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Nuevo Español en Marcha

Course Outline: Curso A1.1

Antes de empezar (First day of clases)
¡Hola! Me llamo Maribel ¿Cómo se escribe? ¿Cómo se pronuncia? Mapas de España y América Latina
(Greetings and presentation of oneself in class) (Spelling and pronunciation) (Map: Spain and Latin America)
a. Say one´s name a. Spanish alphabet a. Map of Spanish speaking countries and
b. Useful phrases to use in class b. Spelling nationalities

Lesson 1: Saludos
¡Encantado! ¿A qué te dedicas? ¿Cuál es tu número de móvil?
(Pleased to meet you!) (What do you do?) (What is your cellphone number?)
a. Greetings and presentation of another person a. Professions a. Ask and give your phone number
b. Nationalities  Masculine and feminine genders b. Numbers 0-20
 Masculine and feminine genders  Present tense of regular verbs
 Difference between formal and familiar
YOU in Spanish
 Irregular present tense verbs: SER and

Lesson 2: Familias
¿Estás casado? ¿Dónde están mis gafas? ¿Qué hora es?
(Are you married?) (Where are my glasses?) (What time is it?)
a. Talk about family a. Adverbs of place a. Ask and tell time
b. Personal information b. Possessive adjectives b. Time zones
 Singular and plural c. Demonstrative pronouns c. Numbers 21-5000

Lesson 3: El trabajo
Rosa se levanta a las siete ¿Estudias o trabajas? ¿Qué desayunas?
(Rosa gets up at 7 AM) (Do you work or study?) (What do you eat for breakfast?)
a. Talk about daily routines a. Talk about work a. Talk about breakfast
 Reflexive verbs  Days of the week b. Breakfast around the world
 Irregular present tense verbs  Work schedule c. Common habits of Spaniards
 Prepositions to denote length of time

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