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Hello everyone. I gonna talk about Dyslexia.

I chose this topic because people with dyslexia are

unfortunately marginalized in society. And their social life is very difficult for them. People with this
disorder are thought to be not intelligent. They don’t give them jobs and they think that people with this
disorder are incomplete, so I wanted to talk about this topic.

Specific Learning Disorders are disorders that manifest themselves with significant difficulties in
acquiring and using listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning and mathematical abilities.

As you can see in the picture, the brains of normal people and dyslexics work differently.

While children with specific learning disabilities do not have low intelligence levels, this group also
includes children with very high intelligence levels and even children with special abilities. Important
evidence for this are scientists and artists known to have dyslexia: such as Albert Einstein, Leonardo da
Vinci, Tom Cruise and Walt Disney, the creator of the Mickey Mouse cartoon character.

If this disease were a deficiency, we would not have great scientists or half the people we respect today.

Specific Learning Difficulties are divided into subgroups according to the difficulty experienced. The
terms used in naming these subgroups in practice are as follows.

Difficulty in reading: Dyslexia

Difficulty in writing: Dysgraphia

Difficulty with mathematical operations: Dyscalculia

More than one of these difficulties can occur together, and even a separate entity, “Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder”, is often seen together with learning disorders.
Although the causes of dyslexia have not been fully elucidated, factors affecting the development of the
brain before and after birth generally play a role. Among these factors; There are genetic predisposition,
inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, some diseases during pregnancy and unconscious drug use, long
and difficult birth, placental anomalies, delay in the baby’s breathing after birth, febrile illnesses and
similar situations.

In the majority of the population, the right brain hemisphere is smaller than the left brain hemisphere.
The way the brain works in a normal individual is as follows:

Phoneme production: (left inferior frontal gyrus)

This part of the brain helps sound out words, whether spoken or silent. It also analyzes the small sounds
that make up words. This section is more active among those who have just started reading.

This episode

Word analyzers: (left parieto temporal region)

This part of the brain mostly analyzes written words. In this section, the constituent syllables, sounds and
letters are pronounced appropriately.

The word

Automatic Detector finder: (left occipito temporol region)

The function of this part of the brain is to ensure automatic recognition of words. The automatic finder is
activated and the reader quickly detects the word.
Dyslexic brain

This situation is different in dyslexia. It reveals that the right brain hemisphere is equal in size to the left
brain hemisphere or smaller than the left brain hemisphere. Differences in the left brain hemisphere of
dyslexia are thought to be the cause of this disorder.

Normal brain

Difference in activity between the dyslexic and normal brain during tracking of fast movements of a light

Samuel T. ORTON, one of the first neurologists to study dyslexia, identified the common features of
dyslexia as follows.

Early diagnosis is very important in terms of affecting the future of these children, because not only their
academic lives, but also their psychosocial development / lives are negatively affected by this situation
due to academic failure.

Early diagnosis is also possible with awareness among parents and teachers.

In approaching the problem, cooperation between the school, family, psychologist, psychiatrist and
special education specialist is required. Verbal, auditory and visual education methods specific to the
area in which the child has difficulty should be selected, specially developed computer programs should
be used, methods such as using the keyboard while writing should be used, and applications such as oral
exams and multiple choice tests should be used instead of written in measuring knowledge.

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