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A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City 6014, Cebu, Philippines

College of Teacher Education
PACUCOA Level III Accredited
A.Y. 2023-24, 1st Semester

Concept Paper No.1

Gendolf L. Niepes, LPT

Master of Arts in Education- Major in English Language Teaching
09322361548/ - leader
ORCID NO.: 0000-0001-5814-518X – all members
A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City 6014, Cebu, Philippines
College of Teacher Education
PACUCOA Level III Accredited
A.Y. 2023-24, 1st Semester

Topic No. __

1. What is your proposed topic?

Industry’s Preference on Communicative Competence of the Professionals –
We want to know…

2. What is the reason why you want to pursue this topic/title/study? Cite the latest journal studies,
existing scenarios.

[An introduction answers the following questions- What is the actual problem ? ; Why it is a problem?; How it
should be solved? ; Why it should be solved?; What is the purpose of the study?]

In the rapidly evolving global economy, the alignment between academic training and industry
requirements is of paramount importance. The employability of graduates, particularly their readiness
for the professional world, has come under scrutiny. The crux of the concern lies not just in the
methodologies of teaching but in the very content of what is being taught. This misalignment has raised
questions about the relevance of academic curricula in preparing students for their future careers.

The criticism faced by higher education institutions for not adequately preparing their graduates
for professional practice underscores the gravity of the problem. Such a disconnect can lead to a
workforce that, despite being academically qualified, lacks the practical skills and competencies
required by the industry. This not only affects the individual prospects of the graduates but also has
broader implications for the economy and society at large. Communication skills, as highlighted by the
"Employability of Graduates in Asia" study by UNESCO, stand out as a prime example of such
competencies. The significance of communication skills is further emphasized by Torrecampo's (2015)
findings, which indicate that employers place a high value on this skill when making hiring decisions.

Given this backdrop, there is a pressing need to understand the specific communicative
competencies that the industry seeks in fresh graduates. Such an understanding can pave the way for
curricular reforms that ensure graduates are better equipped to meet industry demands. Moreover, by
addressing this gap, educational institutions can play a pivotal role in strengthening the academe-
industry linkage, a crucial step towards achieving the United Nations' sustainable goal of increasing the
number of skilled youth and adults by 2030.

In light of the above, this research seeks to investigate the industry's needs in terms of
communicative competence. The findings will serve as a foundation for crafting a course syllabus that
resonates with industry preferences, thereby enhancing the employability of graduates and fostering a
stronger bond between academia and industry.
A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City 6014, Cebu, Philippines
College of Teacher Education
PACUCOA Level III Accredited
A.Y. 2023-24, 1st Semester

3. What is the problem statement?

[The problem statement is divided into the major or main problem and the sub-problems. The major or main
problem is the verbalization of the specific questions which the researcher wants to answer. It may be stated
declaratively or interrogatively.]

This study seeks to describe the specific communicative competencies that industries prioritize
for their prospective employees and gauge the satisfaction levels associated with these competencies.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What communicative competencies are exhibited by recently employed professionals in the industry,
and how satisfied are employers with these competencies?
2. Which communicative competencies does the industry deem essential for their upcoming
workforce, and what is the desired satisfaction level associated with these competencies?
3. What are the formal and informal methods used by the by employers to assess graduates'
employability skills as part of their recruitment process.
4. What topics should tertiary education communication courses incorporate to align with
industry preferences, and how might these topics influence employer satisfaction levels with
graduate communicative competencies?

3.1. The Null Hypothesis (only if applicable)

4. What theory supports your topic/title/study?

This study will use communicative competence coined by Dell Hymes. In the study of Tarvin
(2014), it is defined that Communicative competence is the ability to use language or communicate in a
culturally-appropriate manner to make meaning and accomplish social tasks with efficacy and fluency
through extended interactions. It has four lenses: grammatical, discourse, socio-linguistics, and strategic.
The study will identify the communicative competencies highly needed by the industry.

Figure 1
Canale & Swain's (1980) components of communicative competence (based on Dörnyei & Thurrell, 1991, p.17).
A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City 6014, Cebu, Philippines
College of Teacher Education
PACUCOA Level III Accredited
A.Y. 2023-24, 1st Semester

4. How do you intend to go about the study?

[This include the major design of the study, who are the possible respondents, the initial data gathering and
analysis procedure.]

The researcher will utilize a Quantitative Descriptive Research Design. The researcher will
identify a group of human resource recruitment representatives coming from varied industries. After
that, these representatives will answer a web questionnaire about their prospects on employees'
communicative competence. They will also be asked on what formal or informal methods are used by
employers to assess graduates' employability skills as part of their recruitment process.

After the data will be collected using the Google Forms, these data will be interpreted and used
to make a Purposive Communication Class syllabus that highlights preferred industry-academe
communicative competencies. Purposive Communication class is a three-unit course that develops
students' communicative competence and enhances their culture, and intercultural awareness also
provides opportunities to communicate using context on their future careers. The result of the study will
give authentic feedback and linkages between academe and industry.

[Follow APA 7th edition]

Canale & Swain's (1980) components of communicative competence (based on Dörnyei &
Thurrell, 1991, p.17).
Tarvin, L. D. (2014). Communicative Competence: Its Definition , Connection to Teaching , and
Relationship with Interactional Competence. November, 38.
Torrecampo, R. M. (2015). Perspectives on the Gap in English Communication Skills and
Competencies between Academe and Industry.
Uden, J. (2012). A case study of higher education competency models utilizing an assessment
framework. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Ed.D.
A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City 6014, Cebu, Philippines
College of Teacher Education
PACUCOA Level III Accredited
A.Y. 2023-24, 1st Semester

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