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Growth & Fixed

Can Affect Me
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Student Objectives
● Students will understand the
impact of a positive attitude in
their learning.

● Students will understand how

perseverance impacts their
short and long term goals.
Think of one goal you have for
this new year.
-think + pair + share-
Understanding that intelligence and skills can
be developed through dedication and hard work.

With a growth mindset, you can overcome

challenges, learn from mistakes, and achieve
great things!
The belief that your abilities and intelligence
can't change.

You might believe that if something is hard for

you, it means you're not good at it, and there's
not much you can do to get better.
How Does A Fixed Mindset Look Like?

1 Fear of Failure
● Avoids trying new things

2 Low self-esteem
● Not believing yourself and talks
negative about themselves.

Avoiding Challenges
3 ● May avoid taking on challenges because they fear that they
won't be successful.

4 Comparison with other peers

● Feeling like you are not good enough.

Doesn’t Ask for Help or Support

5 ● Is afraid to ask for help because of shame or they
are embarrassed.
How Can Mindset Affect Me At
How Do We Develop Growth Mindset?
1 Reflect
● Think of ways you can improve

2 Take on challenges
● Get out of your own comfort zone!

● Even if you mess up, try again!

4 Create goals
● Make a plan!

Ask for feedback/support

● Talk to your teachers, coaches, parents!

Celebrate yourself!
6 ● By looking at the positives.
Scenario Activity
Is This A Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset?

After struggling with a difficult math problem, Alex says,

"I may not understand it now, but I'll keep trying and
ask for help until I figure it out."

Is This A Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset?

Danny is thinking about joining a basketball team, but

says to himself "I'm not athletic; I'll embarrass myself,"
without considering the potential for improvement
through practice and teamwork.

Is This A Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset?

Thomas decides to learn to play the guitar, acknowledging

that he might struggle at first but believing that practice
and dedication will lead to improvement.

Is This A Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset?

Despite receiving constructive criticism on her essay,

Jessica responds positively, saying, "I appreciate the
feedback; it helps me understand where I can improve
and become a better writer."

Is This A Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset?
During math class, Emily’s teacher assigns students to
go up to the white board and complete a math
problem. The teacher calls on Emily but Emily does not
feel confident in her math skills, she quickly gives up
and says she's not good at math and sits back.
The Power of Perseverance

The determination to keep going, even

when things get tough. To stay focus on
your goals, even if you make mistakes or
face obstacles along the way.
Who Had A Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
Fixed vs. Growth

Now think of High School, College, and future career/jobs.

How will the future look like for a person who has a fixed
mindset versus the person who has a growth mindset?

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