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CHAPTER NO:G ENZYMES = _—————— eT METABOLISM =the sum o all biochemical veactions —— _ yg oon within @ iting arganiom is called metabolism OR” The set ot biochemical ions that gecur in living vanisms in order to maintain tke ia called metabolism, the term metabolism: ig delved tom greek word mashing “change® the concent ob metaboliem was | o& all gren by) lbn-e-Natees auho gated that the body ‘and its payis always undetaoin change: there ate. two.types” of Metabolism. catabolism and” anaboligm, | I @: Catabolism =the process in which large matecules are ~ broken down into simpler molecules Yeleasing ob eneigy is called catsbali¢m. ae Exampies> RISPIRATION ied => F — CHO 460; ——meB GCOS + GEO + Energy Suctese + H;:0 — Giuicose + Fructose +ATP _ ki @:Anaboligm: The proces? in which’ gmall “molecules combine © ———_ te Aevm large molecules by utilizing ot. enevgy i9 called anabolisin. : Examples: PHOTosrNTHESIS 60 + BO we CoWinOg+ Gos: Glucose + FYuctOSE + ATP Suotsge. The chmacterigtics: ok all liti | Thing uch, a8 breathing, qvowth and yesponee to. stimu are the outcome vesctiona ‘taking place ingidle. the body ob fil these vexctions. ate contralled bi sp MECHANISM OF ENZYME ACTION Sater There is 8 Small potion in enzyme. That ig involved. in cotlysis, 3 is in the, $o1m oh a clepipssion ov “pocket” on the suvtace ot enzyme molecule, When an @nzyme attached with the substrate. it tom enzyme substrate complex (£3) the ootive site ob enzyme catalyzes the veactiong and into product. the enzymes substiate complex breaks and Te ehayme ond the product ave velenoe! Enzyme + Substrate ——=p Enoyme—gubstwle —> Enzyme + Peck (Retive Site) Complex , There ave two modelo which explain mechanism ob enzyme action Lock and Key model: This model was: presented by a SSS] _ sermon - scienkist Emil fisher in si89y fccording to this model enzyme act ag a) tock and substrat act aa Key, =i _ Main Points: As one speciie Hey con open only a specitic. lock. dn the game manner the gpecttia. enzyme con transter only Specitic substrate into prodiuats - | must have fhe conert geomettio shape to tit The substrate : pace pa Rccovding to this model the active sitemia ‘vigid stmuete, Tree i9° io moditication in the active ste beter: quyi oy. atter the reaction, Peeermet g — engi. Gl = ‘ 1 a7 eat if . «oe ote ty oF ENZYMES Enzume are generally very specibic in fhely action, tte ave gpecitic nok only tor substwite but algo tor The. kind ok xeaction. Every enzyme due to its Special chemical Stuictuve can Yecognize 4 parbiculm gubstrate, Enzyme that estalyee one veaction may nok catalyse anothes, sel o catalase: catalage ig an enzume which only catalure ‘the ae dexomposition ok hydrogen peroxide Hao, emealase SH 40) pea tat Apa @ Protease: at 18° an enzyme which eanvert prokeing into — = Amino’ acids. Preteing DOES, amino acids Energy on Amylase enzyme ao only tor the. digestion". sb -staich. — ®@ Lipsse: Lipase enzyme canverts. lipids into am rae “aed and Alyce -; Lipids ==> balty acide + Glycerol = The speciticity of _ditterent. enaymest is. detained by the ahape ob thee active site. the active sile posses 3 ee ghapes that 4it with specie subshate, mt ' a : —_—_— a) © Extraceltulay Fneumess some enaymes Work outside the ~ Sells called” extyacellulay enzymes, eg lipase. amylase, pepaine, ete © Remain unatkected = Enaymes are not consimed’ diving the biochemical yeactiong and can be “used again and again’ 2 Vitra lower the “activation Energy: Enzyme do not initiate the ne yeaction but incyeage the vate ob -yasctiona by ‘oweving the activation energy which is Yeajuived tov substrate, ® Enzyme Inhibitors: Some substances interact with enzyme SSS to prevent it tom working is called enzyme Inhibitoys. eg. poison. diugg, ate ® a factor: Some enzymes wei properly when 4 onlactoy ——_ ie altach Cobactoy:- cetactor (8 a non-protein ayganio _ chemical Compound fhot 19 veruired’ ts: @h engumes as Catalyst. At cah be considerd helper molecules tor enzymes the main type ob colactor ig, prosthetic Groups. coenzyme and actnaterg- + sahemaat © Prosthetic qroups-At ig a type ob -cobactoy, That id dimly.” bound to. enzyne ane can not be 7 Yemeved without denatuting (8 called prosthetic groups, | ©q. Flavin mononuctestide (eMn) Flavin. adenine dinuclestide (FAD) ®_Coenzyme:.type ob cotactor deived trom vwiamins that ia toosly bound: to the enzymes and oih be veadily Sepaitel tyom’ enzyme ig called enzyme © | © ‘Activators: TWese “are: metal long which; av tempaveny “=== _atachment. | ! eke —$aa qa) TY ENZYMES HAT IRHD Enzymes te biological catalyst which © pial! Up '4 “chemical yeactiona without alter itaelt, the term ena Wad inst: of all used by geman scientist Winhelm kuhne in 1838 characteristics _ of Enzyme Enaymes ate. fhe. biochemical catalyst » and posses the ‘tollowing Important chovacteristics © Nature: Enzymes aye proteins in nabuve and aie = secreted by cells. ® Cetalyst = They Get like catalyst and er he = biochemical yeactions @ Specitic tor Reaction: Enzymes are eee | ‘in achont they ‘aie SS + at specible only tor, substrate but ale tor the: . kind of biochemical» veaction$: __ ® used in small amount:-Enaymes. ave. Yeryved in ve: noma amount . a3: oe to the onan ob gubstrate. © Specitic active centers Enzyme have apecitie: active cena called active site. which 19 altachs to the ‘Substiate, = ee ee © Sensitivity: Enaymie are sensitive to adhe: shag temperatine, Pi. ete. these tay =8top Met é @ Intracetiuiny Intraceltulay Enzumes:. some ae ave. hound » sin dl ‘cells called. pecaaley mitachondhig: enzymes

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