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INSTRUCTION: Answer the question briefly. 20 points each

1. How will you ensure that the learners are being assessed based on the
skills and demand of the 21st Century?

According to a research institution site, Brookings (, they had a

report article entitled “Education system alignment for 21st century skills: Focus on
assessment” radiates the major shift in the educational goals worldwide. It highlights
the focus of the 21st century demands based on their competencies involving
critical thinking and communication. Also, its focus is a competent learner being
able to promote flexibility to adapt to the ever-changing global discussion of
changing work and societal needs. Therefore, learners are being assessed based on
the skills and demands of the 21st century skills if they are handed of performance
tasks exploiting competence in critical thinking, communication skills, creativity,
problem solving, perseverance, collaboration, information literacy and technology
skills and digital literacy skills (Panorama Education).

2. Do you welcome non-test assessment? Why?

As a current learner I see the essentiality of non-test assessments, because as a

person who takes comments and compliments as a greatest motivation, we
sometimes need assurance and extra comments just for us to reflect on a particular
tasks regardless or not truly minding the numerical marks that we might be given.
Often times, I take more appreciation to those complimentary part of performances
I had taken for it gives no pressure at all. It is like taking a flavored pill happily without
knowing its general effect upon myself, I’ve just taken it because it is sweet. As a
future educator, I warmly welcome the practice of non-assessment tests, for the fact
that it is just a feedback that will help them improve, it also a weightless critique that
will serve a guiding post towards their refinement. It will also radiate positive learning
environment which could help learners loosen up and work in a more comfortable
way. What’s more to it is that it gives a more precise feedback on what knowledge,
skills and affective aspect required from various subjects.

3. What is the primary purpose of non-test assessment? Explain well.

Its primary purpose is to give a more comprehensive feedback of what

knowledge and skills the learners had required regardless of their marks recorded.
Tests usually have ratings which measures to what extent you have learned while
non-test assessments are responses that is more detailed, which means not only
visible data and skills are evaluated but can also be their cognitive and affective
improvement or downfall from their tasks. It also adds as their tracking instrument of
learner’s growth. Non-tests are now gaining its essentiality to the classroom,
teacher’s observation is a best tool to evaluate and manage their leaner’s
competence and a good way to be a responsive one who can guide them not just
for their academic excellence but also for maintaining their psychological health.


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