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You Too!

1 | Test 1 (Units 1 and 2) |

Instructions: Kathleen is a new student in your class. Write a 50 to 60-word profile
to introduce yourself to her. Include the clues below.

• Complete name
• Age
• Country and nationality
• School grade
• Subjects you like
• Your favorite activities
• Your personality traits (your intelligences)

For grading of the writing task, the following rubrics should each column. The sum of all the corresponding scores per
be used. Each rubric corresponds to a different aspect of rubric, including all aspects, should yield the final score for
the task and to a score that has been specified on top of the task.

Qualitative Aspects of Writing (20 points)

Scale 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

The text largely lacks data The information included The text presents most of The text clearly presents
or it is hardly related to the in the text is often unclear the information suggested the information suggested
information required by the and confusing. At least (name, age, country, (name, age, country,
task: name, age, country, half of the information nationality, school grade, nationality, school grade,

nationality, school grade, required by the task (name, favorite subjects, favorite favorite subjects, favorite
favorite subjects, favorite age, country, nationality, activities and personality activities and personality
Copyright © Greenwich ELT, 2011. All rights reserved.

activities and personality school grade, favorite traits). Task input is used. traits). Task input is fully
traits. Reduced writing. subjects, favorite activities Some parts of the text used and ideas are kept
and personality traits) is may be confusing, but short and simple.
missing. the required message is
conveyed overall.

Inappropriate use of the Attempts to use the verb Appropriate use of the Verb to be (singular /
verb to be (singular / to be (singular / plural verb to be (singular / plural plural form), descriptive
plural form). Uses subject form), subject pronouns form), subject pronouns adjectives and subject

pronouns and adjectives and descriptive adjectives and descriptive adjectives. pronouns are used
inadequately. Little or no correctly. Many mistakes A few mistakes may be correctly and consistently,
understanding of their use. are present, which makes present, but they do not making the message very

the message confusing at impede addressing a clear clear.

times. message.
You Too! 1 | Test 1 (Units 1 and 2) |

Very limited control of Limited control of basic Shows average control Sufficient control of basic
basic vocabulary and vocabulary and expressions of basic vocabulary and vocabulary and expressions
Vocabulary range

expressions related related to giving personal expressions related related to giving personal
to giving personal information, favorite to giving personal information, favorite
information, favorite subjects and activities, and information, favorite subjects and activities, and
subjects and activities, and talking about personality subjects and activities, and talking about personality
talking about personality traits. Confusion or misuse talking about personality traits.
traits. Frequent confusion of words may obscure the traits. Some errors may be
of words makes the message. present, but they do not
intended message mostly impede communication.

The text lacks punctuation Attempts to use Punctuation marks are Punctuations marks are
(periods and commas). The punctuation but most used appropriately most used when necessary.
message consists mostly of the time this is done of the time. A few spelling Sentences are linked using
of unconnected sentences, incorrectly. Shows some errors are still present. appropriate connectors
Organization and

which are not organized attempts at connecting Sentences are generally (and or but) and are
according to topic. The sentences with and or connected appropriately organized appropriately

poor organization makes but, but this is not done using and or but, and are according to their topic.
the message mostly consistently most of the organized based on their The message is clear,
incomprehensible. The times. Only a few of the topic. The text covers at precise and within the
word count is considerably sentences are organized least two-thirds of the number of words required.
lower than required by the according to their topic. words asked for in the task.
task. The message is much
shorter than suggested in
the task.
Appropriateness of register and

The expressions and the The expressions and the The expressions and the The expressions and the
layout used make the layout used make the text’s layout used make the text’s layout used make the
text’s register (informal) register (informal) and register (informal) and text’s register (informal)
and format (profile) mostly format (profile) somewhat format (profile) usually and format (profile)
Copyright © Greenwich ELT, 2011. All rights reserved.

inappropriate for or inappropriate for or appropriate for the task consistently appropriate for

inconsistent with the task inconsistent with the task and its audience. Some the task and its audience.
and its audience. and its audience. The text register mistakes may be Communication is
shows some inaccuracies in present, but they do not achieved easily.
register such as confusion impede communication.
of formal / informal
expressions and / or forms
of address.

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