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Lecture | 01

1. Introduction of MATLAB.
2. Simple math operations.
3. Variables.
4. Who and whos.
5. Clc and clear.
6. Help, look for and doc.
7. Rounding.
Lecture | 01
Introduction of MATLAB.

Lecture | 01
What is MATLAB program?
It is an abbreviation of a sentence containing of two
MATLAB = MATrix + LABoratory

Lecture | 01
What is the producing company?
It was produced by MathWorks company in 1970s

Lecture | 01
What is the program definition?
It is one of the most important program in
engineering and mathematical applications.

Lecture | 01
What is the program definition?
MATLAB allows mathematical manipulation of
matrices, graphing mathematical functions,
implementing various algorithms, creating graphical
user interfaces, and communicating with programs
written in other languages, including C, C++, Java,
and Fortran.

Lecture | 01
What is the program definition?
The first program was written in 1970 by the
mathematical scientist Clive Muller

Lecture | 01
What are the components of the program?
The program is a combination of three axes:
1. Computation
2. Visualization
3. Programming

Lecture | 01
What are the uses of MATLAB?
1. Complex computation functions.
2. Visualization and exploration data.
3. Programming Language.
4. Plotting and Representation data.
5. Modeling and simulation.
6. System control.
7. Engineering graphs and diagrams.
Lecture | 01
Simple math operations.

Lecture | 01

Lecture | 01
5+3 -> ans=8
10-12 -> ans=22
20/10 -> ans=2
3*5 -> ans=15

Lecture | 01
Who and whos.

Lecture | 01
>> who

Your variables are:

a ans b c

Lecture | 01
>> whos

Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

a 1x1 8 double
ans 1x1 8 double
b 1x1 8 double
c 1x1 8 double
Lecture | 01
Clc and clear.

Lecture | 01
>> clc
>> clear a b c

Lecture | 01

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