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Needs Assessment Survey: Middle School

We want to support you in the best way possible with programs that are helpful to you. This
survey will help us figure out what topics are important to students like you. Please tell us your
thoughts honestly. Thank you for helping us make things better for you.

Select Your Current Grade:

○ 6th grade
○ 7th grade
○ 8th grade

Please answer honestly and thoughtfully.

1. I am happy with the person I am.
1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

2. I am happy with the way that I look.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

3. I have positive friendships here at school.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

4. I have been peer pressured here at school.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

5. I feel connected to other students.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

6. I feel connected to school staff.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

7. I know the way that I learn best.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

8. I know how to be organized and study.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree
9. I know how to manage my time.
1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

10. Sometimes I get angry, and I don’t know how to manage my emotions.
1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

11. I often feel stressed.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

12. I often get anxious.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

13. I know what helps me when I'm anxious.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

14. I know how to control my emotions.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

15. I feel safe at school.

1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

Optional Free Response:

Please share any other concerns you'd like to talk to counselors about.
Needs Assessment Survey Summary Form

Name: Anna Perez-Gomez Date: October 2

1. Needs Assessment Survey Summary

Briefly describe the purpose of your needs assessment survey

I collaborated with my middle school site supervisors and implemented this needs assessment.
The purpose of our needs assessment survey is to understand and identify topics that are
essential to our middle school students. This survey will help create relevant counselor
lessons, aligning them with our students' needs to cultivate their learning development and
personal well-being.

Summarize the key findings and insights from your needs assessment:
The needs assessment was assessed to middle school grades, specifically 6th-grade students.
● One of the highest response rates; about 78% of our students struggle with anxiety.
● The second leading statistic is that 75 % of students are unsure whether they had”
positive relationships and connections with peers.”
● The third highest was where around 72% of our students struggled to stay organized
and study. Similarly, 68 % of sixth-grade students reported they do not know how to
manage their time.

2. Lesson Topic:
What lesson topic have you chosen based on the needs assessment findings?
The lesson topic I have chosen is “time management and organization.”

The counselors at my site are already conducting and rolling out counselor lessons based on
the following topics: “anxiety and mental health,” “peer-social skills,” and “anti-bullying.”
Based on the needs assessment results, those topics were shown to be a high need for our
middle school demographic. Thus, I chose to prioritize “time management and organization”
since the results showed that it’s also a demanding need, specifically for 6th-grade students.
How does this lesson topic directly address the identified needs of the students?
This lesson topic directly addresses the need for 6th-grade students to develop time
management organization skills based on their reported results. It was listed as the top three
most significant needs for our 6th-grade students. About 72% of our sixth-grade students said
they "strongly disagree" with staying organized and studying. The second leading statistic,
where 68% of sixth-grade students reported they “disagree” on knowing how to manage their
time. Hence, 68% of them do not know how to manage their time.

Explain why you believe this lesson topic is important for the students' academic success, career
development, or social-emotional growth:
This topic is significant and vital for the developmental growth of 6th-grade students. They are
transitioning into middle school and have different expectations than in elementary school.
The topic of “time management and organization” is also age-appropriate and contains
practical skills for students to develop at the start of a new school environment and structure.
Ultimately, the topic is also relevant and applicable to all three domains of academics, career,
and social-emotional growth. Students can apply the skills they learn in different facets of their
current life and into their teenage and later adult lives.

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