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Corbett Davis

ENC 1102

“The Art of the Deception”

Natalia Colmenares “The Art of Deception” discusses internet scammers known as

“phishers” or those who have the ability to “deceive the public by sharing personal data such as
credit card information, addresses, passwords, and other delicate details through a method
known as “phishing.” (Page 1.) “Phishing” is where criminals impersonate a trustworthy third
party to try and convince a targeted victim to visit or download malicious websites or files. She
effectively portrays the danger “Phishing” has on the common populace as well as. To conduct
her experiment, she gathered 6 “phishing” emails as primary data. And I think that what Mrs.
Gonzalez is doing is very important, spreading awareness over threats such as “phishing” is
important for the common phone user but even more for those out of touch with technology
who are most at risk due to their little knowledge about phones and the danger than can be on
them. The article shows examples of what “phishing” emails can contain such as pictures, as
well as organizations that “phishers” can mimic within their emails. These scamming's are
dangerous for all, social security numbers, credit cards, and all personal information which
leaves identity theft in the mix as well.

“Medical Influencers: A Rhetorical Analysis of TikTok’s Genre Features.”

Keziah Olajide’s “Medical Influencers: A Rhetorical Analysis of TikTok’s Genre Features.”

Speaks on Tiktok, and specifically its medical community on how Tiktok was used to “breach the
gap between nonexperts and experts.” (Page 1) To perform the experiment she viewed multiple
tiktok accounts, @Doctorshepard_md, @Doctoredmond, @drpimplepopper. She viewed the
interactions between the account owners (experts) and the viewers (nonexperts) in the
comments of videos as watching viewer and creator interact with each other. Many tiktokers in
the medical field respond to comments with something called a duet, where essentially, they
take the comment and reply with a public video allowing everyone to view the comment as well
as the contents of the video that replies. Which allows for more personal conversation between
creator and viewer. I think that it is an interesting idea that I have never realized myself, I watch
some of the previously mentioned accounts I never realized how easily I could interact and talk
with a medical professional or watch one of their videos. I think the fact that experts can easily
educate the public Is an amazing but also dangerous idea, our generation is one that typically
believes anything they see or hear before fact checking and tiktok gives a platform to not just
experts, but to people who “claim” to be experts and people who can spread misinformation
which especially in the medical field can be incredibly dangerous and possibly fatal depending
on the tip. Social media is a double-edged sword when coming to information and news,
everything you “learn” should be fact checked but it commonly is not. I agree that the overall
interaction is good but it just needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

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