What Am I

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What am I?

By: Safia Angelin

Chapter 1
Hi, my name is Ashley. I am 13 years old. I am a human. I have 2 brothers Mason and Jack. Mason is
a rare white demon while my older brother Jack is a black tiger the 3rd most powerful form. My
mom and dad and the richest and the most powerful family in Brooklyn. I am from The Smith family.
My dad is a white tiger, and my mom is a white lion. I know my family does have a lot of the colour
white that because it is a rule that if both parents have the same colour as my parents most of their
thing must be that same colour and I think that it is very annoying. because half of my mom's clothes
are white, and I hate it because it looks like she is going to a wedding. Anyway, it is Monday morning
and today is my first time going to school. it is my first time because my parents always home-
schooled and every time I ask why they say "you are very precious for us and we don't want you to
go get bullied at school." and I always say" but you can let me go with my brother Jack he is 15 and
Mason is 17 so they are old enough to protect me." and they go like" what do you mean sweetie?"
and I say" well I can go to the same school as them." they usually say no but after asking for 2
months they said that they will think about it. and now I can go to school.

Chapter 2
First day of school.
It is Monday 5th of April. “Sis wake up it is your first day of school,” said Mason trying to wake me up.
It is 6 in the morning, and I have never woken up that early because my home-schooling teacher only
comes a 9 in the morning so I can sleep to 8, but anyway I woke up and got ready. In my world, we
are separated as 2, humans and people with forms. As if for me I am a human that has been born to
a family they have forms. I still don’t know why. Any way I wave goodbye to my mom and dad and
got in the car with my brothers. I had a feeling that they are going to be very protective and not let
me have any friends that are boys and that they will always be with me. I am going to a school that is
called Wisdom Elementary School where only people that have forms can enter. As if for me they
only let me in because my family is the most powerful and very rich. Anyway, I get out of the car and
wow it is the biggest school I have ever seen. With a huge entrance and lots of people. I almost
fainted by seeing the beauty. Then I followed my brother into the school and awe with beautiful
painted walls and doors that looked like magic doors. We went to the principal office to get my
schedule. After that, as I was trying to find my class I bumped into a girl. “I'm so sorry I was not
looking where I was going!!” said the girl. “it is ok, it happens sometimes.” The girl had purple hair
and she was a love bear; love bears don’t have so much power but they are very kind but if you
make them mad no one can stand them. “what is your name?” I asked her. “My name is Emily, what
is your name?” She asked me. “My name is Ashley, want to be friends?” I asked her. She started to
cry and smile. Did I say something wrong I thought to myself? “Are you okay did I say something
wrong?” “oh I am fine it is just because you are the first person to ask me to be your friend.” That
made me heartbroken. Then I remembered that I was a human and that I did not have a form. “umm
so you are ok that I am a human?” I asked her when I asked her, I thought she was going to say yes
and make me cry but to my surprise, she said that she was not. Then I realized that we both had to
get to class, so I asked her and said that I am in class1-a, and she said that we were in the same class
so she led me to the class. It was English and I hated it because I suck at English. Anyway, after class,
I introduced Emily to my brothers, and I looked at Emily and saw her blushing and then I looked at
Mason, but he was not blushing, then I looked at Jack who was blushing. “Ship!!!” I shouted. “Why
you little-” Jack said with embarrassed

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