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Peace-Work-Fatherland 2024 SESSION

Coef: 4


I-Complete the following conversation between Ann and Zara with suitable words / expressionsof your
Ann: Good evening Zara. I saw Mary’s sister two days 1) ___________ and she said Mary was sick and
even hospitalised.
ZARA: Good evening Ann. It can be true. I have been calling her 2) _________ four days now to no avail.
If she was hospitalised, it means that she was 3) ____________________. What was she suffering
4) ___________ ?
Ann: Malaria
ZARA:. How come? 5) ___________________ she sleep under a mosquito net?
Ann: No idea. We shall find out from her 6) _________________ we meet her.
ZARA: When can we 7) ________________ a visit ?
Ann:8) ________________ this weekend?
Zara: This week end? It is ok by me.
Ann: What shall we take 9) _______________ to offer to her?
Zara: I think we should get her some fruits. Fruits 10) ________ ____________ for convalescents.
Ann. You are right. We will get her some fruits then. See you over the week end.
Zaea; See you Ann
II-Complete the following sentences without uttering the meanings of the preceding ones. (5 marks)
1) “Dad, can I go to a technical college?”
Mary asked her father __________________________________________________________________
2)Vera is my classmate. Her father died of COVID 19 two years ago.
Vera is my classmate____________________________ died of COVID 19 two years ago.
3)I own that yard where that green car is parked.
The yard______________________________________________ is parked is _____________________.
4)Women have been advocating for gender equality all over the world, haven’t they?
____________________________________________________ gender equality all over the world?
5) All Cameroonians have to vote - those of voting age.
If _____________ a Cameroonian _______________________, you _______________________ vote.


1-Complete the cloze text on the promotion of gender equality with words of your own (5 marks)

Companies should try to achieve gender balance in the workplace. This means that they should employ
men as well as ________________. However, they should also make sure that they have women in
_____________________________ positions not only in bottom positions. In addition, society should try
to stop ______________________________ against women in all spheres of life: economic and political.
Organisations should note that they are legally required to prevent any _______________________ in their
workplaces. Every staff has the ____________________________ to work in safety.
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II-Complete each sentence below with the most suitable word from the box. There are more words than
you need. (5 marks)
hardworking; achiever; integrity; success; failure; improvement; successful; committed

1) Learning from your mistakes is being aware that _____________________ leads to success.
2) If you are someone that is honest and ethical, you are a person of _________________________.
3) Anyone that has accomplished a lot in life is an _________________________.
4) When you change for the better, it is called ____________________________.
5) Being _____________________________ is working hard to attain your objectives.


Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow it.
Global warming is an undisputable threat to populational health and health care systems
(Romanello et al., 2022). The temperature of Earth has risen significantly since the beginning of the
century and continues to do so with an accelerating speed. In 2020, the Earth’s global mean temperature
was 0.6°C higher compared to the period 1981-2010 and 1.25°C higher compared to pre-industrial times
(Copernicus, 2021). Climate change has already affected the ecosystem, waters, food production, health
and wellbeing and infrastructure in Europe (IPCC, 2022). More frequent and persistent droughts will pose
a greater risk for safe food and water supply, and wildfires will increase air pollution, provoking respiratory
diseases and premature deaths (European Environment Agency, 2020). Changes in climate and warmer sea
temperatures will alter the environment in favor of new vectors of infectious diseases, such as ticks and
tiger mosquitos. Floods will become more frequent, increasing the risk infectious diseases through, for
instance, flood water contaminated by sewage overflows or chemicals from flooded landfills (European
Environment Agency, 2020). These events will occur more frequently, and often simultaneously.
Especially extreme weather events are likely to pose a high threat to European cities (European
Environment Agency, 2020), damaging important infrastructure and impacting both physical and mental
health. There is a scientific consensus that an increase of the global mean temperature of 1.5 °C above pre-
industrial values and continued loss of biodiversity may cause catastrophic and irreversible impact on
human health (Atwoli et al., 2021).
Global warming will put a strain on health systems and the economy, leading to increased costs
related to excess mortality and morbidity. It has been estimated that greenhouse gases (GHG) and toxic air
pollutants produced by USA’s health care system caused the loss of 388,000 disability-adjusted life-years
in 2018 (Eckelman et al., 2020). Mitigating global warming is not only a priority for population health - but
also for economic sustainability. The economic cost of measures limiting global warming can be
outweighed, or at least to a large part compensated, by the economic savings made from improved
populational health (Markandya et al., 2018).
Culled from Les rapports de l’Iroes No 586 avril 2023

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1- What is undeniable about the setback of global warming?________________________________
2- What is the main measurement tool of global warming? _________________________________
3- How does the study of the earth temperature help to establish global warning?
4- List four areas of life affected by global warming. ______________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________(0.25x4 = 1mk)
5- What effects of global warming are predicted by scientists? (List two)
6- Do you think it is important to slow down the global warming process? Why?/Why not ?
7- Give two ways of mitigating global warming in your area.


Write an essay of about 280 to 300 words on any ONE of the following topics.

1) Write a newspaper article to ‘’ The Voice of the Youth’’ Magazine to address global warming and its
effects in your area. Your name is Aminata Noura. You might insist on the effects of warming on the local
climate and environment, the major causes of global warming and various ways of mitigating the

2) There has been an epidemic outbreak in your city. The disease spread out very fast but was under control
after proper medical follow up. Write an essay on how to prevent that communicable disease.In your work,
you can highlight the following: Present the disease and its symptoms, explain how it spread out and
affected many people, discuss how to cure and prevent the disease.

3) Write a letter to Obi Obanse, a friend of yours who has been reluctant to modern ways of doing
shopping and banking, to encourage him to explore that wonderful world. Your name is Fanta Omase and
your address is Ever New Street, P.O.BOX 431 Douala.In your letter, you may tell your friend about the
variety of platforms and ways of doing shopping and banking online, the major advantages of such modern
means and the delivery mode of goods, the disadvantages and dangers related to them as well as how to
overcome them.

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