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NOTE 4: ATL SKILLS: Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers; Applying
skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations

1. Presentation Order:

Slide 1: Title (Skjold)

Slide 2: Introduction (Safia)

- What is our goal?

- Why are we doing this
- Why should we care
- Why is it important to help kids get education?

Slide 3: our research (Matilde)

- The interview

Slide 4: Group progress and Action plan. (Matilde)

- A screenshot of our action plan

- Our failures and succusses.
- Our ATL skills and how we will improve on them.

Slide 5: Our action (Skjold)

- what we did
- What we earned/how much
- Our goal more detailed

Slide 6: reflection/conclusion (Safia)

- Group reflection
o What we could improve on
o What went well
o What went bad
2. Notes from the Interview:

 The money will mainly go to Nigeria but will distributed throughout all of Africa
 Money will help with school equipment
 You learn life skills that you will need when you are an adult
 A quality education can help you get a good job in the future
 With a good job you will earn a good amount of money
 You will be able to sustain yourself and/or kids and live a good life

3. Notes/research for the persention(what is going to be in the slide):

Slide 1 (Skjold)

Slide 2 (Safia):

Our project is about raising money for kids that don’t have enough school supplies for school and
don’t have enough money to buy them. Our goal it is to raise at least 500kr in all to donate to
Planbørnefound. We decided that this is what our goal will be because education is very important
for kids because it can shape their future. We should care about kids’ education because a kid
without good education can make bad decisions in life and that can lead to them having a bad life. it
is important for kids to have education so that when they are older and have a family, they can take
care of their family and have enough money for their kids to go to school. We got inspired to do this
project because we thought about the 17 sustainable goals and we thought about the 4th goal and
saw how that goal can change all most all of the goals for example the 2nd un goal is Zero hunger, if
kids get education then they will have a job and then they will get a good amount of salary and then
they can buy food to feed their family.

Slide 3(Matilde):

We had an interview with PlanBørnefonden on the 11th of January at 12:00 online

The money we donate will go to Nigeria, some will be distributed in the communities in Nigeria and
some of the money will be distributed throughout the whole country. The money will help kids and
families have more opportunities but will also help schools have better learning equipment.

 You learn life skills that you will need when you are an adult - reading and writing is
important for example
 Will help you get the life/job that you want
 For each year a girl gets education her lifetime income will increases 10 or 12%
 A quality education can help you get a good job in the future
 With a good job you will earn a good amount of money
 You will be able to sustain yourself and/or kids and live a good life
slide 4(Matilde)

Failures Succeses
Our first hot chocolate sale was very hard, and We got more organized, and the next hot
we were disorganized chocolates sales were better
We didn’t make as much profit as our goal was We made a much higher total amount of
money than we had planned

ATL SKILLS=Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers; Applying skills and
knowledge in unfamiliar situations

1. Decide our action

2. Make a proposal
3. Buy the food
4. Make the posters
5. Make the brochure
6. Make the menu
7. Print everything

Slide 5(Skjold)

Our goal was to raise at least 500 kr, that we would then donate to PlanBørnefonden, who would
give the money to Nigerian children, who don’t have enough money to go to school or to schools
that don’t have school supplies. In order to raise this amount of money, we decided to do hot
chocolate sales. We planned to have two or three sales, but we did not get enough money, so we
ended up having four. We should probably have prepared a bit better for the first sale, but we had
to get started in order to have enough time to raise the money. When we have donated the money
to PlanBørnefonden, they will give the money to the children in Nigeria that can’t afford going to
school. Some of the money will go directly to the children/families, and some will go to the school.

Slide 6(Safia):

How is the group going so far?

Skjold: I think that the group is going pretty well, and we have improved a lot since we started this
project. I think that we could sometimes be a bit more organized because we are not always very

Matilde: I think that the group is going very well and has improved a lot. I think that now we are
much more organized and prepared for all the tasks.

Safia: i think that the group is going well, we have been able to cooperate with each other better
that the way we started this on project. I would say we have gotten better at listening to each other
and each other’s ideas. We have also gotten better at agreeing and disagreeing with each other but
at the end finding a way to solve it.

How we have improved in ATL skills:

1. Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers

We were pretty bad at it because we did not meet a lot together as a group because
someone almost never joins the calls so sometimes it is me and Skjold only.We have
improved because we were very bad at cooperating with each other and now i think we
have improved on that along with us agreeing and disagreeing with each other with ideas.
We were somewhat disorganized at the start but now think we are much better at
cooperating with each other and now we are much more organized and prepared when we
have to ask teachers something and when we have mentor meetings.

2. Applying skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations

We did face a lot of unfamiliar situations now and then, but I think we handled it pretty well,
using the knowledge we had, and thinking on how to solve the problems. In most of the
problems we did use useful skills, such as communication. Since we had never hosted a hot
chocolate sale before we had to improvise on a lot of things, we also had a lot of problems
but with time and practice we got better and found ways to be organized.

ATL Skills:

Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers

Applying skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations


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