Reasearched Position Final Draft

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Tobias 1

Rodolfo Tobias

Mrs. Briones

English 1302-264

March 21,2024

The Positive Impact of Video Games on Mental Health: A Researched Position

Games have developed from being mainly an entertainment medium to a daily need in

this culture these days. Even though frequently criticized for likely damaging effects on mental

well being - like social, aggression, and addiction withdrawal - new studies have shown that

video games can in fact help mental health. This particular essay examines the evidence that

indicates that video games might positively affect psychological well being and concludes that

video games - as a helpful tool for psychological health enhancement - might actually serve a


The ability to lower stress and anxiety is a significant characteristic of video games.

Granic, Lobel and Engels found that "casual video game playing can lead to reduced stress levels

and improved mood in players " (763). Video games offer a form of escapism: the player is

temporarily detached from daily life stresses and interested in a calming exercise. This is

particularly essential in todays fast-paced world where individuals are always searching for ways

to relax and unwind. Although some would argue that video games raise stress, particularly

during high-stakes or competitive play, researches have hypothesized that everyday or relaxing

games offer healing effects and aid in improving mood.

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Video games can help boost cognitive functions in addition to minimizing anxiety. Kühn

et al. state "video game players show improvements in several cognitive domains, including

attention, memory, and spatial navigation" (265). The extremely interactive and challenging

nature of video games involves players to think critically and make fast decisions, and this can

frequently translate to enhanced cognitive performance in the real life. A report demonstrated

that specific video games, especially strategy-based or problem-based, might foster cognitive


Video games might also assist in emotional regulation and social relations. Birk and

Mandryk demonstrate that "video games can facilitate emotional regulation by providing

opportunities for players to express and manage their emotions in a safe environment" (128).

This is especially of great help for individuals who encounter problems with emotional

regulation or expression throughout life. Furthermore, multiplayer and online video games

provide a cultural community aspect whereby players might meet up with others, form

associations, and also learn to be socially responsible. Research indicates that video games can

foster social interaction and also offer an invaluable social hub, particularly for people that think

it is hard to socialize in standard settings.

Serious games are gaining in popularity for overall health reasons. Games are currently

being produced to facilitate psychoeducation & certain behaviour modifications in individuals

with health conditions including psychological disorders. Fernandez-Aranda et al. : PlayMancer

(prototype video game designed for certain psychological disorders to "aims to increase

emotional self-control skills in patients and help them manage impulsive behaviors" (e26615).

This innovative therapy strategy shows that video games could be utilized instead of standard

therapy to make it easier and fun patient-centered mental health work.

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There's been growing research verifying the positive psychological effects of video

games. For instance, a work by Vahlo et al. in IEEE Transactions on gaming systems determined

that "certain video game genres, such as puzzle games, are associated with positive cognitive and

emotional outcomes" (96310). This particular study demonstrates the kind of video game and its

context must be considered when assessing its psychological effects. Granic, Lobel & Engels in

Nature likewise cite video games such as a "video games are a safe and fun way for people of all

ages to develop their cognitive and emotional skills" (425). This supports the idea that video

games - played responsibly - could be a helpful resource for mental health improvement.

Video games have numerous benefits for mental well-being - however they actually do

have critics. Video game addiction, violence - promoting behaviors and social isolation are

common concerns. However, it's crucial to separate harmful versus wholesome gaming behavior.

Research indicates that moderate gaming is advantageous, and the kind of gaming and its

environment has a considerable effect on the person. Promoting responsible gaming and

selecting games which support personal growth & well as wellbeing, individuals can enjoy the

rewards of gaming while decreasing potential risks.

Video games are increasingly being acknowledged for their healing and rehabilitation

potentials. Games made with therapeutic objectives might help deal with mental health problems,

cognitive impairments, along with physical rehabilitation. For example, physically active games

could be employed with physiotherapy to aid in damage healing, while games based on mind and

problem solving might help cognitive rehabilitation. Games could be utilized in healthcare to

inspire and keep therapeutic regimens.

Virtual reality (VR) video games have also examined for use as exposure treatment for

anxiety problems like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and phobias. VR games could
Tobias 4

provide individuals a controlled and safe room to face their fears and steadily lessen them -

perhaps delivering beneficial therapeutic effects.

Moreover, research has proven that video games can help suppress disturbing memories

regarding distressing events. A study in Psychological Science by James et al. demonstrated that

playing the computer game Tetris a day after seeing a traumatic movie decreased disturbing

memories of the movie in the following week. This advocates the use of video games to interrupt

recollection of distressing memories as a possible new therapeutic mechanism for PTSD along

with other trauma related psychopathology.

Video games also offer opportunities to develop social connection and competences,

which are particularly applicable to individuals who have social anxiety or who struggle with

social interaction in person. Multiplayer games and online communities enable collaborative,

teamwork, and socialization work among players via a virtual world. These kinds of interactions

might offer opportunities to develop communication skills, empathy and belonging - every one

of which are crucial for mental well being.

Most multiplayer games call for players to coordinate on some kind of common

objective, hence encouraging cooperation and teamwork capabilities. Through these cooperative

pursuits, players will acquire communication skills, role playing and friendship assistance - all

attributes helpful for applying to real world social situations. Additionally, communities and

forums relating to video games offer players with platforms to talk about strategies, experience,

and build friendships based on common interests. These communities can offer a feeling of

belonging and public support, especially crucial for individuals who go through homelessness or

marginalisation in their offline lives.

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Video games can offer a soothing means for individuals with social anxiety to perform

with individuals and build up confidence. Gaming online is able to offer anonymity and balance

which could get rid of the fear of judgement and permit even more expression. As players get

much more comfortable with utilizing the online interface, they might be a little more

comfortable in being socially active in the real life.

Additionally, games which imitate genuine social situations are able to offer an

appropriate environment to practice social skills. Games which call for social judgments,

decision making in interpersonal interactions, or mental regulation might give players a much

better sense of interpersonal cues and responses. Such experiences might be especially of great

help for youth and individuals with developmental disabilities (for instance, autistic spectrum

disorder) who might have problems interpreting social conventions and norms.

In conclusion, recognizing the positive impact of video games on mental health is crucial

in a society where mental well-being is of paramount importance. The evidence presented in this

essay underscores the potential of video games as a valuable tool for enhancing mental health,

offering new avenues for therapy, rehabilitation, and personal growth. As we continue to explore

the multifaceted effects of video games, it is essential for readers to consider the potential

benefits of gaming for mental well-being. By embracing a balanced and informed approach to

video gaming, we can harness its positive aspects for enhancing mental health and overall quality

of life.
Tobias 6

Works Cited

Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando, et al. "PlayMancer: A Video Game for Treating Mental

Disorders." JMIR Mental Health, vol. 22, no. 8, 2012, e26615,

Granic, Isabela, Adam Lobel, and Rutger C. M. E. Engels. "The benefits of playing video

games." Nature Reviews Psychology 1 (2014): 763-768,

James, Ella L., et al. "Computer game play reduces intrusive memories of experimental

trauma via reconsolidation-update mechanisms." Psychological Science, vol. 26, no. 8, 2015, pp.


Kühn, Simone, et al. "Playing Super Mario induces structural brain plasticity: gray matter

changes resulting from training with a commercial video game." Molecular Psychiatry 19

(2014): 265-271,

Mandryk, Regan L., and Max V. Birk. "Toward Game-Based Digital Mental Health

Interventions: Player Habits and Preferences." Journal of Medical Internet Research 19.4 (2017):


Vahlo, Jukka, et al. "The Relations Between Video Game Use and Cognitive and

Emotional Traits." IEEE Transactions on Games, vol. 11, no. 3, 2019, pp. 272-280,

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