G2 (WD70)

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70 Word Chapter 1

Creating and Editing a Word Document

tntheLab rcntinued

to the signature line' 4. Apply the Heading 1 style to the headline. Apply the Heading 2 style 5. Center the headline and the signature line' MT Bold, or a simiiar fonr 6. Change the font and font size of the headline to 48-point Arial Rounded line to 22 poinl 7. Change the font size of body copy between the headline and the signature 8. Change the font size of the signature line to 28 point' g. Bullet the three lines (paragraphs). of text above the signature line.
10. Italicize the word, growing.

11. Bold the text, recendyexpanded' 12. Underline the word, and, in the third buileted paragraph' 13 . Change the style set to Tiaditional' 14. Change the theme colors to the Solstice color scheme' 15. Change the theme fonts to the Flow font set' in the document window' 16. change rhe zoom to 50 percent so the entire page is visible the spacing afterthe first paragraph of 17. Change the spacing before the headline to 0 point. change ".opy .o)+ pJin,. Change the spacing before the first bulleted paragraph to 12 point' body list. The picture is called Bradford 1g. Insert the picture centered on the blank line above the bulleted pear in Bloom and is available on the Data Files for Srudents. Apply the Soft Edge oval picture
style to the inserted Picture. pages' resize the picture or decrease 1g. The entire flyer should fit on a single page. If it flows to two on a single page' spacing before and after paragraphs until the entire flyer text fits (about one-third down in the 20. Add the graphic bordeq.shown in Figure 1-93 on the previous page

Art galleir). Ch"rrg" the color of the border to Tan, Background 2. instructor' 21. change the document properties, including kelwords, as specified by your
22. Savethe flyer again with the same file name' instructor' 23. Submit the document, shown in Figure 1-93, in the format specified byyour

Lab 3: Creating a Flyer with a Picture and Resized Border Art problem: Your neighbor has asked you to prepare a flyer that promotes her cabin rental business' prepare the flyer shown in Figure 1-94. format it as showni Instructions: Enter the text in the flyeq checking spelling as you type, and then Figure 1-94. The pi.trr"to be inseriedis called Friat" stat gn rlfe "id,it that the border is n for Students. After adding the page border, reduce the point size'of its width so n"ry:id:,3tjry,tlfiil: ,o pr"do-irrant on.fr" pig". itrirg" mtg:"T.nt properties, including R yo* inr*"tor. Save thl Jo.o*"rrion " USB flash drive using the file name' Lab 1-3 Cabin by your instructor' hry"r. Sob-it the document, shown in Figure l-94, inthe format specified


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