Management Functions

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Answer the following questions about management functions.

with asterisks (*) cannot be answered directly from the text.

1. What do the duties of managers include?

Delegating tasks, taking part in team training and development, completing employee
performance reviews, and overseeing company finances
2. What does planning involve?
Form a business plan of activities that allows previously defined goals to be achieved
3. Why is planning the first management function?
because it allows you to create efficient strategies to guide the fulfillment of your objectives
4. What do managers do in the organizing phase?
Analyze the situation of the organization, define the objectives or goals to be achieved,
establish the general strategy to achieve those objectives and develop action plans that
indicate how to implement the strategies
5. Can staffing be considered as part of the organizing function?
Yes, because it is a tool used by organizations to detect the need for new human capital.
That is, it helps to understand what skills (areas) the company requires and who should be
hired for its proper functioning.
6. *Why is ongoing communication necessary for effective direction?
internally, they generate greater productivity, quality, integration of the collective and better
7.What do managers evaluate in the controlling function? *Why is evaluation
essential at this phase of a project?
the performance of the activities of subordinates to ensure that the objectives and plans of
the organization are being carried out
8. *What types of problems could a manager discover in performing the control-ling
When something goes wrong, many mistakes are made, planning fails, there is little control
of the company, the objectives are not being achieved and sales begin to drop
9. Which skills do managers need to perform effectively? *Why is each important?
Initiative, Organization, Critical thinking, Leadership, Effective communication. They are
essential to coordinate, manage and direct matters of vital importance in a company
10. *Give examples of the qualities of an effective manager.
You know what motivates each individual who works on your team. Effectively
communicates each professional's goals and provides them with the resources they need
to meet them.

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