3 Areas of Alignment Are Required To Succeed

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3 areas of alignment

are required to succeed

Getting Everyone in Lock
3 Area s of Alignment Are Requ ired to Su c c eed
Where we’ll grow
1 Growth
Where Will We’ll
1 2

Whe re Gro wth Wi l l Co me Fro m How Cus

Wo rk To
New Existing
Business Business

Offerings Penetrate Expand

Offerings Develop Upsell

Offerings Diversify Cross-Sell

Source: Gartner
© 2024 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_GBS_2724356
7 © 2023 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
to Suc c eed

2 How We’ll Grow

How we’ll grow
How Customer-FaciTeams 2
ng Teams Will
Will rk ToTogether
ge the r
What we’ll do to grow
What Sales and Marketing
3 W hat W e’ll Do to Grow Will 3
Do to Stay in Step
Wha t Sa le s a nd Ma rke ti ng Wi ll Do to
Sta y i n Ste p

P r o blem S o l ut i o n R e q ui r e m e n t s S up p l i e r
Id en t if ica t io n E xp lo r a t io n B ui l d i n g S elect io n

Iden t if y Mo s t Deliver a V a l i d a t e B uy i n g
I m p o r t a n t B uy i n g Unique Buying T a s k Is C o m plet ed
Tasks Experience

1 2 3

Ach iev in g C o m m er cia l

C us t o m e r O ut co m e s
B uy i n g P a t h

Source: Gartner
© 2024 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. CM_GBS_2724356

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