛ = .86), health (physi-
of individuating information increases (Fiske and Neuberg, 1990), cal fitness, health; ˛ = .78), attractiveness (physical attractiveness),
the current study constitutes a more conservative test of height and job competency (task-related competence, role fitness, lead-
bias as compared to previous research where individuating infor- ership potential). As an assessment of the job candidate’s overall
mation has been scarce (cf. Blaker et al., 2013; Chu and Geary, 2005; job competency, they reported how willing (1 = definitely not, and
Jackson and Ervin, 1992). 7 = definitely yes) they would be to hire the job candidate for the
Moreover, because most prior studies have used university specific position as a project leader, had they been handling the
students as research participants, it is not clear whether profes- recruitment alone (˛ = .86 for the job competency scale). As men-
sional recruiters also demonstrate height bias with respect to the tioned previously, we chose to measure these dimensions because
aforementioned dimensions. Although Judge and Cable’s (2004) they have been theoretically and empirically linked to physical
meta-analysis indeed suggests that employers exhibit height bias stature in prior research.2
(e.g., in salary allocations) too, the evidence is mainly based on reg- Finally, they were asked to estimate the height (in cm) of the
ister data. Such correlational findings have limitations, of course, candidate (manipulation check). The reason why we measured
as it is possible that the correlation between height and the stud-
ied outcome variable (e.g., earnings) is caused by an unobserved
third variable (e.g., actual social or negotiation skills) which the 2
The results from a factor analysis supported the dimensionality of our measured
register data do not permit statistical control for. To address these variables. However, because conducting a factor analysis on sample sizes of the cur-
limitations, we conducted a highly controlled experiment on pro- rent magnitude might yield unreliable results, the results from this analysis should
fessional recruiters. Importantly, the current experiment examines be interpreted cautiously (see Tabachnick and Fidell, 2006).
J. Agerström / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 52 (2014) 35–38 37

Table 1
Bivariate Pearson correlations among the measured variables.

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
** ** ** *
1. Warmth – .390 .349 .428 .328 .227
2. Competence – .565** .593** .290* .366**
3. Job competency – .339** .130 .283*
4. Health – .373** .495**
5. Attractiveness – .390**
6. Perceived height –
p < .05.
p < .01.

Table 2
T-tests for the effect of manipulated height on the dependent variables.

Short condition Tall condition t df p Cohen’s d


Warmth 4.64 .81 4.92 .96 1.21 58 .230 0.32

Competence 4.12 .92 4.58 .81 2.04 58 .046 0.53
Job competency 2.85 1.03 3.53 1.09 2.48 58 .016 0.65
Health 4.70 .96 5.32 .57 3.03 58 .004 0.80
Attractiveness 4.47 .73 4.80 1.03 1.45 58 .154 0.38

perceived height last was that we did not want to explicitly direct Table 3
Regression analysis with the recruiters’ hiring intentions as the criterion variable
the recruiters’ attention to the applicant’s height until after they
and manipulated height, warmth, perceived competence, physical health and attrac-
had made their evaluations. Thus, if the recruiters based their tiveness as predictors.
evaluations on the applicant’s height, they would have done so
Predictor B SE B ˇ p
During the debriefing, none of the recruiters reported any sus- Applicant’s height (manipulated) .628 .332 .245 .064
picion about the purpose of the study. Warmth .184 .200 .127 .362
Competence (general) .545 .222 .374 .017
Attractiveness −.292 .190 −.203 .131
Health −.157 .252 −.102. .534
3. Results
Note: Applicant’s height is coded as 0 = short, 1 = tall.

First, it was confirmed that the manipulation of height worked

as intended. The tall candidate was perceived as taller (180.17 cm) t(58) = 2.27, p = .027. Turning to the regression analysis, it was sta-
than the short candidate (171.50 cm), t(58) = 8.39, p < .001, d = 2.18. tistically significant F(5, 54) = 3.10, p = .016, with competence being
Next, because our dependent variables were generally moder- a significant predictor and manipulated height a marginally signifi-
ately correlated (Table 1), they were submitted to a one-way cant predictor of the recruiters’ hiring intentions (Table 3). Warmth,
MANOVA with manipulated height as the independent variable. physical attractiveness, and health were not significant predic-
There was a statistically significant effect of manipulated height tors. Thus, it appears that the male applicant’s physical height still
on the combined dependent variables, F(5, 54) = 2.44, p = .046, has some effect on the recruiters’ reported intentions to hire him
2p = .18. Since the overall multivariate test was significant, we even when the effects of perceived competence, warmth, physical
could safely proceed by conducting follow-up t-tests (Table 2) attractiveness, and health are statistically accounted for.3
to specifically examine how the applicant’s height influenced the
recruiters’ ratings for each dependent variable (dimension). These 4. Discussion
tests showed that the tall applicant was rated significantly higher
with respect to (general) competence, job competency, and phys- The purpose of the present research was to probe deeper into
ical health. He was also rated as slightly higher in warmth and the height premium in hiring by highlighting specific dimensions
physical attractiveness, but these differences were non-significant. along which tall job applicants are perceived and evaluated more
These results suggest that the recruiters’ evaluations demonstrate favorably compared with short applicants. A controlled experi-
a height premium that consists of increased general competence, ment was conducted on a sample of professional recruiters who
specific job competency, and physical health. Further corroborating evaluated a tall or short job candidate with respect to perceived
the role of applicant height in the recruiters’ perceptions of compe- warmth, general competence, specific job competency, physical
tence, job competency, and physical health there were statistically health, and attractiveness. The results show that the recruiters
significant positive correlations between our manipulation check rated the tall job applicant higher with respect to all measured
(perceived height) and these outcome variables (see Table 1). dimensions. However, whereas the effect of height on perceptions
Finally, we ran a regression analysis to examine the unique con- of general competence, job competency, and physical health ranged
tribution of physical height, warmth (general) competence, health, from medium to strong, and was statistically significant, its effect
and attractiveness in predicting the recruiters’ reported willing- on perceived warmth and physical attractiveness was weak and
ness to actually hire the job candidate for the specific leadership
position. Prior to performing this regression analysis, we exam-
ined whether there was a main effect of manipulated height on 3
Since our job applicant was male but the recruiters were both male and female,
these hiring intentions. Indeed, a t-test showed that the recruiters we examined the possibility that the effect of height would be significantly mod-
reported a greater willingness to hire the tall candidate (M = 3.13, erated by the recruiter’s gender. This was not the case with respect to any of our
SD = 1.36) compared with the short candidate (M = 2.40, SD = 1.13), dependent variables.
38 J. Agerström / Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 52 (2014) 35–38

non-significant.4 Still, these results are more consistent with a halo the labor market. However, height bias also presents researchers
effect than a mixed stereotype where tall candidates would, for with a unique opportunity. Rather than focusing on infected and
example, be rated higher than short candidates with respect to sensitive issues such as racial discrimination, an in-depth under-
competence but lower with respect to warmth. In other words, standing of how height bias can be reduced in the recruitment
there does not appear to be any downside of being tall. process may in the long run help to reduce other types of bias as
An interesting finding was that the job applicant’s physical well.
height predicted (yet only marginally so) the recruiters’ hiring In conclusion, recruiters find tall applicants to possess more
intentions even when the recruiters’ judgments of general compe- general competence-related abilities such intelligence, to be better
tence, warmth, physical attractiveness, and health were controlled suited for a job that requires leadership ability, and to be physically
for. This suggests that there may be more to the specific height pre- healthier, compared with their shorter counterparts. Although tall
mium in employability than mere competence, warmth, physical applicants are not judged to be significantly higher in warmth or
health, and attractiveness. Probing further for the specific nature physical attractiveness, nothing suggests that there is a penalty for
of the height premium is an important task for future research. being a tall when applying for a leadership position. It is, indeed, a
It is noteworthy that an 8-cm difference in the applicant’s height height premium. To some, this may seem like a trivial finding. Why
is sufficient to have an (moderate) effect on professional recruiters’ should we care if tall people are given better opportunities than
evaluations. Compared with other experimental studies on height, short people? After all, hiring staff on the basis physical stature is
our manipulation was rather modest. For example, in Blaker et al.’s not illegal. As an answer to this, we would like to pose a counter-
(2013) leadership experiment, the height difference was 30 cm. question: If we cannot get rid of discrimination that stems from
Future research should examine how large a difference that is something as trivial as height, how could we ever hope to combat
required for height to matter in hiring. It is also important to estab- race or gender discrimination?
lish wherein the height distribution differences matter the most,
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