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25 distinct questions you might be asked in a teaching

interview, with possible answers.

you tell me about your experience teaching?

I have been teaching for four years, as a kindergarten paraprofessional, and subbing K-5 the last year. I
have taught a variety of subjects, including English, History, Social Studies and math. For grades K-5.

What do you think is the most important thing that a teacher can do?
The most important thing a teacher can do is to create a safe and supportive learning environment for
their students. This means being patient, caring, and understanding. It also means having high
expectations for all students and holding them accountable for their learning.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe that all students can learn and achieve success if they are given the opportunity and support to do
so. I also believe that it is important to meet students where they are and to differentiate instruction to
meet their individual needs

How do you deal with discipline problems in your classroom?

I believe that preventative measures are the best way to deal with discipline problems. This means having
clear rules and procedures in place, as well as maintaining a positive and consistent classroom
management style. If a problem does arise, I deal with it immediately and firmly, but also fairly.

What are your strengths as a teacher?

I believe that my strengths as a teacher include my ability to build relationships with my students and to
create a supportive learning environment. I am also patient, caring, and have a lot of experience working
with diverse groups of students.

What do you think are your areas of improvement as a teacher?

I am always looking to improve my teaching practice and welcome feedback from my colleagues. Some
areas I am currently working on include differentiating instruction more effectively and using data-driven
decision-making to inform my instruction.

What do you think makes a successful student?

A successful student is one who is engaged in their learning, takes responsibility for their own progress,
and is motivated to achieve their goals.

What do you think are the most important skills for a teacher?
I believe that some of the most important skills for a teacher include being able to build relationships with
students, differentiating instruction, and having strong classroom management skills.

What do you think are the best things about being a teacher?
For me, some of the best things about being a teacher include being able to make a difference in the lives
of my students and seeing them grow and learn. I also enjoy the challenges that teaching presents and the
opportunity to continuously learn and improve my practice.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I have always loved working with children and helping them learn. I enjoy watching them grow and
develop over time, and I honestly believe that by being a teacher I can truly make a difference in their

What do you think sets you apart from other teachers?

I believe that my dedication to teaching and my commitment to my students set me apart from other
teachers. I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my practice and make sure that my students
are getting the most out of their education.

What do you think are the biggest challenges facing education today?
I think that one of the biggest challenges facing education today is the funding cuts that have been made
to education budgets. These cuts make it difficult for teachers to provide their students with the resources
they need to be successful. Teachers often having to spend money out of their own pockets for the
resources they need.

How do you handle stress in the classroom?

I handle stress in the classroom by communicating with my students. I find that if I am feeling stressed,
my students are usually able to sense it. If I take a few minutes to breathe and regroup, I am usually able
to continue teaching without any problems. I also remind myself that my students are just children who
are learning how to be people.

What are your thoughts on standardized testing?

I think that standardized testing can be a helpful tool for measuring student progress, but I also think that
it can be detrimental if it’s overemphasized. Standardized tests should not be the only thing that teachers
focus on when assessing student learning.

What do you love about teaching?

I love watching my students grow and learn over the course of the year. Seeing them accomplish things
that they once thought were impossible is one of the best parts of teaching. I also enjoy being able to build
relationships with my students and their families.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever been given is to never give up on a student. Every student has
the potential to succeed, and it’s our job as teachers to help them reach that potential.

What’s your favorite memory from your time as a teacher?

One of my favorite memories was when I was asked to sub in a 5th grade classroom. I was nervous
because I hadn’t ever taught 5th grade before I was also told that this particular class was a very rough
one. It ended up being a fun day that I enjoyed a lot.

What do you think is the most important lesson you’ve learned as a teacher?
Every student is different. No two students learn in the exact same way, so it’s important to be flexible in
your teaching and to meet each student where they’re at, and that ALL students can learn.

What advice would you give to a new teacher?

My advice to a new teacher would be to never give up on your students. It can be challenging at times,
but teaching is one of the most rewarding careers out there. Stick with it, and you’ll be surprised by how
much your students will achieve. Start everyday new and leave yesterdays struggles in the past.

What do you think is the most important thing for parents to know about
their child’s education?
I think the most important thing for parents to know about their child’s education is that they need to be
involved. Parents play a vital role in their child’s education, and they should make sure to stay involved in
everything that’s going on.

What do you think is the best way for teachers to keep their students
one of the best ways is to make learning fun. If students are enjoying themselves, they’re more likely to
be engaged in what they’re doing.

What do you think is the best way for students to learn?

There are many ways for students to learn, but I think one of the best ways is through hands-on

What do you think is the most important skill for students to learn?
I think the most important skill for students to learn is how to think critically and how to be a learner. In
today’s world, it’s more important than ever for students to be able to think for themselves, to solve
problems and continue to learn.

What do you do when a student is struggling in your class?

When a student is struggling in my class, I make sure to reach out to them and offer my help. I also work
with the student’s parents or guardians to develop a plan to address the issue and to ensure that the student
is getting the help they need. I will also contact the correct people in the school for extra assistance if

What do you wish you could tell your students?

If I could tell my students anything, it would be to never give up on themselves. No matter how
challenging things might seem, they can always succeed if they work hard and believe in themselves.

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