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Emma Morgan

Professional Growth Plan – Part 1 (Final report at the bottom of the page)

1a. What data are you using to guide the development of your professional learning goal (e.g.
reflections on teaching, teaching observations, mid-program evaluations, student feedback)?

I will be using the professional dispositions and feedback from my CT, my personal lesson reflections, as
well as my observation feedback received from my professors.

1b. The data tells me that I do have strengths and weaknesses. Certain areas I need some improvement,
while in other areas I excel. My CT left me these notes, “Emma has been the hardest working intern I
have had the experience working with. She puts thought into her plans and goes above and beyond to
implement them with a purpose driven focus.” As well as “Emma brought valuable insight to ideas for
multicultural night, as well as the need to understand and accommodate the gap with our ESOL student's
vocabulary in all subjects.” This shows me that I have been strong in differentiating for my ESOL
learners, and that I have been great at building amazing relationships with my students. My CT and
student feedback showed how much I meant to these students. As I left my field placement, I had 10
crying students stood in front of me begging me to return. This was the moment I realized I have the
heart and love to be a successful teacher. My biggest needs in terms of becoming an amazing teacher, is
classroom management and classroom engagement. Classroom management is a weakness area where I
will need to improve in the tier 3 block. Based on my self-reflections, and feedback from my professors,
and cooperating teacher, overall, I need to improve on my classroom management. I excel in forming
positive effective relationships with my students.

2. Using the information from question 1, what is your focus area (write both the Danielson domain and
the component that you have identified as having the greatest potential for increasing student learning
below)? Remember to choose from Domains 2 and 3.

Domain: 2

Component: 2c- Managing classroom procedures

3. What goal will enable you to strengthen your practice (write your goal statement using the Danielson
Framework language)?

My goal is to maximize instructional time by establishing effective classroom routines and procedures
that students follow with minimal guidance and prompting to ultimately improve classroom culture.

4. Describe what will you do to build professional background knowledge related to the domain and
component that you have selected in order for you to achieve your goal (e.g. what articles/books will you
read, what Internet resources will you use, what workshops will you attend, will you interview or observe
teachers)? Describe four specific professional development activities.
I will look up to the teachers I am interning for. I will ask well needed questions, accept feedback
with open arms, and be open minded. As well as be well prepared for PLCs.

Here are some resources on classroom management that I will use to guide me:

3) Teach like a Champion by Doug Lemov
4) Professional Development provided by the schools (PLC, and workshops) (being present and

5. What activities/actions will you implement to help attain your goal (e.g. administer a student interest
inventory, develop lessons that include multiple project options for students, include the use of formative
assessments during instruction, video tape and critique one’s practice, establish procedures for the
distribution and collection of materials and supplies)? How will these help you attain your goal?
Describe three specific activities based on current professional background knowledge related to your
goal (this section will be updated during student teaching as you continue to build your professional
background knowledge described in question 4).

Three activities I will use to obtain my goal will be:

1) I will videotape whole group and small group lessons to observe student behavior and engagement.
This will help me notice what techniques I can implement while I am teaching to maintain students
focus and behavior.
2) I will use more informal assessments to understand my students’ knowledge and retention of content.
This will help me realize what areas need to be reviewed, remediated in small group, or retaught in
whole group.
3) I will use resources such as, Teach like a Champion by Doug Lemov, to create well planned, and
engaging lessons for my students. Taking techniques from this book to help build a better learning
environment for students.

6. How will you collaborate with other professionals to meet your goal?

I will take the time to get to know my colleagues personally and professionally. My CT and I in block 2
really took the time to get to know each other personally. This helped us collaborate extremely well in
the classroom setting. Understanding their strengths, areas of expertise, and teaching philosophies will
help me realize what of these skills I can implement in my future team. Realizing that collaboration is a
resource for us. I will collaborate on professional development opportunities, such as workshops or
conferences, and PLCs. I will look to my professors for advice and ask other grade level teachers for
ideas and resources.

7. What evidence/artifacts will you collect to demonstrate that your goal is being met? List three
specific evidence/artifacts you will collect.

-Well thought out lesson plans

-Danielson Assessments from supervisors

-Danielson Assessments from cooperating teacher.

- Clear and direct rules and procedures manual.

Professional Growth Plan Final Report (EDUC 429)

PART 1 – already completed prior to student teaching (please include)


1. What did you do to build your professional background knowledge related to the domain and
component you selected? Did you add any new professional learning opportunities during your

7) Teach like a Champion by Doug Lemov (book with techniques for teachers)
8) Professional Development provided by the schools (PLC, and workshops) (being present and

2. What specific activities/actions did you implement to help attain your goal? Describe at least four
specific activities. Connect each activity to a reading, webinar, podcast, etc. listed in question 1.

-Well thought out lesson plans

-Danielson Assessments from supervisors

-Danielson Assessments from cooperating teacher.

- Clear and direct rules and procedures manual.

Did you meet your intended goal? Why or why not?

Yes, I was able to monitor and manage classroom procedures at a proficient level.

Describe the evidence and artifacts that demonstrate the professional learning goal was met Two
pieces of evidence must be the focused observations by your cooperating teacher in your selected
area of growth (attach the feedback provided by your cooperating teacher). Label and describe each
piece of evidence and explain why each piece helps meet your intended goal. Attach the
artifacts to the end of the report.

Artifact 1: Incentives for quick and quiets procedures. (helps manages and enforce
Artifact 2: Consistent routines and procedures. (has helped students be aware of their

3. How did you collaborate with other professionals to meet your goal?

I regularly reflected on my experiences and sought feedback from my colleagues, identifying

areas for improvement and growth. This reflective practice was instrumental in my development as

an educator. The teaching team created a supportive and inclusive environment, where my

contributions were valued and encouraged. This positive atmosphere facilitated my learning and

professional development. Throughout the internship, I remained flexible and open-minded, adapting

to new challenges and opportunities for growth. This flexibility enabled me to learn and grow from

each experience.

4. What new learning did you acquire because of the professional learning opportunities in which you

Set clear and consistent expectations for behavior, academic standards, and classroom

routines from the beginning. Communicate these expectations to your students and ensure they

understand them. Foster a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere where students feel safe,

respected, and valued. Use positive reinforcement to acknowledge and reward good behavior. Take

the time to build positive relationships with your students. Get to know them individually, show

interest in their lives, and be approachable. When students feel connected to their teacher, they are

more likely to behave positively. Keep students actively engaged in learning to reduce boredom and

minimize off-task behavior. Incorporate interactive teaching methods, group activities, and hands-on

learning experiences to make lessons more engaging and relevant.

5. What impact did the changes in instructional practice have on you as a professional?
The changes in instructional practice have helped me learn to be consistent with routines and

procedures. This can affect behaviors and the overall flow of school days. Teach students self-regulation

skills such as self-awareness, impulse control, and conflict resolution. Empower them to manage their own

behavior and emotions effectively. Establish a predictable daily routine with clearly defined transitions

between activities. Consistent routines help students feel secure and reduce anxiety, making it easier for them

to focus on learning.

6. What impact did the changes in instructional practice have on your students’ learning?

Students are aware of the clear procedures and expectations of the classroom. They feel more
comfortable in a positive classroom climate.

7. How will you continue to develop in this area?

Stay updated on the latest research and best practices in classroom management. Attend

conferences, read professional journals, and participate in online courses or webinars focused on this

topic. Seek guidance and mentorship from experienced educators who excel in managing classroom

procedures. They can provide valuable advice, feedback, and support as you develop your own skills.

Regularly reflect on your teaching practice and classroom management techniques. Identify areas for

improvement and actively seek out resources or strategies to address them. Take advantage of

professional development opportunities offered by your school or district. These may include

workshops, training sessions, or peer learning communities focused on classroom management.

Establish positive relationships with your students based on mutual respect and trust. Effective

classroom management often starts with strong teacher-student relationships. Be consistent in

implementing classroom procedures, but also be flexible and willing to adjust your approach based

on the needs of your students and the dynamics of each class.

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